Sunday, November 16, 2008

Click here for the 2009 Crestwood proposed budget.

Many of us have not had the opportunity to see or read the proposed budget as of yet, so here it is in total.

Anyone see a great possibility to "move the Sappington house" without it going anywhere, I do.

What say we approach the Federal Government, or the State of Missouri to allow them to purchase the property for a "National / State park site? Best of both worlds there as it will be advertised, we will garner more visitors to Crestwood, and our out of pocket cost will drop to zero!

Your thoughts and comments on the idea, or the budget as a whole are, as always greatly appreciated

Tom Ford

NO. 569


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks Tom, this will make all of us more informed about where our money is being spent.
For example page 46 Mayors budget
2005 13,000
2009 16,000
Alderman budget page 47
2005 36,784
2009 48,939
Police budget
2005 3,039,309
2009 2,825,272
Fire budget
2005 2,667,560
2009 2,772,804

Total amount budgeted to be spent.
2005 10,077,990
2009 13,772,826

4:57 PM, November 16, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Something to think about for you fellow bloggers, readers, city officials:

Do you think the city will be able to pass a tax increase or any other major initiative with this mayor at the helm?

Think about it. Seriously.

I’ll rephrase the question:

Do you think the city will be able to pass a tax increase with this mayor at the helm, especially considering some of the outlandish things he says?

Please … think about it.

Aldermen Bland, Foote, Kelsch, Nieder, Miguel, Pickel and Roby:
if you are reading this, it is something you need to seriously consider.

Look at Proposition 1 voted on August 5th. Before the vote, you had 3 town hall meetings early this year –
1. city administration and fire department,
2. police, and
3. public works.
Each division explained income, expenditures, and procedures and each meeting was well attended. On top of that, the Prop 1 group had 4 meetings. Even with ALL of those meetings and information that was presented, Proposition 1 failed by almost 72%! Is this a bad time in the economy? Definitely. But is there a crisis of confidence out there? Possibly – something that should at least be considered.

72%. That’s not small potatoes. 2,159 residents voted NO compared to 854 YES votes. Prop 1 was defeated handily!

Then the mayor says as quoted in the Call Newspaper, "That (Prop 1) tax increase should have been passed. And it would have been if we didn't have a small segment of this community who are negative and against everything you try to do...These people are not legitimate. They're not out here trying to help this community. They're trying to tear it down.”

Regardless of who he was referring to, out of those 2,159 folks who voted no, I wonder how many think he was referring to them? A few? Most of them? All of them? By his outlandish statement, there is a good chance he angered 2,159 of his constituents. Do you honestly think many of these 2,159 voters will vote for a tax increase on his watch? With his outlandish statements, do you truly believe he inspires confidence in his leadership? What about other residents who read his quotes? What will they think?

Aldermen, I wish you luck in your endeavors, but I don’t think the mayor is helping your cause.

4:02 PM, November 18, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does it really matter because it would apprear the city will die a slow death and we will loose are services because we can't come together on the issues.

6:51 PM, November 18, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok poster 6:51, not to be mean or a smart mouth, but what do you see as the issues we can not come together on?
If to save the city a tax increase must be passed, I don't feel that will happen. The reasons for that are many and have been posted here often.
So, what would be logical steps to take?

1. Reduction in costs
2. Selling of assets
3. Combination of 1 & 2

Looking at the budget figures over the last 3 years, there has not been a reduction in spending. So there is the 1st place to start.
Selling of assets has been brought up sot that might be a way.

But to be honest until we can look at a budget today and not see that it has grown larger from the year before, there will be no end to the City's need for more money every year.

The place to start then would be the 2009 budget which will be reviewed at the the Alderman meeting of 11/25/2008.

7:03 PM, November 18, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Government exists only if it can continue to extract wealth in the form of a tax, license, fee etc. for its on purpose.
Government does not generate a product for sale at a profit.

The citizens most powerful control is to say no to their request for additonal funds until it is understood they work for us.

I perceive the voters who exercise their right to vote understand this but most of the alderman, except Nieder and Miguel, do not understand. The government employees are civil servants and are not entitled to anything more than a job when available just like rest of us. I find it disturbing the federal government is the only area where employment is increasing not decreasing.

10:34 AM, November 27, 2008  

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