Saturday, September 06, 2008

Well folks, your not going to believe this one! The City has shot down it's own Civil Service Board!

Please click on the HEADER to be directed to the agenda for the BOA meeting on 9/9/08! I am appalled to read these memos from Jim Eckrige reference the Civil Service Board investigation into the salary increases, and promotions at the Police Department, as well as the use of employee time for the "committee for prop one!"

In a word, this is despicable! This City deserves much better than it is getting from it's elected officials! If this sort of subterfuge continue on the part of our elected Board and mayor, I will be the first to call for a complete investigation by the State and Federal officials!

Mr. Mayor, face facts, this is not what you called for in your election materials, nor is it what we wanted in a Mayor, and leader! Are you going to do the right thing, and allow the Civil Service Board to look into this, or will you "stonewall" their efforts to make Crestwood an "open and honest Government?"

Your Honor, the proverbial ball is in your court!

Tom Ford

NO. 545


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The answer to the question asked in your last paragraph is easy. NO is what Roy is telling you and all others who call out for him to keep the promises he made to get elected and then re-elected.
Roy has tested the winds in Crestwood and does not care or fear any action that might come about from it's citizens in response to his actions.
To be brutally frank, the ball is not in Roy's court, it is in ours.

8:45 AM, September 07, 2008  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

8:45 AM blogger: Indeed it is, now what do you propose to do with it?

Tom Ford

9:01 AM, September 07, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A agree the ball is in the court of the citizens. The citizens have the power if they chose to use it.

Citizens must first support and encourage the people who are attempting to hold the parties responsible by attending the board meeting(s) visibly and verbally demonstrating their desire to follow the rule of law. Call your alderman, send them an email, send a letter expressing your thoughts. The time is right for the citizens to take control. If the citizens don't take control now, more of the same will continue.

The consistent breaking of the rule of law during the past administrations has buried this community. NO MORE SWEEPING UNDER THE CARPET or WE MADE MISTAKES LETS JUST FORGET ABOUT IT THIS TIME reactions. I am tired of it and from it.

The mayor, BOA, and CA need to read the charter and understand their responsibilities. STEP UP BOA AND UPHOLD THE LAWS AS YOU ARE SWORN TO DO.

10:37 AM, September 07, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The CA is doing exactly what the Mayor told him to do because I fear an investigation would find a certain Dept. Head as the one responsible for several violations.

The CA, shows the citizens that Robinson really runs the City and he and his friends are not only incompetent, but both feel like they can do anything they want.

We need a "vote of no confidence" to get these people out.

If the City didn't want the Civil Service Board to investigate these matters, why have it in the procedures? I guess they should add...An investigation can take place as long as the Mayor and his friends say it can.

I am surprised that the new CA took this long to show the citizens what he is really like.

Anyone want to bet that the BOA agrees with the CA and Mayor?

Anyone have any doubts now who is responsible fo the mentioned Civil Service Rules violations?

Anyone want to bet that the Mayor shuts down Miguel and the citizens who want to speak at the BOA meeting to question this action?

These people think they have all the bases covered don't they? Wanna bet?

11:01 AM, September 07, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The first thing anyone who is really interested in stopping this destruction of our City, is read and understand our City's Charter.
I would recommend all of read ARTICLES III,IV,V, IX and X. Total pages to be read, less than 25 pages. By reading and understanding then you will gain the following:

1. an understand what lawbreaking has been going on at City Hall

2. be ahead of 80% of the Aldermen and 100% of Mayor in understanding the Charter

3. have a clear understanding of what powers the unelected people have in Crestwood

After doing this, then attend BOA meetings in MASS to overwhelm the mad gaveler from silencing the people.

Write letters to all local papers expressing your non political dismay of the actions at City Hall

Contact Mr. E. Davis of YOU PAID FOR IT asking him to look into the cover up at City Hall.

Start to use the powers given in ARTICLE IX and X.

11:58 AM, September 07, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know what the rules and laws say, but it seems to me that there is a massive cover-up going on here, and Roy is at the head of it.

He promotes an unqualified person to a position because they are friends, and that person has conducted himself in a manner that should cost him his job. Now the mayor is controlling the city administrator and using threats to silence anyone who will uncover the truth.

Let's hold the police chief accountable, conduct the investigation and let the chips fall where they need to. It's time for this mayor to step down also and quit ruining Crestwood with small town politics.

3:57 PM, September 07, 2008  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

3:57 PM blogger: very good post my friend, why indeed are these people allowed to run roughshod over ANY citizen who would speak at ANY meeting!

Add that to the fact that "no one" knows who was responsible for these "peccadillos," and we have all the trappings of a world class cover up!

The Civil Service Board does indeed have the authority to investigate (check the vote by the Alderman in April,)and now some on the Board seems to want to change the horse in mid stream!

Why? Because the City Attorney seems to look at it in a different light (the Board, and the Mayors,) so it must be stopped!

I don't know about all of you, but if I wanted to live this way I would move to Chicago!

I am asking all of you to please back the Civil Service Board in this most important issue, for I fear it is for the very soul of Crestwood!

Tom Ford

4:19 PM, September 07, 2008  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

I was speaking to a on duty Crestwood Police office today and found out that St. E's has hired a St. Louis County officer to work security for their up-coming beer fest!

As I have just received a packet that tells me they are "concerned," and back Crestwood 100%, I wonder why this "secondary" work was not offered to a Crestwood officer?

I guess that was out of the question, but why?

Tom Ford

4:34 PM, September 07, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The Civil Service Board does indeed have the authority to investigate (check the vote by the Alderman in April.)"

I just went to the City's website to check on the vote you mentioned and guess what? The minutes from the 1st meeting are "not available" at this time, but the minutes from 4/22 are not.
Wanta bet which minutes contain the vote you noted?
So much for using the minutes in my letter to my Aldermen.
Can anyone provide a copy of this vote or did I over look it in the meeting of 4/22


6:21 PM, September 07, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4:34 Tom, maybe because if the Crestwood police officer was asked to work security for St. E's, the aldermen who attend St. E's would be criticized for offering it to him. That officer would be chastised by you and your blog and accused of having close ties and "pull" with whoever that aldermen was. I would turn it down if I were a Crestwood cop.
Isn't that how it works Tom on your blog?

You are criticizing the church for not using a Crestwood officer, but had one been picked, that person would be linked to St. E's as being a friend, associate or whatever.

It's a wonder that anybody, other than your new found buddies, even want to say anything anymore on your blog because we are always "shot down".

Tom, let's face it, you don't want our input anymore, unless we are against every person up at city hall. You just as much as said so in many comments you have made for several weeks. Why should we bother? I know you don't care one way or the other if we do or don't. That's not the Tom I knew.

You use to be more diplomatic about what you would say; for or against anything. You used your diplimacy well as you should as being the coordinator of the blog.
But not anymore.

Therefore, I think that most of us who want to throw a different slant on something are scared of even trying to say anything.

We all get cut off at the knees. Too bad you don't see it because right now everybody is stroking your ego about how wonderful you are. All the same people who a few years ago chastised you for this very blog.

I still like you very much Tom, and I think you are a great guy; however, I think you should say your piece about how you feel without causing so much more discension, more than we already have.

People who read such stuff about the mayor, city administrator, police chief, fire chief and even employees if need be, don't mince words and are so unkind that if we don't watch out, we are stooping to that level ourselves.

That's when things get ugly and that's when I feel the best thing to do is back off of your blog. I don't want to, but your bloggers really don't have any use for me or my opinions and they have said so in very undesirable terms.


6:47 PM, September 07, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe the county cop hired by st. e's is a parishoner there... just a though.

7:21 PM, September 07, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

6:47 so you are ok with Roygate?

7:56 PM, September 07, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The County Officer attends the church Tom, it's not a big deal.
A Crestwood Officer

8:59 PM, September 07, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is another problem wiht this blog...Tom raises up an issue like it is some big conspiracy and then it turns out not to be. But the damage is done, it was written and posted on blog and then commented on and then passed around town. Sad.

10:04 PM, September 07, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:04 I agree 100%. That's exactly what happens. But everybody is so busy bashing the mayor and his administration for everything that nobody else can say anything. I am glad to see there is at least one person who feels as I do.

10:46 PM, September 07, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Bloggers:

Soon it will be another anniversary of 9/11. I would just like to make a suggestion if you would allow me.

I respectfully request that everyone on this blog just set aside their differences in memory of the lives that were lost on 9/11, maybe for just that one day? Possibly for no other reason than to realize that we have much bigger issues to worry about than being a divided community.

Terrorism is alive and well and living in the United States. If we cannot put our differences aside and work together in this little city, how can we come together as a Country? If we allow ourselves to become so divided amongst our lttle population, Crestwood will continue having internal and external strife. We can never get problems resolved when all we read are comments that destroy and negate people against one another.

Why can't we use this blog as a means to accomplish a higher goal?

Without being critical, do you think we can?

Sandy Grave

11:03 PM, September 07, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

100% of the people in Crestwood want their city officals to obey the law. That's pretty much everybody coming together.

7:39 AM, September 08, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7:39 am

If you say so.

10:38 AM, September 08, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7:39, right you are.

11:18 AM, September 08, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about getting the citizens together to organize, petition, to show up at the BOA meeting in mass with the news media present, to hold our alderman and administration accountable.

We all need to organize to stop them.

Perhaps we can ask the City to send a reverse 911 to the citizens telling them when and where this "Town Hall Meeting" will be held. The Mayor and City Manager was quoted in print that it's common practice and all we have to do is ask.

3:26 PM, September 08, 2008  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

3:26 PM blogger: We do have at lease two Alderman who believe, as we do that the rule of law must be followed at all times!

Now we could say that to the remaining Board and the Mayor, but they will tell us that "it has all be reviewed by the City Attorney," and he said it is OK! (That's what he does, facilitate the anointed ones.)

Remember that we have the power to change at least six seats next April, and we can start a petition to change the Mayor in short order.

This is something that I would never have believed could have ever happened in Crestwood, but is has!

At what point did our elected officials decide that we, the people were no longer important? When did they decide that not being forthcoming was a good idea? And, at what point did they decide that a blanket of secrecy should be thrown over OUR CITY HALL?

Every elected official I can remember (who was removed from office,) has been removed due to cover up, and not (with some exceptions, ) because of what they did! I guess that is lost on the Mayor, and the City Attorney in whom he trusts!

Well, when you all have had enough, and when you no longer feel "good" telling people you live in Crestwood, Say so, and we will move forward with the petition!

Tom Ford

5:42 PM, September 08, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've had enough. I want Eliot Davis investigating this cover up. I want the State Ethics Committee Investigation to hit the papers when it's released. The Police Chief needs to be investigated and replaced with someone who isn't Roy's buddy. Roy needs to be out of office - yesterday. Every alderman who is blindly following Roy needs to step down and let someone replace them who wants to see Crestwood rise from this mess.

We need someone to step in and clean house at City Hall.

9:54 AM, September 09, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The aldermen are all big boys now and follow their conscience not the mayor. They can make up there own minds to what is right and what is wrong and do what is best for the city and not politics much like you do.

Get your baseball bats out and storm city hall and kill everyone in it, just like they did when barbarians ruled the earth. Maybe you should go where Osama Bin Laden holds court; that would be my best guess.

All you are doing on this blog is trying to anger people so they will participate in this pitiful blog which is nothing more than a bunch of political bodies who want nothing more than to get back at this administration and "hang" the mayor. When bloggers comments are not forthcoming, you put something on the blog to get people upset. Sorry but it doesn't work.

I can't wait to see what the ethics committee report is and I cannot wait until issues are resolved. I can't wait to see egg all over your faces.

One thing I know is that when the reports are made, if they do not co-incide with your ideas, you will again want everybody's head on a platter especially those officials appointed by the mayor.
You will accuse them also.
For instance, it's only a matter of time when Eckrige and Kestler get their fair share of hits. And it is coming soon. Anyone appointed by the mayor has a red tag on their heads and will soon be shot at sunrise. Persecution is not dead; not in this town.

You keep saying to call Elliot Davis. Have at it and stop just talking about it. I can't wait.

You are so blind-sided and so full of hate and disgust that you breed it in others.

10:52 AM, September 09, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Good to see you again, Carol. I could recognize your drivel anywhere.

11:49 AM, September 09, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poster 10:52.....Tell us, what would your position be regarding the posts slamming the Mayor's and C/A's recent actions if they were Tom Fagan or Jim Robertson with Don Greer as the City administrator?

1:13 PM, September 09, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was it Carol or Sandy???

1:30 PM, September 09, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If things were left up to just Tom Fagan and not his city administrator at that time, I would be fine with any decision he had to make. And I feel he would try to base things on the best of the City.

Unfortunately, he as well as Robertson put all their faith and trust into Greer.
There in lies the problem. Don Greer did the devil's work and did it so well, he used his desire for power to fool us all.

Also, leave Carol Wagner out of your decension. You got your wish, the tax failed. She is entitled to her own opinion even if it is different than yours.

You and others like you are just a bunch of children that never learned how to be professional and honest. Take your hatred somewhere else.

I don't make decisions based on politics like you do.

1:31 PM, September 09, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

'The aldermen are all big boys now and follow their conscience not the mayor. They can make up there own minds to what is right and what is wrong and do what is best for the city and not politics much like you do.'

Really? Is that what you see up at city hall?

1:32 PM, September 09, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

'You are so blind-sided and so full of hate and disgust that you breed it in others.'

And here we go again talking about Greer again! You do know he is dead, don't you?

1:34 PM, September 09, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1:31 PM, September 09, 2008

Please, please, oh please, take your own advice 'Take your hatred somewhere else.'

1:36 PM, September 09, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1:31 PM

I just hope Don Greer's family does not read this blog. Drivel like the 1:31 post is utterly shameless. You should hang your head in utter shame.

1:41 PM, September 09, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1:41 As you also should hang your's. A blogger asked me a question, I answered it and now you want to make a federal case out of it. That's what you do best.

1:48 PM, September 09, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Federal case?

No, just basic decency.

Please follow your own advice and take your hatred somewhere else - far, far away.

1:55 PM, September 09, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You should all remember...Mr. Robinson got elected because he himself slammed City Hall and the then, City Administrator/Police Chief. If I remember correctly, he helped lead the audit, which revealed nothing, and ran on government transparency and his "plan", which he never revealed.

So he hires a new administrator, that never last more than 2 yrs at any previous job, who then leaves as soon as he can, and now...out of all the advertising for a new Admistrator, hires the current Public Works Director with no experience to lead our City in these difficult times.

I'm sorry, but all of these things just don't add up nor makes any sense.

I am not a Mayor hater nor Greer hater.

It's not about who's side your on, it's about what's the right thing to do and this current set up just isn't working.

3:09 PM, September 09, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom Ford--Lord of the Flies?

4:29 PM, September 09, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poster 1:31, I don't want to put words in your mouth but I do want to understand what you are saying.
I understand you to say if the current concerns about the Police Pay raises and Prop One misuse of tax paid for resources was done by former Mayors Fagan or Robertson you would not like them slammed as Roy currently is on this blog, UNLESS their C/A was Don Greer. Then you would want the investigations and the Charter and Laws followed and would agree with the current posts about Roy being made about them. Is that correct?

5:06 PM, September 09, 2008  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

4:29 PM blogger: Again, too cute by a half! Is that the best you can do with your shaped head?


Just think, complete freedom to post here for another year, why this could cost you a fortune in "Rolaids" before it's over!

In case this becomes too much for you, I have a Walgreen's blood pressure kit I will loan out to you, as we wouldn't want to loose the benefit your wisdom!

Tom Ford

5:13 PM, September 09, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:06 No you don't want to understand what I am saying, you just want to cross examine me.

Well, you don't answer to me so I don't answer to you. If I answered your question, you and I both know, it won't satisfy you anyhow.

3:09 It is definitely which side you are on in your way of thinking and quit denying it. This holier than thou attitude about the Charter, et al is nothing more than a smoke screen Mr. TT. You are out for blood period.

Just wait until tomorrow after the meeting tonight. You will want the police and fire chiefs dismissed, and shame on the new CA, he is no good and has already had one person on this blog say so.

Funny how Tom Ford never attends any meetings, no police board meetings either, no Fire Board meetings, but knows Oh so much about everything. He knows nothing. He thinks all these people who now praise him, and have all this new found loyality for him is because he is so self-righteous. A year ago, they blasted him on this very blog for everything.

Tom knows exactly why he has done a 360 degree turn and is against the police department. And his so called pal, TT, is right up there next to him loving every minute of it. Mr. T can spin a yarn better than most especially when living off of the fuel of hatred toward the mayor.

TT will scalp the first person who has any regard for this mayor and his administration. And Tom has fallen right into his trap. Tom is angry now and it's all about vengeance in the police department and we all know why. He will never tell you why but he is getting back at the police department his own way. After all, there is more than one way to skin a cat. And by this blog is how he will handle it blow after blow after blow.

This is not at all about helping Crestwood; this is all about how to tear it down.

5:34 PM, September 09, 2008  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

5:43 PM blogger: Your comments are, what they are!

Do you wish to live in a community that will not follow the "rule of law?" Forget where Tom goes, and ask yourself just how you can explain away the actions of the City fathers after tonight?

If you can explain to your family just why it's OK to cover up wrong doing at City Hall, please do, because I cannot, nor will I ever be able to!

For all I care you can spend the rest of your day's low rating Tom Ford, but you will NEVER be able to explain why you backed a Government that has flaunted this type of behaviour to anyone I know!

Mr. Tim Trueblood has been verified by several people on this blog (including me,) but he still remains true to his belief's, and he tells the truth when others will not!

Am I on his side in this curent (call it what you will,) You bet I am!

Tom Ford

6:26 PM, September 09, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I don't want to understand you"? Why how introverted and sad for you to think people don't want to understand you.
Is this what your are saying Poster 5:06?
Oh yes and on the subject of hatred, have you ever checked your hate level for the late Mr. Greer?

In parting:
Why do you post here if you are so abused by those who ask you questions. In the exchange of ideas it seems you fall far short of being able to hold your own.
Do you feel you are above answering questions or do you fear by answering a question your total belief system will be shaken with the answer?

You should take some time and look into why you react the way you do, it might be helpful in your understand of your total inner being.

Dr. Phil

6:36 PM, September 09, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are probably about 10-15 people who post all the kooky anti-city hall rhetoric on this blog (to paraphrase Hillary Clinton "I was for City hall before I was against it" These are the hateful, angry nasty Crestwoodians that think they are some twisted moral high road. The rest of us are sort of curious about this blog and shake our heads at how outraged everyone seems to be about so many things. People cant smell their own dirt. You are so busy being outraged, you miss out on the fact that you are defaming people right and left in the name of what is "right and wrong" I'll take a few mistakes and left turns at City Hall anyday instead of completely assaulting people's character. Which is a daily occurence on Tom's $40 a year blog. Whoop de do. Watch out Rush Limbaugh...

7:31 PM, September 09, 2008  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:31 Blogger: well, wrong as usual! This blog costs $140.00 per year, and if it irritates you, it's worth every penny!

Tom Ford

7:56 PM, September 09, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

6:36 I have answered questions until I am blue in the face on this blog, and it never did any good before. Now I am suppose to think that you care and want to understand me.

All I had to read was your curt comment regarding Greer in your comment, and I already know how you feel about me so what's to undertand.
Also, what do you know about my total inner being pray tell? What about yours? I know one thing, I don't judge people by what others tell me.

8:22 PM, September 09, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom, shame on you; you should be at the board of aldermen meeting right now, unless you got somebody else to do your talking for you again.

8:24 PM, September 09, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:24 how come you were not at the meeting? the meeting just let out

8:58 PM, September 09, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't need to go; I read the blog!!!!!! Who needs the truth!

9:37 PM, September 09, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The mayor's follower(s) strike back at the blog that in the past focused all the attention on errors of past administrations, allowing current administration to become corrupt.

Now that this blog is looking with the same blind eyes of justice at the current administration, it is in the Mayor's supporters view a problem for Crestwood.

Just like poster 5:06/8:22 proves in their inability to answer honest questions, they can only see corruption in Greer's actions, but not in Roy's.

Dr. Phil

7:36 AM, September 10, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7:36 We sure do. And what are you going to do about it?

9:28 AM, September 10, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. T couldn't make his blog work so he hitches a ride on Tom's. The very person he voted against as being alderman. Wow! That is what you call a flip flop man.

9:34 AM, September 10, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes indeed. Trueblood is all over Roy's case. When he was a wired crazy alderman on the podium he sure was professional wasn't he. Like storming off of the podium, when he didn't get his way or was angry which was most of the time. Sure sounds like someone we should give plaudits to now.

He would have never voted for Tom as alderman; but now he needs Tom so once again, he is "using" Tom to get people to be against Roy. Oh Yeah, the very person he despised in the worst possible terms. He couldn't make a go of his own blog. Wonder why.

Then he pulls that "what's right is right" deal on issues when all he wants to do is get back at the mayor and use anyone affiliated with the mayor to throw in the fire.

Then he says "if it walks like a duck" etc. Well as far as I'm concerned, I use that same wording and apply it to him. That to me is what I base my opinion taken strictly from his own words.

9:48 AM, September 10, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:28 what ever it takes

10:56 AM, September 10, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a bunch of BS. Try to stay focused on the issue which is the Mayor and the current board. No one give a crap about what you think of Tom or Tim or anyone else for that matter.

If you have nothing intelligent to say, step away from the keyboard.

10:57 AM, September 10, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It sure is about the mayor and nothing more. It sure is about bashing the mayor and nothing more. It sure is about the mayor and your lust to disintegrate him. It sure is about the mayor so let's not put anything else on this blog other than the mayor. That will get Crestwood back.

You, are the one that should step away from the keyboard. Sounds like you become a big cry baby when anything other than "the mayor" is put on the blog. You, better check your own intelligence cause you have a one track mind - the mayor.

11:08 AM, September 10, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It sure is about the mayor. He represented himself as an agent for change, transparency, truth, justice, and the american way. He has turned out to be a dozen times worse than what he said was wrong with city hall. He's promoting corruption, impeding investigations, putting his friends in positions of power, abusing our tax dollars, and embarassing Crestwoodians with his inane tirades at city hall. It is about Roy, so if you don't like it, don't read it, but he brought it on himself.

12:26 PM, September 10, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is hysterical--read Tom Ford's very own post from November 8, 2006. Talk about flip flop:

It seems that our old friend Mike Anthony is back in the editorial chair this week again, and is blasting Mayor Robinson for Leadership? I find this interesting as Mr. Anthony has always had his opinions on what to do in Crestwood, unfortunately, he never has any solutions!

He is waxing eloquently once again on the debt issue, and this time he has help from Mr. Trueblood who has also written a letter to the editor about the same thing. Now I don't have any problem with Mr. Trueblood stating his beliefs,as he has paid his dues over the years, and deserves the right to be heard. Mr. Trueblood and I have disagreed on many things, and agreed on others, but I have always respected him for speaking his mind and sticking by what he said!

Mr. Anthony on the other hand attempts to give the reader the impression that he, and only he knows what's best for Crestwood, not the people in the trenches every day at City hall, but the vaunted editor twice removed from the battle!

Mayor Robinson, like him or not, has worked very hard to bring us back from the brink, and he continues to put forth ideas for future success. That my friends is leadership. Leadership is moving forward making the tough decisions, and not worrying about whether your going to be invited for Christmas dinner by this or that group! By comparison, it seems to me that Mr. Anthony comes up short. In fact my friends in Texas have a saying "all hat and no cows!" Seems right to me!

By the way, click on the header for the stories!

Tom Ford

"is blasting Mayor Robinson for Leadership? I find this interesting as Mr. Anthony has always had his opinions on what to do in Crestwood, unfortunately, he never has any solutions!"

Gosh, that sounds like Tom Ford to me...doesnt it? I am confused.

12:49 PM, September 10, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12:26 No! You and yours brought this on the Mayor. The mayor didn't bring anything on himself.

You are the one who pours out hatred and you are transparent. Nobody buys into your theory of truth, justice and the American way. That's your subtrifuge. There is no Superman so put your cape away you and stop acting high and mighty. You are not the "caped crusader".

You represent a few people who do nothing on this blog except rip the mayor apart. That is all you do.
That is your total objective. You give yourself away, because you beat the mayor to death in every breath you take. That's not normal behavior and a little sick.

If you thought seriously about your city, you would use resourcefulness and walk up to city hall and have a meeting with the mayor. He has an open door policy and he also has telephone numbers you can call. But you are too busy having fun putting him down on this blog to do that.

You would rather get information third hand because it co-incides with your hatred. That's all this blog has become thanks to you and yours. Nothing productive is getting done; just a bunch of negatives by fewer than five people who want to crucify this administration.

You think you are showing us by your blog comments that there are hundreds upon hundreds on this blog. There isn't. All it really is, are a few people who will never get used to the fact that this mayor was not their candidate for the office. Pure and simple.
And they have nothing in their lives that keep them going because they are obcessed. So they keep blogging and blogging the same sloppy, predictable hatred over and over again.

TT is at the top of the list, you can bet on that. True to his nature, he is out for scalps but not just the mayors to everyone at city hall who is connected to him in any way.

He uses Tom's blog and Tom is so angry because of what happened in the police department to his son, that he has joined in this resentful campaign.

Too bad, so sad.
And if you don't like my comment. Just go to a different comment. I can say as I feel unless Mr. Ford decides to throw me off of his blog. Why don't you ask him; maybe he will comply.

2:15 PM, September 10, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12:49 Good comment.

See Tom I told you, that you flip flopped. Boy when your son didn't get what you wanted him to get in the Police Department, that's when you turned on the mayor. Ha. So much for your integrity. You deserve to get blasted by the previous comment.

If I were you, I would stay with your new found friends and Mr. TT who also hate the mayor. And when they turn on you, sooner or later, don't come crying about it to your real friends who feel you have turned your back on them.

TT wants everyone's head cut off at city hall, secretary, janitor, maintenance man, the new CA, fire chief, police chief and anyone connected with Roy. Thought you were different, but you are not.

2:21 PM, September 10, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2:21 My sentiments exactly. Great. It's about time someone says something else. Tired of the same old bloggers talking about the mayor. Was almost going to stop reading the blog. No one could think up that much stuff on one person. It gets kind of stupid after awhile.

2:25 PM, September 10, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You mean Trueblood? Is he still yelling like a wild turkey about things? He was so full of yesterday. Can't imagine he is still holding grudges.

Can't hardly contain myself from laughing. He has no room to talk.

2:26 PM, September 10, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"You and yours brought this on the Mayor. The mayor didn't bring anything on himself"

You need to wake up. I guess people live their lives differently than I do. I would not treat my family, friends or people I just met on the street the way the mayor talks to the BOA and citizens.

And talk about the Roberts Rule of Order....supposed to be an ordinance that is to be followed, except if you are the mayor. It is quite embarrassing. Ya wonder why people on this blog don't go to meetings to voice their opinion????????

2:40 PM, September 10, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2:40 Is that what you do; go to board meetings and voice your opinions. Probably not. You seem to do all your work on this blog.

Board meeting last night probably didn't go your way either. Maybe you felt people should have been there. Glad to hear that the board made up their minds on the pay raises and the newsletter issue. Like I said, it was all a bunch of baloney in the first place. Guess that took some of the wind out of you bloggers sails.

Glad to see there are a few people on the board who feel those issues are just politics and a waste of time.

Better watch out what you say about city employees. There are lawyers that will take you on if you want to jeopardize someone's name. And rightly so. Better think twice before you condemn anyone publicly. That's why closed door sessions are "closed". To protect employees from people like you.

3:22 PM, September 10, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For you that are against the current mayor, where were you when it was time to file to run against him? It seems to me he ran unopposed! Who can you blame for that?

3:24 PM, September 10, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't wait for the Ethics Committee to come back with their report. Can't wait to see TT's face with egg all over it. Can't wait to see Tom Ford's either.

Just wasting everybody's time talking about the same thing, the mayor.

It gets boring and tiring.

This blog may as well be the Call Newspaper. It does the same thing. I remember when Tom Ford couldn't stand Mr. Anthony. Now he worships him. Funny it's OK to change his mind and jump ship, but it's not OK for the mayor to change his mind. Then the bloggers make a big deal out of it.
Heck, they make a big deal out of when he goes to his farm; as if that too is out of the question.

I also heard about the big cover up that took place when TT was an aldermen. Let the tipsy mayor get by with a no no. Hm. There goes his objective to be open and above board about things doesn't it.

3:29 PM, September 10, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

blah blah blah. Same old come backs. It does not change the facts about your boy roy. come to think of it, I did enjoy the 60's

3:34 PM, September 10, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just read the blog.

Well Mr. Trueblood, I just found out that you were one of the people who wanted to deny me my resolution back several years ago.

Thanks friend. I should have known as close as you were to the CA at that time, you would never want me to get a resolution from the City. I guess you felt I didn't deserve it. It hurts me because I stupidly thought that you and others on the board of aldermen knowing me for as long as you did, would at least do that much for me.

I was on a real "high" working for and with you and other members of the board of aldermen. I loved talking to you and speaking with you. It was one of the best parts of my job. In my wildest dreams, I would have never thought you could do such a thing. Guess I was wrong again about you and other things too. I always stick my chin out and make it so easy for people to use me at the butt of their jokes and here I go again. So here I am at your service. Just thought you might want to answer me.

Mia Culpa!

Sandy Grave

3:59 PM, September 10, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh it's the "blah, blah" man again. Let's see, the 60's? Come again?

4:03 PM, September 10, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

With all due respect, why do you automatically think this is true? You need to speak to TT in person. This blog is certainly not the place to seek the truth on all thinks Crestwood.

4:05 PM, September 10, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3:22 PM, September 10, 2008
"Better watch out what you say about city employees. There are lawyers that will take you on if you want to jeopardize someone's name. And rightly so. Better think twice before you condemn anyone publicly."

And just what did the comment at 2:40 have to do with your statement??????? Seems you have a problem.

4:17 PM, September 10, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


What the heck are you talking about now? What vote did I cast that prevented you from getting your resolution several years ago?
Back up your claim with some facts, you are starting to sound like the Mayor did last night in his argument with Alderman Nieder at the Board meeting.

Poster 3:29 Dear chicken,gutless, yellow belly, hide behind the skirts of anonymity, what ""no-no" did I or for that matter any other Alderman in office allow a mayor to get by with? If you can put your name, old toothless wonder, to your claim and evidence I am sure it will be interesting reading. I bet a lot of people would like to read it.


4:20 PM, September 10, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3:22 PM, September 10, 2008

"Glad to hear that the board made up their minds on the pay raises and the newsletter issue. Like I said, it was all a bunch of baloney in the first place. Guess that took some of the wind out of you bloggers sails."

Not really. Just because they are willing to turn a blind eye, doesn't make it right.

They do have more important work to do but to just write off the violations is just amazing.

4:22 PM, September 10, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4:17 I have no problem. I eat roughage. If you tried it, you wouldn't be belly aching so much.

4:23 PM, September 10, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"TT is at the top of the list, you can bet on that. True to his nature, he is out for scalps.."

2:25... kind of a stereotypical racist comment you are making there my man, but then when you are anonymous, you can be the brave-heart of Crestwood.

1st of all scalping was introduced to the natives of North American by the European invaders.

2nd, Trueblood is an English name, which is where all of the Truebloods in North America came from in 1660's. England, in case you don't know where English is spoken.

4:32 PM, September 10, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4:20 Tim, I have no 8 x 10 glossy and no tape recorder to verify this. But are you telling me that what I heard is not true? If I didn't want to give you the benefit of the doubt, I would not have requested an answer.

As you should know, it is hard to know what to believe anymore. All I know is that several aldermen back in 2003 and 2004 after my ordeal, refused to speak with me like I was the enemy, hung up on me when all I wanted was to hear a friendly voice, and one even ran out of Schnucks so fast he left his coat. I never heard anything from anyone on the board of aldermen including you.

I was considered taboo by people on the board, and so I have to think there is some validity in what I heard about my resolution and you. All I ask of you is an honest answer. I deserved that resolution and I know that it would have had to be approved by the mayor and board.

If you would rather I call you, I will do that; but I really want to know and understand why I have been ignored by the very people I thought so much of and knew more years than the past CA did.

I am humiliated by the fact that even Pat Duwe, shuns me at Johnny's Market and hung up on me when I called her at home.
Never in my whole life will I ever feel such rejection as I have felt about this, and I carry it with me to this day. A little compassion would have healed lots of wounds. This issue should have nothing to do with the law, it has everything to do with humanity.

I just want to know what happened.


Sandy Grave

4:45 PM, September 10, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4:32 Big deal so you are a scholar; but it doesn't mean you are a gentleman.

Who cares what you think? Thanks for the lesson in history though. To bad you still didn't change my mind.

4:48 PM, September 10, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the best of my memory, the Board and what ever Mayor was in office at the time never mentioned to me any thing about a resolution for you. Also, to be honest, I can not recall a resolution ever that a member of the BOA "sponsored" for anyone. Example, when the lady retired from the Sappington House, the BOA was asked to approve the resolution, but it was not the BOA who asked for it or even thought about it. I believe that is because the BOA as a rule does not want to interfere with the daily management of the employees of the City which is up to the Dept Heads and the C/A.
If you still have not gotten your resolution, I would encourage you contact the current C/A and ask if he would recommend to the BOA that one be passed. Just a thought.


5:31 PM, September 10, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I thought you got a resolution? I know Tom Ford asked the mayor and members of the board to get you one. Was that late 2005-2006?

I'm sorry that some board members have been cold to you. However, in my conversations with Tim and his entries on this blog, I cannot recall him saying anything negative or derogatory about you. From my recollection, he has always been positive.

What Tom and Tim are concerned about are things happening at city hall - even the boa admits mistakes were made. Roy tries to be a bully on that dias. I supported him, I voted for him, but Roy's behavior as of late is astonishing. He does not hide his disrespect for certain aldermen.

5:55 PM, September 10, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:31 Thanks Tim. I did finally get my resolution but it wasn't until Frank Myers was CA.

You know, Tim, people get upset with me because I had so much disdain for Greer. Anytime I bring him up, they just stomp me into the ground on this blog then and now.

But I knew as long as he was CA he would never allow me to get that resolution. That was how his mind worked.

How do you think I felt when he barred me from entering city hall once I got sick and resigned and filed my lawsuit. He told he "I will have you thrown out by the police if you set foot in this building". He told the girl at the Kiosk to call him if I walked into city hall because I was not wanted up there. I needed a new city sticker and dog tag and was scared to death to go up there without someone with me. That's not right Tim.

The man was very cruel to me for no reason. I did what I had to do. Gary Vincent, my neighbor agreed. I had to get my own lawyer. You may have thought he was great, but after what occurred at city hall, he pushed me out of the city like I was a criminal and told the board members, that when I filed a lawsuit against the city, I filed it against them, which is poppycock.

I am surprised if he never told you that or made me look like a criminal instead of a victim in your eyes because as far as Dr. LaBore and Pat Duwe were concerned I was "condemned", untouchable and to be shunned. Most of you were scared to death to even be civil to me when you saw me. I was surprised that they approved me as a member of the Animal Control Board especially Jerry Miquel because he is so critical of everyone. Don Greer made sure that everyone knew that "I", "ME" was a traitor. Not True.

I have, til this day, never heard one kind word from any of you including Tom Fagan which really hurts me. I only voted against Tom when he let Greer hold down two important positions in the city because he gave too much power to one person and I felt it was wrong.

Thanks for getting back to me. I appreciate it very much. As far as I know, any of the board members who felt he was the greatest CA police chief in Crestwood, need not ever speak to me because as long as they praise him, they condemn me.

Tim, I don't know if I can ever get over this because I have tried, prayed, and have done everything I can, to make this hurt go away. I spent over 30 years of my life in my job. It's hard to see that not one person, not even you, has yet to give me one ounce of humanity at all.

Now, let all your bloggers do what you do best, and once again call me whatever they desire and they will. So have at it everyone. Take your best shot. My cards on on the table. If you dispise me, it isn't from a lack of not telling you what I feel, is it.

Sandy Grave

6:11 PM, September 10, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4:48 Can't change what you don't have.

6:20 PM, September 10, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:55 I appreciate your kind words toward me. That is all I ever wanted from anyone. Whoever you are, you at least know how to be nice.

As far as what this mayor does, my character should not be based on him or interfere in your feelings for me. It should not become an issue as to how you judge my integrity and honesty.

Everybody doesn't have to agree with each other; but if you have known someone for as many years as I have known mayors and board members, there should be nothing political to prevent them from being kind to me. I am not an animal and should not be shunned in public like I smell like an animal.

I got nothing from Robertson/Greer except a lot of heartache. So pardon me if I don't give a tinker's darn for either of them whether dead or alive.

I had to wait for my resolution. Had it been a Greer person, paramore or fiancee or secretary, she would have received her resolution the day after she resigned.

Thanks for your consideration.

Sandy Grave

6:24 PM, September 10, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

6:20 Yeah in your case, sense enough to shut up.

6:25 PM, September 10, 2008  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Sandy, does it really matter any more what transpired in the past? The past, is just that, PAST! Can we leave it die a natural death?

My Lord, this "return to yesteryear," is doing none of us any good, not you, not me, and not the readers!

At some point in life we must let go of the transgressions vested upon us by our fellow man, and move on to bigger and better things, else we loose our perspective on what is really important!

I for one could not be more ashamed of what happened to you in the past, but, that's just it, "the past!"

You have said that I have changed, and yes, I have. I changed when I saw the things being done to MY CITY that I felt were not right!

I ask you to please think about "changing" your perspective as well.

Tom Ford

8:42 PM, September 10, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

6:25 So when will you exhibit your"sense and shut up?

9:45 PM, September 10, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:45 When Hell freezes over.

10:58 PM, September 10, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Tom,

Sorry that I bothered you.

It's hard to let go of those persons you have held in high esteem. I was trying to answer Tim's question to me.

I used to call him (Timmy) HA. We would laugh about it. I loved talking to him on the phone. He was a blast to talk with.

I miss him and other smiling faces that were kind to me. I have never heard from any of them since I have been gone. They leave me with no other choice but to feel I have been diminished in their eyes.

Tim and Tom Fagan and Pat Duwe were three of my favorites. I miss the fun, the comoradory and the friendship. I would always ask Fagan when he was going to settle down. I kept telling him it was time for him to find a wife and have children. I guess he listened to me but I have never heard one word from him.

One can only conclude that I failed all the people who I once enjoyed working for and with.

I too love Crestwood. I too want the best for Crestwood. I hope we make it in Crestwood and I hope we come together and no longer stay divided.

I worry and get frustrated over Crestwood just as a mother protecting a child.
I hate the anger, the frustration, the misunderstandings and how politics separates people.

Sorry, Tom. I lost the most fun job anybody could ever have. I miss my Crestwood residents that called me when they couldn't get anyone else to listen. I miss the department heads and the people I worked with. I feel robbed.

We have so much to be proud of in Crestwood. I wouldn't trade our Crestwood residents for any other city's. We have good people here and I want it to stay that way.

Don't be angry and I promise to leave it all alone. I know people are sick of me. Oh well, at least I have mostly good memories.

Sandy Grave

11:26 PM, September 10, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


You say you will never forget where you were when
you heard the news On September 11, 2001.
Neither will I.

I was on the 110th floor in a smoke filled room
with a man who called his wife to say 'Good-Bye.' I
held his fingers steady as he dialed. I gave him the
peace to say, 'Honey, I am not going to make it, but it
is OK..I am ready to go.'

I was with his wife when he called as she fed
breakfast to their children. I held her up as she
tried to understand his words and as she realized
he wasn't coming home that night.

I was in the stairwell of the 23rd floor when a
woman cried out to Me for help. 'I have been
knocking on the door of your heart for 50 years!' I said.
'Of course I will show you the way home - only
believe in Me now.'

I was at the base of the building with the Priest
ministering to the injured and devastated souls.
I took him home to tend to his Flock in Heaven. He
heard my voice and answered.

I was on all four of those planes, in every seat,
with every prayer. I was with the crew as they
were overtaken. I was in the very hearts of the
believers there, comforting and assuring them that their
faith has saved them...

I was in Texas , Virginia , California , Michigan , Afghanistan .
I was standing next to you when you heard the terrible news.
Did you sense Me?

I want you to know that I saw every face. I knew
every name - though not all know Me. Some met Me
for the first time on the 86th floor.

Some sought Me with their last breath.
Some couldn't hear Me calling to them through the
smoke and flames; 'Come to Me... this way... take
my hand.' Some chose, for the final time, to ignore Me.
But, I was there.

I did not place you in the Tower that day. You
may not know why, but I do. However, if you were
there in that explosive moment in time, would you have
reached for Me?

Sept. 11, 2001, was not the end of the journey
for you. But someday your journey will end. And I
will be there for you as well. Seek Me now while I may
be found. Then, at any moment, you know you are
'ready to go.'

I will be in the stairwell of your final moments.


11:09 AM, September 11, 2008  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

11:09 AM blogger: Here, here! Very well said, and something we should keep with ourselves forever!

Tom Ford

4:56 PM, September 11, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reading through this blog, it is apparent the former city employee and former city alderman discussed by each other here have enough spare time and probably talent to more wisely contribute positively to the city. Both have served in different capacities and it is surely time to move on. They see what we all see and often lament.

But this city and many of its critics for whatever reason seems to marianate in its own murky juices. Maybe some voters are not scrutinizing, pre-voting day, our candidate passouts, backgrounds, supporters, voting patterns,special interests and reputations well enough to prevent the sometime trainwreck and headlines we call municipal government. The brou-ha-ha mentioned as politics penetrate our city boards and personnel and attorneys. Do you think voters have forgotten to raise the bar on expectations? Or do you think voters, used to status quo, are just "too busy" to concern themselves or just have so much discretionary money that being "too busy" is the same as "not to worry." In the meantime, the old tax increase issue continues to resurface in hopes "too busy" overides "listen up." Our city has had tax increase activity again and again. Not all of them failed. Apparently a multitude of hands in our pockets; gas and food and education price increases and less than impressive budget cuts at city hall, and our portfolio prospectus pressed the NO button. (Oh well, we don't give out BMW's anymore) Plus more taxes on the horizon: (school, utility, county, real estate, etc.) Maybe "too busy" is going to need a new tab in their planners to watchdog their best interests, along with their 401K's and IRA's and college or retirement funds. Maybe "too busy" is going to need to continue to pencil in time to listen up to the city vibes and purchases and hirings and firings and equipment and services and expenditures and all the politics surrounding same. And "too busy" may want to put some heat on city hall and its interpretation of ethics, the Sunshine Law, Board Appointments, salaries and perks of employees and officials. Actually, the "Too Busy" of late may have been paying more attention than assumed, but then the voter turnout was low. When, society in general is tightening its belt, it stands to reason government is expected to do the same. Crestwood is no exception. If you want a productive Mall redevelopment, then best you keep both eyes and ears open and make sure your/our best interests are protected and any financial insurance is assumed by the developer. And, while at it, involve yourself to the point that you make sure your city officials are not only on the ball ethically and financially, but are not saddling you with an outcome you cannot live with. This, of course, would involve the expertise of a city attorney familiar with all aspects of this undertaking and a BOA willing to burn the midnight oil.

While the new parking lot at city hall is cost free to residents, the national and state transportation budgets are currently jeopardized. So, in the long haul, whose money or lack thereof, is it paying for this lot? You know, the lot used by a private swim club as well as for its designed use, that of city hall.

We should be grateful for the expertise of the officials (and the several astute residents) who do ask for the time to address the finer points of the law and the financials; who respect the Sunshine Law, and whose questions often cause consternation to those officials whose favorite word is a motion to ADJOURN.

Ya Think!

2:25 PM, September 15, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

RE: 2:15 9/15
What, no comments. Amazing, simply amazing!

5:34 PM, September 20, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why bother. Roy and his gang of 6 aldermen are not going to tell us the truth, just more stone wall for us, and they will win in the end.
Any time a post is put up here being critical of these actions, old Sandy G come running to Roy's defense with her old story of woe and mistreatment, diverting any real movement to stop the corruption at city hall to her over told tale.
Roy can give an exclusive interview in which he exposes his lack of IQ and understanding of the Sunshine Law and I would be very surprised if any one writes a letter to the paper disagreeing with his position.
We are getting what we deserve when we elected Roy twice.
Why bother anymore.

6:41 PM, September 20, 2008  

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