Well we always could be worse off, click on the header here to read about the (ex) Chief of Police in Bel Nor!
This guy has got to be the height of slime to attempt to scare a "munchkin!" That's right he was taking money from an 89 year old man (Mr. Mickey Carroll) and saying it was for the Police Department!
It seems that there is a dispute on that score, as Mickey Carroll had to get a restraining order from St. Louis County to stop this so called up-standing citizen from bothering him or getting his money!
If you click on the header you will see that the "chief" has resigned (yea right) but what you won't see is "the rest of the story!"
Thank goodness we have none of that sort of thing in Crestwood, nor have we to my knowledge.
"What a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive!" William Shakespeare.
Stay tuned for a LOT MORE on this lovely subject from the media!
Tom Ford
NO. 561
It seems that there is a dispute on that score, as Mickey Carroll had to get a restraining order from St. Louis County to stop this so called up-standing citizen from bothering him or getting his money!
If you click on the header you will see that the "chief" has resigned (yea right) but what you won't see is "the rest of the story!"
Thank goodness we have none of that sort of thing in Crestwood, nor have we to my knowledge.
"What a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive!" William Shakespeare.
Stay tuned for a LOT MORE on this lovely subject from the media!
Tom Ford
NO. 561
Don't be so sure you don't have this problem in Crestwood.
I talked to the reporter for the Post and the only reason he cared was because Mickey Carroll the munchknin was involved. Otherwise they wouldn't be covering it.
A second memeber of the department is on administrative leave with pay pending the investigation but was not in the Post article because he was not in Mickey Carroll's protection order.
6:19 PM blogger: If you know this reporter please call him back and tell him this is but the tip of the iceberg!
Trust me, this is the "nice" part, tell him to "make his own case!"
Tom Ford
Are you alluding to the possibility that Mr. Carroll the "grand marshal of Crestwood", gave Roy or his bud the COP a 'donation' that never made it to the police department, but to the Malone’s?
Is the investigation on the police department finished; has this issue come to a close or is it still being investigated. If it is closed, did it find all the necessary materials it needed to accuse those involved?
Until then, why not let the people who are doing the job of finding out the truth, come back to us with what they found?
You are so much about what you hope they find, and thus far all we get is your mere supposition.
Is that being fair and honest or are you just in a rush to find the police chief and the mayor so guilty that you just can't stand to wait?
Well, it's so much the fact that our mayor has lied to us so much and that our police chief wrecked one of our City cars for reasons still not told, that we are in a state of disbelief when it comes to items about our mayor.
So you have based you "guilty" prediction because of what? The police chief had a wreck and you can't get the details so therefore, everything points to lies and cover ups by the mayor and the police, when the investigations have still not proven one way or the other. Well good for you. Then I hope when something in our justice system points to you some day, instead of investigating it, we will just put you in jail without due process. How's that!
Everyone at Malone's know what really happened.
Tell us dear poster 2:34, when the mayor has told us the truth.
8:19 AM blogger: I have no idea how you got our City, Mayor, or Police chief in this post!
This is NOT about Crestwood, nor was it ever my friend! READ the story from the post dispatch!
Tom Ford
Well, if everybody at Malone's knows what happened, why don't you tell us in your own words. Lay it all on us and I will compare your so called facts with what others have done over the years. We'll see whose cover ups and lies are worse.
4:19 Well, if you can back up all his lies with evidence; do so. Not what people tell you, and not what you hear. Otherwise, if you can wait until after this ethics committee tells us, I thik that would be even better.
Can't believe there is this much chaos in local government. But those who play politics like you are all fanatics. Don't be surprised if something happens when the new President is elected. People like you are the very epitamy of fanatacism.
5:02 You know what your problem is?
You want to compare what is happening now to what has happened in that past.
"compare your so called facts with what others have done over the years"
That is flat out stupid and immature. You way will never address the problems of today because the they will never be worse than the past. So we should be content to live with and allow the cover ups and lies today because you don't see them as bad as those in the past?
Sorry, but that's not how grown ups deal with problems at hand that need fixing.
5:26 pm Well then Mr. Grown Up, show me how mature you are and tell me one by one all the things you know for sure that this mayor and his police chief have done, that are lies and cover ups, especially since we have not seen any ethics commission report as yet.
PLUS If you are so dang smart, and you know what has been done beyond a shadow of a doubt, why do we need an ethics commission report? We have you and the rest of your slug friends to tell us every single step of the wrong doings.
I am sure Mr. TT will be more than happy to tell us everything word for word, one by one or so it seems. Only thing he won't tell us is all the stuff he let happen when he was on the board of aldermen because he was too busy glorifying those doing all the cover ups and lies.
Then IN ORDER TO EVADE ANSWERING QUESTIONS, he recuses himself by explaining how some of these things have legal ramifications and he cannot comment; but he has no trouble telling us that there are too many closed door sessions in this administration and they should be open to the public.
One cannot help but wonder "where does Mr. TT think a cap on these meetings should be"? Two per year, 5 per year, maybe only one per year. In his mind, he wants to be the judge as to how many meetings occur and questions them with this mayor. But not before when he was on duty. Had his CA called one every day, he would have been at every one of them without "QUESTION" the first to arrive. Nice try getting out of answering questions according to his criteria; first you have to give your name and secondly, he won't answer certain questions and stands behind the need for privacy when things occurred on his watch that were of a legal nature. Should we have not had an open door policy then too as well as now? Too bad we can't rewind the hands of time on video and do a show and tell on all of the garbage he let get by.
AND when listing all the illegal things this mayor and his people allow, make sure you don't leave anything out now. Just make sure you also include in your assessment why we need an ethics report when we have all this vast knowledge that can stand up in a court of law from you, stating all the illegal stuff and cover ups and lies; and also then tell me why if this is so, the city attorney never felt he had to stop any of it from happening. Oh I guess they all are crooks and liars up there.
I asked why we can't Recall Roy if he is so bad. My answer from Ms. Duchild is that we don't have enough evidence and we need proof. She feels that what is on the blog is not hard evidence. And shame on me because I should go to the board of aldermen meetings according to her and see for myself. What's that going to show me except that the mayor can be rude to people who are confrontational like her when she get's on her muscle. As far as I know, that isn't a crime! You can say that his posture is not what it should be, but I can also remember when Mr. TT's posture was disgusting on the dais, as well as Mr. Kelleher's. Never heard one word about that. So it's only important now because the mayor is "rude" and cuts people off. Well shame on him - still doesn't constitute lies and deception and still isn't a crime.
You however, can call the mayor and others names longer than what is in a dictionary and that's OK. You can accuse them of everything but murder, and you have nothing to back it up with????!!!!
If we don't have enough evidence, sounds like all your words on this blog are just a bunch of bull if you can't prove a crime was committed. But you keep rambling on about it anyway, and it doesn't shut you up does it?
I say show me and I will follow; otherwise you are just another one who believes everything you hear, because you want to, and those who feed it to you are just as bad if not worse. Show me the proof; then I will make up my mind. Until then, I think you missed your calling.You should have done some of the campaign bull for the Presidential candidates. They tell so many lies and make so many inunendos that nobody really knows what to believe. Same thing here in Crestwood and depending on what side you are on, people believe what they want to believe. That's about the only truth I can see.
"Had his CA called one every day, he would have been at every one of them without "QUESTION" the first to arrive."
Mr. Trueblood had questioned many times that he did not feel some of the executive sessions needed to be held. Guess you better backup your statement with facts.
9:22 Don't have to backup my statements with facts. Mr. TT is the one that said this administration was having too many executive sessions. Back up yours that Mr. Trueblood had questioned many times that he did not feel some were needed to be held. Fact is, he may have questioned them but he till participated in them.
As an alderman, Tim Trueblood had to attend an executive session - even if he thought there were too many, so he knew what was discussed at that meeting.
October 22 9:12 PM
Nice job misrepresenting what I said. I did not say "we need more evidence ..." I said PERHAPS those (not we) who were considering a recall did not feel they had a good case yet.
I recommended that you attend board meetings not only to observe the behavior of all elected officials, but to get your information firsthand, rather than depending on hearsay. Nowhere in my statement did I say "shame on you" for not attending board of alderman meetings, so I have no idea why you think this was implied.
As I said before, blogs are forums for people to express their views on any given topic, regardless of whether those views are credible. It is imprudent to depend on a blog as your only source of information.
I hope you take my suggestion and attend the next board meeting.
Martha Duchild
9:12-'But you keep rambling on about it anyway, and it doesn't shut you up does it?'
Speaking of rambling, have you ever read your own posts?
9:12 Just to make a clarification, a complaint was filed with the Ethics Commission regarding the use of Reverse-911 and the city's newsletter to promote Proposition 1. The Ethics Commission complaint deals solely with the election - Prop 1 issue. The commission, as of this date, has not made a decision/ruling.
The police raise issue is an entirely different matter. I don't know what is happening in that situation.
Everybody at Malone's than night knows what happened.
As a reminder, If your counting the times Roy and his Boy are at Malone's, don't forget to look behind the building for their cars :)
Speaking of Malones - why do they frequent an establishment as much as they do that Crestwood does not receive sales tax from? Isn't it in the annexed area? Shouldn't they "move around" Crestwood and eat at places that do contribute sales tax to the city?
Let me know if I am wrong about this one. tks
I don't care where Roy or his boys go to meet; it use to be Rich and Charles and The Flaming Pit years ago. It's people like you who feel the need to check Malone's parking lot. I gather you have your PI's doing that or you are spending lots of time checking out Roy.
11:07 now you question where they should meet instead of Malones? Sounds like in order to get your approval, they need to converse wherever you so suggest. I guess that also applies to everything else that they do.
Unless you tell us what everybody at Malone's knows, we are left out of the loop. Since you go to meetings and seem to know everything that happens, why not share your findings.
Ms. Duchild, as long as you go to the meetings, stick to what you do best. Several years ago, the people on this blog were not happy with you either; but as soon as you had a "beef" with Roy, you became their best friend. That's what politics does. One day you are the enemy and the next time you are their best friend. Better watch yourself.
As for as misrepresenting what you said, well if you say so, because I refuse to argue with you, but I got the jest of most of it.
If the pay raises are not under scrutiny, and the newsletter issue is still unsettled, well I guess the Mayor is guilty of what you think you know. Just like everything else word of mouth and those who choose to destroy people based on their version of the truth on your side of the fence.
If the Ethics Commission finds that the 911 calls were indeed illegal, and that the mayor knew it, I will chance my mind on other things. Until that is final, I refuse to give up on our officials, department heads and employees; all of them, especially the ones you hold in such contempt.
Poster 9:12,
Here's the deal, post the questions you have for me that you claim I'm ducking.
Also, tell me what was disgusting about my posture?
If you can't do this, then keep my name out of your inane posts.
Do you really think Roy and his Boy go to Malone's for the food? Wake up and smell the brew.
1:06 PM You stormed off of the dais and slammed your hand down in disgust, when I was there and when your sacred administration was in office and Mr. Fagan did nothing about it.
That shows me right there that you ridicule this mayor for having a temper, and being impertinent when you did the same thing. I saw you with my own eyes Mr. Trueblood. Now you can call me dilusional if you want or tape dance your way out of it. Makes no difference to me. Maybe you just forget the things you did cause you don't have time to dwell on them anymore when you are out for "blood" Mr. Trueblood at this mayor and his people. And that is one reason that I don't go to meetings anymore. I saw enough when you and your God Mr. Greer and Fagan were in office, I saw you and I can guarantee you, I may be a lot of things but I do not make up things. You, sir, lost your temper many times and don't tell me I don't know what I saw.
1:35 PM Doesn't matter what I think; you are the PI on this; why don't you tell me what goes on. How can I smell the brew when you are the one spying. We would all like to know what goes on. Don't keep it to yourself. Like some on this blog tell me, if you can't spell it out, it mustn't be true.
October 23 12:04
Exactly what is my "beef" with Roy?
Martha Duchild
"You stormed off of the dais and slammed your hand down in disgust"
So poster 9:12 and now 2:29 this was your BIG chance to ask me all your questions about what I did and didn't do. And to take the wood to me for my posture while on the BOA. This is the best you can come up with?
Kind of weak if you ask me. Understand you will not get a second chance from me without signing your name. But here goes on your quote from above.
I find it hard to believe that when a person speaking to the BOA is asked a question by the BOA, that they find it alright to not answer it, but yet at the same time expect to be taken seriously. Especially when that person was and is not a citizen of the City of Crestwood. It was and is a waste of the BOA's time. So I left as I refused to waste my time on that someone dealing with the BOA in that manner.
Now if you really want to see some disgusting behaviour, you should attend BOA meetings again. You could see first hand how this Mayor treats female citizens who disagree with him or ask a question he doesn't like. He's a real "gentleman". Or you could see first hand this mayors treatment of your elected alderman, your voice of the people to City Hall, as he cuts off their microphone, or interrupts them when he had just gave them the floor to speak. If my leaving in anger has so scarred you, I can only imagine what this mayor's actions would do to you. It might be best for your health and general welfare that you not attend.
Time to set the record straight my friends!
First and foremost what does anyone care if the Mayor, or the Police Chief, or I, or anyone goes to Malone's? The fact that you worry about where anyone eats is scary!
My Attorney, and I have dined at Marlon's on Saturday afternoons often in the fall after a pheasant hunt, and I will tell you that their Chili with onions and cheese is not to be missed!
Next, the Missouri Ethics Commission now has two items to sift through, the first being the Prop 1 committee, the four meetings, and the reverse 911 calls.
The second being the Police raises, promotions, and why that was done without BOA approval (that was sent in last week.)
There have been several meetings since the first was sent, and two since the last one went in. To date we have no answer from the commission, but I can assure you that if the complaints were frivolous they would have been denied by now, neither have been.
This may take some time to complete as the committee will investigate each complaint, and levy whatever is appropriate if they do find fault in the process!
I would recommend all of us sit back and wait for a result, or results to be made public, until then all we have is conjecture, and guess work!
Tom Ford
Tom, its important because the amount of time he spent there on duty with other members of the city was criminal.
7:37 PM blogger: Who is "He" and how do we know what amount of time "He" spent there?
And if "He" did this as a City employee, on duty, it was not "criminal," but rather a breach of the trust placed in him by the Citizens, and the City.
If that is in fact the case, then I suggest that "He" resign to spend more time with?
Tom Ford
The Chief of Police, Tom. Ask an employee when you catch one on the street.
He would never resign Tom, it would be saying he did something wrong. The other police officer is no longer with us, but he,"John Walsh" and the Chief spent 2-4 hours there a day.
I think it is appalling to suggest that the Mayor and the Chief of Police spend hours in a bar and just because a deer or a tree jumped out in front of the Chief’s car on the way home is in no way a reflection on his ability to ruin, I mean, run the police department. Mayor Roy has all the expertise to hire the best, like Frank Meyers; just ask the officers that work for him
8:06, You betcha!
Tom, I agree with you on this one. Until all of these issues are proven by the Ethics Commission, you still can express how you feel, but until they give us a report, I don't really care who goes to Malones, what is said by whom and who is on first.
Upsets in the police department are not new. There has always been fierce competition in that department and whoever is picked for promotions and increases are not always the choices others would make. There was also division in the fire department years ago amongst firefighters.
So why make conclusions at this time? Let the people who are paid to do this make the decision. Otherwise, you are just making assumptions without any backup. Anybody that has a grudge with someone else can do that and their motives may not be squeeky clean.
Tom, I commend you on your remark. This makes sense. Who in their right mind would take remarks made in a bar and not wonder who was really doing the talking the booze or the person. That should be no basis for judgement.
Gee, the way I read the 8:06 post was somebody got drunk and wrecked a city car.I am still trying to figure out your (12:56) post.
Well ask Tom to explain it.
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