Wednesday, August 20, 2008

From the Sun Crest Call today: Alderman nix investigation into Police pay hikes!!

Folks, if you haven't read the Call today, or if you don't get it until tomorrow, please click on the HEADER for one of two great articles (and don't miss the editorial!)

I am becoming amazed at the audacity of his Honor and some of our elected officials when it comes to allowing the tax paying citizens of Crestwood to speak, or participate in "honest, open government!"

When last I looked, I do believe that we, the citizens of Crestwood were still the "boss," and thus had a say in our collective future as a City. It would appear that this is something that the Mayor and most of the Board would love to change (with the willing help of the City Attorney.)

I don't know when the last time was that I heard of such shenanigans, but I know it wasn't good! And you know what? It's just as bad now!

Mr. Mayor, and Board of Alderman members, if you do not want to allow people to speak at meeting's may I suggest you have taken the wrong job! I for one am sick and tired of the berating of citizens and your fellow Alderman for some of the most inane reasons I have ever heard of, much less seen! If an Alderman, or a citizen has a comment relative to the topic at hand, for the sake of all of us, let them take whatever time they need to say it! Folks, I have read the news, as I am sure you all have reference Vladimir Putin invading an area, but I thought it was Georgia, not Crestwood! Gentlemen, do the right thing, let's get back on track before it's too late!

In closing please let me remind you of the Hymn sung by the church members of the town of "Rock Bridge" in the movie "Blazing saddles," when they were looking for a new sheriff. The words at the end went like this, "There's no escaping this conclusion, our town is turning into ....!" Seems to fit here for some reason.

Tom Ford

NO. 537


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with you entirely Tom! It's getting to be an embarassment the way citizens and alderman or spoken to by "his honor".

I for one have seen and heard enough of him and his administration.

7:24 PM, August 20, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I second that!!! Roy needs to step back or step down. He can't tell aldermen and residents when and when not to speak. I don't know who he thinks he is, but his head has gotten too big.

How embarassing that he tells a resident they can't speak because he doesn't want to hear what she has to say. Who is he bullying when aldermen abstain from voting for an investigation that I'm sure most residents would like to see conducted. That police chief needs to be held accountable for his actions, and Roy isn't letting that happen.

Perhaps Roy will give Eliot Davis some answers into these pay raises.

8:18 PM, August 20, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To be frank, this is not the first time the Mayor has mistreated a female citizen at a Board meeting. Early in his first term, Vicky Cross asked him a question about his promised plan and he shut her down. She has never returned to a meeting.

I know, I was there as an Alderman.


8:39 PM, August 20, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just have one thing to say.


James. W. Murphy as quoted at the board meeting in the Suncrest Call

9:19 PM, August 20, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He had to shut her down!! He had no answer because he HAD no plan. Not only did he not have a plan then, he has none now.

Worse than that though, he has NO CLUE!

9:43 PM, August 20, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, I think you are right. He had to shut her down.

On a different issue, when the mayor was asked his rationale for wanting the sales tax holiday, he referred to John Foote.

9:48 PM, August 20, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom, can I start subscribing to the Sun Crest Call again? You told us that it was a bad, bad paper and that we should not subsribe to it. Is it a good paper now? Are they a good source of information now? Can I resubscribe? Please let me know. Thank you

9:20 AM, August 21, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What amazes me is the Mayors statement about the Civil Service Commission's lack of authority to hold an investigation! He supported the change made since he was in office calling the Commission to do these these types of investigations for these reasons.
After they report their findings to the BOA it is up to the Board to act on the results. If Commission finds there was a Charter Violation, the Charter is pretty clear that the BOA must do one of two things.
But for the Board to not be willing to look into this mess for themselves tells me there is a lot more to be uncovered which when done, will damage some elected officials and dept. heads of the City. That's too bad if it does so, but the law is the law and it applies to all who live under the law.
I guess this now makes me a Mayor hater, huh MS. Casey?

4:47 PM, August 21, 2008  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

And now from the St. Louis Post Dispatch! Aldermen head off investigation. Crestwood — Aldermen voted 4-2 to reject a proposal to re-open an ininvestigation into the use of the city newsletter and automatic phone-dialing system to promote a 35-cent property tax rate increase that voters rejected on Aug. 5.At a meeting Tuesday night, the majority of the board agreed there was mimiscommunication calling a series of pro-tax meetings in July "town hall" meetings. After the vote, several board members agreed there should be better monitoring of such campaign activities when another proposal is before voters.This year's rate will be 37.8 cents on residences, only .4 cents above last year, as allowed by state law. The rate on commercial property will increase 7.2 cents to 48.4 cents, reflecting a $16 million commercial valuation decline related to the Crestwood Court mall. The new rates are to be adopted on Aug. 26.

Is it me, or did we vote down a tax increase by 72%! What the heck do these people think they are doing? To hades with the will of the people, do as we tell you to do?

The "Kingdom of Roy" indeed!

Tom Ford

5:14 PM, August 21, 2008  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

9:20 AM blogger: You may indeed subscribe to any publication you wish! For all I know there may well be a "Bloggers Anonymous" magazine that you might like!

Tom Ford

5:18 PM, August 21, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did anyone notice the quote from one of the alderman to the effect that who cares about "mistakes" made in the past about the newsletter let's just move on? He clearly doesn't get it - that newsletter is paid for with taxpayer money and THAT IS A BIG DEAL TO TAXPAYERS. More than that uh didn't he swear to uphold the charter? If these things are no big deal to him, he should stay home.

5:36 PM, August 21, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read the news today, oh boy,
about a lucky town whose mayor
was Roy.
And though the news was very sad,
I just had to look,
cause once again he has lied to us.
(sorry John and Paul)
Times newspaper August 22,
Roy says about the misuse of City resources in support of Prop 1 "I had nothing to do with it. I did not know anything about."(anyone recall Sgt Schulz from the t.v. show Hogan's Hero's?)

Call newspaper, August 14th, Roy in reply to former Alderman Trueblood's question at the 7/22/08 "town hall" meeting for Prop 1, "everything is approved by the legal staff before it goes out" in regards to the use of the Cities newsletter advertisement for the meetings.

Earlier this year Roy is quoted as saying that "he controls the whole city, the alderman only control their Ward".

Roy, when he ran for mayor over 3 years ago, said he would be a full time mayor at a part time cost, that he would be up at city hall making sure nothing happened there that was against the law like had happened in past administrations.

So here is my question, hopefully by asking it, Roy's last few defenders will not again accuse me of hate speech;

If Roy really didn't "know nothing" at the first meeting, he surely did after the the second meeting and he did nothing to stop the illegal actions for the final two meetings.

I think he is lying to us and is willing to throw his loyal secy, Ms Ingold to the wolves to save his own skin. Despicable, disgusting behaviour, the Charter says the earliest a person can be recalled is 6 months after their last election.
Hurry up November, we have to get rid of Roy before he brings the whole city down to his level.

3:34 PM, August 22, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Mayor knows everything that goes on at City Hall. No one can do anything without his approval. That's why his statements are outlandish.

Where do I sign?

6:50 PM, August 22, 2008  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Boys and girls, please allow me the latitude to put forth this small analogy!

The "Exon Valdez" runs aground in Alaska en route to the open sea. The Coast Guard boards her and does not ask for the "cook," they request the Captain!

Point being that if your a "full time" mayor your the one, and only one responsible for ALL activities by employees in Crestwood!

Mr. Mayor, don't you think it's time to tell us who was responsible for the so called "mistakes?"

By the way these "mistakes" are a DIRECT VIOLATION of the City Charter, and State Law, so someone at City Hall should either resign, or apologize to ALL of us for their "error!"

We must return to "open and honest Government" if you ever expect any sort of cooperation from the citizens!

Tom Ford

7:49 PM, August 22, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would not be shocked if the Mayor tries to replace the entire Civil Service Com under the guise of this is a new term in office for him and like he did in his term he wants new people in place.

11:54 AM, August 23, 2008  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

11:54 AM blogger: I am very glad you won't be shocked when the Mayor starts to "change" the Civil Service Commission, because that is exactly what he plans to do Tuesday night!

On the meeting agenda is the appointment of Ms. Carol Wagner to the Civil Service Commission!

I am having a very hard time with this one as the Civil Service Commission should be investigating the Police debacle, and here we have a "replacement" sent in by the Mayor in mid play!

I am wondering how this will look to the press when they get wind of this one (they already have,) as I think something is very wrong here!

Mr. Mayor, you need to leave the C.S.C. in place, as is, until the police department "promotions, and salary adjustments" have been completely investigated, and the citizens are satisfied there was no hint of impropriety there. To do otherwise would draw a cloud of suspicion over this entire question!

Gentlemen of the Board, how about we play this one fair, and hold up the appointment until after the Civil Service commission has acted, anything else smacks of a cover up I am sure you don't want that!

Tom Ford

2:11 PM, August 23, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

who is Wagner replacing, and isnt odd to put her in this place when she is a part of the Pro Prop 1 group that Ethics Commission is investegating?

The BOA has the right to turn down this appointment by vote. let's hope they are not so deep into the current corruption of this mayor to have become a part of it

2:24 PM, August 23, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ARTICLE VI Section 6.1 (b)BOARDS, COMMISSIONS. Existing boards and commissions shall remain in effect unless changed pursuant to this Charter or by ordinance.

I would STRONGLY recommend the BOA change the current terms of office for members of the Civil Service Board to a lifetime appointment or something that does not allow a Mayor to appoint while he is in office. Maybe their appointment could only be made by an outgoing Mayor?

The reason for this is this Board has become a political tool due to its ability to hold investigations. The Mayor can stack the Board to insure they do not investigation anything his office does, which I feel is what is going on now. This is in no way a knock on the current Board or their actions. They are being used by the Mayor for his political reasons, like ever one else at City Hall and in Crestwood is being used.

The Civil Service Board should be above politics and stand to insure the rights of employees are not violated and that the Charter is not violated by the employees or Dept Heads. Do not remove their right to investigate as they do not have the power to act on their findings. But protect them from the current politics of the day by not being able to replace them unless there is a vacancy.
Just my thoughts, but I doubt anything will change in time.


3:38 PM, August 23, 2008  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Right you are Mr. trueblood! This particular "change" is nothing more than a negative vote for the investigation!

If his Honor thinks this is going to fly, I fear he has another think coming! If he attempts to "ramrod" this through, he will have called down the thunder on himself!

Mayor Robinson, if your reading this, please think twice before you try this as it may well prove to be your undoing!

Tom Ford

5:41 PM, August 23, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I fear that he must already have the votes on the BOA to get this replacement passed. He wouldn't have announced it if he didn't.

I belive your right Mr. Trueblood, but it won't change until he is out or his term expires.

8:42 PM, August 23, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This isn't obvious that Roy is bringing in ringers to protect his buddies from investigation. When is this going to stop? Didn't we have enough of Roy putting his supporters on boards when he was elected? Now he's doing it for specific purposes. Yes, I think Channel 2 will be very interested in this.

9:02 PM, August 23, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some kingdoms seem destined to be run by pudgie frogies whose self worth allows a wide berth when it comes to keeping promises, and ruling with dignity and trust. Integrity is just not within the reach of all frogies.

Some Frogies become a Prince iin their own time transfixed by an about face complete with a new set of new best friends who have totally outfoxed him. Flattery, attention, power and pub-ism have put Frogie in a new camp. Gullible is the new mantra. Frogie the Prince is being courted for his demise. And when he falls off the rock, it will be a hard fall. And no one will care.

Frogies two sets of supporters, the old ones and the new ones, will all have the last laugh. In the last days of Frogie, we will get an even clearer vision of which of frogies fellow fellows care about their ward and their city and which ones are just empty suits buttering up Frogie.

Anyone who thinks this pathetic gorging of force and kingdomitis (in these our times of need for fiscal scrutiny and city rebirth)is okay, does not realize the consequences to frogie or to the city. This city is up for grabs again. If you want to see disaster, leave Frogie alone until he drops in the pond. Don't have any expectations, don't ask for explanations, don't be a concerned resident. For heavens sake don't finger guilt. Hey, Frogie's disguise is shot, the plan he does not have, has expired. There is no blame to be placed on residents of Frogville when coverup begins again and they take this Head Frog by the facts and say "not here, not now, never again - we have truly had enough of city frogs and pond scum taking our city down.

11:33 PM, August 23, 2008  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

8:42 PM blogger: Well I know of at least three votes he does not have, so who will the "usual suspects" be?

I am not sure we are supposed to know who this "replacement" is, or who she will be replacing (Kathryn Barnes I am given to understand,) so it could be that he thought this would be a low turn out meeting, and no one would care anyway!

I find it rather interesting that the "replacement" just saw fit to "request" a posting to a board on or about August 15Th. (via E-MAIL, I am told,) AND, GUESS WHAT, the opening appeared out of the blue (Terms were up in May, but that wasn't important then, was it?)

As the great Bard once said, "Oh what a tangled web we weave, once we practice to deceive!"

Tom Ford

10:24 AM, August 24, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carol Wagner was one of the leaders of the Citizens for Prop 1 gang that used our tax dollars to support the failed tax increase. She is replacing MS.Barne's term on the Board has expired.

10:36 AM, August 24, 2008  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

10:36 am BLOGGER: She will only if the Aldermen give their consent!

Please, each of you call your Alderman, tell them we have enough fodder for the papers that is NEGITIVE on Crestwood, and we sure don't want anymore!

Mac McGee: 849-2567

Jerry Miguel: 849-0069

Mike Kelsch: 968-7991

Steve Nieder: 843-2362

John Foote: 843-5426

Greg Roby: 842-4109

This is important, as we do not need any changes to the Civil Service Board until their investigation is complete!

Tom Ford

1:12 PM, August 24, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep in mind the Civil Service Board wouldn't be investigating the Prop 1 "mistakes." They would be investigating the pay raises in the police dept. I don't think Carol Wagner would have a conflict of interest there, but I still think that the timing of her appointment is questionable. I agree with you, Tom. If they were worried about Ms. Barnes's term expiring, they should have got on it when it actually did instead of waiting on a politically opportune time for the Mayor. I see this as a last-minute act of a desperate man. I hope the Call and Elliot Davis do some further digging.

1:35 PM, August 24, 2008  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

1:35 PM blogger: Your right, there is no conflict of interest, but there is a possible vote to block the investigation by the board.

Trust me, the timing of this request and appointment are not just a coincidence, and if they were to be, it would be a first.

Tom Ford

2:26 PM, August 24, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Up at Corruption Central (aka City Hall) there is no such thing as coincidence.
Speaking of which I just drove by C.C. and noticed our fire station now has only one driveway open for an exit.
Not kicking the fire fighters but I was always told we needed the numbers we have to protect us, yet now we have a restricted exit which has to slow down their arrival for at least a few seconds.
I would really like to see if we have an overstaffed fire dept for the number and types of calls for a City like Crestwood. Some kind of unbiased report with no dog in the fight.

4:22 PM, August 24, 2008  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

UNDER THE "WHAT GOES AROUND, COMES AROUND," section in the laws of nature, I present!

Group clears charges
by Daniel J. Ladd

A Crestwood aldermanic committee recently appointed to examine the controversial hiring of Assistant Police Chief Douglas Mosby, declared Tuesday that the hiring involved no improprieties.
The controversy stemmed from a complaint filed last year with the Crestwood Civil Service Board by a Crestwood officer, who charged that Mosby, who was hired in April of last year, did not meet the requirements for the position. Specifically, the charge, filed by Lt. Thomas Jones, said the position called for someone with an associates degree, which Mosby does not have.
Alderman James Brasfield, who headed the four-member committee appointed by the mayor to investigate the matter, said there was no evidence of wrongdoing.
"Our committee is reporting that we did not find any fault with the city administrator, or police chief in this process," Brasfield said.
Brasfield said the problem was with the wording of the position description.
"The position description should have been written with a little more precision, reflecting what was clearly the intention," Brasfield said.
According to Brasfield, Mosby has more than enough credit hours to qualify for an associates degree, and is in fact nearing completion of a bachelor's degree.
"The whole business of qualifications have been blown enormously our of proportion," Brasfield said. "Mr. Mosby has more than enough hours for an associate's degree and the position description calls for an associate's degree. The description was subsequently changed to say associate's degree or at least 60 hours. He has considerably more hours than that."
Brasfield called the issue "a tempest in a teapot."
However, mayoral candidate Roy Robinson called upon the board to appoint an independent party to investigate the issue.
"I'm not accusing anyone of doing anything wrong, but I am saying that it needs to be looked into, and by more than the 'fox guarding the hen house,' " Robinson said.
"I'm here to call upon this board to appoint an unbiased person-a special prosecutor-someone to be brought in to check this situation out and to give a report to the public."
Brasfield said there was no reason to appoint a special prosecutor.
"I don't think there's any basis for saying that," Brasfield said. "There was a complete and thorough process."
Brasfield said Robinson's statement was politically motivated.
"He said he was a candidate for mayor, and he said he was speaking as a candidate," Brasfield said. "People can draw their own conclusion as to what that was all about."
City Attorney Shulamith Simon also rejected Robinson's call for a special prosecutor.
"I thought the candidate was pretty murky in his comments," Simon said. "But the fact is that the mayor approved the appointment of a committee of the Board of Aldermen to investigate the entire matter."

Well, Roy this is your chance to "appoint" that special prosecutor! Are you going to do it?

Tom Ford

6:29 PM, August 24, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My Gawd, all that stuff we have been told on this blog about Greer giving a promotion to someone who didn't deserve it was this?
And Roy used that to get elected the 1st time?
And now he is doing all he can to keep his own actions in office as a mayor from being uncovered?

"I knew nothing about that" R.R. What a bold face lie, he knew about the Prop 1 use of city tax dollars, he said "we cleared it all with legal staff". Who the heck is"we"?
Did he have a picture of his dog in his wallet?

It will take 20% of the registered voters to sign a petition to recall this Mayor in November of this year.. There are a little over 9000 voters in Crestwood, that means a little over 1800 people. Over 2300 voted against the tax increase, anyone one to bet we cant get 1800 people to sign to recall the Mayor?

9:39 PM, August 24, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Me too.

8:10 AM, August 25, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When will our Mayor and Alderman follow their own law?

9:02 AM, August 25, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm in. Tell me where to sign or let me know when to start getting signatures door to door.

3:20 PM, August 25, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

form a committee, call it the R.R Recall Roy.

3:52 PM, August 25, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

or how about this, R & R for Crestwood (Recall Roy for Crestwood) or Crestwood Needs Some R & R

10:11 PM, August 25, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like that. Although, I belive the legacy of his office term will speak for itself. The Mayor who ran down Crestwood and lost the police and fire departments.

The "plan" he had to restore Crestwood, without the need for a prop to be passed or extra tax dollars, turned out to destroy Crestwood.

Ironic, when he was such a big public service supporter when he first ran and was elected because he said they didn't need the monies. Low and behold, the city has been going down hill ever since.

And, my goodness, he said we didn't really need this one, he just didn't want to argue about it with other alderman and "nothing will change".

Hey Roy, wanna bet?

10:02 PM, August 26, 2008  

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