This is from February of 1994, and, to say the least very "informative' on the mayors thoughts!
February, 1994, The Journal:
Group clears charges
by Daniel J. Ladd
A Crestwood aldermanic committee recently appointed to examine the controversial hiring of Assistant Police Chief Douglas Mosby, declared Tuesday that the hiring involved no improprieties.
The controversy stemmed from a complaint filed last year with the Crestwood Civil Service Board by a Crestwood officer, who charged that Mosby, who was hired in April of last year, did not meet the requirements for the position. Specifically, the charge, filed by Lt. Thomas Jones, said the position called for someone with an associates degree, which Mosby does not have.
Alderman James Brasfield, who headed the four-member committee appointed by the mayor to investigate the matter, said there was no evidence of wrongdoing.
"Our committee is reporting that we did not find any fault with the city administrator, or police chief in this process," Brasfield said.
Brasfield said the problem was with the wording of the position description.
"The position description should have been written with a little more precision, reflecting what was clearly the intention," Brasfield said.
According to Brasfield, Mosby has more than enough credit hours to qualify for an associates degree, and is in fact nearing completion of a bachelor's degree.
"The whole business of qualifications have been blown enormously our of proportion," Brasfield said. "Mr. Mosby has more than enough hours for an associates degree and the position description calls for an associates degree. The description was subsequently changed to say associates degree or at least 60 hours. He has considerably more hours than that."
Brasfield called the issue "a tempest in a teapot."
However, mayoral candidate Roy Robinson called upon the board to appoint an independent party to investigate the issue.
"I'm not accusing anyone of doing anything wrong, but I am saying that it needs to be looked into, and by more than the 'fox guarding the hen house,' " Robinson said.
"I'm here to call upon this board to appoint an unbiased person-a special prosecutor-someone to be brought in to check this situation out and to give a report to the public."
Brasfield said there was no reason to appoint a special prosecutor.
"I don't think there's any basis for saying that," Brasfield said. "There was a complete and thorough process."
Brasfield said Robinson's statement was politically motivated.
"He said he was a candidate for mayor, and he said he was speaking as a candidate," Brasfield said. "People can draw their own conclusion as to what that was all about."
City Attorney Shulamith Simon also rejected Robinson's call for a special prosecutor.
"I thought the candidate was pretty murky in his comments," Simon said. "But the fact is that the mayor approved the appointment of a committee of the Board of Aldermen to investigate the entire matter."
August, 2008: Now the mayor, Mr. Robinson has an entirely different view of when an investigation should be conducted! Ah, but there is more to it than just this simple fact, There was also a "campaign flyer" put out by Mr. Robinson that has some rather interesting "bullet Points!" I believe I will have a copy of that for the BOA meeting tomorrow night, so please stop by!
Well, Roy this is your chance to "appoint" that special prosecutor! Are you going to do it?
Tom Ford
NO. 539
Group clears charges
by Daniel J. Ladd
A Crestwood aldermanic committee recently appointed to examine the controversial hiring of Assistant Police Chief Douglas Mosby, declared Tuesday that the hiring involved no improprieties.
The controversy stemmed from a complaint filed last year with the Crestwood Civil Service Board by a Crestwood officer, who charged that Mosby, who was hired in April of last year, did not meet the requirements for the position. Specifically, the charge, filed by Lt. Thomas Jones, said the position called for someone with an associates degree, which Mosby does not have.
Alderman James Brasfield, who headed the four-member committee appointed by the mayor to investigate the matter, said there was no evidence of wrongdoing.
"Our committee is reporting that we did not find any fault with the city administrator, or police chief in this process," Brasfield said.
Brasfield said the problem was with the wording of the position description.
"The position description should have been written with a little more precision, reflecting what was clearly the intention," Brasfield said.
According to Brasfield, Mosby has more than enough credit hours to qualify for an associates degree, and is in fact nearing completion of a bachelor's degree.
"The whole business of qualifications have been blown enormously our of proportion," Brasfield said. "Mr. Mosby has more than enough hours for an associates degree and the position description calls for an associates degree. The description was subsequently changed to say associates degree or at least 60 hours. He has considerably more hours than that."
Brasfield called the issue "a tempest in a teapot."
However, mayoral candidate Roy Robinson called upon the board to appoint an independent party to investigate the issue.
"I'm not accusing anyone of doing anything wrong, but I am saying that it needs to be looked into, and by more than the 'fox guarding the hen house,' " Robinson said.
"I'm here to call upon this board to appoint an unbiased person-a special prosecutor-someone to be brought in to check this situation out and to give a report to the public."
Brasfield said there was no reason to appoint a special prosecutor.
"I don't think there's any basis for saying that," Brasfield said. "There was a complete and thorough process."
Brasfield said Robinson's statement was politically motivated.
"He said he was a candidate for mayor, and he said he was speaking as a candidate," Brasfield said. "People can draw their own conclusion as to what that was all about."
City Attorney Shulamith Simon also rejected Robinson's call for a special prosecutor.
"I thought the candidate was pretty murky in his comments," Simon said. "But the fact is that the mayor approved the appointment of a committee of the Board of Aldermen to investigate the entire matter."
August, 2008: Now the mayor, Mr. Robinson has an entirely different view of when an investigation should be conducted! Ah, but there is more to it than just this simple fact, There was also a "campaign flyer" put out by Mr. Robinson that has some rather interesting "bullet Points!" I believe I will have a copy of that for the BOA meeting tomorrow night, so please stop by!
Well, Roy this is your chance to "appoint" that special prosecutor! Are you going to do it?
Tom Ford
NO. 539
My Gawd, all that stuff we have been told on this blog about Greer giving a promotion to someone who didn't deserve it was this?
And Roy used that to get elected the 1st time?
And now he is doing all he can to keep his own actions in office as a mayor from being uncovered?
"I knew nothing about that" R.R. What a bold face lie, he knew about the Prop 1 use of city tax dollars, he said "we cleared it all with legal staff". Who the heck is"we"?
Did he have a picture of his dog in his wallet?
It will take 20% of the registered voters to sign a petition to recall this Mayor in November of this year.. There are a little over 9000 voters in Crestwood, that means a little over 1800 people. Over 2300 voted against the tax increase, anyone one to bet we cant get 1800 people to sign to recall the Mayor.
Recall Roy Robinson in November!
"I didnt do anything" Bart Simpson
"I know nothing" Sgt.Schulitz
"I knew nothing about that" R.R.
Great one line lies.
It is clear to me that you can only hate this mayor because your man didn't win. How dare you hold Roy to the standards of his own words? That does nothing but show your extreme hate for him...and his complete lack of character.
When you got to Church on Sunday I hope when you sit next to the Mayor in his pew, (you know the one with the sign that say "parking for the mayor only") that you search your heart and think about what horrible things you are doing by using his own quotes against him. Nobody should be held to that high a standard, especially Roy.
Where or where are the large numbers of Roy defenders that have blasted anyone who in the past pointed out Roy's many short comings, when he so badly needs now, their blind allegiance to him?
Good one ... you had me going for a little bit. Nicely done.
There seems to be a thought at City Hall that I do not like Roy Robinson! Nothing could be further from the truth.
I harbor no animosity for Roy, or anyone else on the BOA. In fact I would be proud to share a Bud Lite with any one of them, and I have with a few!
My only contention is with the way things have been handled Visa Ve the "citizens for Prop 1 Committee," and the lack of understanding at City Hall that this is a "big deal" to some of us!
Yes, I know that in the big scheme of life, this is a small thing, but, it goes to "open and honest Government," a thing promised by Roy when he ran for mayor!
All I ask is that we return to the promises made during the election, and TELL US what is going on, and why! We are all "big kids" here, we can handle it, so what say we try it your Honor, and Board members?
Tom Ford
Tom, you have to get into the "city hall" mentality which is... if you say something negative about the Mayor or don't agree with him...then you obviously hate him, don't know what your talking about, and it is politically motivated.
You will then be branded as "one of them" and "they" don't count.
Perhaps we need to look into the Mayors position as being "part time". I think the citizens have had enough of this "full time" mayor.
at the meeting tonite, Mayor called you out for not giving the presentation that Miguel gave for you. Said he wouldn't take serious something from someone who wouldn't present it to him in person at a meeting.
Miguel asked Mayor to withdrawal Wagners because she was the Chair of the Prop 1 committee that was being invested by the State. Mayor said that was the first he had heard of that happening. Her nomination was not with drawn but the motion was tabled.
The only thing the Mayor should be allowed to call is his dog.
No one takes him serious anymore. He lies so much, he can't keep up with them.
"The first he heard of that happening?" Come on Roy, we ALL no better than that. Another lie!
Just don't talk anymore-it will be better for you in the long run.
recall Roy, recall Roy, recall Roy, recall, recall, recall, recall, recall, recall, recall.
Where can I get a yard sign?
What I don't understand is the lack of crowds at the BOA meetings expressing their dissatisfaction n the Mayor is handling these recent events. If you have recently gone to a BOA meeting, you owe it to yourself just to see the Mayor in action. Words can do it justice.
Why the Citizens have lost interest in the events at city hall is almost as hard for me to understand as 6 of the 8 Aldermen allowing the Mayor to do what he does in violation to their oath of office and the Charter.
I know one thing for sure, The Mayor reads this blog and if anyone plans on taking action against him and wants it to be surprise, they best use another form to communicate. That's how he seems to stay one step ahead many times.
Mayor Robinson has asked the Board to approve his appointment so of Carol Wagner as the Chair of the City's Civil Service Board, replacing as Chair Martha Duchild.
Alderman Miguel asked the Mayor to withdraw this nomination based on her being the Chair of the now under State Ethics Commission investigation Citizens for Prop 1 committee. The members of the board that were (6 of them at this time) there could not fine the spine to do any more that to table her nomination.
I support Alderman Miguel in his request for the withdraw. Surely recent events should lead the BOA and the Mayor to see how this nomination would send a message of dismay to the Citizens and Employees of Crestwood at this time. The nomination should remain tabled or withdrawn until the Ethics Commission competes it's work. That way if no wrong doing is found Ms. Wagner can assume her position without any shadow over her leadership and actions.
It is my understanding that the Civil Service Board of Crestwood is meeting this Thursday night at City Hall to investigate the actions surrounding the recent actions of the Board, Mayor, Police Chief, Acting City administrator in the giving behind closed door pay raises to certain Police officers.
If you have the time or interest it might be worth your while to drop in and watch.
How many times has the FBI office investigated the Crestwood Police Department?
10:16 said "I know one thing for sure, The Mayor reads this blog and if anyone plans on taking action against him and wants it to be surprise, they best use another form to communicate. That's how he seems to stay one step ahead many times."
We don't want it to be a suprise. We want him to enjoy the next several months! If the Mayor reads this blog and still does what he does "stupid is as stupid does".
11:43 AM,
I have had the opportunity to see the operations of many police departments. Crestwood has some of the finest, most respectable officers I have ever met! Please don't drag them into the dirt, when all they are trying to do is serve YOU!
YOU ELECTED THE MAYOR, HE APPOINTS THE CHEIF! don't take your negativity towards them out on the Officers. They are just doing their jobs (even if you aren't paying them enough!)
If the city of Crestwood continues this trend....the mass exodus of officers will continue...then they will hire less qualified officers you can pay less...and services will decrease, crime will rise, property values will decrease... BUT THEN AGAIN POLICE SERVICES ARE LIKE ANYTHING ELSE... you get what you pay for!!
4:23 Halleluia. Thank you, thank you and thank you. The mass exodus going on while the baby bloggers all play politics. That's bringing Crestwood back.
St. Louis County is short of officers. So are other municipalities. Officers are going where they think the best pay and best security might be. Munis are often times better pay, at least starting out, than county.
Factor in the raises and the new vehicles, our officers are doing ok. If there is something else going on, than it's internal.
4:23 PM
What nonsense. We are paying them plenty. If you feel they are so shortchanged, go up there and write them a check.
St. Louis county officers have "take home" or "resident officer cars" as an incentive to work for their department (the department pays for their off duty gas too!).and there is alot more room for advancement... oh and there isn't the "you will get taken over by county, so you better appreciate what you have attitude" PLUS COUNTY OFFICERS DON'T HAVE TO GIVE SAME THE QUALITY SERVICE THAT CRESTWOOD GIVES...
Maybe the counties grass is greener than crestwoods!
Not all county officers take home cars. Not sure if all are allowed are not. County officers I talk to say that most leave to go to work for munis.
10:02 PM blogger: His honor calls me out? Well. did he also say that he called me on the phone the same day to attempt to tell me I didn't know the "real" story?
He called while I was in a meeting, and I called him back. In 22 minutes of "cell phone time" he attempted to tell me what happened. I, however told him I knew what happened, and WHO was responsible for it. He denied it, saying I didn't know the "whole story!"
At the time of the second call I had a person with me in my truck who overheard his very loud comments, and later wondered who that was. I told him it was our Mayor, whereupon he opined that he (the Mayor) seemed "very upset, and concerned!"
The simple fact is that I do not need to, or wish to become embroiled in a "floor fight" over this subject. as it is the responsibility of the State Ethics Commission, and the BOA to get to the bottom of this travesty!
I had intended to offer a motion from the audience under section one, Roberts rules of order, petitioning the Government, but in reading same, I found this would not have been accepted.
My motion would have been to table the vote on a new "chairman" of the Civil Service Board until the State had completed it's inquiry into the matter, as well as a call for a vote of "No Confidence" reference the City Attorney.
Now as to the "calling me out" part of you missive, I will be glad to meet the Mayor anywhere, any time in an open City wide forum, for a face to face discussion of why any of this was allowed to take place!
Set it up your Honor, and I will be there!
Tom Ford
5:33 You've used that balony before on the blog. And you are full of it too.
Hey, you're pretty good, not. Save yourself for the winter cause that's when we will need your hot air. I guess you don't want to put your money where your mouth is and write them a check.
Roy telling you that you didn't know the 'whole story' is like Roy telling you he has a plan. He just runs with his tail between his legs and hides behind unintelligible utterances, hoping people won't push farther.
Filing paperwork with the state over Roy's latest (in a long list) of inappropriate (and possibly illegal) actions, is the best thing that has happened in a long time. Finally someone is holding him accountable for his actions, and in my opinion, that is the type of person we need to run for Mayor.
Keep going Tom.
Tom cannot run for mayor....he has a son employeed by the Police Department. Conflict of interest.
That is, of course, unless the residents allow the Police department to be taken over by the boys in I believe Miguel and his busom buddy Nieder would like to see done. Then, and only then could Tom run for mayor.
Is it just me, or did'nt Crestwood incorporate with the SOLE purpose of providing Fire and Police services to its citizens????!!!!????!!!!
Wow- if that's the case, our fire and police personel sure seem to be taking the brunt of what has become an, "I hate Roy Robinson" political stance. And I am not talking about their leaders- I'm talking about our cops and firefighters who show up each day to serve and protect this community.
Anti-Robinson forces want him out
Time to vote Mayor Roy Robinson out of office.
No public comments allowed
Inserts to City's newsletter by his compaign friends
Raises to city's officials without following the rules
What has Mayor Robinson promised the developers, friends, and city employees?
It is time for CHANGE!
Please tell your neighbors and friends that we have a Mayor that doesn't want to follow the rules of our government.
Where did Mayor Roy Robinson work?
Defense Mapping?
Are there no rules where he worked?
9:58 PM Good comment.
I can remember when the people who now feel Tom should run for mayor had lots of bad things to say about him on the blog as well as when he ran for alderman. Now that the tax increase failed he is their pal!!!
Tom thinks he has all these new friends. It's called ego stroking and they do it very well. So, therefore, Tom agrees with everything the bloggers tell him about Roy.
And they keep commenting the same thing; get rid of Mayor Robinson; Recall Robinson. Then what does Tom do? He has nerve enough to say on this blog that he still thinks highly of the mayor. Maybe he should re-read some of his comments.
These people who now adore Tom are the same bloggers that dispised Tom up to a year ago and said so on this blog.
Even the past alderman who now comments on Tom's blog, never gave Tom his vote when Tom was a candidate for alderman. And now Tom thinks of him as his buddy.
This blog was suppose to be a tool to get Crestwood back or so that was what seemed like Tom's goal from his comments. Too bad that 99% of everyone who has anything to contribute only speaks of one thing. The mayor and how awful and horrible he is, what a liar he is and everything else they can come up with.
One of the people who commented about the board meeting last evening, didn't even get the story straight about the nomination to the civil service board. But there wasn't one person who corrected him or her. That's how screwed up things get on the blog. But they keep believing everything they hear when some of it isn't even correct.
All I have heard for weeks is people on the blog taking pot shots at the mayor. Nothing other than that.
The blog has now become boring because everybody says the same thing. You can read almost every comment under every heading, and it's all repetitious. The mayor, recalling the mayor and what a low life he is.
So, Tom, how is all these comments getting Crestwood back?
I personally love my police and fire personnel. I also feel all the employees are great and they all deserve raises.
Tom, the people who adore you today, "you got my vote", "I'll watch your back", "if you ever need a favor" tripe, will stab you silly some day, mark my word.
2:48. As a resident I do not love the police and fire department. They are charged with providing a service which they do; nothing outstanding or miraculous. It’s not brain surgery you know. But that said, I am glad we have them. I would also be glad to have the county or Kirkwood or Sunset officers patrolling my street as well.
The issue at hand is the continued despicable actions of the Mayor. He needs to be recalled and the Police Chief fired. He has taken Crestwood back to the dark ages because of his lack of intelligence and cronyism.
The rank and file of the departments are OK. The Chief however is not. He will never gain the respect of the officers and he is a laughing stock among his peers.
Lastly, I do not like, love or hate Tom. I have never met the man. I use ‘his’ blog to express my personal thoughts and ideas. If he were to be in a position of authority in Crestwood, then he would certainly be securitized as those currently are. But until that time, it’s not about Tom.
It would seem that the focus has shifted from the actions of the ellected in Crestwood to Tom Ford whose only power is this blog. keep it up Tom, you are having an effect on the mayor and our city
I hear the mayor denied at Tuesday night's meeting that the police pay raises were in place before the board approved them.
FACT: The raises were on the payroll in May.
FACT: The board didn't vote to approve them until that infamous July closed session.
Either he has a fuzzy memory or he was lying. Any way around it, he's distorting the truth.
How con-VEEN-ient!
You are right. It isn't about Tom. This blog is all about the mayor and nothing more.
There are other things to speak of but nobody does.
And when you speak of pass discretions, they are all either denied or forgotten.
So you have to make sure you only talk about what is important. This mayor. Anything said about the past, will get you thirty lashes.
You say you wouldn't mind if we were taken over by "Kirkwood", as an example? See right there I can tell you have no clue about what you say. You and all the rest of the people who voted down the tax issue would have a "cow" if you had to pay what Kirkwood pays for taxes. Then it would be another mayor you would be fixing to slaughter. OMG
As far as what you say about the police chief, this is nothing new. Police chiefs and fire chiefs are appointed by the mayor. If you don't like the mayor, you don't like his chiefs either. That has always been a given.
Cronyism? That has also been used and abused by those who dislike the mayor when choosing his police chief or fire chief. Before the issue with our police chief, all you heard on this blog was about the mayor favoring the fire department and his friends in the fire department and having coffee with the firefighters. That was a big sin. As soon as a new police chief was appointed, and the other one gone, that's when all of this started. That tells you right away where all of this bull is coming from. If you liked the previous one, or were one of his you know "never mind", you couldn't wait to find a way to push this chief under the bus.
I think the next mayor, to play it safe, should just get the first vagrant he finds on the street to be chief. At least you couldn't use your cronyism scenario if he did.
This issue has been going on since Crestwood was a cow pasture and rises and falls depending on who the players are. We've had real good players in Crestwood and they all graduated from the same school.
I just can't wait to hear what the next mayor and his chiefs have to sustain because it will never get better in this town. Get use to it. You and others are all being used as political pawns and don't even know it.
Let Tom be your savior. Since he attends all of the board of aldermen meetings and attends all the other commission meetings, not. I remember people on this blog at one time criticizing him for not attending any meetings and he still doesn't. Now he just gives his speel to Jerry Miquel and lets Jerry run with it like at the last board meeting. Sounds fine to me.
"have to make sure we only talk about what is important"
If there was ever an statement that explaines why the mayor and his few remaing followers dont get why there is so much upset over his recent actions,hhis must be it.
The mayor is shocked that he no longer can bring up the past as a way to divert attention from his lies, failure to follow much less understand the city Charter, his rotten treatment of the BOA, and Citizens who ask him simple questions, and his crystal clear power grabbing control he has over ever thi8ng that goes on at city hall.
He was asked Tuesday ite at a BOA meeting if he stood by his claim that he did not know about the Ethics Commission looking into the actions of the PAC Citizens for Prop 1. He had a chance to come clean then but he stcuk to his story thatAlderman Miguels telling him about it was the 1st time he had heard anything about it.
Now, how does that square with the reported conversation he had had earlier that day with Mr. Ford? Or the reports in the newspapers?
It doest square, he knows it,I know it, and any one who readsm this blog, the papars reports next week or was at the BOA meeting knows it.
The lies have caught up to you MR. Mayor, time to face what you know it coming.
If the Mayor is so horrible why did he run unopposed this summer? Surely, you must have relized his shortcomings prior to this election.
11:05 My question too.
Don't expect a good answer and be sure you have your steel armor suit on because these people don't like to be confronted. They enjoy their cladestine existence in gratifying each other.
Last summer? Roy didnt run last summer it was this April, were have you been sleeping?
No one ran becasue until the filling date to run for mayor was closed, Roy seadfastlay said the City did not need to have a tax increase. He said everything was just fine, he had the new owners of the Mall all in line to redevelop on his schedule, that there were more cuts to make before a tax increase was needed.
Fact is Roy hasnt made a cut in the 3 yrs in office, yrs 1 and 2 budgets were left over from Greer and Fagan cuts. Oh hang on your question was why no one ran against him? My answer is we all believed Roy's lies and felt there was no reason for change.
However, as you know my friend, that is not the case now, and Roy's next few months awill be interesting to say the least.
TOM 6:38, What was ROy so concerned about, the truth getting out?
The mayor answered Trueblood's question at the meeting about why he felt Miguel's ctions about Ms. Wagner were political with "Idon't have to tell you, that was coversation between me and Miguel"!! Never mind it was in the public and tape recorded, Roy does not have to explain himself to anyone.
Amazing, simply amazing.
TOM 6:38, What was ROy so concerned about, the truth getting out?
The mayor answered Trueblood's question at the meeting about why he felt Miguel's ctions about Ms. Wagner were political with "Idon't have to tell you, that was coversation between me and Miguel"!! Never mind it was in the public and tape recorded, Roy does not have to explain himself to anyone.
Amazing, simply amazing.
I HATE ROY!!!!!!
Sorry...just trying to fit in around here :)
10:09. What a simpleton! I said nothing about being taken over by the City of Kirkwood. Crestwood has numerous options when it comes to contracting for police service. They can contract with Kirkwood, Webster, Sunset or the County. Best price gets the nod.
You can throw ‘red-herring’ all over if you wish, but the bottom line is the police chief was not qualified for the position and his appointment was pushed through simply because the mayor had promised the position to him if he was elected.
As Tom has said many times on his blog, try to stay focused on the issue at hand. If it has not happened in the last 2 years, leave it alone!
10:09 - Let me reply to your statements section by section.
"You are right. It isn't about Tom. This blog is all about the mayor and nothing more."
Not quite. There are postings about other issues other than the mayor such as Crestwood Court, the city attorney, Prop 1. The all-nothing statement is incorrect.
"There are other things to speak of but nobody does."
Like what for example? We discuss city issues, the board, and the administration. What else is there to speak of, do tell?
"And when you speak of pass discretions, they are all either denied or forgotten."
Not true either. Even though Don Greer has passed, we still hear about him over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. It's only recently that some of that has let up.
"So you have to make sure you only talk about what is important. This mayor. Anything said about the past, will get you thirty lashes."
Not true either. But at the moment, the mayor's actions are called into question. Have you seen how he treats constituents or board members at a meeting? I'm embarassed that I supported him.
"You say you wouldn't mind if we were taken over by "Kirkwood", as an example? See right there I can tell you have no clue about what you say. You and all the rest of the people who voted down the tax issue would have a "cow" if you had to pay what Kirkwood pays for taxes. Then it would be another mayor you would be fixing to slaughter. OMG"
Don't think anyone said they preferred being taken over by Kirkwood. Besides, would Kirkwood want us?
"Let Tom be your savior. Since he attends all of the board of aldermen meetings and attends all the other commission meetings, not. I remember people on this blog at one time criticizing him for not attending any meetings and he still doesn't. Now he just gives his speel to Jerry Miquel and lets Jerry run with it like at the last board meeting. Sounds fine to me." I don't think you know what you are talking about. If you know Jerry Miguel, which I don't think you do, he speaks for himself. Tom's work schedule makes it difficult for him to attend meetings. But I guess you don't want anyone to have a voice in this town if they don't attend meetings.
12:04 PM 8/28 Simpleton, you say? I was replying to the person at 9:15 AM on 8/28 who stated and I quote: "I would also be glad to have the County or KIRKWOOD, or Sunset Hills patrolling my street". Was that not you? I guess you think the Kirkwood is going to just allow us to ue their police department for what? For nothing? Whose the simpleton now? I guess you think that these cities will give us their police department forces without annexing us or without a hefty price? Get real. It's not like going to the County. You think you can just go to any municipality and say I don't want to be in your city, I just want your police force? Talk about an idiot! It isn't me.
Get a life. The police chief was appointed by the mayor with the approval of the board of aldermen. Are you now saying that the board of aldermen are also simpletons? Take a look in the mirror.
12:36 Oh sure they talk about other things on this blog and look at every single soltary heading and tell me when you read the comments that they never say anything about the mayor in them.
Nothing on this blog of comments states any other thing about the city that doesn't include things about the mayor.
You want to argue the point, argue with someone else. I state what I feel and if you don't like it, too bad.
Jerry Miquel is so perfect but can take an issue and shred it to death before he makes a decision. However, he doesn't seem to care when he openly accuses a secretary of doing something illegal when he should know that personnel matters are not to be discussed by board members.
So Jerry
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12:36 Hey stupid, people in this town criticized Tom many, many times right on this blog in the past for not attending meetings so why take offense to just my comment?
Out of the blue, you now think it is OK to not be involved and you come out and defend him. Where were you, when people in the past were chastising him for his absence on this very blog?
You bloggers better make up your mind. You are all over the place with what you say. Today it's one thing and tomorrow it's another. But OMG let the mayor say "no tax increase" and then say he changed his mind; he lies; he lies. Kind of like you changing your mind. Oh that's right, the tax failed and Tom now has a boat load of new friends like you. You are probably the one that told him on this blog, that "thanks, Tom, I will always have your back". "Tom, run for Mayor". What a bunch of crack pots.
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Mr. 4:08. I belive you should read and then re-read a post before commenting. We here is cyberspace believe it would save you from the embarrassment you have now brought upon yourself.
4:24 which comment should I re-read. Am I being threatened about what I say while others can say as they wish?
Tom Ford for Mayor? Well while I am gratified that a least one person feels that way, I have no desire to be the Mayor, now or in the future!
My lot in life is to insure open and honest Government in Crestwood, and I believe I can do it better from here that the Dias.
This "silly season" we will hear a lot of idiot remarks by politicians of all stripes. When the dust settles we will have elected a new President, for better or worse.
We here in Crestwood have our elected officials in place, and we should all get behind them to move the City forward, but can we under this "cloak of secrecy?" I can't.
All I ask for, and have ever asked for is a City Government that will be 100% truthful with me, and not treat me as though I am too dumb, or stupid to understand why, and where my tax monies are going.
I have supported officials to the max in the past that I can no longer support because I believe they are less than forthcoming with me, and that is sad to say the least.
To say that I have become "disillusioned" with some on the BOA as well as the Mayor, and the City Attorney would be a gross understatement! That said, I don't believe I can continue to "trust" these individuals unless, and until they stop the clandestine meetings, and show me exactly what is going on in Crestwood!
Tom Ford
4:00 PM
If you have followed Crestwood events in any way shape or form, the tax increase issue is not the only thing he changed his mind about.
Oh and you are wrong on another point. I've been supportive of Tom all along. Do we agree on every issue? No. But he provides this forum for us and speaks his mind and for that I am thankful.
You are good at the name calling and terrible at debate.
7:07 Well maybe I well just let the debating up to you. But by the way, the name calling has been universal on this blog. If you wish to point your finger just at me for that, so be it. But I just return what is dished out at me. If you have ever been called names, you will find that it takes lots of intestinal fortitude not to lash back. I apologize and will try my best not to do that in the future. I hope that my apology is accepted.
3:23. "You think you can just go to any municipality and say I don't want to be in your city, I just want your police force? Talk about an idiot! It isn't me."
I read the post you are commenting on and you sir are wrong. Missouri statutes allow a municipality to contract services, either police of fire with any other municipality or district. Again, you are wrong and I guess it is you.
Well I guess I am an idiot then. Next step is for you to put that suggestion in the suggestion box and come up with what it will cost us to contract police services. Then after that hurdle, tell all of our good police employees who were going to stick it out with Crestwood during the tough times that they, will be terminated.
Explain to them that if they were smart, they would have found other employment because their jobs with our fair city are going to be gone. I guess you can also call them "idiots".
Sounds good to me. And of course you are counting on the fact that other cities like Kirwood would want to take on Crestwood.
Sorry but this idiot still thinks it's a bad idea but then again, like you said, I am just another idiot.
10:59 what does your talking about have to do with the current law breaking, corruption in Crestwood City Hall?
11:17 My comment was in answer to the comment made at 10:42 which also had nothing to do with the so-called corruption at city hall.
I don't think there is any corruption at city hall; just a bunch of people who are barbarians at the gate trying to create havoc.
All governments would run wonderfully, if you could just leave politics out of the equasion.
That's my conclusion and I an entitled to it.
'I don't think there is any corruption at city hall; just a bunch of people who are barbarians at the gate trying to create havoc.
All governments would run wonderfully, if you could just leave politics out of the equasion.'
Are you serious???
Blogger at 11:52. "The issue at hand is the continued despicable actions of the Mayor. He needs to be recalled and the Police Chief fired. He has taken Crestwood back to the dark ages because of his lack of intelligence and cronyism."
"Mr. 4:08. I belive you should read and then re-read a post before commenting. We here is cyberspace believe it would save you from the embarrassment you have now brought upon yourself."
Enough said :)
12:05 No I'm not serious, I'm an "idiot" cause the guy at 10:42 8/29 said so.
I take it from your comment that you agree. I still have my right to speak what I feel. It says so in the Constitution and I am not ready for a debate over my view. Don't much care if you like it or not.
1:12 8/29
I belive you should read and then re-read a post before commenting. We here is cyberspace believe it would save you from the embarrassment you have now brought upon yourself."
Enough said :)
1:12 Does everybody have to agree with you? Some of us don't. So what's your problem? Now you are going to use your threat about cyberspace and re-reading comments? Maybe you should re-read some of yours. What are you the cyber police that disallows others to disagree with you.
This is a democratic society and as such we can state whatever we wish to state. I will go along with the issue of name calling being wrong, but like it or not, everyone doesn't have to share your views on anything.
1:49. Can't you see your just being played with? You make it so easy.
I just read Tom's comment about the "missives" being used on this blog. I agree with him that they need to stop. I hope others agree.
This blog was suppose to be used constructively. However, most of everything that has been placed on here does nothing to support bringing Crestwood back.
All of the things on this blog, end up doing nothing but tearing down the mayor. That is not constructive. The problems we have with this mayor may be many indeed, but there were no blogs to talk about the problems with other mayors.
If we keep using him as the whipping post, and constantly go on and on about what he does and doesn't do, what he says or what he doesn't say, nothing is solved.
We can all find another mayor after this one, but right now we only have this one. And when we get a new mayor, we will still have people who will find fault with the new one.
Right now, people just won't let go of their anger toward this mayor and there are those who continue keeping this anger fresh.
They pretend that it is because of their desire for honesty and integrity. That's a smoke screen for their contempt. Their reasons have nothing to do with what they tell you. It started before, during and after his first campaign and it has never stopped. They hold him to every single word, and he is balanced by a very tight rope compared to the previous administration. So this mayor is not being judged on the same scale. The basis for using this type of scrutiny is simple. It happens all the time in every level of government. Politics over people. But you need to get the people to join so you make them angry first. And what does it solve? Nothing.
This anger increases if you disagree with them, and then the disenters use aldermen members and even employees to keep it going.
In my view, we have the Charter, we have Civil Service. Let those people do their jobs. We have the Ethics Commission so why go on and on about the mayor. Let the people do their jobs.
That's my opinion and it doesn't matter to me if you agree or not.
You talk of corruption now? We have had corruption in the past, we have had lies from people who we thought had integrity and honor. We had mayors who allowed screaming and slamming and walking off the dais by aldermen members. We have had one aldermen "name call" another aldermen. Nobody cared. Nobody stopped it. We had immoral activity and improprieties going on; one of which was swept under the carpet. Nobody did a thing about it.
Now we have people who want justice and say things are not being done properly?. In my opinion several of these persons now speak from the "other side" cause they are no longer on the dais. When they were board members, they never saw anything wrong then, but now they do.
The summary of this is, if everything being stated about this mayor is true, it will all come to a head. If and when that happens, at least they will not be covered up as before. And if and when that happens, those who oppose this administration and this mayor can be satisfied.
However, the dark side of it will be that those who held rank from the previous administration still will not admit their errors and mistakes, and will wallow in self satisfaction because they wanted vengeance and to come down on this mayor while they got away with unquestionable errors and mistakes. They will call it justice but they will merely be hiding behind it. If they really wanted justice, we would have had it back in 2003,4,5,and 6.
No need for screaming and going into a rage about any of what I said.
If you want to hold up your charter handbook and your civil service handbook and use it as your bible, then let the people who are working on getting these things resolved do their jobs.
I think it is time for the bloggers to stop going on and on about the mayor when so far we have heard nothing from the Ethics Commission or the Civil Service people.
Did you ever think that many of us now believe that what is keeping Crestwood from coming back is the mayor?
I know I now do as I see him play politics at the citys expense.
The past corruption was fought by the citizens and defeated, why do you feel this corruption now should be not dealt with?
4:59 wanta bet there won't be a cover up, talk to current chair of the civil service board if you want to know about a city hall cover up.
11:19 PM blogger: Indeed, and while your at it, call ALL the members of that board to really be enlightened!
Tom Ford
Timmy Trueblood.... now your trying to drag Chief Kestler into this mess.... Shame on you. Too bad you didn't have any, ..LLS to stand up to Don Greer while he wrecked the City. Pathetic!
7;23 what the heck are you talking about, I've been in Colorado since Wed, and just returned about an hour ago. The last thing I'd do was post on a blog instead of enjoying my time in the Rocky Mts.
Done believe me, I'll show you my airline tickets. Just tell me where you want me to sent them.
7:23 PM blogger: Where and when did Chief Kestler ever come up in his equation? He is one of the most honest and forthcoming people I know, so please do not drag him into anything!
Tim Trueblood has always signed his posts (one of the very few who will,) so you know it wasn't him, so to what and whom do you refer?
Tom Ford
Having just now caught up with the latest posts since returning last nite from a short trip to Denver, Colorado Springs and the United States Air Force Academy, I am posting some thoughts about recent events as reported in the CALL and TIMES.
First of all I went to Board meeting of 8/26/08 where I saw with my own two eyes how the disrespectful the Mayor treated Aldermen Miguel and Nieder. If you have heard or read of this type of action but don't believe it, drop in some Tuesday nite and see it with your own eyes.
It is one thing for one Alderman to disagree with another Alderman, that's what happens when you have a government of 8 people, but it is quite another matter when the Mayor whose position is to be a Neutral Chair of the BOA meeting, there only to insure that Roberts Rules are followed by the Aldermen and break ties votes on ordinances as THEY do the business of the people, to attempt to answer all questions asked of the Board, cut off the microphone of a Board member who has the floor, argue with an Alderman when he has no vote in the motion offered and seconded by an Alderman and in general treat with total disrespect the ELECTED REPRESENTATIVE OF THE PEOPLE. It is in short amazing, beyond all belief and totally out of line, per the Charter and City Code.
As far at the Civil Service Board actions, I can not wait to read the results of their meeting of 8/28/08 and their recommendations to the BOA. I trust they will follow what our Charter instructs them to do. I am not sure I trust the Board, Mayor or City Attorney to do the same
In regards to any Dept. Head, employee or elected person, the Code, Charter and Laws apply to them equally. There are no exceptions. There is no room for ignorance of the law, it was just a misunderstanding, or it won't happen again.
4:59. "Let them do their job". Would love too, but Roy is too stupid to do his.
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