Friday, October 24, 2008

Outstanding news about the morale of the Police Department!

Ladies and gentlemen. please allow me to be the first to tell you of a really outstanding change in the morale of the Police department! Mr. Jim Eckrige, and the Chief held a meeting with all hands to fix the issues we have all heard about.

I do not know the items discussed, but I can tell you that after talking to several street officers the feel as if someone really cares about them, and their issues for a change!

This meeting has been needed for some time now, but thankfully it has been done, and all involved have come away feeling good about the results!

This is the type of individual (Jim Eckrige) that we should have had all along as C / A as he does care about his people and it shows.

Keep up the great work Jim!

Tom Ford

NO. 561


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am happy that things are better but hope that will be enough to satisfy some bloggers to at least get started on the right road. But I doubt whether anyone on this blog will give credit to the new CA or the police chief. I am sure they will just find something else to cast doubt on them.

5:02 PM, October 24, 2008  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

5:02 PM blogger: Better is a good thing, whining is not, so I join you in hoping for the best!

Tom Ford

6:23 PM, October 24, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That would show me that at least people are coming together to work out things. Let's make peace and not war is what I say if at all possible. War costs too much and peace creates a much better atmosphere. If people can resolve their differences, that means that maybe they can work together.

Tom, to me, this has been a big step in the right direction. It may not be easy and there may be stumbling blocks, but to me it shows that the new city administrator is listening and that the police department is willing to cooperate. It is so refreshing to hear something positive instead of negative. I am very proud of this new outcome.

12:22 PM, October 25, 2008  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

12:22 PM blogger: I agree completely except for the war part, as war is but an extension of diplomacy by other means!

It's very true that the City and the troop's are coming together on several fronts, and I for one am very happy to see it!

Mr. Eckrige is a welcome breath of fresh air that we should have tapped before we ever thought of hiring Mr. Meyers.

Now, if only we can get the Mayor and the Board to allow we, the citizens to be part of the Government process, and stop the cover ups, I will be a very happy camper!

Tom Ford

5:07 PM, October 25, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can only give credit where credit is due and that is to Jim Eckridge our new C/A...The mayor started this problem with his unqualified selection for Chief of Police. The Police Chief and the Mayor lowered our Police Dept to it's low state of morale with their illegal behind closed doors pay raises.
Hopefully Mr. Eckridge can undo this and the other damage that has been done to our City by this Mayor. I wish him the best.

12:27 PM, October 26, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12:27 There you go again trying to get your ultimate last remarks regarding the police chief. Had there been illegal activity going on with the Police Chief, the CA would have had to do more than just try to settle this. If this "illegal" and underhanded thing you keep saying about the pay raises was done, it could not have been settled by a mere meeting between the CA and the chief. Illegal is illegal and would be subject to dismissal.

So, therefore, the pay raises must not have been illegal or much more would have been done than just a meeting and conversation. Since you seem to be in support of the new CA, I doubt very seriously if this issue of illegal pay raises would have just gone by the wayside without someone getting the ax. I don't feel that our new CA would just let this slide by if it were what you say it was.

I knew that someone would still have to place that stigma on the chief. Therefore my above referenced comments do not support your theory that something illegal was done.

5:17 PM, October 26, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12:27 Dear Huh? Did you not state that "The mayor started this problem with his unqualified selection for Chief of Police. The Police Chief and the Mayor lowered our Police Dept to it's low state of morale with their illegal behind closed doors pay raises."

Did Tom Ford not say in this blog that there was a meeting held with the chief and the CA and others, and that issues(I assumed were the pay raises) had been ironed out to everyone's satisfaction and that the morale is now better?

Were not the pay raises discussed in that meeting, and those issues brought to a successful conclusion?

Why the Huh? Did I miss something? If so, what was discussed at the meeting that turned things around? If these pay raises were done illegally as charged, what happened to resolve the situation to where everyone is better now. Was I that hard to understand? Maybe you can explain it to me as obviously I am reading something into Tom's comment that isn't correct, according to you.

8:19 PM, October 26, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Were not the pay raises discussed in that meeting, and those issues brought to a successful conclusion?"

I don't know, were the pay raises discussed in those "closed" meetings? I wasn't there, were you?
I can't find where Tom said the mayor was in those meetings, after all he (mayor) has recently been claiming he knew nothing about a lot of things, remember?

I am very happy the mayor has given the city our new c/a, but you must remember that this mayor also gave us our current chief of police and Frank, remember? I guess 1 out of 3 ain't bad, huh?

11:18 PM, October 26, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the meeting's that have taken place have only been about the level of contacts the officers are required to maintain.

The C/A met with some of the officers and he told them he dosent' set that level, the chief does.

7:11 AM, October 27, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11:18 No need to get smart mouthed with me. I am merely trying to understand what happened at the meeting because that was the main topic of Tom's message on the blog. But it sounds like as long as we still have the same police chief, you could care less what transpired at the meeting since you won't be happy until he is gone. Why don't you pick one that would suit you and tell the nice CA that is your wish.

If some officers seem to feel progress has been made, I guess there is no pleasing everybody.

Maybe Tom can give us a little more detail about it. I would like to hear more about those details.

10:57 AM, October 27, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:57 Read your own posts if you want to see examples of being "smart mouthed".

12:09 PM, October 27, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12:09 And I have a reason for getting angry. You are not about illegal issues in the police department. You are about getting rid of the police chief and the mayor. BECAUSE you got smart with me when I asked you what was said at the meeting between the city administrator, the police chief and others.

And by your words in your comment, it is obvious that you don't know and don't care cause you stated impolitely:

"I don't know, were the pay raises discussed in those "closed" meetings? I wasn't there, were you?
I can't find where Tom said the mayor was in those meetings, after all he (mayor) has recently been claiming he knew nothing about a lot of things, remember?

Therefore, it is so obvious that all you want is for the mayor and police chief to be out of there. That's my point, and it is obvious in the way you state your comments. I would like to know the substance of what was said so that I can decide whether or not there was something illegal going on. You on the other hand say you care about the legality of pay raises, the charter and the codes and people who abuse them, but what you are trying to do is find a "smoking gun" so you can find leverage to rid of individuals who you dislike in the first place no matter what they do.

2:50 PM, October 27, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12:09 And I have a reason for getting angry. You are not about illegal issues in the police department. You are about getting rid of the police chief and the mayor. BECAUSE you got smart with me when I asked you what was said at the meeting between the city administrator, the police chief and others.

And by your words in your comment, it is obvious that you don't know and don't care cause you stated impolitely:

"I don't know, were the pay raises discussed in those "closed" meetings? I wasn't there, were you?
I can't find where Tom said the mayor was in those meetings, after all he (mayor) has recently been claiming he knew nothing about a lot of things, remember?

Therefore, it is so obvious that all you want is for the mayor and police chief to be out of there. That's my point, and it is obvious in the way you state your comments. I would like to know the substance of what was said so that I can decide whether or not there was something illegal going on. You on the other hand say you care about the legality of pay raises, the charter and the codes and people who abuse them, but what you are trying to do is find a "smoking gun" so you can find leverage to rid of individuals who you dislike in the first place no matter what they do.

2:51 PM, October 27, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2:52 How in the heck do you know what I am angry about? Are you some kind of Side Show Carnival act that can read minds?
If your looking to find out what really happened at City Hall, I hope your mind reading skills are up to par, cause you going to need them to get what goes on behind closed doors there.

3:40 PM, October 27, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Mr. TT you just can't stop complaining can you especially when it comes to this administration. I am just going by what Tom Ford was saying or inferring, that's all. Too bad you just can't control your hatred for the mayor and all who are affiliated with him. Everyone may think you sign all your comments, but you don't. It doesn't take a mind reader, your disgust and hatred and your one track mind come flying through the computer screen like no one else can.

4:30 PM, October 27, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And that's why there is a state investigation being requested, because Mr. T T hates the mayor?
Mr. T T didn't request the investigation.

5:38 PM, October 27, 2008  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Ah, Ladies and Gentlemen, after reading what I didn't say I thought it might be time to reflect on what I did say!

1. There was a Police Department meeting.

2. Several issues were raised.

3. one of the major complaints "may" have been resolved, we shall see in the future.

4. The Mayor was not there.

5. It now comes to light that the C/A and the Chief may not have both been there at the same time.

6. No clandestine affairs were discussed, only the grievances of the officers.

Now, we can speculate all we want here, but I stand by my statement that Mr. Eckrich is working to eliminate the issues that he can. The rest will be up to the Police Chief.

Let us all wait for the ethics commission to rule on the Tax issue, and possibly the promotions and raises before we decide this issue out of hand.

By the way, there are two more openings in Kirkwood, so I am sure we will see very soon if this meeting was as well received as I think it was.

Tom Ford

5:40 PM, October 27, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks Mr. Ford. I appreciate the fact that you are taking the time to tell us what you know for sure.

I will wait for the ethics commission to do their investigation and wish that everyone would do the same rather than accuse those involved before a determination is made.

However, Mr. T. will be fanning the flames of his discontent and getting his belly in an uproar while hw waits, praying to the gods of evil that this administration and its police chief go down in the flames of dishonor. Whereas most honest people would hope that it turns out that there was nothing done illegally and for two important reasons. One, so that no more damage is done to the reputation of Crestwood; and secondly, so that people are not unjustly condemned. That's the way normal people act. Mr. Trueblood in his own words, dislikes the mayor and I add, so much so, that all he wants is the blood of the mayor and his appointee sprawled all over town because he has a vendetta which has now taken over his whole life. He may not have started this investigation, but he is one of the key players.

9:35 PM, October 27, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you are looking for facts, please find below a few for your consideration:

1. The Missouri Ethics Commission is NOT investigating the mid-year salary adjustments given to police department employees. It is not within their jurisdiction.

2. The Civil Service Board voted unanimously to conduct the investigation into the mid-year salary increases, in part because the city attorney allowed a vote to take place in closed session on a subject of which he admitted in open session that he had not been aware and for which he could not respond until he reviewed it with the police chief. The city attorney allowed a vote to take place on a subject for which he had yet to render an opinion. The alderman who made the motion to approve the previously implemented salary increases was the same alderman who worked with the police chief on the department reorganization.

3. The city administrator and the city attorney both claim that the reasons listed in the civil service rules for changes in salary are merely examples. However, the reasons were not preceded by the phrases "for example" or "include but are not limited to", both of which are used throughout the civil service rules to delineate a non-exclusive list.

4. The police chief explained to me that he, the mayor and an alderman (along with a professor of mathematics) worked on the police department reorganization. If the mayor claims he had nothing to do with the reorganization, he is contradicting the police chief's description of how the administration arrived at the police department reorganization. I cannot attest to the veracity of either claim.

Martha Duchild

12:33 AM, October 28, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So therefore, what is the ethics commission investigating? So where do the pay raises stand? Is the ethics commission investigating the use of the reverse 911 issue. These things are getting very confusing. And it is very difficult to understand them. Shouldn't the city attorney become part of this investigation and give his opinion in writing so we can understand the reaons, the why's and the wherefore's..

10:44 AM, October 28, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:44. These issues have been explained over and over. It is not that hard to understand, unless your not the sharpest tool in the shed!

11:13 AM, October 28, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11:13 am Whoever you are, you can take your attitude and "you know what to do with it"! I don't see how anyone can be the sharpest tool in the shed not even you, Mr. Super Hero; not if you read what a bunch of bloggers say which does nothing more than confuse everyone. Especially people with an attitude like yours and people who are one-sided and only want to tell you their side instead of both sides so will play on their turf. They have no other motive but to erradicate this mayor and this administration for their own personal reasons which may not be the truth. Well, that isn't enough for me. You end up hearing only their side which is only focusing on one thing which is to get the mayor and his administration.

People keep saying go to the board meetings to see what? To see that the meetings don't discuss these issues. All the meetings will tell me is how the mayor conducts the meetings, and who he blew off, etc. etc. Does this mean that he has covered anything up which is what I need to know? Does it mean that he allowed illegal activities to go unaccounted for which is what I want to know? This tells me nothing about the reverse 911 issue, or the pay raises, or that he and his people covered up things. It doesn't tell me what the city attorney is doing about the allegations. All this blog does is keep on keep-en on about the mayor.

Maybe you are willing to believe things without the benefit of real proof but I am not. Even Ms. Duchild says that the blog is only a forum. Well if you can't make a case out of it, then it is merely someone's chatter and that is all it does is make chatter and spread propaganda?

I don't know much, as you so brilliantly pointed out, but if you can tell me how you can even go to the polls on Tuesday, after all the State and Presidential campaign information in the news, and tell me you can vote intelligently and not be confused, I'll "eat my hat". Same with this political garbage in Crestwood. The bigger load of manure here, the bigger area you can spread it on until the whole of Crestwood stinks.

Is anyone really moving Crestwood forward by this so-called forum? No because some people on this blog, don't really care about Crestwood; they care more about who was elected Mayor, their picks who lost before, and how much worse we are now, according to them. They don't care how we got here because they are too busy focusing on the politics of it all and their own selfish motives.

No one can tell me that this blog has helped Crestwood move in the right direction. All this is - is a means to rant and rave about this administration. To heck with the 3 or 4 previous administrations because their mistakes didn't make a contribution.

Too bad you can't think further than your nose. Maybe I am not the sharpest tool; I never said I was. But since you think you are, be careful and make sure you don't cut yourself.

12:37 PM, October 28, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh My God! Guess who's back?

3:18 PM, October 28, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

An ex-employee maybe?? Wonder why.

3:43 PM, October 28, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a hard time telling the difference between SG and CB cause they both think they can write. not!

4:06 PM, October 28, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the last three comments, I do feel you have a problem giving answers to the previous questions. So instead you choose to insult people? Sounds to me like TT. Funny though, he really thinks he can write. NOT! So, Mr. Ford can you answer the questions made in the comment at 12:37. Someone has taken the defensive in the last three blog comments, and decided to throw rocks at people rather than admit their bad motives when someone points them out. The idiots that they are wish to intimidate instead of answering simple questions because they have no answers. Can you tell us just what is going on. I would appreciate it.

5:10 PM, October 28, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you want to know what is going on, I strongly suggest you ask either of your Aldermen, the Mayor, the C/A, or the Police Chief.

Good luck in getting an answer!

5:44 PM, October 28, 2008  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

5:10 PM blogger: So far this is what has been submitted to the Missouri Ethics Commission for their review, and investigation.

1. The prop 1 committee, and the City for the use of public funds.

2. The refusal of the City, and the BOA to allow the Civil Service Board to investigate the Police pay raises, and the promotions.

3. More evidence reference the Prop 1 committee, and the City.

That is what has been sent to the State Ethics Commission to date. I have no idea whether they have any jurisdiction over the Police fiasco, but they can forward that on to a commission who does if they so desire.

The Commission has various avenues open too them to resolve a complaint, as follows.

1. Dismiss without merit.

2. Close with a letter of reprimand.

3. Close with a letter, and a fine.

4. Refer to the Attorney General for prosecution.

As of this writing, none of the above have been done. We know the complaint is still active as it has not been closed as of today, but we do not know the avenue they are pursuing reference said complaint.

Now you know why I have requested that we all allow the Commission to complete it's investigation before we speculate of "who did what to whom!"

I hope this clears things up for you.

Tom Ford

6:19 PM, October 28, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

6:19 I thank you very much for your clear and concise answers. Did you all hear Mr. Ford say he doesn't know the outcome. So you can keep screaming and yelling and assuming you know everything even to the point of using certain initials as if graffeti on abandoned buildings, or you can just sit and wait before you end up using everyone in this administration as your battering ram for problems. It isn't getting Crestwood back at all; it is just making things worse.

Thanks Mr. Ford

6:53 PM, October 28, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excuse me but having questions related to the BOA by Mr. Ford and getting no answers is upsetting. Where is the transparent government? All we want is the answers, good or bad and have received either. Does not give the citizens a good feeling. Makes it seem like the the trust that has been granted to the elected officials has been overlooked.

10:18 PM, October 28, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But you see poster 6:53 wants no discussion of our stonewalling mayor and BOA spoke about on this blog.
The first step in "bringing Crestwood back" would a government that was transparent like it promised to be, until then we have to rely on State investigations to find the truth.

7:14 AM, October 29, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom Ford's explanation does not change the fact that the Mayor is an embarrassment to the city; the current police chief is neither a qualified leader nor good manager; and I suspect that the entire city staff has little respect for either of them. This is the issue that needs to be resolved to "move Crestwood forward."

Additionally, where is the movement on the Mall. Is Roy out of the loop again?

8:08 AM, October 29, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:08, now you did it, you pointed out the obvious. Get ready.

9:21 AM, October 29, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:08 The things you pointed out do not break any laws. That's my point. You are speaking of leadership qualities which is nothing more than an opinion. Accusing people of breaking laws, illegal raises, and the rest of those issues, can only be proven by the Ethics Commission; not you or me or anyone else. Still the accusations keep coming in, which is what I don't like. Just as Mr. Ford said, we need to wait for the answers. But every police department seems to have the same problems no matter where you go. I have heard complaints about leadership in lots of police departments. It seems to go with the job. Even before the last chief was given two important jobs in the city, there were always problems and complaints no matter who the chief was. Being on several police boards, this is what happens. It's the same thing no matter where you go. You may go somewhere else and find the same problems but different people.

10:46 AM, October 29, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your WRONG! It is not the same in all police departments. They complain of course, but the complaint is not that their leaders or unqualified or have no leadership skills. It's the normal everyday complaints concerning money, equipment, vacation time etc.

The comlaints of the officers on this police department is leadership etc. I fear that if something is not soon remedied, you will see more officers and employees leave.

1:07 PM, October 29, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well OK if you say so. I was under the impression that, according to Mr. Ford, the morale was better. Sounds like there is a split consensus on things. You say one thing and Mr. Ford says something else. Sorry.

2:50 PM, October 29, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2:50. Just goes to show you, you need to take what Mr. Ford says with a grain of salt.

4:07 PM, October 29, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From what I heard, the meeting was basically about the number of monthly traffic tickets the officers are to write.

4:54 PM, October 29, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So the mayor wasn't there, the pay raises for "special" police officers wasn't talked about, there will be written record of what was talked about, and this is all about bring Crestwood back? But we think it was about writting more tickets?


5:33 PM, October 29, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Geez, alright already. This blog was created to give Crestwood citizens the opportunity to share opinions on issues and has become the Complainers Corner. Never does it ever end. There are maybe 10 regular people who repeatedly post on this blog. Isn't there something else in your life that interests you. Maybe grandchildren, fishing, volunteering, something other than wasteing blog space with your constant broken record comments time and time again night after night. It feels like Groundhog day.

6:33 PM, October 29, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree 100%. Nobody wants to hear the same constant complaints over and over again. Glad I am not alone on this.

7:40 PM, October 29, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess until answers are forthcoming, the complaining will continue. If city hall was more "open" there would be far less complaing about important items. There will always be petty whining. But is a difference between the two. Wanting answers to important items is not complaining.

9:41 PM, October 29, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:41 And you feel making vial, distorted and defaming remarks at this administration, specifically at the mayor and police chief and secretaries on this blog is going to get you the answers? There is a world of difference between asking for answers and making accusations of all sorts to the point that you anger the very people you want answers from. If you expect honest and intelligent answers, when you already feel you know the answers, why would anybody want to say anything. If you and other bloggers called me names, you would be the last people I would feel I need to be accountable to. As it stands now, you would need an atomic bomb to tear down the walls of decension going on. This city is falling apart and all you want to do is burn this administration for it. I suggest if you want things done and you feel you can do better, please run for office; all except Mr. TT because he will just be another control freak like Greer, and look at everything with his narrow-minded attitude. I would definitely not vote for him. He has carried his grudge too long for this mayor and only has one objective in mind. Get the mayor whatever it takes. Further he has nothing to bring to the table except what he does best - with more hate a decension. It is all about getting back at people and not about John Q Citizen using whatever means possible.

10:43 AM, October 30, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:43. Sounds like someone missed their nap.

1:50 PM, October 30, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:43 Yea, it's been three years since those two devils, TT and Greer were around causing all the problems for our city way back then. Look how much better things have become since they left.

Mall-just about dead

Police Chief-deer is dead?

Smoke filled closed door deals being made.

Now on our 2nd City Administrator.

How many staff have left in the last 3 years of the "enlightened" Mayor's leadership?

Three attempted property tax increases.

I'm sure there are others who can add to this list of the vast improvements in the last 3 years since the twin devils left.

3:25 PM, October 30, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3;25 pm Yeah Sure! With TT and Greer until his death, today we would be so much better off. We would have:

1. A Mall flourishing with filled parking lots and sales tax pouring into Crestwood. NOT! But continue believing it.

2. A 14 million dollar police facility thanks to our illustrious CA/Police Chief. Mr. TT would have Greer's name enscribed on the side of the new building and since we would have all this sales tax money (thanks to TT and Greer) we would be able to support and maintain it. Not! But continue thinking that. Mr. TT and Greer would have made it happen; especially now when other malls are also suffering. Sure. They would have commanded a great funnel cloud to come down with Manna from Heaven. That's what happens when you walk on water like they do.


4. We would still have a finance officer who couldn't find her posterior with both hands who Greer could manipulated among other things, with a reputation in the Mo. Finance Officer's Association for working her way up the ranks, etc. etc. Everybody who knows people in the municipal finance business knows it, AND HAS BEEN LAUGHING ABOUT IT FOR YEARS; and that's why Greer picked her. Mr. T was OK with that too. If Greer wanted ANYTHING, Mr. T was fine with it; never questioning one, single solatary thing.

5. If the CA/police chief called one closed session a week, Mr. Trueblood would have never batted an eye. He may have questioned it, but never would he go against Greer.

6. Smoke filled closed door meetings? You think that things only happened in the last three years in closed sessions? Too bad you didn't do your investigating when you thought things were good. Those are the ISSUES Mr. Trueblood says "he can't talk about because they are confidential. Why not? He sure seems to think everything should be open and above board now! Oh sure. Now open the flood gates everyone. Let's get the secretary, and the new CA and MAYOR AND POLICE CHIEF AND the pay raises, and "what the heck" let's just air out everything. I say Good! Then let's air out everything starting from the things covered up by Greer in the police department when he was here and FLUSH OUT the things covered up by a previous mayor.

7. Three attempts at tax increases, you say? If all things would have stayed the same with your so-called Mr. TT and Greer, you think that everything would be OK today and we wouldn't need more money and things would just be "sqeeky clean" in Crestwood Huh? And you actually think they (Mr. TT and Greer) would not be asking for a tax increase?

8. Had the two devils still been here, there would have been great improvements in Crestwood? Are you crazy? We would have had a brand new 14 million dollar police facility, no money from the Mall, the community center in hock, but these things you would be OK with and Crestwood would be flourishing?
Do you live in a cave or are you so dense and full of narrow-mindedness that you can't see the truth?

Wake up and smell the coffee. You are a true nut job and totally insane with hatred.

Grow up and stop playing politics.

9:10 PM, October 30, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:10 PM, October 30, 2008

Prozac anyone? Please see your doctor.

10:43 AM, October 30, 2008

Seems like you don't care what anyone says on this site. Didn't see 9:41 pm stating anything like -"And you feel making vial, distorted and defaming remarks at this administration,"

Are both posts the same person? Twins? Sorry if you follow blindly.

10:15 PM, October 30, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:15 PM I merely refuted the remarks made by the 3:25 blogger, one by one. Why does that constitute me needing prozac?
Maybe you are the one with the problem. Remember this is a forum.

Further, the 9:41 blogger talks about complaining and not getting answers from city hall. That is a "general" remark. I then answered the blogger in "general" terms. What is wrong with that? It is you that is assuming I specifically accused the blogger of the wrongdoings mentioned in my comment. That's your fault, not mine.

You can try to shut me up and try to diminish me and my opinions, but I have just as much of a right to blog as you. You fall right into the phychological trap of trying to admonish me because I have an opinion different from yours. Too bad you live on a one way street and too bad you have to revert to doing such things to make everyone think your opinion is the only one that matters.

Your sarcasm just stimulates me all the more.

11:55 PM, October 30, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How did we go down the road from police department issues to bashing Tim Trueblood? He's taken a lot of heat lately, so let me chime in.

I don't always agree with Tim, but many times I have. Same with Sandy Grave and same with others who have been mentioned here from time to time. I admire and thank both Tim and Sandy for their service to the city. They have both been upfront with their opinions, as has Mr. Ford, who gives us this forum to express our opinion. So thanks to Tim, Sandy and Tom.

As far as the blog goes, it's an opinion piece. It's a place to exchange opinions and ideas. I like to read what others write here, eventhough I may or may not agree with what is written. Why do I like to read it? I like to know what others in my community are thinking - what they feel, what they like, what they dislike.

I know it is not easy as I have done it myself unfortunately, but let's stick to debating issues and let's cut the attacks on one another.

Let's face it, Crestwood has issues. But still, it's a great community and will be in the future.

Sorry for the soapbox, but that's how I feel. Let's appreciate each other a bit more.

1:05 AM, October 31, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1:05 am I have expressed my opinions just like lots of others on this blog. I have tried to play by their rules to make a point. I have tried to show people by comparison that the money the previous administration shelled out also caused Crestwood to be in this mess. However, all I hear about on this blog is putting blame on this mayor and his department heads and nothing else.
I also know that Mr. Trueblood presently plays by his own rules and absolutely dispises this mayor and has said so. However, I have never heard him chastise Mr. Fagan or Greer for anything. It is my personal view that Mr. Trueblood is on a witch hunt which is OK if that's how he feels he can gain popularity; but until I hear him state what Greer did to this city was ten times worse, I will keep saying my opinion; i.e. spending city money to buy his own personal BMW, (can you imagine what TT would say if the city were paying for the present CA's personal auto to the toon of $800 per month), and until then, I won't shut up. That's my point! Also, who in the heck gives their finance officer over $70,000 a year as a starting salary. Then Greer wants to build a 14 million dollar police station and the citizens have to get a petition going to stop it.

I refuse to listen to Mr. TT's garbage about what is happening now until he fesses up to what happened before and admits he was part of it and it was far worse than what we have now. He talks about cover ups and private meetings and anything else he can get his hands on to discredit this administration because it is easier to look into someone else's back yard instead of their own. And that goes for other bloggers too who have only got time to do the same thing on this blog and never remember the past.

It is by their rules that I continue to play their game to try to show them that before they throw stones at the present officials they better be honest about what happened that led up to what we have now. The Mall, the lack of money, and the way sales tax money was spent way before we ran out of it. But all Mr. Trueblood wants to do is vent his hatred for this mayor and bring everybody else in this adminitration down including a secretary. I think it is up to somebody to tell him that he is leaving out a lot of the real story. That's all I am trying to do.

I wouldn't be mentioning Mr. TT at all in this whole mess if he didn't already open his mouth about the faults of this administration to the point where he becomes canibalistic about it.

Guess he will be running for mayor next year.

11:09 AM, October 31, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poster 11:09 No, the only thing Mr. Trueblood did was to post his views and sign his name to them, which has allowed you to make him your target of hate for having views different than yours.
Talk about venting hatred, you need to re read your posts sometime and figure put what type of person you are that posts such vile hatred of Mr. Greer and yet is not strong enough to sign their name. What are you so afraid of that prevents you from signing your name?


12:41 PM, October 31, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I thought you said you would delete those post that continue to bring up the past administration and not focus on the current problems of the city? They serve no purpose and as you can see their ranting has reduced the number of individual posts.

I think we all know who the ranter is, if you have spent any time involved with the business of the city. Remember, you can't fix stupid.

1:12 PM, October 31, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1:12, tell me who this poster is, cause your very right about not being able to fix stupid.


2:39 PM, October 31, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe the poster's spelling of the word "dissention" is a giveaway. The poster spells it "descension" and has used this unique spelling in a signed post, and has also used it posts that are not signed.

Am I right?

Martha Duchild

4:37 PM, October 31, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Meetings don't solve moral problems, only reform can. The department will continue to loose personell until there are changes in management/philosophy.

12:12 PM, November 05, 2008  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

12:12 pm blogger: That is very true, but the change we seek will not happen unless meetings with someone take place.

The management style will never change unless a person above that supervisor requires it. Face it, that's not very likely with Roy at the helm.

So what to do besides request meetings?

Tom Ford

4:14 PM, November 05, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


6:39 PM, November 05, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In reply to Martha at 4:37 Oct. 31

I have been sick for over three weeks and have not checked the blog until now to read some interesting things. I have hardly had a chance to get my head off my pillow and almost didn't make it to the polls yesterday.

Martha, in reference to your comment made under this heading, I wish to state that I think you are a very smart and bright woman, and there is no denying it. However, you are not always right; you just think you are.

After reading about your investigation of an anonymous blogger, it is obvious to me who you think it is. Therefore, I really don't know why in answering Tim Trueblood's question, you just didn't come out and say my name.

In reading some of the comments, I can tell had the comment left by this anonymous blogger been in accordance with what you and Tim and others feel regarding this administration, that the blogger's identity in question would have never been requested.

So, Martha, I am now glad I know where I stand, as it is obvious to me who you feel the anonymous blogger is. If your wish is to judge me by an incorrect spelling word, then I suggest that you and Tim Trueblood form an alliance so that everyone's identity can be searched out on this blog when it suits your fancy.

If your secret to success on this blog is to catch an anonymous blogger by your ultimate spelling test, so be it, but just state the name next time, especially since you don't seem to be ashamed of signing your name.

If you are going to use misspelled words as your benchmark, you have got a lot of blog comments that would fit your supreme judgement call.

The truth is that anybody can get by with misspelled words and much more on this blog. All one has to do is agree with everything you and others say. It is those of us who disagree that are framed in your scope of bad judgement.

By the way Martha, I know how to spell "dissension" according to my dictionary, and I also know the meaning. I can also spell distortion, which means to twist out of shape. And lastly, I can spell, asinine, which is an adjective meaning stupid.

I hope your future investigations are all as worthwhile as this one was.

Sandy Grave

7:23 PM, November 05, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dissension. Noun A dispute; a quarreling; hard feelings caused by a difference of opinion. Thorndike Century Senior Dictionary

7:27 PM, November 05, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks 7:27 PM Nov. 5th! I stand corrected. A bit ironic, isn't it? Now we can all spell "dissension" properly.

Martha Duchild

2:32 PM, November 06, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Need a morale boost?

Tired of political cronyism?

Tired of the good ole boy administration?

The Fraternal Oder of Police Lodge 15 is your answer.

1:38 PM, November 18, 2008  

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