From the Sun-Crest Call, today's edition! And here I thought we were broke!
Please click on the header to be directed to the article mentioned above. If you read this very closely I believe you will find two possible "glaring errors" in judgement (no it's not the Call's errors either!)
Mr. Eckrich has asked that we promote the assistant public works director to public works directer, with a rather hefty increase in salary, and that's all fine and dandy! BUT, I thought the position needed a graduate engineer to oversee the day to day problems, bids and various "engineering work" the city may need. To the best of my knowledge the promo-tie is not an engineer, so why the big jump in salary?
I also see that we may be placing someone in the finance department, who does not have an accounting degree, again with a hefty increase.
The remaining pay increases are in line, and I have no problem at all with them.
That said, I noticed that Police, fire and public works employees didn't seem to appear on the horizon anywhere in that proposal ( the one with the big raises,) I can't help but wonder why the folks with the "boots on the ground" seem to be last on the totem pole?
Is it me? Or do you believe we should be granting these large increases to employees who have not yet completed their degrees to warrant them? I think not. WHEN they have the degree in hand, then maybe, but not now!
Folks, we have lost a very fine African American officer to Webster Groves just this week, and I guarantee you that if the terrible morale problem in the Police Department does not improve, more will follow post haste! I am asking the Police Chief to please get a handle on this exodus before we have no one left who even knows where the streets are!
Your opinion's are greatly valued, so what say you?
Tom Ford
NO. 558
Mr. Eckrich has asked that we promote the assistant public works director to public works directer, with a rather hefty increase in salary, and that's all fine and dandy! BUT, I thought the position needed a graduate engineer to oversee the day to day problems, bids and various "engineering work" the city may need. To the best of my knowledge the promo-tie is not an engineer, so why the big jump in salary?
I also see that we may be placing someone in the finance department, who does not have an accounting degree, again with a hefty increase.
The remaining pay increases are in line, and I have no problem at all with them.
That said, I noticed that Police, fire and public works employees didn't seem to appear on the horizon anywhere in that proposal ( the one with the big raises,) I can't help but wonder why the folks with the "boots on the ground" seem to be last on the totem pole?
Is it me? Or do you believe we should be granting these large increases to employees who have not yet completed their degrees to warrant them? I think not. WHEN they have the degree in hand, then maybe, but not now!
Folks, we have lost a very fine African American officer to Webster Groves just this week, and I guarantee you that if the terrible morale problem in the Police Department does not improve, more will follow post haste! I am asking the Police Chief to please get a handle on this exodus before we have no one left who even knows where the streets are!
Your opinion's are greatly valued, so what say you?
Tom Ford
NO. 558
I do not know why you act surprise with these people and the lack of qualifications. The chief was a mere Sergeant with only a degree and years of experience. Captain Arnoldy blows him out of the water on paper. I believe there was another Captain that was the acting chief and a guy names Mosby. I guess they didn't cut it to be chief.
Who ever is responsible for placing these people in charge with no qualification, please stop. Then to pay these people with a $15,000.00 in crease is crazy when you can only offer your employee’s a $1000.00 increase. What happen to cutting back, yes cutting back on the backs of employee’s but not department heads? I was surprise to hear the CA is getting $92,000.00 plus his car and all the other goodies that go with the job at the meeting last night. It’s funny to see everyone that was mention for pay raises is on the city hall side.
Tom, I feel this is only the beginning of employee’s leaving. People have no choice to only go out and find better opportunities.
The CA and the Police Chief do not need cars since they both do not live in town, which at one time was required. There is no reason for the City to pay their gas and car insurance to drive to and from work-that is one way to cut expenses, gas and insurance.
Also, "here they go again"
1- with the 2.5% raise for employees($1,000)No one in public safety, police nor fire, will receive a 2.5% raise but they are already calling it that.I wonder what the national COLA average is.
2- "restructuring" It appears that the CA learned from the Police Chief in "restructuring lessons" where people are promoted that are not yet qualified-GIVE ME A BREAK!! But, he was only a Public Works Director with no CA experience, and the Police Chief was only a Sergeant who was in uniform his entire career with no administration history so, I guess this is the norm.
I'd like to now how the chief wrecked his (OUR) car on the way to his out of Crestwood home after having "dinner" with the mayor? Now there's a cover up worthy of former city administrators.
Here's a joke for you, did here the one about the police chief who gave a loaded gun, which by the way is a firearms instructor, to the detective, which then shot his desk and almost the detective across from him.
There's another one for you 9:38 P.M. We could do this all day with this chief.
You mean the one that he only had for several days, after becoming Police Chief, and totaled it and used the "mysterious deer" story????? LOL- That no one on the department EVER believed and knew better?????
Don't know what your talking about.
Oh!!!! That cover up. Now I remember. It's the one where the deer was hit in self defense by a car driven by out Police Chief but the Missouri Highway Patrol never has released their report on the event. Professional Couristy?
Cover up?
Wonder if a FOIA with the Highway Guys would tell us more?
But wait, someone from City Hall might call Tom and ask him to not post anything more about the attempted murder by a deer in Jefferson County.
9:51 Dont stop tell us more!
Better stop with the true stories - someone at city hall will request they be removed.
7:46 PM blogger: Surprised? Nope, just a little "tongue in cheek" there!
I see that Mr. Eckrich has fit in just fine with the boy's in the back room at City Hall. Indeed, the folks who live in air conditioned offices will do just fine here!
But what of the "boots on the ground folks" I spoke of? Well let's see, $1000.00 raise over 12 Mos. Now that is just wonderful, a Police officer, Fireman, public works person working 40 hours per week for 50 weeks (2000 hours) will GROSS $83.33 per month. Less taxes of, lets say 15% gives them a whopping $17.70 per week, or $.44 cents per hour!
Fuzzy math? Nope, just your City at work! With these numbers, I guess the Greer software program is up and running (the one we paid $145,000.00 for.)
It's no wonder that the employees are looking around. They too have families, and they too need funds.
I propose that we hold off on the increases for the people who "will get their degree" until they in fact do!
What if I told you I was "going to get a degree" in Political science, a PHD in fact, would you then make me Mayor? Probably not!
I closing, I flew fixed wing aircraft for 40 years (until I lost my right eye,) but I doubt that NASA is going to turn over the space shuttle to me next week!
Nuff said!
Tom Ford
Please someone, tell me when we voted yes for the Prop to help reduce debt, it said, it could go to pay etc stuff. In fact weren't we promised that is exactly and only what it was for - to reduce debt only? If not, why not. Guess the City Attorney wrote up that ballot one too and once again snuck in a no-no, sorta like the 14.5 Million dollar city hall they claimed was in the ballot language.
Seriously, pls explain.
6:11 PM blogger: Well if you had looked under the staple on this ballot, you would have seen this!
All kidding aside, we were "hoodwinked" by the very man (the Mayor,) who said this would "sunset" when the debt was paid off!
Yes, I voted for him, I supported him, and I believed in him, but not now! There has been a transformation in the second term that I find very troubling, therefore, I no longer am a supporter!
We need to be sure to vote out of office the "willing accomplices" of his Honor next April!
I don't care if "Snoopy" is on the ballot, vote for him! The following must be replaced, no matter what,
Pickle, Bland , Roby, and whoever else is up for election before we are ruined!
Tom Ford
6:11 PM Oct. 16th
The ballot language for Prop. S was similar to the ballot language on the recently defeated Prop. 1 in that both contained language that amounted to providing the city with a blank check. The ballot issue may be sold as one thing, but it is incumbent upon voters to read the entire text on the ballot to understand the ramifications of a "yes" vote.
Martha Duchild
Same language as the tax approved for the Capital Improvements. Retired that with the but the tax keeps on being collected.
I'd vote for Snoopy!
If you add the salaries for the 2 new positions, asst. to the city admin.(which will come to pass in the near future but he won't do it just yet), and the additional employeee in public works, plus add on the benefits they each will get, plus the raises the 2 other employees will get in public works and finance, even though they each have to get the correct certification,...there will be little, if no savings in monies.
This sounds like the kind of math they used in the restructuring of the Police Department.
2:21 PM blogger: Yes it sounds like it because it is the same "smoke and mirrors" math used up there!
SSDD (same stuff, different day) as they say!
Tom Ford
...and when it becomes necessary to bail the city out with another tax increase ballot who is going to bring it to the attention of the BOA that when people did vote in an increase for the purpose of paying off debt, it was NOT for the purpose of rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. Why are they always rearranging positions, and accountabilities and making it sound like it is a reduction of people and salaries when in fact it isn't, or soon won't be as they sneak in with a new plan? This new guy has never been a CA so isn't it a bit soon to be making 92,000 a year plus car? The math isn't computing. Why do we just let it happen so often? Don't the Aldermen see this?
Also, jobs are being lost everywhere. Salary raises are not happening almost everywhere. Insurance is not always a component, nor other perks. It would be good if city employees remember that blood does not flow from a turnip in these times. If there is a better job somewhere, sure they should take it. Why does it always seem on this blog that everyone up there is miserable? Is it more than money? What is it? How can we find out the true facts. Surely all the grief and cronyisms from the Greer era are gone by now. Aren't they?
Does anyone know the real reasons behind what happened to change the Roy supporters and supportive Aldermen into non supporters? Those who helped him get into office now seem disenchanted. Reading through blogs I see the loss of support but can't determine the actual reason. I don't know if it is politics, a real reason or the fact that this city just does not know how to make the city progress. Always have to find fault, etc. no matter who is in charge. I am honestly confused and wanting to know what it is that makes residents on this blog go after the throats of all Mayors.
Blogger 7:40 pm
The Mayor has lied to the citizens lied to the alderman. The promise of a grand mall, no tax increase needed, Civil Service Board has no reason to exist, it is ok to give raises to the selected few and ignore the rest, etc. What a shame the majority of the aldermen hide their heads in the sand and take no action (the easy way). Nieder and Miguel seem to be the only ones willing to call them out. Hope the next election pulls in new blood that will take the responsiblity to run the city as dictated by the charter instead of allowing the mayor and his cronies to do as the please.
All politics is local and until the citizens get involved and insist their reps follow the rule of law this city will continue to decline.
8:27 PM blogger: Correct in every respect my friend! We will have but one chance to get it right in April, and I pray we do it!
We have two very fine Alderman in Mr. Miguel, and Mr. Nieder, and we must elect more of the same type to insure this Mayor does not get away with his brand of politics!
Folks this is getting very serious, and I fear if we are to retain the Crestwood we know, and love, drastic changes must be made!
I would call for replacements for Bland, Pickle, and Roby as they seem to have become a "band of brothers" with "his Honor!"
I ask you, can we afford to have these rubber stamps on the Dias in these troubled times? In my opinion, NO!
Please look at the promotions, the pay raises, the denials of investigations, and tell me your happy, I seriously doubt it!
Tom Ford
8:27 Rubbish; pure rubbish. You had your chance to get another mayor in office, and you let Roy run without any opposition.
You don't have to wait until April to get rid of this mayor. You can Recall him now if you feel that upset. But no one has ever answered the question as to why it hasn't happened. Why not?
You just rag on and on like we deserve better, but do nothing to change it. Just like the campaigns for President, you expect that this one mayor can somehow perform miracles when things have been going down hill for years.
We had a money crunch years ago but no one addressed it. Going back several years, why do you think we purchased a "used" fire truck instead of purchasing a new one? Didn't that tell anyone, anything? Would you purchase a "used" car, if you had the money to get a new car?
Why did we end up paying $800 per month for Greer to drive a new BMW. We blame people now for a lot less.
Why did we give $20,000 to two female cops when they were sexually harrassed by a police major under Don Greer's watch? Why did Greer demote Mosby to give his buddy the title of Major. Why did he cover up for that same Major when that Major sexually harrassed the two female cops in the police department? And why did those two cops file a sexual harrassment lawsuit against the city because of it? Why was the major allowed to keep his job until he found another? And you speak of cover ups happening now? Nothing was ever mentioned then because the very people who are screaming about Roy let it happen and never questioned "that" police chief about anything.
Like I said, no one has yet to explain why the mayor hasn't been Recalled. What sickens me is the constant and never ending explatives we have to hear over and over again by those who were negligent on their watch.
And no matter what is said about what has happened before, heaven help anyone that says one thing about the past or Greer, and what he got away with. That's always Taboo on this blog.
Somehow, some way, all hell breaks loose if anyone mention the name of Greer. That can get you time behind bars in this town. You say Greer on this blog, you may as well be branded as a "traitor" with buckets of dirt and mud smeared all over you.
It is imperative in examining all these bouts of unrest that now exist be balanced with the shear neglect and underhanded issues of the past. They too need to be exposed and come up to the forefront. Especially if you are going to continue to just sling mud about this mayor and his CA and his police chief and his department heads. If you are going to keep putting those of the present administration into your "pot of disgust and dishonesty" you need to throw in the past as well. Else you scruntize only the things you see now, like bad things just occurred in the last five or six years. Why? Because you are being "picky" as to what you want to destroy.
You would have us specifically consentrate on the present to make us believe that past officials were all pure as the driven snow.
Those in charge of that long past, and forgotten era are a part of which led us to where we are now. It is important that the mistakes made by previous administrations are included when examining and pointing fingers at those in charge now because they contributed to what we are dealing with today.
I really don't understand how anyone can keep dancing to this toon and keep blogging us this same old rubbish. It's like cruel and unusual punishment given to people who are in nazi camps and forced to listen to propaganda hoping that if repeated enough times, we will believe it. Like we are a bunch of morons who can't think for themselves.
To quote Shakespeare, you are indeed, "a clanging symbol full of sound and fury signfying nothing".
11;56 PM blogger: Perhaps you were not a reader when I wrote about my disgust with Don Greer. The things he did, and was allowed to do were disgusting, and reprehensible to say the least! However, he is now dead, and as such a moot point.
Now we have a Mayor, who in his first term appeared to be the salvation of Crestwood! He did several admirable things and had my complete and unwavering support!
Ah but now were into the second term, and what a change I have seen in the man who I admired.
I can no longer abide the "closed sessions" he promised would not happen. The secret votes for pay raises months after they have been given, and the fact that he would tell his constituents to sit down and be quiet during a meeting, a Civil service board not allowed to do it's job,and the REAL workers in Crestwood given a next to nothing raise!
One thing has become lost on him is the fact that it's our money being spent here, not all his!
Tax increase issues that are now before the State Ethics Committee (along with other issues I sent last Wednesday,) and the stonewalling of information that should be given when requested lead me to believe a change is needed!
Don Greer made a lot of really sleazy decisions, and we paid for it. The same thing seems to be happening right now in various levels of Crestwood Government what with huge salary increases to people who are not yet qualified, and promotions, and raises to friends of ?
I have and will ask that the Mayor re-think his position, and return to the man he was in the first term, but so far, no joy. Is it time to replace him? Could be, so who will draw up the petition?
Remember this though, "better the person you know, than the one you don't know!"
Tom Ford
9:09 Mr. Ford. You and TT and others could do us all a favor and Recall Roy. Why don't you? Further, TT will never, ever agree with you about Greer and others on his watch because he thought Greer was part of the Trinity. If you say anything against Greer or his buddies, he will dismiss it or get extremely angry.
Nobody has answered the question about Recall. I wish someone would tell me why Roy can't be recalled. Wouldn't that leave room for the person you feel can get rid of this mess in the blink of an eye; without mentioning the past, and someone who has a sabor saw to get into city hall and slash it to pieces. Someone who wears Superman on his chest and can physically go into the police department with his bullet proof armor and get rid of the police chief. While you are at it, have that person get rid of the new city administrator too after all he is also "one of them".
Recall the mayor is my answer to the thousands of comments. Don't wait for the Ethics Commission. Storm the Bastelle.
9:42 AM blogger: I will be glad to sign the petition along with five others to get it started!
Now we will need roughly 2000 signatures to ratify it at the Election Commission.
That said, How am I going to know you are by my side if you remain anonymous?
You see it's very hard for anyone to take any stock in your words when you don't display the courage of your convictions, and print your name.
If your a solidly on the side of the Mayor, great but don't you think all should know you believe in him? If all is as you say, what have you to fear, but fear itself?
I will let Tim trueblood speak for himself on this one, you see he will ALWAYS speak his piece, and he will SIGN HIS NAME!
Tom Ford
Mr. Ford You have, according to their blog comments, many people who will sign your petition. As far as myself, it should be of no importance to you who I am because there must be thousands of bloggers who, like you and TT, chip away at not only the mayor but his department heads and even secretaries and are just so unhappy with everything and everyone. Why would you even care who I am. You just keep riveting your descension over and over again. Get all those people and you will have your Recall which is what you want. Others are counting the days on this blog to the next mayoral election. I say, why wait? You can have all the signatures you want on that petition for Recall now. According to your bloggers comments, they far out number me. I am of no signficance in your plot to hammer the mayor so do it. You had your 8 x 10 glossy of what happened before now, when your friend TT was on the board, which I might add, far surpasses anything you can ridicule presently. And to add salt to the wound, you now align yourself with the one person who did nothing but attach himself to the total sociopathic slug who was King of Crestwood and stabbed his fellow associates in the back to get what he wanted. You only think we have it bad pr3esently, because you did not see the happenings before. You think the police department is screwed up now? There were plenty of officers screaming and unhappy in what was called "Don's World". You know how he did it? Many officers affiliated with the chief before him were threatened so much, they finally left, but you think decension only started now. Greer wanted his own people and that is the way it was. I should know.
You sound like TT. He signs his name to blog comments and wants everyone else to do it to size up his competition so that he can better answer questions and so he can control his answers. He is betting that no one will sign their name and uses it as his trump card so he doesn't have to answer questions. Nice try but it doesn't work for me.
Recall the mayor; don't wait for the next election and then you won't have to live in a city full of corruption, decension, and all the other things you feel are connected to the mayor. You will all be so much happier or so it seems.
Been reading the posts by 11:56 and 9:42 and your reply to same. You know if those posters took the time they could find my signed posts where I asnwered their questions on this blog.
The fact that they continue demand the same answers while refusing to sign their name has lead me to believe what they are really after is a deflection from current events.
Do you and I agree on actions of the past, I doubt it as I doubt we ever will. There are some things I can not go public with for legeal moral reasons. All short if those, I have been open with, just ask Sandy Grave if that has not been the case. Without disclosng in public things that are no ones business, we have reached a true position of repect and understanding.
But as we are dealing with events of today, I seen no value of being forced to review these events by
the events of the past.. They are not the same, nor do they carry the same value.
I respect Tom Ford for his service to our Country, his sons' current service to our City and his fearless pursuit of what he stands for. He does not need nor ask from me anything but to be honest and respectful to him, something he has always extended to my family and me.
For those reasons we find our selves on the same side of these issues at city hall. Will we be 100% in lock step on what should be done, I doubt it, but we do both agree that the direction the city is currently being lead is wrong.
Join us in our quest to correct this direction by taking a fearless step of puting your name to your thoughts. Or don't, but then don't thing anyone will take your thoughts seriously.
12:29 PM blogger: Please save your manicure,. no one is going to take anything you say seriously until you sign your name!
Tom Ford
12:39 PM blogger: Atta boy Tim, and thank you!
Tom Ford
Mr. Ford and Mr. T:
Many on this blog do not sign their names. Are they all idiots too? They find fault with this mayor and his administration. Should they be admonished for remaining anonymous or all of their comments OK because they side with you?
Now all of a sudden, you don't want to answer the question as to why not Recall the mayor because I don't sign my name? I doubt it. I think it is because you have something else planned; otherwise it is just a simple question and solution to all of your concerns.
12:29 PM October 18
To assert that this mayor is not performing as he should (or promised he would, hence the dissatisfaction among his previous supporters), does not mean that those who hold this opinion have necessarily excused the behavior of previous officials.
What you fail to comprehend is that the only thing to do about what happened in the past is to learn from it. What we learned about the past is helping us to try to prevent those same mistakes from being made in the present. Unfortunately, we are starting to see some of those same mistakes, which is why they are being questioned. I would think that you'd be happy that those who are able to do something to try to address those mistakes are doing what they can to ensure that rules are followed. Instead, you constantly criticize people for their complicity in past mistakes, which serves no purpose in the present.
You have mistakenly assumed that those who are upset with some of the decisions being made by the current administration are doing it because they don't like the mayor. It is not a question of personality but of leadership.
You have also repeatedly questioned why those who are dissatisfied with the mayor don't petition to recall him, and wonder why no one will answer. Here is your answer: if it is to be done, it should be done correctly, and with great consideration. Recalling an elected official is not something to be taken lightly.
If a recall is to be successful, it requires that a good case be made, and perhaps those who favor recalling the mayor do not think they have a good case yet.
Martha Duchild
Well you could have fooled me Ms Duchild, about not having a good enough case. They exploit every facet of this mayor's life including trips to his farm which is really going some and even his physical appearance on this blog.
If you read this blog faithfully, you will see that they indeed have accused him, right or wrong, of so many dispicable things, and called him every name in the book to the point where, I would think they would have enough evidence to fill a large classroom with tons of material that would indeed get him recalled.
Ms. Duchild, there is no question in my mind that by referencing almost every blog comment that has ever been put on this blog regarding this mayor, one could have him not only recalled but possibly eradicated off the face of this earth.
You are explaining these things in a fair and gentle fashion, but by your explanation you merely soft pedal the blunt, distasteful and very insulting accusations that are focused not only on this mayor's behavior but also those of department heads, and even secretarys which have been included in their allegations.
So, in my opinion, it would be a lot less stressful for all involved to just go ahead and Recall him. There should be no apprehension if you read and listen to what I hear said by the bloggers. To hear these people, you would think that there has to be, in a city of a little over 11,000, at least 10,990 signatures that could be written.
1:21 PM blogger: I don't remember Mr Trueblood or me calling you an idiot, no doubt because we didn't!
Now if that's a self generated opinion of you, by you, that's up to you.
Please do not include Mr. Trueblood, or me in your self assessment as we would have no way of knowing that unless you give us you name, at which time I will tell you if I believe it.
I fear you have failed to grasp the essence of politics, as there is nothing personal in my assessment of his Honor st all. In fact, I can not help but like the man, and would be proud to have him as a guest in my home.
Our differences stem from the method's used in running this City, not from him personally, just as I am dead set against Barack Husein Obama running this Country in the manner he would if elected!
Now that dosen't mean that I would not like Mr. Obama, I don't know, I never met the man, but I do not like his politics at all.
Mr. Trueblood and I have crossed swords many a time, but I have always respected him, and I still do, as he gave us 12 years of his time to do what he felt was the right thing for Crestwood. I would support his candidacy in ward 2 any day of the week!
Tim is willing to stand his ground and fight for what he believes in, (a rarity in today's world,) and he, like me is not afraid to back up his comments by signing his name to them!
By now it should be obvious to you that this is not personal, nor a contrived effort for a Coup DE Ta, but rather a difference of opinion!
Tom Ford
Well politic all you want Mr. Ford but politics is not the name of my game. People are put first and foremost and not politics in my opinion. I disagree with what you are doing and saying, so therefore I darn well will never sign my name because that's when the personal attacks start. I don't have the stomach for it; you and others can keep riding the waves of discontent. But as for me, signing my name is just another way for you to try to make a fool out of me because I see things differently.
People get very ugly when you try to explain your opinions on this blog. I have already seen how displicable bloggers can be that do not see things the same way as I do.
People who have a difference of opinion than you or Mr. Trueblood and friends are dealt with in a political manner which means we are not judged as a person but by our political affiliation or which officials we agree with or don't agree with.
I have tried being honest and explaining things to the best of my ability and to illustrate another opinion contrary to most, but as you notice there are very few of us who will sign this blog for fear of being humiliated for having a very different opinion. But the truth is there are only two or three of us who disagree with you on this blog; so by that, you should feel very encouraged to keep doing what you are doing.
Frankly, I think what you are doing is wrong and I feel that if you don't have enough of a case to recall the mayor by now, then maybe you are barking up the wrong tree. You have been at this for a very long time. By now you should have all your ducks in a row to do the Recall Roy dance.
3:37 October 18
Well I guess you have been fooled. Who would take for the gospel truth everything that has been stated this blog? This is a forum where anyone is free to comment, so it's always wise to read things with a healthy dose of skepticism.
The blog is the last place you should reference to determine what position you should take regarding any issue. For whatever reason, you place a great deal of faith in what is stated on this blog. Rather than depending on a blog for information, I prefer to keep myself informed by attending the meetings and getting my information firsthand.
I find it interesting that considering how distasteful you found the lawbreaking behavior of past administrations, you're not willing to muster the same indignation over the actions of this administration, but choose instead to critize those who make negative comments about the mayor.
Perhaps if you attend a few board meetings you might be inclined to reset your moral compass.
Martha Duchild
8:09 PM blogger: Well enough is enough! I don't need a case, all I need is signatures, and that's the easy part!
Why you can't understand the fact that I am trying to give the mayor a chance to repair his methods is beyond me!
Mrs. Duchild said you might want to repair your moral compass, but like the strict followers of other facets of this Community, I doubt you can, or will.
From now on, I will waste no time in answering your diatribe, and I doubt any others will either!
Fair thee well!
Tom Ford
Ms. Duchild you can obviously take care of yourself and you do. You have your convictions and that is fine. But I can take care of myself and I have my convictions. Nothing further to discuss.
Mr. Ford, Ms Duchild considers your blog a forum. Therefore, I am allowed to speak my opinions. I understand what your opinions are but I don't agree with them. Again, nothing further to discuss.
10:40 PM blogger: THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!
Tom Ford
Mr Ford,
In your main post you object to increased salaries for department heads who have not yet received their degrees.
Let me remind you that a degree is merely a proclamation on paper indicating the individual has completed the necessary academic curiculum to receive same. It in no way indicates the mental or personal ability of that individual to perform.
There are highly degreed people in this world who can't do the job because they lack some of the basic needs. Leadership, ability to communicate, work ethic and common sense just to name a few.
As I stated earlier, the degree is the academics but being able to put that to work in the real world is the true test.
As an example, if having the moniker MD behind your name is so important, why are there malpractice lawsuits.
Remember that many of historys best leaders didn't have degrees and in fact many never went to college.
So may I suggest that we look at how someone does their job and not at whether they hold a degree before we establish their value as an employee.
The Police Officers of Crestwood police are leave because of a few recent incidents.
1. Many officers have not had a significant raise in atleast 5 years. They have been told not to expect one anytime in the near future. The recent "raises" (if you want to call them that) were about $400 a year. Then they raised the cost of officers insurance, which then effectively took away the "raise" given.
2. You can cross the street to another municipality Kirkwood, Des Peres, Webster, Maplewood, richmond heights, Ladue, Frontenac, ect. and make significantly more more immediately with the promise of future salary increases.
3. With the recent promotions many Officers with years of dedicated serivce see that it is time to move on to a department with more room for advancement.
4. Crestwood's pay scale is unfair. Many officers with degrees, more experience and specialized training are being paid the same as lesser qaulified Officers. I know some of this was the former Cheifs doings, but it should be corrected.
5.Morale sucks. its a combination of 1,2,3, and 4.
It is not hard to see why Officers are looking elsewhere...and their are many looking to leave.
Crestwood has some of the finest Police Officers I have ever met. I am sad to see so many of them go. But the majority of Officers have families and they need to do what is best to support them.
I say its time the City of Crestwood to step up and take care of those who take care of them.
12:19 PM blogger: Your post is incredibly interesting given that almost all employers require a degree to Even get into an interview!
I would agree with you on several of your remarks, as I do not have a degree in anything, just a lot of practical experience on the job.
That said however, I do believe that the City does have certain hiring standards that every applicant must adhere to, no?
If we were to advertise for a City Engineer would we be interviewing the candidates with an engineering degree, or the ones who might get one?
Let's face it this world is stuck on "higher education" and that will not change in my lifetime, now will it.
By the way, are we going to pay for this education to elevate both the people that have said they would get it? If so, perhaps we should be running those ad's, and now!
Tom Ford
1:38 PM blogger: I agree completely, take care of the folks who DO take care of us, and let the City Hall dwellers do with the salary they now have!
These increases to folks that STILL are not qualified due to their "degree" status are ridiculous to say the least!
Tom Ford
1:38 P.M.
This could be number 1 or 6 depends where your at. Most police employee's have little to no confidence or respect for their current leader. He hasn't set the best example and he will never be able to overcome that, except for a few select employee's.
I didn't see anywhere that the employees did not have a degree. I believe the article stated that they need to gain certifications. I would assume that they have the degrees (accounting or engineering whichever the case may be)but are still in the process of obtaining their state licensure (CPA or PE). These take an additional level of experience and testing. Criticize for that if you feel so inclined, but not for the lack of a degree.
Just a thought but have you noticed how the fire fighters are real quite right now? Can't say why for sure but could it be their new "contract" with the City was their pay off for supporting Roy 3 years ago?
The police officers got their pay off with a new police chief. Fair is fair, right?
Another assumption on your part. Another display of ignorance and paranoia. Now let's drag the firefighters into the slime.
I think we can solve ALL of those issues by contracting with another department. What do you think?
Robinson was endorsed by the firefighters union.
IAFF Local 2665
I talked to residents in Fenton. They are very happy with County Police. Or we could contract with Kirkwood or Sunset Hills.
I think we should all take a chill pill and wait for our beloved leader, Roy, to solve all of our city problems for us without a tax increase. After all, this is what he has promised. I trust him to have the answer, don't you?
Some sage advise to all the officers who read this blog. "Get out while you can". Remember how hard is was for the Marb and Fenton guys to get hired when the stuff hit the fan.
7:52 AM blogger: Your right both have degrees, in fact I am told that the appointee for the Public Works job has an advanced degree!
That's great, but neither have the Degrees (working on CPA, working on P.E. to date.) My comment all along is that we not grant the raises until the those conditions are met, what's wrong with that?
My remarks have been that we should not approve the raises until the both have them, plain and simple!
I am sure it's a moot point now as they will not be seeing those raises until 2009, as neither were in the 2008 budget. I am sure City Hall dosen't want to go here again so soon after the Police fiasco!
I am sure you wouldn't want it any other way, would you?
Tom Ford
I wish I could get a $1000 a year raise without having to improve my service to my boss. This raise does nothing in the way of encouraging city employees to improve their performance for the City. Can you imagine how you would feel if everybody got the same raise as you did if you had been a strong performer? Imagine how you would feel if you were a weak performer and got the same raise as a strong worker?
I guess we are seeing the first example of "spreading the wealth around" that Senator Obama talks about. Never thought it would happen here first n Crestwood.
Is this considered a cost of living across the board raise? If so, wouldn't that be OK?
5:08 PM blogger: Well you very well may be right my friend, after all Obama believes in "From everyone according to their means, too everyone according to their needs!" Carl Marx
I would differ on the $1000,00 raise though, I would call that a slap in the face to the real workers in Crestwood who plow the snow, fix the roads, Police the area, and respond when needed to a house fire, or paramedic call.
I know we are out of money here, but I would reward the troops first and management second were it me.
That said, it's not me, so what happens, happens!
5:21 PM Blogger: as a "cola" raise yes, as a merit raise, no.
Tom Ford
cola raise?
What if I wanted a Pepsi raise?
...sorry, couldn't resist.
7:16 PM blogger: I understand fully, how could you leave a line like that just drop!
To further complicate matters, would they want it "sweet, or unsweet? And what if they are looking for diet, or regular?
In this day and age we can't be too careful of the wants and needs of every class, sub class, or fringe group who might be waiting to pounce on Crestwood!
I have long thought of wearing a dress, using an eye patch, and limping on my bad left leg, all the while complaining to City Hall that my rights have been violated as there are no "boutiques, or shops for me
How the heck did we get to this sad state of affairs in America?
Good Grief!
Tom Ford
Americans are spoiled. And we want, what we want, when we want it; the quicker the better. That's why we have microwaves. That's why we have traffic accidents because we are always in a hurry to get to the next errand where we can buy what we want, when we want it, and possess another possession.
We are free to scream and say what we want, when we want to say it, and it is called our freedom. As such, we also abuse it by riding the waves of discontent.
And when we make mistakes, many will blame others before they blame themselves because it is easier to see what others do before we have the courage for self-incrimination.
There are some foreclosed homes in Crestwood,and the facts of life in less than "heady" times. The usual suspects of gas, medicine, health care and job insecurity hounds us all. Many dreams are on hold. Residents voted no for another tax increase because of a basic lack of complete faith in the city gov't: questionable expenditures, too many employees and refusal to realize that tightening the belt was no longer an option. Thus it is not too big of a stetch to realize that for now, it is necessary to restrain spending and this includes salary increases. This is simple fact. Morale, hey, check it out - out here. Tax payers have morale issues, too. And we do not appreciate the secret raises nor the lack of explanations for unrest at city hall.Imagine the police in the city of St. Louis as they drive around in crime ridden areas and face odds our police never face with pay that is surely not equal to their task. Now, if our city employees are unhappy, have jobs lined up and simply want to critique our city and their job, then it is time we made things clear, we are not in a position to offer the raises they require at this time. If there are jobs out there, time to go apply. What about all those new police cars, for 4 mile city, how heavily was this considered??? How many officers are actually on the street day and night? Sitting in the office? Are they all as miserable as this blog seems to think? What kind of crime are we having here in Crestwood? I don't think anyone wants unhappy employees. But according to this blog, the police dept. is disintegrating. Now is it, or are the bloggers just trying to stir things up, or are the police really truly unhappy, and if so, is it politics or salary or what? according to some on this blog, the police are mad all the time and job hunting. If this is true, the department is on life support and it is time for some very strong leadership and change. If it is just blog gossip and a way to embarass the city, the Mayor the BOA, then it is time for a pow pow. I have heard most cities have some problems with politics as regards city jobs. This city does not have the patience nor understanding for this nonsense. Crestwood is what it is. And right now, some things are on hold.
Crestwood is waiting for a Massiah just like the United States is. Someone who will cure all of the problems we have. People coming together is a great idea but it will never happen. The problems encountered in Crestwood and in the United States have a common reason for their problems; themselves. It will never change because free will is utilized for good and evil by people. Depending who the players are tells who wins and looses. It will never be different; all we are sure of is there will be different players, all playing the same game.
What a profound statement! Thanks Captain Obvious.
Don't like my obvious remarks? Well then let's see you come up with something "profound" and while you are at it, come up with a solution to our problems in Crestwood. A person cannot even make a simple statement anymore? New ground rules? Perhaps, the blog's criteria has changed to where only superior remarks can be made? Well that means 99% of us can't blog here any longer; not even you.
Captain Obvious
"Alex, I'll take famous misspelled blog posts for $250. OK Captain Obvious, name for us a way to misspell Messiah?
Alex would that be Massiah?
Right you are Capt. Obvious, that's another $250 to your personal middle school education fund."
Ah kiddies, must we go on insulting each other over "spell check," or the lack of it?
As of today we will ALL have more pressing things to worry about, trust me!
Take a look at where the market finished today (down 500 points,) and tell me where the developers of Crestwood Court will ever find investors for that project?
It will get much worse before it gets better with the tax and REALLY spend crew elected yesterday.
Tom Ford
Hold on to your wallets is right. Anyone read the Call today? City is running out of money again, yet the Mayor's message in the City newsletter tells us to not believe what we read in the papers.
Who should we trust?
3:49 pm
If all you are getting out of blog comments is a means to discredit someone by looking for words incorrectly spelled, you are the one with the problem along with your I.Q. of a third grader.
Why don't you say somthing constructive? How about some insight in how you would suggest Crestwood handle the declining sales tax revenues from the mall etc? Real easy to armchair quarterback and take pot shots! What cuts would you make? What new revenue sources would you suggest looking into? Please share your valuble insight!
2:14 Tim has no philosophy except all our problems would be over if we got rid of the mayor. He and his brood will use everything or anyone as a tool to prove his point, including employees. Anyone who has a reflection on the mayor, right or wrong, are in jeopardy because of people like him. He is what you would call obsessed. Once the mayor is gone, he wouldn't have a problem with anyone except all the people he would get rid of who were picked by the mayor. Sounds like a Greer person to me.
I have never seen anyone so adamant in taking pot shots as Trueblood. He is torn down the mayor and key administrative people left and right. It is typical Don Greer tactics and there will never be a time when Tim will admit he was hypnotised by the man who was nothing more than a cult leader. Tim will always defend Greer and that is why he is so dangerous. That's why his attitude and comments on this blog stink. They are one-sided just like Greer and they hurt people. He tears down people who saw the money disappear and people disappear and applauded Greer in his efforts. Greer could commit mass murder and Tim would make an excuse for it. Too bad if in
Greer's quest to be king, Greer hurt innocent people and rewarded his buddies. Tim will tell you that it was OK. As long as his rules were a means to a end, Greer did them and Tim went right along with everything. And the comment that was previously made was correct, when someone said, "Greer's name will be coming up soon". Whatever is done now, has by far been a million times better than what we previously had before.
2:14 Why don't you sign your name to your questions so I can answer them?
9:47 You sound like a coward who is afraid to put their name behind their position.
10:01 DITTO to you as I said to 9:47
Tim Trueblood
P.S. By the way, if you don't have the spine to post your name, I have posted my private email address and phone number before and you yet have screwed up enough courage to contact me. Oh well.
Why would anyone bother. We already know where your stand and what you stood for before this administration took over. We don't need to hear you anymore. We just have a hard time listening to your one-sided theories about how everything that happened in Crestwood happened because of this mayor. And you wait for Tom to defend you so that our remarks are deleted because then you don't have to deal with us when we state that you and your administration screwed up and brought us to the point where we are now. You admit no mistakes made by your CA/police chief which tells us what you are all about. Therefore, we can say what we feel.
Mr. Trueblood, all you seem to be concerned about is the fact that we remain anonymous and not ln what we say. So you never really address our issues, in fact you stay away from them. We dare not say our names because your troops become right-winged warriors who say you seek justice but still to this day feel it was OK to be ruled by a barbarian, who only cared for his particular employees and not the whole of Crestwood employees. He picked and chose who he wanted and got rid of the rest. You never had a problem with truth and justice then but everybody is suppose to just focus on truth and justice now. You never want to speak about the past, although what happened as much as ten to twelve years ago has just as much to do with where we are now but you won't admit it. It is as pertinent in this scenario as ever. We feel that this administration is trying to overturn things, yet you are so busy playing politics that all you want to do is punish them every step of the way. It takes a lot of gall for you to as far as even accuse employees of the lower scale to get back at this mayor. That is how far you will go to make your point and I think it stinks. There seems to be no end to your tretchery. It has taken us 10 to 12 years to get where we are today and much of it was under your watch as well as others.
You are obsessed with your form of torcher to this mayor and others, and when we use the same torcher and throw it back at you and your friends, you become a big cry baby and want to shut us down. Well we will shut up when you shut up.
What a crock...the three of you need to put down the keyboard. Your ranting about the past administration is no better than the ranting of the current. All three of you are worthless. Better yet, why don't you all go over to Sandy's house and duke-it-out in her front yard.
3:39, Right your are about the past, today is the issue at hand. Like can someone explain to me how the 2009 proposed budget can be over $14,000,000? That is up $1,627,000 from 2007! We all know the Mall is no longer going to provide the dollars needed to operate the city like it did in the past and we all know the voters are not going to pass a tax increase on themselves. How can spending be going up when income is going down?
Because this mayor is all bad, don't you know? This mayor is doing it all, don't you know? If you think the past is the past, you need to wake up and smell the coffee. Shame on the mayor, he is the one who caused our monies to be spent frivilously cause we never had this before; and he is the cause of it all. You need to go to city hall and shake em up and take Trueblood with you.
3:39 pm Excuse me whoever you are. Are you the blog police maybe? Did your dinner give you an upset stomach? Who are the "three of you" that you refer to. Duke what out? At my house? I think you better rethink your thinking.
As far as what I comment on, unless Tom says differently, I will say what I feel, so get used to it. If something is stated that I know is wrong, I will state my position. Further sometimes it is necessary, especially to get you and people like you to stop stating my name for no reason. And unless the ground rules have changed, it isn't your position to assume anything much less be a referee.
Sorry, I forgot to sign my name.
Sandy Grave
5:24 All poster 4:00 did was ask a pretty straight forward question and did not in their question use anyone's name. Do you think your reply might be over reacting a bit? Or are you not interested in finding the answer?
Well this has turned out to be interesting to say the least. At this juncture I really don't know who is responsible for the excess spending!
Trust me, there has been a a blanket of secrecy tossed over this entire mess so we can't see the truth!
I, and others have asked for information, and we have been re-buffed in our search. I have requested answers from several people at City Hall via a F.O.I.A. form, and been told I cant have them!
So who is the big spender? Well, I will tell you that His Honor has stated publicly that he is in charge of Crestwood, and nothing happens that he dosen't know about!
That said, I am going to put it on the Mayor (not Greer, not Fagen, nor any department heads,) as the Mayor has said he is in charge!
I must however add the City Administrator, as he "must know" about this spending else how can he formulate a budget, or report the the Mayor, and the Board?
As when the "Exxon Valdez" ran aground, there were only two on board who allowed that to happen, the Captain, and the duty helmsman!
Forget Greer, forget the past and focus on the here and now, else this regime is allowed to "run us aground!"
Tom Ford
FYI Board of Alderman Meeting of 11/25/08, 2009 budget will be before the Aldermen.
This is a public meeting, were the budget, as proposed by the Ways & Means Committee, will be presented to the total Board.
FYI there has been only one member of W&M who has been on the Committee each year since 2006, that would be the Mayor. All other members have been replaced by the Mayor or have left their job with the City.
Then the mayor is the culprit. Good detective work. Now everybody has their answer. No?
Now let's Recall this mayor since you have the proof. Then everybody can start blaming the next guy. Sounds good, doesn't it?
Just posting the facts about who is on the committee who puts together the budget..after all, the truth shall set us free.
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