Please click here for the Sappington House on the City web site!
I happened to be doing some research on Google (great search engine,) and I found this on our web site. I think this is interesting on a variety of fronts, and I hope it will enlighten you as to where this "fits into Crestwood?"
While I am sorry to say it, I wonder if we can really afford this considering we are looking for ways to cut expenses. The Sappington House seems to be one of the "sacred cows' we have in Crestwood, so I guess this post will be looked at with disdain, but come on, $3.00 to tour the place? If we must have it, at least raise the rates!
Tom Ford
NO. 572
While I am sorry to say it, I wonder if we can really afford this considering we are looking for ways to cut expenses. The Sappington House seems to be one of the "sacred cows' we have in Crestwood, so I guess this post will be looked at with disdain, but come on, $3.00 to tour the place? If we must have it, at least raise the rates!
Tom Ford
NO. 572
You are mistaken! The 'city' has said nothing about cutting expenses. They want to increase revenues!
7:53 AM blogger: True indeed else why set up a "Citizens board" to find ways to increase revenue?
To me this is sort of akin to an Ad Hoc advisory board of men from Robin Hood's band advising him on when the Tax collector is arriving in the Forrest.
Except this time the committee will be advising the BOA and Mayor when the Citizenry will be ripe for plucking the tax monies from their pocket, sort of a reverse of the old story.
I can see the BOA and "His Honor" in closed session watching re-runs of "The magnificent Seven" as Eli Wallach says, "If God does not want hem to be shorn, he would not have made them sheep!" And the City attorney saying "badges? we don't need no stinking badges!"
Tom Ford
I fear you are misleading us with your assumptions regarding the "Citizens Board" being created to back a tax increase. Please tell me which Alderman said the "Citizens Board" is created to justify a tax increase? I think you are again making assumptions that are detrimental to our city and that your comments lack facts.
9:24 AM blogger: Perhaps your not familiar with the term "Poetic license" as it relates to blogging?
Nowhere did I ever say this was FACT, no indeed, so if you wish to be mis-lead than do so, if not, come up with your own answers!
What do you think the board will come up with?
Tom Ford
I think the so-called “revenue committee of citizens” was formed to do just that – sell another tax increase.
What is revenue? Income. Where does a municipality like Crestwood get income? Taxes, fees and fines. Where does Crestwood get the majority of its revenue? Sales tax income and property tax income. We already have a committee to keep and lure businesses into Crestwood - the Economic Development Commission. What do a good number of businesses in Crestwood generate? Sales tax income.
Now, look at the quotes from some of the alderman and decide for yourself if this committee was formed to sell a tax increase. The quotes are taken from the following article -
1. “"Have a committee that really looks at revenue and, as much as I hate the term, think outside the box about what types of revenue streams we can identify on a going-forward basis that are going to replace the loss we're going to continue to see in retail sales tax," Pickel said.”
Now, let me ask you, what type of revenue stream would replace the loss of sales tax income? A bake sale? A 50-50 raffle? What about trimming the budget? Well, in this same article, it was noted that the board dismissed cuts one board member offered. In fact, Alderman Pickel said the following: "The cuts are always going to be reactionary,"
2. “Ward 3 Alderman Gregg Roby said the city has qualified residents to serve on the committee and believes that measures supported by the citizens involved then would stand a better chance of being supported by the city as a whole.
"I think if we're going to select people that we should go for the big hitters," Roby said. "And I think we all know who those people are in our wards. And I think we bring those people together and let them work on this under the supervision of one or two aldermen who can then bring the information back on behalf of those citizens. I believe if you get the support of the citizens in that group, you would then have the support of the community."”
“Big hitters” and “support of the community”? For what? Why would you need big hitters to get the support of the community other than a tax increase? If you know of something else, let us know.
3. “"I think we as a board were a disjointed effort in trying to get that together that had very little agreement and very little continuity," Kelsch said "... I think that if we came together as a unified board, looked at things that made sense, documented what we wanted to do, put together a realistic tax situation for the residents, we may stand a chance instead of sitting there next August like we were last August."”
What happened last August? An election in which Proposition 1 went down badly.
Again “…we may stand a chance instead of sitting there next August like we were last August."”
Again, what happens in August? Elections!
So, add the quotes of 1,2,and 3, and I get tax increase. You might get a bake sale.
What I find hard to understand is how the Board is so quick to form a "revenue committee of citizens" and an other committee to figure out the city's relationship to the Sappington House, but refused to form a committee to look in to the actions of the Citizens for Prop. 1 or to allow the Civil Service Commission to review the police pay raises.
Tim, that's not a hard one to understand. We ALL know why they won't do this.
Good points Tim, indeed.
More mismanagement, more poor judgement and more "good ol boys".
Perhaps until we find out how city hall was allowed to let the bulletin be used for publicizing a private group's meeting and reverse 911 as well, then there is no use whatsoever to re-address a tax increase at any time. Hard ball is hard ball. Tell me, did your alderman make any calls or have a ward meeting to tell his constituants the EXACT condition of the city funds. Or, did they all just play safe and popular and say things were tight, but basically sound? I believe the words here are truth, trust, face the facts and music. The "committee" is just another attempt to pass it off to its members and let aldermen off the hook. Please, don't insult us. Call a spade a spade. Because when we go broke, you officials are essentially to blame for concealing evidence......
2:59 PM blogger: See my new post on Vallejo, CA. for backup of your comments!
It's a great shame that we the citizens and tax payers are not allowed to know the truth when it comes to the goings on at City Hall!
I believe two Alderman so far (Nieder and Miguel,) and I am leaning toward Alderman Kelsch, but with the possible exception of Alderman Roby, I have no confidence in anyone else on that Dias.
Tom Ford
December 2, 2008
The Missouri Ethics Commission, at its November 25, 2008 meeting, took the
following actions:
The following case was closed with a letter:
08E136 Crestwood Residents for Proposition 1, St. Louis Co.; Section 130.031.8 RSMo.
8:33 PM Blogger: Correct you are my friend. I received a letter today from the commission stating that they have voted to close the committee portion of the complaint via a letter to the committee, "REMINDING them of the statutory requirements for the proper identification of campaign material."
I feel this was the correct way for them to handle this as a fine would have served no purpose what so ever.
We are now waiting for resolution of the second part of the complaint, the one that deals with City Hall, and the involved personnel there.
As is the case now you will know where that went when I receive their reply.
Tom Ford
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