Monday, October 06, 2008

Ladies and Gentlemen, for your information I have presented the City with a list of questions.

I also included F.O.I.A. (freedom of information act forms) with the questions. At least two Alderman have asked these questions, and one (Alderman Nieder) read some of them into the City BOA meeting a short while back.

Now, I have no idea if I will get any further than Alderman Neider has (stonewalled,) but I will tell you that they have 72 hours to answer my request, and if said information is not forthcoming, I will discuss this with the Paper's. and who ever else will listen!

The cover ups, and the questionable actions of this Government will be brought into the open, one way or the other! All I have ever asked for is the truth, and so far that has been obfuscated to the point of ridiculous!

How about it your Honor, BOA, Mr Eckrich. City Attorney Golterman (of the firm, Lewis, Rice) will that be forthcoming. or not?

Tom Ford

NO. 555


Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Tell me this isn't true:

The Heaviest Element Know has been Recently Discovered:

Govermentium (Gv) has one neutron, 25 assistant neutrons, 88 deputy neutrons, and 198 assistant deputy neutrons, giving it an atomic mass of 312. These 312 particles are held together by forces called morons, which are surrounded by vast quantities of lepton-like particles called peons.

Since Governmentium has no electrons, it is inert; however, it can be detected, because it impedes every reaction with which it comes into contact. A minute amount of Governmentium can cause a reaction that would normally take less than a second to take from four days to four years to complete.

Governmentium has a normal half-life of 2-6 years; It does not decay, but instead undergoes a reorganization in which a portion of the assistant neutrons and deputy neutrons exchange places.

In fact, Governmentium's mass will actually increase over time, since each reorganization will cause more morons to become neutrons, forming isodopes. This characteristic of moron promotion leads some scientists to believe that Governmentium is formed whenever morons reach a critical concentration. This hypothetical quantity is referred to as critical morass.

When catalyzed with money, Governmentium becomes Administratium, an element that radiates just as much energy as Governmentium since it has half as many peons but twice as many morons.

Tom Ford

5:06 PM, October 07, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Last modified: Tuesday, October 7, 2008 4:12 PM CDT
Your Journal headed in a new direction

By Bob Williams

For many years the Suburban Journals have been just about the best bargain out there for readers.

We've delivered focused local news and advertising tailored to your life and your community every week and all for free.

With politicians bantering about it and the leaves doing it, it's a season for change. For the Journals, that means a dramatic and exciting change in the way we do business. For you, it's a chance to support the local paper that you rely on.

Beginning Nov. 5, the Southwest City edition, Southside edition, Southwest County edition, and South County edition of the Suburban Journals will become a subscription-only publication. For you, that means signing up and paying a nominal fee of $19.99 for a year's worth of local news and sports. We'll even donate a portion of your subscription to subscriber-designated local schools. School donations will vary based on response rates from readers.

Beyond that, based on the level of response, we'll know which communities to increase coverage in and which topics we need to cover more extensively. We'll also be able to provide better customer service when you need your paper stopped or started.

We hope that, through years of readership and generations of reflecting your lives in our pages, we've proven our value and importance to you. We hope that we've given you a voice in your community and helped enlighten and entertain you.

Our economy is changing, and the news industry is no different. We have to adapt to continue to improve the quality of news and service we offer. But this is an idea that's been discussed at the Journals for years. Pick up a copy of your Journal for details on how to subscribe so you don't miss a week.

We appreciate the role you let us play in your communities and your lives, sharing the good moments and working through the difficult ones. And we appreciate your support as we continue to work for you.

5:30 PM, October 07, 2008  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Well for me that means, BY BY South County Journal!

I have no bird, and the dog passed, so.........

Tom Ford

5:49 PM, October 07, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One less paper for me to place in the recycle bin without opening it. Now if only the Times and the Call would go away. How do I discontinue the Times and the Call?

7:39 PM, October 07, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom, the thought of you filling out the FOIA forms and using all those big words like you do, really turns me on. GRRRRRRR.

8:02 PM, October 07, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just call the Call and they will take you off their distribution. Many of us have done so. Warning -it may take a couple of months of calls, but be nice and they'll oblige.

And feel good about'll be saving trees!

9:27 PM, October 07, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Ford: You are using this blog as a personal weapon against the mayor and police department. You can mask your distain and tell us that you just want the truth, etc. but it it is nothing more than a manifestation and a subtrifuge for your anger and resentment stemming from a personal issue in the police department. It has nothing to do with the betterment of Crestwood.
You want the truth but you have never told us the truth or the real reason for your hostility. By stooping so low, you have aligned yourself with others that have never wanted the mayor to be elected in the first place. You think you have found new ground and new support to go along with your rath, but you haven't. Your new pals love your blog because of their own issues with the mayor, and they will turn on your some day. As this charade plays out even longer, and some time before the next mayoral election, you will have more people to add to your list of those who do not agree with your so-called blog or operation get-roy. There will be many others you will add and it will once again have everything to do with your personal vendetta. As long as everyone agrees with you, you are fine. When they don't, you lash out just like TT. The ethics commission's ruling may take months to receive. I doubt very seriously that when you receive it, if it shows up that nothing was done that was illegal, you will not share it with us. And if it does show nothing illegal was done, you will still seek vengeance because a member of your family is at the helm of your behavior.

12:35 PM, October 08, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Being so proud of all the comments on this blog, that have mounted up for such a long time is nothing to brag about especially since most deal exclusively with this mayor and police chief and a hidden agenda. Now aldermen and the new city administrator are added and soon others will also be black listed.

This is no fun. I guess anyone can start their own blog. If you want to base it on getting even with a boss because of an issue with an employee who is family, you can always divert the real reason by using a self-righteous agenda to get the fur flying. If that is the case, there may be an epidemic of blogs. Before long a person's scorn can keep a vendetta going forever. Boring.

1:19 PM, October 08, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“And if it does show nothing illegal was done, you will still seek vengeance because a member of your family is at the helm of your behavior.” This sentence makes me wince. Everyone wants to make English the official language of the United States but some of you just haven’t mastered it yet.

12:35 you seem to believe that everyone on the blog hates Roy. I voted for him - twice. Now he just seems to be out of control. I’m starting to think he went the George W School of Public Speaking.

1:30 PM, October 08, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12:35 Hold on just a minute, why is one stooping low because they didn't want Roy elected in the first place?
Has it ever dawned on you that your support of Roy was misplaced, that all who opposed his election are now being proven correct based alone on Roy's actions?
So is it your position that when the Mayor doesn't answer questions he is asked, that to point this out is "lashing out at him"?
Did you poster 12:35, have a problem when this blog blasted former mayors, aldermen and city administrators? Did you rise to their defense for the same reasons you are rising to Roy's?
I doubt it, I doubt it very seriously because then the agenda fitted your beliefs. Your problem is the current agenda doesn't because you are a
"Roy Lover"! And as such are blind to his failures.

3:39 PM, October 08, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1:30 and 3:39 I knew I would strike a nerve. Speaking of the previous mayors and staff, as I recall those comments you refer to, the people who chastised the previous administration, were called all kinds of names by the likes of you and yours for bringing it up! So now you accuse me of doing what you did, and it doesn't feel so good right? But it was OK when you defended them. Talk about suiting yourself; there is a prime example.

Mr. Ford has an ax to grind with the mayor and the police department for personal reasons that's the reason for all of the decension. It just happens to enrich your hatred for the mayor, and you love his words because they coincide with yours. You incriminate this mayor for changing his mind about everything, when Mr. Ford has now changed his mind and doesn't support the mayor any longer, and that is OK with you. Why? Cause it suits your needs, since he expressing your views. So look at your own motives before you look at those of others. They are the same but on different sides of the issue. Mr. Ford has changed because of his own personal issues and uses his blog to seek revenge; pure and simple. You like that so you defend him now. So there goes what you call honor and integrity in your book. When Mr. Ford supported the mayor before, you were totally against him. What's different between then and now is that he is doing what you all do on this blog and you are loving it. So now Mr. Ford is a nice guy and you defend him. What a hypocrite you are. When the mayor changes his mind on taxes or on anything, he is damned, but others that will change their minds and side with you are welcomed. The mayor cannot do anything to your satisfaction and as time goes on, Mr. Ford and you will be name calling everyone including aldermen and whoever else works in his administration. Maybe you should just start looking at yourself first before you criticize others for the same thing you are doing as we speak.

5:38 PM, October 08, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

NO, it was ok when you attacked them, wasn't it?

5:48 PM, October 08, 2008  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

12:35 PM and 5:38 PM bloggers: Well that's a stretch now isn't it?

I have said it many times before, but for your edification I will say it again!

My family has no dog in this fight, I take no marching orders from them, and I do not consult them prior to placing anything on this blog!

I changed my mind when I sat in front of his Honor as he looked me in the eye and told the something that just wasn't so! I did not expect to see a "spin cycle" that day, and I don't expect one now!

Couple that with the recent behaviour (since his re-election) of Mr. Robinson on the Dias, and Yes, I have changed my mind completely!

I am a Christian, God fearing man who will go out of his way to forgive and forget, but some things I seem to fail at, and this is one of them!

I spent quite some time in 135 degree heat off the coast of Laos and Viet Nam (in the 60's) working on a flight deck, and crewing a COD (Cary on delivery) aircraft, to allow the freedom we all have to be dashed by anyone, No matter who it might be!

I could be that neither of you have the courage of your convictions, or it may be that you have no convictions, I don't know. But now you know where I stand, and you know that on my watch these things will not go unchallenged!

Tom Ford

6:38 PM, October 08, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:48 But it wasn't OK with you was it? That's my point. On your side of the fence, anything goes as long as it is negative; my side of the fence says that if someone does what you do only in the opposite sense as you, it's non negotiable. At least have enough sense to keep your mouth shut about it. Look at yourself first and then judge me and you will see, I do what you do.

6:38 Mr. Ford try as you might, you do not forget or forgive. This has become a personal issue with you although it may have started off not to be. You can talk about Nam and I can talk about being in the trenches in Korea but do not wave the America Flag in my face to get me to believe you do not have your own vendettas to fill. As for me, I am allowed according to your theory of freedom my five minutes to say what I think. And for you and the other Operation Hate Roy people, you shouldn't let my commnts bother you cause this blog is full of all the negatives and expletives against this administration. So you have the numbers on your side; that should be a big source of consulation to you. So don't get upset about it.

7:07 PM, October 08, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My, my, will the bad comments never end. I just want to say, I like you Mr. Ford, and I'm proud of your honest and integrity. Like Mae West once said there was a time men were men and women were proud. Today there are so many more males than there are men, but its the new era. I would like very much to sign my name but the ignorant people who chide you would make it into something ugly because that's what they do. Oh well, it will all be okay in the end. Keep up the good work. A good friend.

7:22 PM, October 08, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7:07 why don't you stand on your two feet like a man and write a letter to the editor of one of our papers defending your position and your Mayor?

Trueblood and Ford are notafraid to have their names attached to what they believe, can you say that about your self?

7:26 PM, October 08, 2008  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:07 Pm blogger: Please do not flatter yourself with the notion that you could upset anyone!

Flag waving? Trenches? Well please let me tell you that you remind me of the consummate Obama supporter! You don't want to hear, see or understand the truth, you just feel good about your remarks!

Do whatever you wish, secure in the knowledge that I will never be up set by a liberal, or anyone else that has no facts, but will bring emotion into anything, and the sooner the better!

You have a choice here, do not read this Blog, do not comment, or do it all, the ball is in your court!

Oh, by the way, if you wish to be taken seriously, print your real name next time!

Tom Ford

7:26 PM, October 08, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do not mistake me for a liberal. I am no such thing but I have my opinions which do not go along with yours. That does not make me a liberal it just makes my rights as important as yours. That should appeal to your sense of fairness should it not?

Mr. Ford and company. I do not agree with you and your agenda. If you wish to disagree that is OK with me. But by my disagreement, it doesn't make you better than me and it doesn't make me better than you. I see things one way and you see them another. It is what it is. If you don't like it, then your blog is not a forum for opinions.

8:51 PM, October 08, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7:26 Mr. Ford, like 7:22 said, I would sign my name but the ignorant people on this blog (which are in the majority,) "would make it something ugly which is what they do".

Blogger at 7:26 I would also suggest that you be a man and write a letter in the paper defending your position against the mayor and make sure you use all of your descriptives adjectives that go along with how you feel. When you have the guts to sign your name, I will sign mine. Since that will never happen why ask me to do something you won't do?

9:01 PM, October 08, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do not need to write a letter to the paper defending my position, Ford and Trueblod have already done so. I could not add anything new to what they have written.
It's up to you to defend your position if your really sure you can in a forum that all can read and reply to, IE the newspapers. Face it, you haven't the nerve to
do what those two have done. Too afraid of what might be said.
That's why you post here, you can remain unknown & upset.
You know what I noticed? You never defend the mayor, you just attack those who are not happy with him. Does that mean he is indefensible?

10:23 PM, October 08, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You don't sign your name either; once again critcizing me for doing what you do.

One final comment. You and your troops can indeed do something about your hatred for the mayor. Use your power to Recall him, get rid of him and be done with it; but you would rather tear him apart verbally on this blog which is a ticket to nowhere. You are the ones who are unhappy so do something about it. After all you are all for truth, justice and the American Way so use the tools that the Charter gave you and Recall him. But then, after that, you wouldn't have anything to bitch about. Oh Wait! I am sure you can come up with something.

8:27 AM, October 09, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:27 Ok poster I'll sign my name to my post, and I'll stand behind my beliefs by doing so. I do not now what the other posters reason are for stating what they have, but I'll give you mine.
I believe our current Mayor has misled the citizens of Crestwood to his own political advancement.
I believe he has been less than truthful in the actions he has taken in behalf of us.
I believe he has done so not because he felt it would be best for Crestwood, but that it would be best for him if what was discussed was done behind closed doors.
My beliefs have nothing to do with a desire to "bitch" about something like you claim in your reply to poster 10:23.
My beliefs are based on my first hand experience of working with the Mayor. In my time in office as an Alderman I served under 7 different Mayors (Killearn, LaBore, Brasfield, Robertson,Breeding, Fagan and Robinson). Without a doubt the most political one was the current one. All had their faults, some more than others, but the current Mayor is in my mind the weakest leader we have had and we have him at a time when the City needs strong smart leadership.

bet you don't sign your name or write a letter to a paper, bet you'll have another reason for not doing so, right?

10:27 AM, October 09, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:27 OK Tim. I stand by my posts as well, and say what I believe is true and I too will sign mine. And in doing so, You can bet that all the cannibals will be coming out to chew me up and spit me out. Like walking on a bed of nails.

My answer to all of this is very simple. With all of your vast knowledge and insight, I say you should start a Recall Petition to get the mayor out. You know how to do it. So why don't you. Just get it over with instead of using this blog for all the mayhem and foolishness.

That's my final answer and I am sticking to it. All the comments in the world are not going to get things changed. With all of your knowledge, I am sure that there are many others you can get to sign one. We are on opposite sides of the track but I will defend your right to say how you feel, if you allow me mine. Fair?

I realize that since I disagree with you, that you now have no use for me anymore, if you ever did. But I believe that people can disagree and maintain a fair and decent rapport.

But that is for you to decide.


11:19 AM, October 09, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

to the blogger at 8:51 pm I'd like to say that the idea that we can all have conflicting truths which nevertheless remain truths is nonsensical. Truth is not subjective - it must be supported by empirical facts. That is what makes it true truth. The facts cannot be changed in relation to Roy's actions as Mayor. They are in the minutes, newspaper articles, and meeting recordings for all to see.

11:51 AM, October 09, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11:51 We can all have conflicting opinions but you want truth. Therefore, as you so stated, the mayor's actions are in the open and therefore are not to be disputed. Then why not Recall? The ethics commission report has not been completed but his actions in your opinion are where the truth is.
Therefore Recall him and get over it. So far no one has answered that question.

You want the truth? I can give you truth. I saw the truth placed under the rug in 2002, and it was wrong but nobody cared and further no one on this blog seems to feel I have a right to "compare". Tim was on the board of aldermen for years, as well as others. They also knew the truth but never said a word. So the truth is important now only because Tim and 10,000 others want the truth from THIS MAYOR; BUT COVERED THE TRUTH WHEN ROBERTSON, GREER AND FAGAN WERE NOSE TO NOSE. Therefore now that Roy has failed them, I say RECALL HIM AND LET'S GET ON WITH BUSINESS.

Once again, I am sure since I will now sign my name again, the hate and the disgust for me will start flying. So take your best shot.

But you can still do something about Roy, if you want to. By the words of many bloggers, you have enough clout to RECALL ROY. What's the hold up.


1:08 PM, October 09, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well...another employee resigns? Wonder why?

3:36 PM, October 09, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It has been said before and I will say it again, if you know of a cover up and know the truth being covered up, then here is the place to do the uncovering, all of it. In doing so you will free you self from the burden of knowing the truth and not being able to share it. So please tell us all once and for ever what it is you say is covered up.
Then we can get to the issue of our current situation and will have dealt with the past.


3:55 PM, October 09, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the past when this happened there were posts on this blog that said it was rats leaving a sinking ship.

4:37 PM, October 09, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK Tim. I will e-mail you on that note, because on this blog, people have a hemorrage the minute I refer to the past.


4:42 PM, October 09, 2008  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

3:36 PM blogger: Yes indeed, it seems that Mr. Gross (assistant to the C/A) is seeking greener pastures!

Why? We may never know, but it does make for some interesting conjecture!

8:51 PM blogger: I an glad to hear you are not a liberal! I agree, you have every right to speak your mind on this blog, and I hope you will continue to do so!

When we delve into politics, we move into an area not designed for the thin skinned, or the faint of heart! I applaud passion, no matter which side your on, and you do display that, so my congratulations on a post well stated!

Who knows, it could be that I will convert you, or visa versa, but in either case, we will have the chance to see "both sides!"

Welcome aboard!

Tom Ford

6:08 PM, October 09, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Saved by the bell. We almost had re-runs of the Sandy show.

8:10 AM, October 10, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:10 No more re-runs so you can stop praying. It's just too bad that you never bothered to have my friendship because once I become your friend, it takes a mountain of proof before I would betray you and I am loyal as hell. Probably more than I can say for you. I like my city and I like the administration. I am not afraid to say it and unless I see for myself that things were wrongly done, I maintain my support.

Conversely, if I am betrayed, don't expect me to role over and play dead.

You want to make a joke out of my life, well then have fun; because every dog gets their day back and what comes around goes around.

Tom Ford and I are poles apart on issues, yet he speaks to me with respect and I to him. That my friends, is called maturity.


1:48 PM, October 10, 2008  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

1:48 PM blogger: Thank you Sandy! Respect is never given by me, it's earned, and you my dear have earned it it every way possible!

Like you, there can be no greater friend than Tom Ford, but when crossed, or deliberately lied to, there is no worse enemy!

I trust this finds both you and Mr. Bill well and happy!

Tom Ford

3:06 PM, October 10, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Tim,... sure you weren't talking about your budy Jimbo Robertson?

You are sure eager to to put the past behind and lay everything at Roy's doorstep.

How soon we forget of $100's of thousands of dollars you wasted on lawyer budies, the coverups of certain activities after a late night Holiday Party and the wink wink nod nod you gave big Don to pursue his "Social Relationship" with staff.

Tim, I really think you should be the last one to pont fingers.

6:35 PM, October 12, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jim Robertson was mayor what ... how many years ago?

We've had a few mayors since then.

"Big Don" has passed away.

Roy has been mayor almost 3 1/2 years and is currently mayor. Read the headlines and the articles of the local papers. Go up to city hall and do a FOI request. See what answers you get.

6:57 PM, October 12, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poster 6:57PM... not defending Roy. Just sugesting Tim do some self reflection on his involvement in some of Crestwood's darkest hours. He seem's VERY eager to comment on today, but doesn't want to admit his role as part of the past.

Keep in mind folks, that $500,000 that was spend on lawyers was ALL borrowed and we are still paying the tab today.

11:42 AM, October 13, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What would you like me to comment on?
Post your questions with your name and I'll gladly answer you questions.


4:52 PM, October 13, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. How about the $500,000 paid to Lawyer Chris Hesse?

2. How about allowing the Chief Administrative Offcer of the City to have a "Social Relationship" with the subordinate who he gave a performance review/raises to?

3. How about coverup for a the events that occured after the 2003 City Holiday Party?

Don't really expect you to comment Tim.....

8:06 PM, October 13, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:06, Be more than happy to comment, just sign your name and I'll answer your questions. Come on now, surely you have the spine to sign your name to those 3 tough questions that all of Crestwood wants to know the answers.
Or is it more important for you to hide in the shadows and cast aspersions under the cover of the unknown in order to deflect the spotlight from CURRENT actions at City Hall that are in violation of our Charter?
Your lack of signature gives the answer to that question, as well as the amount of guts you have to face those you accuse.


P.S. Don't expect you to sign your name, ever. That would take something you seem to not have.

10:36 PM, October 13, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. T, this is a blog, signing ones name is not mandatory. But goody for you, you so like to see your name in print. I did not see anything wrong in those questions from one of the bloggers. If you are so willing to answer them, why not go ahead and answer them. You are on here voluntarily and obviously know the answers. But since most of us do, as well, we know why you will never answer them. Memories in this city are iron clad and you can bet we remember your performances and your contributions to the unforgettable past. Be advised most will never let you forget them. This horrible history of our city left a super size black mark and you darned well know it. Blog on though, you are very practices at dodging bullets and amnesia.

12:04 AM, October 14, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


7:16 AM, October 14, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:06PM 10/13 and 12:04 AM 10/14 Love it; love it.
Carry on.

5:49 PM, October 14, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes Tim... Let's all be "OPEN"... Poster 8:06 asks some good questions. We NEVER got an answer on any of these items while you were on the Board..l. guess we never will...

7:34 PM, October 14, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7:34 you'll get your answers when you have the guts to put your names to your questions. Pretty simply, if you cant muscle up the spine for that, why should I waste my time on you?


10:17 PM, October 14, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12:04 This blog may not require you to post with your name, but I require your name if I am going to answer your questions.
Those are my rules, if you don't like them, that's your problem.


10:23 PM, October 14, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

poster(s) 8:06, 12:04, 7:34. Still ready to get the answers to your questions? Just sign your name to them, and I'll give them to ya.


4:39 PM, October 15, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello, anyone there? Where or where could our little posters 8:06, 12:04, 7:34 be?
t t

9:44 PM, October 15, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


6:22 PM, October 16, 2008  

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