Tuesday, November 18, 2008

FLASH! Another way to save money in Crestwood, appoint one person for two jobs!

Is it me, or did we go through this once before a few years ago? It seems to me we in fact did, and "His Honor" ran on the premise that he would never, never allow this to happen ever again!

Alas, all that is in the past, as I ask you to welcome Ms. Roseann Shannon to the position of "resident manager" at the Sappington House! Ms. Shannon interviewed for, and accepted the job in October, 2008, she moved into the Resident Managers quarters on October 24, 2008.

The job entails the management of the Sappington House, and grounds and has the following perks attached.

1. Free Rent.

2. Paid utilities.

3. Free long distance calls?

4. $100.00 per month stipend.

Please join me in congratulating Ms. Shannon,very nice job indeed!

But what of the "two job" comments I made earlier? Well if her name sounds familiar, it should as she is the Residential Code enforcement officer for Crestwood at a salary of $40,000.00 per year, plus car and benefits.

I have no idea how she can do both of those jobs at the same time, but as an "illegitimate" member of the great unwashed, I am not supposed to know! How about it, "Your Honor" what the heck is this all about?

Tom Ford

NO. 570


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like too much power with one person

9:16 PM, November 18, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's good to be in the "select few" in city hall. Nothing will change....and it continues.......

A salary of 40,000 is a lot of money for that job, plus 100 more a month on top of that and we give them a car and gas???? Come on people!! Will it NEVER end?

That position should be eliminated and combined with the Public Works enforcement unit.

I believe at one time, the Police Department did the work to save costs but...you will never see that NOR will you ever see the City get bids for contract services for Police and Fire even though it would save perhaps close to 1,000,000.

The residents will NOT vote for a tax increase until they see legitimate cuts and a realistic effort from the administration. Until then..they are spinning their wheels and they can form all the committes they want.

9:38 PM, November 18, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Residential Code enforcement officer position should be eliminated. Walk around your neighborhoods and you will see many violations not addressed. And we pay $40K for what?

10:16 PM, November 18, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

taken from Roy Robinson's "Bring Crestwood Back", a 4 page handout from the mayoral election in Spring 2005 -

on the 2nd page -

"Roy Robinson believes that no appointed employee should hold more than one department level position because it can create a conflict of interest and gives one individual too much power without proper checks and balances"

10:45 PM, November 18, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought the Sappington House closed. How can she have a job if it's closed?

10:54 PM, November 18, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:45, come on man, that's just what Roy said he believed, no where did he say what he would do.
After all he did allow our current c/a to be head of 2 Depts (Public Works/Parks) for how long?

6:51 AM, November 19, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a rude, rude man you are Tom Ford. If you have a problem with this, why dont you call Ms. Shannon yourself and express your concerns? Tell her how you feel. Call Roy and tell him. Call your aldermen and tell them. That would be more constructive than your blog post, wouldnt it?

10:47 AM, November 19, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No need. Roy monitors this site like a hawk. He knows!

11:24 AM, November 19, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I don't see this post as rude. I see it as informative. I'm glad Tom told us this is happening. For this reason, none of us should EVER be upset about this blog and any newspaper. They just tell us things we might not have know already. I'd rather know what's going on in our city than not know.

11:49 AM, November 19, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a problem with Roy promising one thing and doing another.
I find that very rude.


2:51 PM, November 19, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. Whose idea was this?
2. Did Aldermen participate in decision?
3. Isn't this one of the areas that could have been made part time or eliminated so we could save our city?
4. Surely his honor does not think we are going to support this kind of budgeting, is he?
5. Boy, this is some deal, where do I go to sign up?
6. Gotta keep the figures red so he can cry for a tax increase and then blame the residents for their contempt and no votes.
7. How much serious thought and detail went into this deal (where did the 40,000/year get born)?
8. Where is that gungho committee that supported the tax ballot and why do they never show there heads or voices when these exhorbitant measures are taken??????
9. What is the complete job desc. of the code enforcer? How many years did we not have that position? Would it be cheaper to have county do it or a volunteer with some creds? Was this even considered?
10. Presumably there is a car and gas provided. Hunky Doory for us residents! Exactly when does this nonsense stop and how can we stop it? This 4 ward financial committee going to happen - what is left to work with, or is it just another ploy to let a volunteer committee get brainwashed into thinking all has been done to accomodate the city's extravagance and sell it to the city?
Anyone keep track of the layoffs in town? Time to make a list and time to define "cut."

3:45 PM, November 19, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


AMEN brother, AMEN.

4:01 PM, November 19, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't feel that the original post was rude at all and it is public information.

I am sure the admin. knew they would get heat over this issue and it just goes to show you what they think of the public perception. THEY DON'T CARE WHAT ANYONE THINKS!

Blind Arrogance-That is the problem.

5:07 PM, November 19, 2008  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

10:47 AM blogger: Wow you almost sounded like Dr Seuss there for a minute! RUDE? In what way, didn't I ask you to join me in congratulating Ms. Shannon on the job?

I guess in your world reporting the truth means nothing, I guess you want to cover up the peccadillos of this administration however possible, right?

Well. if and when I get information that just dosen't sound right, and will not be on the agenda for a BOA meeting. I will say it here, and rightfully so.

RUDE MAN? Not on your life, that would only be true if I were to slam a door in your face, but thankfully that will never be necessary as you seem to do a great job of walking into one by yourself!

Buck up though bunky, and the next time your down at Malone's, have a beer (I am blue collar remember,) just mention my name!

But please remember my motto, "When Ford drinks, everybody drinks, and when Ford pays, everybody pays!"

Tom Ford

5:54 PM, November 19, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Saying something like this is rude-

"That (Prop 1) tax increase should have been passed. And it would have been if we didn't have a small segment of this community who are negative and against everything you try to do...These people are not legitimate. They're not out here trying to help this community. They're trying to tear it down.” Roy Robinson, as quoted in the Call Newspapers.

Posting information like Tom Ford just did is not.

6:18 PM, November 19, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

While we're at it....why do we have Animal Control? Even big government Webster Groves appears to use St. Louis county animal control....



6:26 PM, November 19, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't care if it was rude or not, that is not the issue. The issue is again this administration working their wonders behind closed doors.

Proud member of the legitimate 70%!!

6:28 PM, November 19, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it true that Roy monitors this site like a hawk? I hope so cause I want him to read this.

Resign your honor. You are a disgrace to our city and to the legitimate citizens who, by the way, are no longer fooled by your lies, who are no longer frighten by your bluffs, and who no longer believe you have a clue on how to run Crestwood for anyone but yourself.

Quit now before we request a State Audit, quit now before we start a recall petition. Save your face and resign, use poor health as the reason, but get out of our city hall know.

7:09 PM, November 19, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom, you should run for mayor! Get your team togehter now...wait..you tried to run before and you lost. And talk about flip flops. Your opponents would have a hey day regurgitating all the stuff you have said on this blog. Good luck!

7:52 PM, November 19, 2008  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:52 PM blogger: Interesting, I have paid my dues, what have you done bunky! Have we ever seen your name out there for anything?

No we haven't, why would that be short round, you haven't the courage of your convictions, your not willing to state your name, your a "person" who likes to shoot from the cheap seats, or, as Mr. Trueblood Say's "your a coward?

At any rate, I would like to find a use for you, bu alas, I have none!

Tom Ford

8:20 PM, November 19, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7:52, how many times did your boy roy run and fail? funny now that he won one, he still is a failure.
so the way you bring back crestwood is to support the failure we have for a mayor, that'll work. sure thing.

10:12 PM, November 19, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The major cause for concern is the fact that almost 72% of voters in August sent the mayor and the board a clear message.

I don't think they are listening.

10:49 PM, November 19, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah the message was this -

If you guys don't have a plan how to spend this money and you don't show the public the need in dollar figures, we won't support it.

If they had shown where the money would be spent and HOW MUCH DOLLARS were needed rather than guessing at 35 cents, they might have passed. Instead, you had a poorly put together citizens group giving town hall meetings. These citizens are to be thanked for volunteering for something they believe in, but they should have NEVER been in charge of the meetings. That is and always should be up to the city. But as it was, you had other residents and newspapers that knew more about the city's finances than this group. When that happens, you stand NO CHANCE.

And, it doesn't help your cause later when you have a mayor who shoots his mouth off every few weeks and says the people who worked against the tax "are not legitimate." It doesn't matter their reasons. The fact is they did. And they were in majority. You have to respect the majority. Until the mayor can get that through his head that he is IN THE MINORITY on this issue, he'll never respect the majority's wishes and Crestwood will continue to wither and die.

The mayor and board were elected to serve the public. Not themselves.

6:59 AM, November 20, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the Sappington House is closed. Why do we need to pay someone to live there?

If it needs to be "checked", can't the Police Department do this? Can't the plumbing be winterized?

Did the past manager get a car from the city? Why do we pay for Long distance phone calls?

Since the city is paying all her living expenses, is she still going to receive her 40,000 a year salary?

I don't understand why we are doing this just because we did this in the past. It doesn't make any sense.

All of this wasted money adds up.

9:25 AM, November 20, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And to top it off, the word at the water cooler is that not to many city workers get along with her. She was actually moved out of the clerks office because of her conduct.

11:33 AM, November 20, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was there a job posting for the position? People are out of work or still support adult children because they can't support themselves on their salary. Maybe one of those individuals could have benefited. Besides, I don't see any benefit of her position. Many cases have been gone unattended to regarding breaking of city ordinances by citizens. It just doesn't matter, don't you get it!

11:43 AM, November 20, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When Noah was loading the Ark, where did he put the bees?

In the Ark-hives.

12:35 PM, November 20, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What happens to an air conditioner when you pull its plug?

It loses its cool.

12:35 PM, November 20, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What do you call a running chicken?

Poultry in motion.

12:38 PM, November 20, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you hear about the guy who worked at a company making blankets?

He lost his job when the company folded.

12:39 PM, November 20, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder if this position was advertised, as is required, and who actually hired her for the Sappington House.

I would hope that this wasn't the City Administrators idea.. or was he told to give her this position?

I bet the employees aren't pleased with this either.

You have to admit, it's always INTERESTING at City Hall.

3:31 PM, November 20, 2008  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

3:31 PM blogger: The position was advertised "in house" only, and I understand there was only one applicant for the job (the one that was hired)

Whose idea as this? Good question indeed, I have no idea, but it must have taken some powerful thinking to come up with a need for a resident manager of a site that has been closed for the winter (Mr. Eckrich said it was at the last BOA meeting.)

Now we can't fault Ms. Shannon as this is really to good a deal to pass up! I can only wonder about the wisdom of this at a time when City Hall is crying poor mouth.

As I said on the original post I wish Ms. Shannon health and happiness in her new positions in the future.

I also think that the Sappington house with all it's rich history will be a wonderful place for holiday gatherings, and that alone is worth doing the job.

God speed Ms. Shannon!

Tom Ford

4:18 PM, November 20, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Have you reviewed Obama's citizenship?

Is it true that he was born in Kenya and had Kenya citizenship?

Is it true that he had Indonesia citizenship as a child and revoked his US citizenship?

Is it true that Obama received a Harvard scholarship because of his Kenya citizenship?

When will Obama release his three college transcripts?

5:29 PM, November 20, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When the Mayor starts telling us the truth, that when you will get your answers about Obama

5:33 PM, November 20, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blogger at 5:29
Is it possible to keep this forum local? Perhaps you can find another place to air your griefs. This country just might be trying to come together despite some tough odds and believe it or not, "get over it" applies to a great many who can't. We will do well to grow up and try to keep the festering down. Local events and situations should keep you busy.

5:37 PM, November 20, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Umm, yes, how in the world did we make the massive jump from Sappington House and Crestwood to Obama's citizenship.

By the way, I knew of someone who drove a Ford Maverick in the 1970's.

I got my first case of athlete's foot when I was 12.

How's that for Crestwood events?

5:47 PM, November 20, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, Obama may not have been our choice, but he will be our president. Have to respect that. It's OK to disagree. But show respect.

But with Roy and his comments about people not being "not legitimate", if he has no respect for them, I have no respect to him.

You have to give respect to get respect. Obama showed respect to McCain yesterday. Roy respects himself only.

6:01 PM, November 20, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Obama's citizenship-

6:11 PM, November 20, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, that doesn't surprise me. Advertise "in house", one application-one interview and...I'll be darn, look who got it.

I'm anxious to hear their reasoning for this position as well as their response as to why they did not advertise for the vacancy in the paper.

I take that back. I'm not anxious, I already know what they are going to say.

What a place!

6:46 PM, November 20, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When are they picking the tax increase committee?

11:56 PM, November 20, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sorry people who don't like Tom Ford's information feel the need to attack him. Roy promised transparency, and the only person providing it is Tom Ford. In my way of thinking, Tom is the one who deserves the paycheck for doing the job Roy can't.

I'm glad we have a forum to learn the things we deserve to know. I just wish the aldermen paid more attention and quit buying into Roy's utopia. I guess we will have to be more careful who we elect in the future.

9:07 AM, November 21, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I, and numerous others, agree with you.

9:59 AM, November 21, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree too. Roy's sayings don't exactly inspire feelings of confidence.

11:26 AM, November 21, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree too. Roy's sayings don't exactly inspire feelings of confidence.

11:26 AM, November 21, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Roy, old buddy, you reading this?

12:09 PM, November 21, 2008  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Flash two`! I am now told that the Sappington house will remain open but the kitchen is closed till further notice.


5:34 PM, November 21, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do all the posters on this blog plan on attending the Board meeting coming up 11/25/08? Great time to see your elected oficials in action and even ask them a question or two about the 2009 budget.

Or maybe even your Sappington House concerns.

7:12 PM, November 21, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm going but I doubt the powers that be will let us ask questions, and if they do...won't respond.

I still don't understand why we need to pay someone to live at the Sappington House.

8:27 PM, November 21, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's the public hearing for the 09 budget Tuesday night. You will be allowed to ask questions. If they don't answer them, that's their loss.

8:39 PM, November 21, 2008  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Come to the meeting and wear your scarlet "B" letter as one of the loyal 72%!

Who knows I maight just show up for that one!

Tom Ford

5:06 PM, November 22, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Tom,

I hope to be there, too. I just read an interesting article in the paper about how Washington University is attempting to address expected revenue shortfalls. Maybe Crestwood's BOA could address the issues in the 2009 budget by following Wash. U's example.

By the way, what does the scarlet letter "B" represent?

Martha Duchild

9:53 PM, November 22, 2008  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Martha: in the book "Scarlet letter, a red "A" was the symbol of an adultress.

I am proposing we, the few (72%) who were against the tax increase all wear a Scarlet "B" to signify our membership in the "Illigimate few!"

The "B" would stand for the standard word for illigitimacy, namely BAS*ARD!

What about that folks?

Tom Ford

9:26 AM, November 23, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought it meant "Plan B" that the mayor immediately dismissed in discussions at the BOA meetings, etc.

11:19 AM, November 23, 2008  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

11:19 AM blogger: We could use it for that as well, sort of a dual use protest sign!

Tom Ford

2:14 PM, November 23, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you ever think about the following:

The utlilities would need to stay on during winter anyway?
What are insurance rates during months the place is vacant?
This is a historical and architectural treasure, dont you want to protect it.
Living there really isnt a job, doesnt give anyone much power
How petty you are.

What a big ass you are.

7:35 PM, November 25, 2008  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:35 PM b;ogger: No the utilities would not need to be on in the winter, you "winterize" the place as if it were what it is, a cabin!

Insurance may well be cheeper as no one there, less cahnce of injury, or fire.

Protect it? Why yes, that's what the Police department does best, what do you think she is going to do, shoot a burgler?

Historical is right, so why not sell it to deeper pockets such as the Federal, or State Government for better up-keep, and advertising at NO out of pocket expense to Crestwood?

What a, deep thinker your NOT! You sit there on your worthless butt slamming ideas, yet you do nothing to advance a discussion in a positive mannor!

GET IT THROUGH YOUR HEAD, Crestwood does not need the expense at this time, SO WHY KEEP IT?

How's thaqt for insensitive?

Tom Ford

7:10 AM, November 26, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And you are sensitive? Please.

9:26 AM, November 26, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"historical and architectural treasure" ???

Please. It's historical but I wouldn't go so far as to call it a treasure. Let someone else run it and absorb the cost.

I ate there three times over the years. Three times I was really underwhelmed.

12:29 PM, November 26, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You guys think the Sappington House is a crime? I agree it's a ripoff, but THIS is a crime:

Lori Drew, the woman accused of cyberbullying a girl into suicide on the MySpace Web site, just got acquitted of felony charges. She was only convicted of misdemeanors of accessing the site without authorization.

In other words, she gets a slap on the wrist.

Hey Lori, don't even think of coming back to St. Louis or even Missouri! Move far, far away. You'll get what's coming to you later!

If only the laws that were passed after this horrible tragedy occurred had been in place at the time.

Better yet, if only Lori Drew had a heart and didn't take part in harassing a little girl into taking her own life!

Tom, I know this is meant for Crestwood only, but this just goes beyond boundaries. This is sick. Any thoughts?

1:29 PM, November 26, 2008  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

1:29 PM blogger: Sad but true, in fact don't be surprised if they appeal the conviction and get all of it tossed out!

What she did, or was a part was a part of is abhorrent to all who have raised a child, and knows the heartache associated with a teen trying to fit in.

The woman is a despicable creature who will find her particular brand of justice one day, and we can only hope soon!

Tom Ford

3:30 PM, November 26, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom--you say some pretty nasty things about people on the internet. Just because you sign your name doesnt make it ok. Its about intent...what if you sent one of them over the edge? You would be just like Lori Drew. think about it

4:36 PM, November 26, 2008  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

4:36 PM blogger: Right you are, it's all about intent! I have no intent to push anyone anywhere, so there is no simularity at all!

In case you missed it people say some VERY nasty things about me (and sometimes include my family!)

I am responding in kind to their generous comments, nothing more, and not a darn thing less!

Ok so they hit me with a BB gun, and I respond with an atomic bomb, well, thats just my blue collar nature!

Tom Ford

4:57 PM, November 26, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


One thing I learned at the BOA meeting was that we own the Sappington House, and the Restaurant and the land both sit on but not the Library. And as such we are the ones responsible for the upkeep of the land and it's buildings. We cannot sell them or give them to anyone else. But we could shut them down. Having said that, I am not sure what that would accomplish as we are still responsible for the upkeep and with no money coming in from visitors we have no revenue, only expenses. In essence, it would be the equivalent of the Grants Cabin on the entry lawn to Grant's Farm. Visible but non-productive. Maybe we could get you and a few other residents to hold the Sappington House open on the weekends for visitors as volunteers giving your time. Then we wouldn't have to pay ms. Shannon.

9:40 AM, November 27, 2008  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

9:40 AM blogger: Now that's an excellent idea!

I would be very happy to conduct tours on weekends, and i know a few residents who are into early reenacting who I am sure would love to also!

That's the kind of out of the box thinking we need here, congratulations!

Tom Ford

10:03 AM, November 27, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Sappington House Foundation is established as an official board and agency of the city of Crestwood. Ordinance 1145 established that.

Ordinance 1145 also further establishes:

The treasurer of the City of Crestwood shall set up a special bank account in which all funds received by the Foundation must be deposited. Any funds withdrawn must be provided for in the budget of the City of Crestwood or by ordinance passsed by the BOA.

The Sappington House is owned by the City of Crestwood. Any funds collected hereunder become the property of the City of Crestwood and items purchased out of said funds shall be and remain the property of the City until said City Hall shall, by order or ordinance of the BOA authorize its sales or disposal.

The Foundation shall support the continuing development of the Sappington House and Barn; raise money needed for the maintenance and furnishings of the house and barn; promote fund raising for such purposes; create and maintain interest in the Sappington house and Barn, and perform such other duties as may be provided by ordinances of the City.

Is appears that over time the role of the Sappington House Foundation has changed and the Foundation has reached a point where it is perceived they essentially function independently from the City. This was not the intent of the ordinance.

Why does the Foundation have three branches?

Why does a foundation set up as an official board and agency of the city of Crestwood now function independently of the City with a substantial cash reserve?

Something to think about as the park and stormwater budget struggles to balance its budget with decreasing revenues

11:55 AM, November 27, 2008  

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