Is Crestwood planning on "retiring" the Prop "S" tax, but still keeping it till 2013?
THIS, AND OTHER STORIES ARE "DEVELOPING!" Amazing, I am given to understand that at the Tuesday night BOA meeting we will hear that His Honor plans to retire the Prop "S" tax now!
Excellent you say? Well hold on to your wallet, as I am told it will remain in effect in one form or the other until 2013!
Hard to believe? You bet it is, as the Mayor PROMISED that it would be used for one thing, to retire a debt, however, a little known clause appears to allow him to keep it active, and he will announce just that on Tuesday!
The second thing is that we have had at least 3-5 officers leave the Police Department since the "reorganization" that was accomplished by His Honor, and the Chief of Police. If that seems excessive to you, it is!
That said, the City Administrator will be absent from the Tuesday meeting, and the Police Chief will take his place. Why not ask for the "exit interviews" (surly we do that, no?") and maybe we can get a handle on this "bleeding!"
UPDATE: Click on the header and you will see that, yes, we were "hoodwinked" again! The Boy's think we need to keep prop S in place even though they will retire it! Didn't his Honor say at a town hall meeting that it would "sunset" the second it was paid off? Yes, he did!
Tom Ford
NO. 557
Excellent you say? Well hold on to your wallet, as I am told it will remain in effect in one form or the other until 2013!
Hard to believe? You bet it is, as the Mayor PROMISED that it would be used for one thing, to retire a debt, however, a little known clause appears to allow him to keep it active, and he will announce just that on Tuesday!
The second thing is that we have had at least 3-5 officers leave the Police Department since the "reorganization" that was accomplished by His Honor, and the Chief of Police. If that seems excessive to you, it is!
That said, the City Administrator will be absent from the Tuesday meeting, and the Police Chief will take his place. Why not ask for the "exit interviews" (surly we do that, no?") and maybe we can get a handle on this "bleeding!"
UPDATE: Click on the header and you will see that, yes, we were "hoodwinked" again! The Boy's think we need to keep prop S in place even though they will retire it! Didn't his Honor say at a town hall meeting that it would "sunset" the second it was paid off? Yes, he did!
Tom Ford
NO. 557
I would suggest the BOA put the question to continue the increased Property Tax rate after the Notes have been retired or to allow the increase to expire on its Sunset to a vote of the people.
Well now, why don't we put this nifty discovery in the city bulletin and on the reverse 911 system and call Elliott and let the people know exactly what is cooking on the back burner.
'scuse me, for what reason is the CAdmn going to be absent and since when is the police chief the substitute? This sounds way too much like the past. Way too familiar. Pls respond.
Pls also put this on the reverse 911 system for all to know.
Help stamp out lack of transparency. Crestwood is going to keep the vice squad (ethics commission) busy, eh!
Good Grief, I can see Russia from city hall.
The BOA will not ask the citizens anything. After repayment of the last voted on tax increase, it still will this one.
I doubt if officers leaving will write anything as to the real reasons they left. I am sure that the police department that is hiring, will have to talk to the Crestwood Chief for a reccomendation etc. Why burn a bridge...
I heard that the City Administrator is going to talk to police officers individually and ask them about the current state of affairs within the PD.
Want to bet that this is a dog and pony show with him picking out which officers comments to forward to the BOA?
Do you think he would forward negative comments such as a complete lack of confidence by the majority of the rank and file? I doubt it very seriously!!
Just another way to hide the inevitable as more officers leave the City for higher paying jobs, less political involvement, fair promotions and professional leadership.
Isn't time to post some thing about Greer. Can't have too much posted about current police chief who was selected by our glorious mayor.
4:37 I knew it wouldn't take long before the new CA would be the target of assumptions. Whoever the person is who has to work with the mayor, is always the target. There will be other comments to come the longer this CA is around.
11:40 PM blogger: Indeed you can "comrade," and from the inside no less!
1:22PM blogger: No, not the target of assumptions, just the target of unanswered questions! In fact the entire group at City all seems strangely quiet, and not forthcoming!
I am beginning to think the new motto above the door of the Aldermanic chambers is:
A sad scene indeed!
Tom Ford
It might be a better idea for the City Admin. to contact the officers that left, who can speak the truth without repercusions, other than contact the remaining officers-who cannot speak honestly and be forthcoming.
Just a thought. At least you would get some honest feedback.
7:03 PM blogger: I agree completely, but that should have been done when the left.
I still can't believe we don't conduct an "exit" interview, this should be mandatory (it would be if Civil Service had not been "defanged!")
On the other hand if we fail to do any background investigations, why should I be surprised!
Tom Ford
Exit interviews wouldn't serve any purpose as long as the mayor, city administrator, or majority of the board is conducting them. The employees know it wouldn't change anything and just want to get the heck out of dodge. The mayor stamps down any negative comments from the employees now, what makes you think anyone is going to hear anything they have to say on the way out the door? The number of employees leaving speaks for itself.
Wonder why our Asst City Admin. is leaving us? Doesn't have another job, just getting ff the good ship Crestwood before it goes under?
Interesting that Mr. Eckrich is asking the BOA what we should do with the Prop S funds when this is paid off (it's going to 2013!)
Is it me, or didn't I hear his Honor say at a town hall meeting this would sunset as soon as the loans were paid off?
Well, Mr. Eckrich, if you want a suggestion, how about we hire the same guy who designed the "Sierra" sculpture for down town St. Louis to sculpt a statue of his Honor in full tax mode to place in the new parking lot next to the pool!
Tom Ford
Now Tom, there's your first problem, you believed what his Honor said.
6:50 PM blogger: True indeed, I have always had a problem believing that "friends" would sell me down the river!
No longer!
Tom Ford
Tom, I had the pleasure of Roy's great insight and wisdom several years back. To quote Roy, he said "It’s not personal, it’s politics”.
You have to understand that when someone leaves, they put the "City Hall" spin on it. "They were lazy anyway..." "No great loss..." "We can get a better employee.." "If they don't like it here, good riddance".
They just don't care. Plus, they can get a new employee cheaper than the old one and that's what appears to matter at this stage.
5:34. Just a minor correction, it is the "twain" sculpture by Richard Serra...loving referred to as the Serra Sculpture (not sierra)
You have to understand that when someone leaves, they put the "City Hall" spin on it. "They were lazy anyway..." "No great loss..." "We can get a better employee.." "If they don't like it here, good riddance".
Has Don Greer been reincarnated?
Yep and his name is now Roy
Ladies and Gentlemen,
When employees leave, exit interviews can be requested but the employee is under no obligation to grant that interview.
As a retired Human resources person, I have found that few exiting employees feel the need to explain their reasons for leaving and others simply don't want to "burn their bridges" or participate in any exchange of information that could affect them in their new job. Times have changed and people are less likely to criticize for fear of being labelled disgruntled. So don't be so quick to blame the administration, it takes two to conduct an exit interview. an average of 2 out of 100 people will agree to post employment interviews and the most common reason given for leaving is for "Personal Enrichment" In other words, they will be getting more money, better benefits, or oportunities for advancement.
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