Response to FOIA form requests, or what ya mean I can't see it?
Gee whiz kids, I took a couple of forms to the City Hall requesting documents on a variety of things, and all I received were two invoices pertaining to the cost of the July / August, Crestwood Connections Newsletter.
1. 6500 copies $3240.50
2. Mailing: $1015.69
All invoices directed to Ms. Helen Ingold, City of Crestwood.
The remaining 22 questions were denied under the following paragraph in the response letter from the City.
"Please note that under the provisions of the Sunshine Law, records requests only pertain to public records. Accordingly. the questions you have asked cannot be answered by the custodian of records."
I admit there were some biting questions in there, such as I wanted a copy of the police board minutes, but hey, who am I to be granted that knowledge?
One thing you should know it that our City Clerk, Ms. Tina Flowers is doing an outstanding job up there, and none of this "stone walling" can be laid at her feet! I thank her for providing what she can when I ask for it, so please do not blame her for this.
This is directly at the feet of the Mayor, the Board, and the City Attorney ( Mr. Rob Golterman, of Lewis Rice Fingersh.) Why I cannot as a citizen see the records I asked for escapes me, but believe me, I will not stop there!
How about it boy's, when do we stop the PYA, and coverup? What really happened?
By the way, why did Brian Gross resign, and why have we eliminated the "Management annalist" position? Can it be that this was one position we really didn't need, or is there something else at work here?
Tom Ford
NO. 556
1. 6500 copies $3240.50
2. Mailing: $1015.69
All invoices directed to Ms. Helen Ingold, City of Crestwood.
The remaining 22 questions were denied under the following paragraph in the response letter from the City.
"Please note that under the provisions of the Sunshine Law, records requests only pertain to public records. Accordingly. the questions you have asked cannot be answered by the custodian of records."
I admit there were some biting questions in there, such as I wanted a copy of the police board minutes, but hey, who am I to be granted that knowledge?
One thing you should know it that our City Clerk, Ms. Tina Flowers is doing an outstanding job up there, and none of this "stone walling" can be laid at her feet! I thank her for providing what she can when I ask for it, so please do not blame her for this.
This is directly at the feet of the Mayor, the Board, and the City Attorney ( Mr. Rob Golterman, of Lewis Rice Fingersh.) Why I cannot as a citizen see the records I asked for escapes me, but believe me, I will not stop there!
How about it boy's, when do we stop the PYA, and coverup? What really happened?
By the way, why did Brian Gross resign, and why have we eliminated the "Management annalist" position? Can it be that this was one position we really didn't need, or is there something else at work here?
Tom Ford
NO. 556
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If you look at Sunset Hills web site ALL meeting minutes are posted online.
Please post the questions that were not answered for all of us to read and then ask the Mayor the same.
Also, if I am not mistaken, ALL meetings of any board or commission of the City of Crestwood that are not executive session (and that would only be the BOA meetings) are open to the public and as such their minutes must be provided to any one who asks for them. Further, there was a time that all meetings of any board or commission of the City of Crestwood were to be tape recorded for any one requesting them.
Not to anger any one still defending our current Mayor, but this is one of the MAJOR changes in the way Crestwood is now being run from how it was run in the past. We no longer have a transparent government that is open to the public for review. This change has taken place exclusively under Roy Robinson's leadership.
Per popular request (well one only) I am posting the 23 questions that were not answered!
1. Who supplied Prop 1 info for the newsletter?
2. Who approved the final draft of the newsletter?
3.Who approved the use of the reverse 911?
4. Who provided the content of the recorded message?
5. As of August 5th what internal policies, procedures were in place?
6. Were tests given for the Police promotions?
7. Were all eligible employees invited to take the test?
8. How did the Police Chief determine that adjustments were needed?
9 When was the above determined, was the 2008 budget in place?
10. When the adjustments were made was the Dept. also reviewed?
11. When was the reorganization first given to Admin?
12.what is the reason for each salary adjustment?
13. How did the Chief determine that the 10 adjustments were in compliance with Civil Service rules?
14. Did the Chief consult with the C/A on the re-organization?
15. Did any elected officials help the Chief prepare the proposed organization?
16. Did the City Attorney review the proposed reorganization including the salary adjustments?
17. Who determined that the proposed reorganization required presentation in a closed session?
18. When this was done were the ten salary adjustments included in this proposal?
19. If there was no need for the BOA approval for the raises, why was there a motion made to vote on same?
20. Why wasn't the agenda modified (closed session) to include the Police adjustments?
21. Why did Alderman Roby make a motion to approve the adjustments if no vote was needed?
22. Did Alderman Roby discuss this motion with the City Attorney between open and closed session?
23. Were the members of the Police board aware of the increases, where are the minutes from this meeting?
Well, there you have the gist of my questions that were not answered.
And once again, please do not forget that His Honor promised the "most open and honest Government."
Tom Ford
Thanks for your efforts.
It's sad that Crestwood government has come to this.
Just heard we are losing another officer. He's going to Webster Groves in two weeks. That's six officer's this year.
8:39 PM blogger: Correct we are going to loose another officer to Webster Groves!
This attrition will not stop anytime soon as long as the following factors are still in place in Crestwood.
1. Little chance for advancement, unless you one of the "chosen" that meet the approval of the Mayor, and the Police Chief.
2. Complete lack of pay raises in the past couple of years.
3. Younger, and less experienced officers moving ahead of established officers, both in pay, and rank.
This Police Department "re-organization" is possibly the worst thing I have ever seen for the morale of the street officer!
How do you explain to an officer with 18 years service to Crestwood that a less experienced man will be the next "white shirt" because we didn't even invite you to compete for the job?
As long as the "cronyism" is the competing factor, we will loose good and honorable officers to Cities that do not engage in that sort of behaviour!
Tom Ford
The cronyism started when the mayor appointed his buddy, a mere sargent, to the police chiefs position. A very experienced and knowledgeable captain, Mr. Frank Arnoldy, was passed over, and that set the tone for what was to follow.
By last count, there were at least 6, if not more, employees leave after the appointment of this police chief, and that was prior to the 6 that have left this year.
The administration wants you to believe it's only because of pay, because then residents will feel obligated to line their pockets to stay. The truth is how ill-run this department is with the promotion of someone lacking the experience to do the job, and the double-wall you come up against because the mayor blindly backs his friend.
Until this situation is remedied, expect more loss, more promotions of inexperienced officers (aka cronies), and worst of all, loads of newbie officers in training being led by those inexperienced 'superior' officers.
5:26 PM blogger: Entirely correct (same thing I said,) so you get a gold star!
Now what are we going to do about it? As I see it we have choices here to look at.
1. Buy a big gun and a dog, and nite lights.
2. Stop the "cronyism."
3. A vote of "no confidence" reference the Chief, and the Mayor.
4. Reverse this travesty, and have applicant's re-apply for positions.
5. Do nothing, and watch the best, and brightest get away from us!
Enough is enough, we must correct this, and soon else we become a City that NO POLICE OFFICER wants to sign on with!
Tom Ford
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1st Frank, then the Chief and now the Capt. Reflections of our mayor's true ability to lead and inspire. A window into the man's soul.
Yipes, this is gonna be a long 3 years.
And when that day come when no Officer of the Law wants to work for Crestwood, will that be the time to hire the County Police to protect us?
That I think is the 6th choice that you could have added to your post of 10/11/08
12:00Pm blogger: I would contract with Webster Groves, or Kirkwood before I did anything with the County!
Believe me you have no idea just how bad their service really is until you have seen them in action!
Before I voted to do ANYTHING with St. Louis County, I would buy a very large gun and a dog, trust me!
So in my mind that puts them at number 98 on a 5 list post.
Not to worry though, we will always have capable officers for protection, just not as experienced as I would like to have them.
A police officer is not as effective as they will be until they have 4-5 years in a community. It takes that long to become familiar with the "players" in town.
As I see it, the best cost effective way to solve the problem would be a change in management if the morale does not improve.
Alas, that might involve a study (investigation) by the Civil Service Board, and we all know that will never be allowed, don't we!
Tom Ford
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2:55 PM blogger: Exactly! And I applaud your foresight in this!
Tom Ford
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Are you saying that the City of Crestwood should discriminate against people and only hire those who live in Crestwood.
3:57 You my friend are saying it is OK to break the law as you have accused the mayor of doing.
People should undergo a record check and investigation. To wave a red flag only for the purposes of where they live however, is a big boo boo. And shame on you for stating it.
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If these are the kind of employees we're hiring, I'm embarrassed to live here. Are there no standards anymore?
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1:04 Give us all a break, do you really expect us to believe that the mayor doesn't have the final say over who the C/A hires? The you must not be aware of why our last Econ. Development lady left, and what the mayor had to do with her hiring and leaving.
The Mayor has his fingers on every thing up at City Hall, if you don't see that, well, Ive got a dog to sell you.
Please tell us you are kidding Tim Trueblood. Were you not there??? Your blog where you wrote this administration's major change from the former one is its lack of transparency is one for Saturday Night Live. Now come on, Tim, the former administration was a study in secrecy and lack of transparency. The City Administrator (a tyrant at best) ran the whole show and let me state, it was totally devoid of openess. But, if you wish to stick with your assessment, I am open to reading your list of the ways in which this former board and CA made things transparent. Really, please enlighten me.
Yes, it does look like this pattern is being somewhat continued by this board. I guess lessons were not learned. Anytime the majority of a body of officials determines that the public does not deserve to know the facts surrounding the ill advised usage of reverse 911 and city bulletin by a private political faction (who darned well knows better) , well, the smell is putrid AND worse yet, with this premise, a yes vote on any tax reform will be defeated, no matter how badly needed.
As for the police department, now is the time to get that book open, this too, smells. But, then, the CA when you were there did his thing with his favorites, remember!!! As a taxpayer, I am sick of this brand of leadership. Is the new CA turning into another typical Crestwood CA? Cause it sure looks like it. The parallel is getting too familiar, city employee promoted to higher position and forgets to remain neutral. Uh oh! Time for our CA to
remember who pays him.
But, however, whatever ...
perchance did anyone notice the common denominator in all this mess - you know the death of the sunshine law, secrecy, lack of background checks, mismanagement, confusion, politics, useless legal advice by an incompetant politicalist, police department politics and forever on and on ...
Well now that would be the City Attorney. The one the CALL suggested we replace. The one who remains through the last and present administrations and who has lost luster and has helped Roy lose his. The stench of the past returns and this is a darned shame because we have several totally dedicated Aldermen who when/if given the chance could turn this topsy turvy city around.
Tim, you said once I believe that you were not going to blog on this blog any more. No matter to me, but why don't you stick to the truth on transparency. We were there, too.
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6:13 Great comment. Never criticize someone for not cleaning off their porch when you never cleaned yours.
6:13 Blame every one but the man in charge the last 3 years, our mayor.
...3 years, almost 6 1/2 months!
7:21 You all have the opportunity to quit counting how many more months you have to put up with the mayor. You can Recall him but instead you just keep bitching and moaning about him in every way. If you really wanted to do something about your complaints, you could Recall him ASAP; but it's more fun to blog him every chance you get. Nobody has answered the question I pose: why not just recall him? Until somebody does, I think you are all a bunch of phonies.
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Right back at ya there, Carol Casey.
1-:20 a.m.
What the heck are you rambling about this time? Only thing that is clear to me in what you posted is "never blame the mayor for anything wrong in Crestwood".
Is that what you are saying?
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You will no doubt notice that quite a few comments have been removed fro this post.
At the request of an employee of City Hall, I have removed them. Please be advised that any future comments referencing Mr. Degler will not be allowed, and I will remove them as soon as I see them!
Tom Ford
When did city hall contact you? Who at city hall reads this blog. What was the basis of their request?
Does the subject of those removed posts still have their website up, is city hall gonna ask him to remove them?
So now we have such a corrupt government in Crestwood that our 1st amendment rights are gone?
If someone from City Hall had contacted you and requested you remove all the posts about the late Don Greer, would you have done so?
Why this then?
"The penalty good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men".
Another example of how city hall wants to hush the public. They do it in meetings. Why not here? If the housing market wasn't so bad, I would be outta here today.
Even if there are reasons for their behavior on several items, the public is not suppose to know the facts. Seems to me that a written request should have been answered.
I guess I should have explained my decision a bit better last night, but I wanted to watch the debate.
I made the decision to remove the comments, and forbid any more after a discussion with a gentleman (who shall remain nameless, and no, you will never guess who.)
I felt that this had gone on way to long, and as the subject had run it's course, I could no longer, in good conscience, allow the negative post's to continue.
Thus my decision to remove ALL of them.
Would I have done this if Greer was the subject, in a word, NO! That was totally different, as the Greer matter was not "youthful exuberance," but rather far more serious to the point of potentially costing Crestwood a lot of money had it continued.
I trust we can now move on to the much bigger problems in Crestwood, such as the "stonewalling" of Board's, and private citizens!
I have moved on to the point that I have sent another 30 page packet to the Missouri Ethics Commission in the hope of getting answers to the questions I have asked, and been rebuffed on!
Thank you for understanding.
Tom Ford
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