The interest peaks in Crestwood on the eve of two possibly important meetings in Jeff. City!
The next two day's are the last scheduled meeting dates for the Ethics Commission prior to the November election! What, if anything will be forthcoming from these meetings? We have no idea!
We do know that if a decision is made at these meetings we will know in five days. We also know that if we are not mentioned at all, it most likely means that the commission is going to start the investigation very soon!
The ethics commission is very closed mouthed about their meetings, and we will have no response until the decision to dismiss, or go forward is made, and that is how it should be!
Why mention this "tiny" matter? Well we have a Civil Service Commission that is ready, willing, and able to investigate the Police raises, and in the opinion of quite a lot of us, should!
I have no idea why the City Attorney (Mr. Rob Golterman, of Lewis Rice) has seen fit to block this, nor can I understand why people who were appointed by the Mayor, and voted on by the BOA should not be allowed to move forward!
Your Honor and BOA members, you voted on that night in April, 2007 (read the BOA minutes,) and now the voted on ordinance seems to have "morphed" into something else entirely while in the file cabinet! WOW! IS NOT THE WORD FOR IT!
Boy's,if I were you, I would allow the CSB to move forward with their investigation. After all, there is nothing to hide, is there? Then upon completion Alderman Pickle perhaps we can indeed move forward!
UPDATE!!! Well it looks as though the Call has the measure of the mayor in their latest editorial! I have linked it to the "Header," (just click on it) and take a look into the "down home" style of "His Honor!"
I am old enough to remember President Richard Nixon, and his comment's, are you?
Tom Ford
NO. 534
We do know that if a decision is made at these meetings we will know in five days. We also know that if we are not mentioned at all, it most likely means that the commission is going to start the investigation very soon!
The ethics commission is very closed mouthed about their meetings, and we will have no response until the decision to dismiss, or go forward is made, and that is how it should be!
Why mention this "tiny" matter? Well we have a Civil Service Commission that is ready, willing, and able to investigate the Police raises, and in the opinion of quite a lot of us, should!
I have no idea why the City Attorney (Mr. Rob Golterman, of Lewis Rice) has seen fit to block this, nor can I understand why people who were appointed by the Mayor, and voted on by the BOA should not be allowed to move forward!
Your Honor and BOA members, you voted on that night in April, 2007 (read the BOA minutes,) and now the voted on ordinance seems to have "morphed" into something else entirely while in the file cabinet! WOW! IS NOT THE WORD FOR IT!
Boy's,if I were you, I would allow the CSB to move forward with their investigation. After all, there is nothing to hide, is there? Then upon completion Alderman Pickle perhaps we can indeed move forward!
UPDATE!!! Well it looks as though the Call has the measure of the mayor in their latest editorial! I have linked it to the "Header," (just click on it) and take a look into the "down home" style of "His Honor!"
I am old enough to remember President Richard Nixon, and his comment's, are you?
Tom Ford
NO. 534
Can't read the BOA meeting minutes from April 8 - they have not been on the web site for a while now. Wonder why? Hmmm
April 8th of what year?
Any year since Roy was mayor.
Why do you still link to that liberal nut Mike Heins' webpage and not link to the conservative South County Truth Spot?
How many times have you and your friends contacted someone in Jeff City or Jay Nixon's office or Elliot Davis...and nothing happened? ummmm....several times. They probably see the letters or emails are from Crestwood and into the trash can they go.
Tom, if something illegal was done regarding police raises, does the Civil Service Board carry the power to investigate that issue? Do the rules say that they have that specific authority?
I thought that they were suppose to be accountable as a board to act on grievances that employees file. When questions arise regarding the legality of an act, should that not come under the jurisdiction of the City Attorney?
Shouldn't investigations of any sort that need to be investigated have to come under the jurisdiction of the legal staff? I only say that because I never thought that the Civil Service Board had that much power. Do we have an ordinance specifically denoting what their powers are?
I am just asking because I don't know.
8:01 AM blogger: Good point, I will change it tonight!
8:10 AM blogger: I have only sent one thing to Jeff. City, and that was the ethics complaint! I guess you know that it's under investigation as I write this.
As far as anyone else sending things, your going to have to ask them.
12:59 PM Blogger: The Civil Service Board does not have the power to impose anything on anyone That said though they do have the power to interview the employees (as voted on by the BOA in April, 08) and report back to Jim Eckrich, City Administrator for his further action.
As far as having the City Attorney investigate this, I would think he would have to recuse himself under the conflict of interest statutes. If such an investigation is needed then it should be completed by a State authority.
And finally, yes we do have an ordinance covering this that was voted on in one form in April of this year. However interesting enough when Alderman Miguel checked the files a paragraph was modified to read other that what the Board voted on!
If you contact Alderman Miguel, he can show you both the original set (Martha Duchild also has it,) as well as the "modified" set.
I find it extremely interesting that the minutes of the April BOA meeting are not on the site though, don't you?
Tom Ford
What you are trying to get people to see is exactly what the Call's editorial and my letter to same was about in this weeks issue.
If there is nothing wrong, if no law was broken, if there is nothing to hide, then why all the secret behaviours?
While looking for the BOA meeting minutes from April 8, I noticed that there are no Civil Service Board (CSB) meeting minutes for any meeting held in 2008. Wonder what's behind this omission...
"completely open City"
Thanks for linking to the Truth Spot. We read it every day along with your blog!
10:35 PM blogger: Well it would seem that I caused it by typing in 08, in fact that vote was taken on April 10, 2007, my bad!
Ton Ford
Your blog is GREAT and very helpful for some of us to understand what the City is doing. I did support Roy in the begining, NOT NOW. The City needs to support our police rather then make issues that hurt everyone.
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