Has "TOM" changed, or has the administration been the ones to "change?"
There in lies the question? I don't think I have changed, as I am still the guy who wanted nothing but the best for Crestwood, as well as Honest, transparent, and Open Government. Quite the opposite has occurred I believe.
I have a campaign flyer from 1994 put out by the Robinson for Mayor committee, Marilyn Woods, Treasurer, in which candidate Robinson promises to"Provide openness in our City unequalled in today's political process." "Support the Hancock amendment and fight all tax and fee increases- we are taxed to the limit!"
He also refers to the "cloak of secrecy" in a five bullet point statement on the flyer. Alderman Robinson wanted to appoint a "special prosecutor to investigate the Police department promotions and raises."
Now, please fast forward to 2008 when we see things such as the most closed door sessions I can remember, promotions and pay raises done without a PRIOR vote of the BOA (the word prior is very important here as they will tell you that the BOA voted for it, but not till it came to light!) The Mayor doing nothing to insure an open an honest inquiry into the recent Prop 1 deal, and the Police Department "reorganization," and I wonder just who has changed! ( We have gone from "special prosecutor to forgetaboutit!!!) Hmmmm!
Well, it's up to you to decide, did I change, or did the administration? Somehow, I doubt it was me, but I am open to comment's!
Tom Ford
NO. 543
I have a campaign flyer from 1994 put out by the Robinson for Mayor committee, Marilyn Woods, Treasurer, in which candidate Robinson promises to"Provide openness in our City unequalled in today's political process." "Support the Hancock amendment and fight all tax and fee increases- we are taxed to the limit!"
He also refers to the "cloak of secrecy" in a five bullet point statement on the flyer. Alderman Robinson wanted to appoint a "special prosecutor to investigate the Police department promotions and raises."
Now, please fast forward to 2008 when we see things such as the most closed door sessions I can remember, promotions and pay raises done without a PRIOR vote of the BOA (the word prior is very important here as they will tell you that the BOA voted for it, but not till it came to light!) The Mayor doing nothing to insure an open an honest inquiry into the recent Prop 1 deal, and the Police Department "reorganization," and I wonder just who has changed! ( We have gone from "special prosecutor to forgetaboutit!!!) Hmmmm!
Well, it's up to you to decide, did I change, or did the administration? Somehow, I doubt it was me, but I am open to comment's!
Tom Ford
NO. 543
You are right on the money, Tom! If people don't like what's being said here, they should find something else to do with their time. Roy said he would change things, but he's doing exactly the opposite. If if weren't for the information shared here and people like Tom stepping up and holding the politicians accountable, Crestwood would continue to sink deeper and deeper. I'm encouraged to see investigations by the ethics committee and civil service board, that is how the system is meant to work. It's our money and our town.
You haven't changed.
Roy hasn't changed, he has always been the same as he seems now. He just kept it hidden from us.
6:10 PM blogger: Thank you very much! Watch for the P.Y.A. coming out of the offices at City Hall on this as they are in deep trouble, and they know it!
I think we have to back the Civil Service Board 100% on this one, as I do believe they have the duty to get to the bottom of this for the good of Crestwood!
"Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!" The "Bard!"
Tom Ford
We tried to warn you about him, you nitwit. But you wouldnt listen! blame all your supporters on this blog....you are the people that elected Roy.
From the Call:
"No, I'm not the spokesman for anyone except myself, your honor," Miguel said. "There's been a clear violation here."
"What I'm saying is are you the spokesman for Thomas Ford?" Robinson said.
"I am the spokesman on this particular issue right here," Miguel said. "I'm not the spokesman for anyone. I am submitting evidence to our city attorney that a complaint has been filed."
It goes without saying that the Mayor is an idiot, but why didn't Miguel acknowledge that he IS the voice, spokes person, elected official for the people of Crestwood. My God, that is his fundamental responsibility.
Tom, you didn't change and neither did Roy. His first term was like this also but wasn't noticed till now.
I read that he wished you were at the BOA meeting so he could talk with you. We all know he would stop you from talking like he does everyone.
Perhaps we will determine the answers as to why the current Police Chief is in office when there will several more qualified officers to promote.
Why 2 promotions were made to Sergeant while qualified tenured officers were overlooked.
Why the candidates for Sgt. need a college education but one of the Sergeants promoted to Lt. has no college degree nor a command staff school.
They can give all the excuses they want but everyone knows the answers to ALL these questions. One only has to look at the number of officers that have left and retired to get out of there before things got worse.
Finally, I think everything that has been done over the last several years is slowly coming to the publics attention.
Thank God for this blog!!!
1:16PM blogger: Well indeed you did my friend, but I have always felt that I will believe a person until they show me reason to do otherwise!
My thoughts changed when his Honor and I discussed the "Tax Holiday," and the need for a tax increase at the same time. Let me say that I came away from that meeting feeling I had not gotten the truth.
Since then, I have watched the shenanigans reference the "It wasn't me, you didn't see me, you cant prove it" attitude concerning the reverse 911, and the newsletter, and I now have taken a position 180 degrees opposite of the Mayor, and the City Attorney!
I have asked his Honor to replace the City Attorney (he refused,) I have written letters to the editor of local papers, written on this blog, and discussed it in town to no avail!
Was I wrong to back him in the first place? It does look that way now, but hindsight is 20/20 now isn't it.
I do not shift allegiance on a whim folks, which is why I believe there is no better friend than Tom Ford, but, there can be no worse enemy!
Tom Ford
I am starting to think that having Roy as Mayor and Mike as the Police Chief is allowing too much power in the hands of two men.
Add to that an Attorney who can not say no to the Mayor and you have a very closed, self serving government up at City Hall
I agree with you completely. Time for a change and quickly. A change, not only for the citizens but the employees. I feel sorry for them. We hear and read about it and they have to endure it in person daily.
I spoke to an officer recently who was quite candid.
Like I said, time for a change.
Tom-you never know how people will eventually turn out-no one does. Many people, I for one, have changed my mind about his honor and this administration.
3:22 PM blogger: And so have I! When you consider that all we ask for is open and honest Government that will NOT block inquires it stuns me that it isn't happening!
We lost a very fine Alderman yesterday, a person of great integrity who would never allow this sort of thing to happen, and I worry about who will be appointed to fill his place!
The Mayor, the City Attorney, and certain members of the Board must stop this ridiculous attempt to sweep the curent investigations under the rug!
I trust that the Civil Service Board will be allowed to investigate these "anomalies" in a fair and open manor. To dis-allow their investigation would be tantamount to an admission of guilt, and will not be tolerated!
In the jargon of the movie "Cool hand Luke, What we have here is a failure to communicate!" and if this curent board and mayor wish to stay in office, I would learn this valuable talent, and quick!
Tom Ford
TOm, why dont you run for alderman...oh wait you did, and you LOST. The people have spoken.
10:06 PM blogger: Boy, not much gets by you now does it? Yes I ran, and because I placed my name in nomination I have earned the right to comment!
The "people speak" every day, most here seem to think you should pay your dues before your allowed to spout off. I on the other hand welcome any and all remarks, no matter what side your on.
By the way, please explain to me like I am a three year old, just why you want to back a regime that is so very secretive? I don't understand how you, or anyone else can allow this to go on under your nose without recoiling in disgust!
For a suggestion on other ways to spend your time, please see the first post, 6:10 PM, September 04, 2008, or just continue to read and comment, I love to have you here!
Tom Ford
I will tell all of you this.If Tom Ford ran today for alderman or mayor, I would support him in anyway I could.
Made a mistake before-won't again.
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