This is a hoot! You have to click here to read the comments from "His Honor!"
From the Suncrest Call today we find that "A small segment of this community" who were against the Prop 1 tax increase are not friends of the City! Really, could it be that we,the rag tag "small" group of citizens only want to see OPEN GOVERNMENT? (Oh, by the way sir, the tax failed by 72%, some small group!)
I had no idea he had been able to do all that he said he has done since he arrived for the second term. To say the least, were it true, I would be impressed beyond belief!
At first he said we didn't need the tax, next he said we did, and finally he said we didn't need it anyway when it failed, and now were it not for an "illegitimate" group it would have! I am hoping the next Crestwood connections will have a "Rosetta stone," so Mr. Anthony, and I can keep up with his line of speech, and thinking.
When you get your Call, please read the editorial by Mr. Mike Anthony, who, like me is having a hard time understanding what he is thinking here!
But I digress, please read the piece by the Call and come to your own conclusion's.
Tom Ford
NO. 568
I had no idea he had been able to do all that he said he has done since he arrived for the second term. To say the least, were it true, I would be impressed beyond belief!
At first he said we didn't need the tax, next he said we did, and finally he said we didn't need it anyway when it failed, and now were it not for an "illegitimate" group it would have! I am hoping the next Crestwood connections will have a "Rosetta stone," so Mr. Anthony, and I can keep up with his line of speech, and thinking.
When you get your Call, please read the editorial by Mr. Mike Anthony, who, like me is having a hard time understanding what he is thinking here!
But I digress, please read the piece by the Call and come to your own conclusion's.
Tom Ford
NO. 568
I have read the link you provided, to say the Mayor's comments are the most out of control he has made to date would be an understatement.
At the risk of having the poster who seems to live for slamming me when ever I post here, I am going to point something out for all the citizens of Crestwood to think about.
The last budget I voted for as an Alderman in 2006 totaled $10,896,401 in spending. The budgets called for spending in the following years of
2007 in $11,437,266
2008 in $12,658,476
2009 in $14,285,000 (proposed)
For all the talk about being unable to cut any further, could someone explain how the planned spending has increased $3,389,000 or 31% in three years? This during a time when it was clearly known that sales tax dollars were going down. After the over 70% voter rejection of the last request for more tax dollars from us, how can there be another budget which calls for an increase in spending?
Now dear poster who loves to question me (see #558, last 10 posts)it's time for you to drag out your time worn posts about former C/A's, mayors and alderman. Instead, could you just once stay on subject and explain the increased spending?
Back in May/June of this year, alderman Foote conceded during a board meeting that even if Prop. 1 were to pass, cuts would still need to be made. Aldermen Miguel and Nieder recently offered some possibilities for expense reduction, yet their proposals went nowhere.
Tim, although I have not always agreed with your views, your remarks today are on target.
Martha Duchild
I'll add a third comment here. Tim and Martha, you are both so right.
Thank you both for your input.
Jim Murphy (Jr)
I am not legitimate??? I am part of that 72%, and I can tell you that I am definitely legitimate, and support Crestwood. What I am against is exactly what Tim Trueblood just pointed out here. Roy, you need to go, today. You just insulted the majority of the residents of this fine town, and you are disgusting to allege that we are the ones who don't care about Crestwood. Your lack of leadership, lack of knowledge and out of control mouth is why that tax didn't pass. A Legitimate Resident
The Board of Alderman and the City Administrator should prohibit the Mayor from speaking in public.
He does more harm to this administration as well as proposed tax increases than anyone/anything else.
If he truly loves Crestwood...please..Don't say ANYTHING!
The City wasn't dead Roy when you first got elected, but you contributed to the dire position it is in now.
When you first got elected, you won because you were against the proposed tax increase, you said the City didn't need it and all their projections and budgets were incorrect.
You won and low and behold, you said we needed a tax increase. A small one, even though everyone knew at that time that it was just a "bandaid". It passed.
The last proposition failed by 72% and then you were quoted as saying you really weren't in favor of it and that it was the other alderman, and that the city really didn't need it.
Now the city has no monies and it's the small groups fault, the one that is not "legitimate", that's contributing to the downfall of Crestwood.
The City is better since you took over? I think not. Apparently, many people hold my same view.
I get a kick out of the board. The townhall meetings didn't work. Now they want to form a committee to sell a tax increase and to look at "ways of enhancing revenues".
As far as "ways of enhancing revenues", the city already has a committee to do that - the economic development commission.
This new committe is strictly to sell a tax increase.
The City better learn that in order to sell an increase to the public, first they must make some major cuts in positions and change their current way of thinking.
Combine some positions and save the extra salaries. Instead of having a full time secretary for each department, have 1 or 2 secretaries in a "pool" that do the work for ALL departments. Have one position that handles both business and residential code enforcement. Eliminate the Animal Control position and use County Animal Control. Eliminate the use of "take home cars".
Perhaps the City can also talk to a surrounding municipality to combine public works or at least share in the expense of purchasing equipment etc. Put a "hiring freeze" on ALL positions.
These are tough times and Cities are eliminating positions all around us. It's time for this City to make some tough but necessary decisions if they ever want a tax increase, especially during this economic climate.
Until they do this, I cannot forsee a tax increase passing.
Even Chicago is having to cut jobs!!!
6:57 pm Dear Mr. Trueblood, Of course, we all know that nothing bad happened in this city until Roy became mayor. We all know that what happened as much as Ten years ago was perfect and it is only now that things got really bad. And we all know that it's all because of this mayor. The next mayor, whoever it is that you support, will walk on water and everybody in this city will be so happy. After all, there was nothing that needed to be cleaned up before. It is this awful mayor that has brought this city to it's knees. Only since Mayor Robinson came in office have things gone bad. I mean shame on me who keeps bringing up the past; we need to disintegrate this mayor (watch my spelling Martha, I think I spelled disintegrate correctly but you can check). Nothing bad happened then only now because you were so good at being a watch dog. This bad old mayor caused it all. Even the great all knowing Martha agrees with you. Now to me that is the ultimate compliment. How much more perfect than that can you get? Wonderful how things work out Huh?
Too bad we didn't get our new police facility cause now, it would have just been way cool to try to maintain it. It would have served us well plus (OMG) I better stop, cause I can't bring up the past, the blog police well get angry.
But we have you, Mr. Trueblood, and you will show us all how to run the city and how to resurrect tax revenue from the dead; the revenues are way down because the mayor did it!!! But you can tell us all how to make Crestwood better especially since the rest of the United States is suffering too. But that's still the mayor's fault. Maybe you can become a member of the new Obama Staff and tell us why this whole world is in a mess, then you can come back to Crestwood and tell all of how to do it. You've been telling everyone all we have to do is get rid of the mayor. And we thank you so very much for your insight and we thank Martha too, and all the other people for opening our eyes. Go get em Mr. Trueblood we are so grateful we have you to tell us what to do and how to do it.
I warned all of you that poster 4:20 would pop up if I posted. Sorry for their message taking up so much valuable bandwidth.
Again I will not answer or address post directed to me that are anonymous, life is to short to waste time on the less than 30% of Crestwood who defend the Mayor's actions.
No poster 4:20, the question you and others still have to answer is how can we have cut our costs to the bone, while we increased our budgeted spending nearly 31% since 2006 (I know your going to hate this, but that was the last budget I voted on)?
Simple truth is, we have not made any cuts since 2006, but the City has increased it's spending every year.
The heck with poster 4:20 explaining the increase in spending, I want my Aldermen and the Mayor to explain it to me.
5:27 pm OK Mr. Trueblood if you say so. You better watch however, because there is another person whom I don't know that also is angry with you and I going at each other on this blog.
I believe what you say but I still disagree with your total philosphy. Since your need to know who I am far exceeds anything pertinent that I may say in my comments, and since I am forbidden to bring up the past any longer, you and Mr Ford are really narrowing the avenues for my rebuttals. Soon, you will only have those who agree with you on this blog, which is why you feel so all knowing and powerful.
What I don't understand from Mr. Ford is how long ago before you two became pals, he said on this very blog that "those who forget the errors of the past, tend to repeat them". That is a total contradiction but it's his blog and he can do what he wants.
In light of those facts, Mr. Trueblood, you won't have to be too concerned about me too much longer, because Mr. Ford is setting up all these new ground rules that one needs to abide by in order to get on his blog. Because I can no longer compare administrations, I am loosing ground which is exactly what you want. You can criticize me for being cruel and rude however, if I had the time or desire, I can go back threw comments and also find, even to this day, those of your kind who choose to be mean and cruel about the mayor and his administration and it is perfectly OK with you.
Mr. Trueblood this is not fair grounds for debate or a forum as Ms. Duchild called the blog. Also there are many who do not sign their names; yet you only seem to be bothered by anonymous comments by those of us who uphold this administration and none of the others who are committed to your philosphy. That shows me that you are, indeed, biased. Therefore, you and your troops can some day have a field day because all there will be on the blog is you scratching the backside of anyone who agrees with you. That will make your motives transparent to me; as you and others seem to use the word "transparent" a lot when speaking about the mayor and board members.
Have a great time kiddo; and keep doing what you do best which is gathering people to go along with everything you say. In other words, birds of a feather. Better buy some bird seed, it's getting cold outside.
Mr. Trueblood
While I agree with your observation about the increased spending the numbers you present are incorrect.
2006 $11,298,020 Audited
2007 $12,143,773 Audited
2008 $12,646.956 Proposed
2009 $13,722,736 Proposed
7:05 Yeah: Finally someone who also has an opposite view of what Mr. Trueblood feels. Thanks. I love it. Keep those comments coming; I love it.
Be careful. If you come up with too much contrary information about the mayor and administration, Mr. Ford may kick you off his blog. He doesn't like it when people disagree with his new friend.
Mr. Trueblood,
The Board of Aldermen approved the following expenditure amounts in the 2008 budget:
General Fund $8,919,622
Park and Stormwater Fund $2,235,385
Capital Improvement Fund $1,503,570
Kind regards,
Douglas Brewer
Finance Officer (acting)
Total for 2008 per Mr.Brewer's email dated 11/5/08 is $12,658,476 .
Cut/paste this URL address
This will put you into the 2009 proposed budget. If you look up the amount budgeted to be spent for each of these funds for the years 2006, 2007 and 2009 you will find the source I used for my figures.
7:04 PM, November 13, 2008
Please, before you post something like that again, could you warn us so we are ready with our boots and shovels? Thank you.
9:05 PM
If you look at the 7:05PM post, the poster basically agrees with Mr. Trueblood but has different figures.
It's clear from the figures seen here, in the paper, and on the city Web site that our city is suffering. Why haven't we done something to address this until now? I know they tried with the tax in the summer, but that was an unmitigated disaster in PR. They never told us what things it would be used for. They just sad they needed it and tried to guilt us into voting for it because other cities have a lower tax rate. Guilting people into voting yes will never work. That's why I and others voted against it. I know not all of it is Roy. But if you're going to make bold statements like "We're back" and "I've restored the integrity" then I think you ought to know what you're talking about. It's clear that Roy didn't know what he was talking about when he said these things. If he took a look at the facts, he wouldn't say those things. But that's typical Crestwood for you. Elected leaders say one thing and the facts prove the opposite.
3:19. You stated "Combine some positions and save the extra salaries."
I agree to a point. The positions your describing are at the low end of the scale and will have minimal impact, except animal contol. The city needs to become efficient and lean. Which only leave the three major departments. Fire, Police and Public Works.
Which would devistate the city more? Not having its own FD/PD or losing our parks, sidewalks & street repair, housing stock? I am of the opinion that the community infrastructure is what makes a city survive. It's families moving into or back into the neighborhoods. I truly don't believe it matters what is written on the side of a fire truck or police car. It is that they (whomever) arrives when called.
Yes, you can make the argument about response time, but that in and of itself is a red herring.
We must cut expenses from the general fund and only those with a lot of zero's. It will hurt and some families will be devestated, but I see no other way.
I again offer as a suggestion the idea of selling Crestwood Park to a developer of homes. I do this for all the same reasons I have in the past. While a painful step, the gains in this would be both short and long term.
Can we sell the park but keep the "hill" for sledding?
If my check book was big enough to buy the park I'd say yes.
"I know they tried with the tax in the summer, but that was an unmitigated disaster in PR. They never told us what things it would be used for. They just sad they needed it and tried to guilt us into voting for it because other cities have a lower tax rate. Guilting people into voting yes will never work."
I agree 100%!!!
If the city is going to ask taxpayers for more money, the city should:
1. Have a plan and show the need - what will the money be used for?
2. Be consistent and show leadership - the city sent mixed messages when it just purchased ten police cars and gave raises along with promotions. Prior to that, the mayor did not want to talk about a tax increase. After the election, he did.
3. Streamline government. Additional cuts that could be made have not been made - Sappington House, fleet reduction, etc. The board doesn't want to talk about any more cuts - just ways of raising taxes. The townhall meetings didn't work - not they are going to try a committee.
4. Leadership - does the constituency have confidence in the leadership?
8:51 Thank You for your post! Now I would like to take your idea of getting rid of our FD/PD and expand it even more.
Let's drop the career Police Officers and staff the city with angry town folk carring pitchforks and torches to run out all the "bad seeds". We can use the old Police Dept. Jail to hold the prisoners until the Marshal comes along, about once a week, and take'em to the Hang'in Judge in Clayton!
Fire Department? How about if there's a fire, the fine Crestwood folks grab a bucket and form a line from any number of the clean streams, ponds, or horse waterers in our town. We can ring church bells to signal that theres a fire. An all volunteer department would be really cheap and save the City lots of dollars over the years.
Next instaed of paved streets lets go back to dirt roads. Every spring we can hire a man to come into town and spray the roads with some unknown oil product that we hope won't make our newborns come out with extra arms or legs!
Storm and Sewer Water??? Use barrels to collect rain water for drinkin' and waterin' flowers and such. We can also dump our chamber pots in the streets to help keep down the dust too!!!
Parks??? Let the grass grow that way we can let our kids pick wild flowers and sell them to those richey-rich folks over in Webster Groves!!!
These are just some ways we as a community can down size and save money. Just say "NO" to new taxes, big Government, and the 20th century!!!
3:41 You are so hilarious, yawn, that was really clever, yawn, yes thank you, yawn...
3:41, Before there was a Crestwood, people lived here and made it just fine. I suspect if Crestwood goes away, that will happen again.
1:42 pm BLOGGER: Interesting points you make there, but I fear we are seeing but a microcosm of the National scene right here!
1. Smaller Government? Nope, we now need a new level of bureaucracy known as a "citizens committee" to report to the Alderman, why?
2. When the funds run on the low side propose more taxes to increase the coffers.
3. Never reduce the size of Government, increase it (it's the only way to get ahead don't ya know.)
4. Do not cut departments by layoff's or attrition, transfer them to other departments.
5. Shuffle the paperwork to appear to need more, rather than less people, and money!
If any of that sounds very familiar, it should. Please remember that His Honor came from a Federal background, and he had quite some time to learn the process, and he did it very well!
In the past three and one half years this town has tried everything from "Rah, Rah" people brought in by Mr. Frank for $3500.00 to for all I know a seance, and nothing has worked!
Now we will spend funds for extra heat, light, and personnel with a committee that will while not failing, still not work!
Why? Well folks the Country is in VERY bad condition right now, and all the King's horses, and all the King's men haven't been able to rectify the situation, so what makes the Mayor think a "citizen's committee"can?
The idea is neat, cute, and really forward thinking, unfortunately it's about a year too late!
Can Crestwood be saved? You bet it can, but it will require the type of leadership that will make very unpopular decisions, and stick to them. This is no time to "posture" on the Dias, or bluster at anyone up there, it's time to wake up and get the job done!
By copy of this post I am asking our City Administrator, Mr. Jim Eckrige to formulate a plan that will cut spending on all but the critical things, and not to fill positions cut by attrition until this storm blows over!
With critical thinking, and the grace of God we can, and will weather this storm, and come out the other side bigger and better for it!
Tom Ford
"Shop Crestwood period!"
A. Can we STOP bringing up the past, it doesn't forgive the mayor for his actions or words now, which is what we need to focus on.
B. What can we do to get Roy to step aside and get the proper leadership to bring Crestwood back?
C. I understand the emotional aspect of keeping our own police and fire services and how it riles everyone into a fury, but is it something we can really afford? Let County police handle our issues and let a fire protection district come in, then we'll have a lot more money to worry about our image, our business district, and bringing residents back to Crestwood. We don't have the mall revenue we once had, it makes sense that we need to contract out some of our services to save money.
6:39 PM blogger: What can we do to have Roy resign? Well, a very negative public opinion is about all we have short of a recall.
How do we do that? Well we write letters to the editor of every newspaper in town requesting that he resign, and turn over the position to ?
We go on TV and tell the local media that we are extremely unhappy with the leadership in Crestwood!
I think you get my drift by now. This will not be a "nice" thing, but it just may be needed to bring Crestwood back!
The question is not what we do, but what are we prepared to do? This is our community, and the homes we live in are our investments, so "what are you prepared to do?"
Tom Ford
6:39 PM, November 14, 2008
Agree with you on all points except fire district. I think it would be cheaper to keep our own, as compared to other districts. I'm not positive, so I'll have to check the numbers.
Also, even if folks were willing (and I'm sure many would be), do residents really want to give more of their money to city hall with the current leadership in place?
Think about it.
If the mayor did resign, the board president would take over until a new mayor was appointed by the alderman. The next election cycle would elect a new mayor.
It sounds like we have our citizens committee right here on this blog. Why don't each of you call your aldeerman and tell them you want to serve on their revenue committee. I surmise from the comments here that most people have no idea what it takes to operate a city. Mr Trueblood was an alderman and perhaps he is best positioned to tell us why the budgets during his administration increased over the years he served as alderman.
Here are some simple facts.
Nothing ever stays the same. Your house would cost you more today than it did 10 years ago. You pay more for groceries today than you did 10 years ago. A car costs more today than it did 10 years ago. Your employer pays you more in salary and benefits than he did 10 years ago. You pay more for gas, electric, water, and fuel for your vehicle than you did 10 years ago. It costs more to educate a child in college than it did 10 years ago.
All in all it costs more to live today than it did 10 years ago. And we as citizens, or most on this blog, think the city should operate on the same money it did 10 years ago. Ultimately what is occurring in our city is similar to what you personally would be going through if your employer cut your pay each year by 3%. The city's revenue has been going down while the cost of living and doing business has been going up. There are just some irrational thoughts being tossed around here which if carried out would end up costing us as citizens more in the end.
Here we sit waiting for a miacle to happen at the mall and blaming everyone in city government for our economic problems.
Sad, very sad.
If this administration did everything people on this blog said to do, it still would not be enough to get them to vote on a tax increase. And when they had the chance to get rid of this mayor, nobody did it.
And I guarantee you when the next mayor is elected, if our sales tax and this recession keep going like it is, we still will not get people to vote on a tax increase even more, because things are only going to get worse. No sales tax like in years past.
Cutting costs? What cost cutting is going to be enough to sustain Crestwood and get us back on track? Another $100,000? That still won't be enough. It's like having $50,000 worth of credit card debt and trying to tell yourself if you get rid of cable, your computer, one car, and your dog it will be enough to give you enough capital to get rid of $50,000 worth of debt. Once that debt of $50,000 is erraticated, you can live comfortably by cutting those costs but you need help to get rid of the $50,000 bad debt. The tax increase was perfect but excuses were all we got from the likes of many.
HOWEVER, I guarantee you that if we cut the budget even more, that is not going to be enough to get this city back on it's feet. You just use it as an excuse, but down the line, this new mayor whoever it is, will have to initiate a tax increase, and then because it is a new mayor, you will all accept it because it comes from someone other than this mayor.
Getting rid of our police department and/or fire department is not an optiion for me. What I really don't undertand is Mr. Ford bashing the police department in every way he can, while his son still works there and in the interest of his son's livelihood. You would think he would keep his nose out of it. Anybody who thinks he is doing his son a service by sounding off constantly about their son's employer, makes no sense to me unless he and his son have parted ways; otherwise, it is just foolish to do it. I cannot even imagine what his fellow officers say to him regarding this.
Figures? There have been so many figures and cost projections and ways to figure out the budget, how in the hey does anybody except Mr. Trueblood understand all of them. It is a mystery to me how anyone can do the math even though Mr. Trueblood feels that he knows it all based on his new found figures. Further he hates this administration so much, why would he even ask anyone who is affiliated with this administration any questions? Unless down the line he can smear them back into this "Doug" whoever's face. I wouldn't answer any question from Mr. Trueblood as he will use it against you sooner or later. He has only one motive. To undermine this mayor and his staff. Why would anyone dance with the enemy?
This division that is going on is no more than politics and in no way will assist us in getting our city back. And with the economy looming over our heads like double pneumonia we are in this big time because all we have done for years is relied on sales tax. But while most of us worry and fret, the synopsis on this blog seems to be nothing more than nitpicking this administration which is the most narrow minded, self serving and apprehensible counterproductive thing people can do. All of this just didn't happen, five or six years ago. It took years to get here and many people are to blame. Sorry that you disagree. No different than what our country is now going through.
11:10 am I do so agree with you 100%. I just wish others could understand your concept. I have been trying to say the same thing for many, many months. But these bloggers are like a deer in headlights. And, it is all because they place politics first before people. That is what this blog says and if you disagree as you and I have, beware of the aftermath. They don't want to hear the truth about rising costs. Had they been really trying to understand it, we would have had a tax increase. As I said in my previous blog comment, cutting more costs is just their excuse. The costs they want to cut are nothing more than a drop in the bucket to what we need, when you've got declining sales tax and you need money now for services, maintenance and repairs on what we have. Cutting costs can be done once we get back on track. You cannot cure a strep throat and fever with over the counter medicene. You need antibiotics and massive doses of them. After you recover, you can take vitamins and get yourself healthy. Just a metaphor but one I sincerely believe.
Cutting costs will help short term and long term. There still is some things that could be trimmed.
The boa and mayor have not done it. In fact, when cost-cutting measures were brought up at the last meeting, they were summarily dismissed.
Additional cuts can be made and efficiencies found.
Is Crestwood run for its citizens or employees?
"But while most of us worry and fret, the synopsis on this blog seems to be nothing more than nitpicking this administration which is the most narrow minded, self serving and apprehensible counterproductive thing people can do."
Excuse me, but have you read some of our mayor's comments? Have you compared what he has said one time and what he has said another time? Have you seen how he treats folks at board meetings? Do you approve of his behavior?
11:50 and 11:59, So what are your solutions, since you can find none in that which has be offered?
Attack those who are bno longer in office as if they could change the problem now?
12:43 I didn't see any solutions from those posts either. Too easy to dwell on the past and ignore the mayor's words and actions. Much too easy.
11:50 AM blogger: "Bashing the Police?" Now just where have I ever done that my friend? In fact what the heck are you even talking about?
I believe I have had nothing but praise and respect for the Police and Fire, as well as Public works people in this City!
Bashing, not at all, questioning some of the management tactics, yes, and I always will!
Think about this for a while, I guess I qualify to be a real "red Neck'" because I qualify for every one of the comment's below!
You might be a redneck if: It never occurred to you to be offended by the phrase, 'One nation, under God.'
You might be a redneck if: You've never protested about seeing the 10 Commandments posted in public places.
You might be a redneck if: You still say ' Christmas' instead of 'Winter Festival.'
You might be a redneck if: You bow your head when someone prays.
You might be a redneck if: You stand and place your hand over your heart when they play the National Anthem.
You might be a redneck if: You treat our armed forces veterans with great respect, and always have.
You might be a redneck if: You've never burned an American flag, nor intend to.
You might be a redneck if: You know what you believe and you aren't afraid to say so, no matter who is listening.
You might be a redneck if: You respect your elders and raised your kids to do the same.
You might be a redneck if: You'd give your last dollar to a friend.
Tom Ford
12:36 What costs could be made that would amount to a hill of beans to rectify the reduction in sales tax revenues. It isn't going to make a difference long term.
Mr. Ford, I guess you are going to tell me that you never bashed the police chief and have never had a problem with the management of the police department and the pay raises.
2:55 PM blogger: Are we having a reading comprehension problem today? If you read my post you will see that I said with the exception of the Management!
Yes, I have, and I will continue to bash the Chief and the management for things like pay raises that are done without the scrutiny of the BOA, or any other governing body such as the City Administrator!
The pay raises without the express approval of the Board were wrong, and everyone knows it (but you?) If they were not the City Attorney would not have called the Board into "executive session" to approve them!
The promotions were never OK'd either, just made, with most of them going to people with no Civil Service test, or oral boards, try to find that in any other Police Department!
In my opinion this was dead wrong, and I have, and will continue to oppose it. That said, a better question is WHY DON'T YOU?
Tom Ford
2:51 PM, November 15, 2008
That's what you and the board and the mayor don't get. Costs and cuts can be made to reduce the impact on various budgets. Several cuts were mentioned by one alderman at the last meeting. They were dismissed. Those cuts could have saved the city some money.
True, cutting costs won't have an impact on declining sales tax revenues (if the city's figures are correct). That's where the city's economic development commission comes in. What economic development have they done? Have they brought in any businesses? What have they accomplished?
Instead, what does the board do? Form a committee to sell another tax increase. They don't look at cuts, or efficiencies. They don't ask what the eco development commission is doing. Business as usual and you have seen where that has gotten us. On top of that, the mayor insults part of his constituency. Crestwood is becoming a punchline.
Tell me how the expenditures can increase over 18% in three years. That amounts to a $2.5 million dollar increase over three years. No amount of tax increases can keep up with that kind of expenditure increase. People, attend the next BOA meeting on November 24th and tell them to send the budget back for expenditure reduction. Deficit spending is not acceptable.
The board will probably not listen. Most of them have only one mantra - raise taxes.
7:01 So they said they were forming a committee for another tax increase? I think you just told us a big lie. Nobody said it was for a tax increase; that statement is what we would call a lousy insinuation in your so-called brain.
Gee 12:04, you seem so darn sure of yourself.
12:04 poster, when you have a chance, take a look at the article and read it thoroughly-
Ok, the title of the article is 'Crestwood aldermen to form revenue committee of citizens'. Let's start with that. What is the definition of revenue? According to the American Heritage Dictionary, there are 4 listed definitions of revenue - "1.The income of a government from all sources appropriated for the payment of the public expenses.
2. Yield from property or investment; income.
3. All the income produced by a particular source.
4. A governmental department set up to collect public funds."
So, if you are with me so far 12:04, revenue has to do with money. And revenue has to do with income. So let's take it to the next step. The board sets up a revenue committee. I don't know about you, but I think that the board is looking at increasing revenue (money, income) for the city. With me so far 12:04? I hope so.
Ok, without brain overload, let's take it one step further. Let's look at the article. "Pickel also suggested that the committee have a timetable to make recommendations that aldermen can "take action on in the spring"."
Still with me? I hope so. Let's continue to the next step.
In the next paragraph, Roby is quoted as saying "I believe if you get the support of the citizens in that group, you would then have the support of the community."
Ok, next step.
Think spring - community. Ok here we go-are you ready?
Aldermen Kelsch said the following:
"...we may stand a chance instead of sitting there next August like we were last August."
Ok, what happens in August? hmmm?
Is it your birthday? hmmm? If it is, then Happy Birthday! But guess what? Elections happen in August!
Ok, let's put together what we have so far-
1. Revenue committee
2. Action in the spring - hint (ordinance for an election)
3. Citizen involvement - hint (help to get a tax passed)
4. August
Now (are you still with me?), what happened last August? Ok, think a little bit. What happened last August? Yes, it was hot. Summer was coming to a close. Bingo! You got it! Prop 1 was on the ballot! A tax increase - what do you know.
I hope I didn't overload your brain 12:04. After all, you seem so sure of yourself.
Now, if you don't agree with 12:04, then you can ask the board at the next meeting what they want the revenue committee to work on. A bake sale? Selling candy bars? A raffle? 50-50 chances?
I hope this helps 12:04.
What is killing this city are the loss of revenue from the mall and our glorious swimming facility at the Whitecliff Park. We needed that like we needed a hole in the head. What would it have cost us to put in just a swimming pool? But noooooo.. the brilliant minds at city hall and our then mayor and board of aldermen voted for the Lambourgini with every option available. And it is only open a couple months of the year. And I can assure you that most of the 12,000 citizens in Crestwood don't use it. Folks, this city has wasted more money on things like this than you can imagine. Examples would be the pool, the fees and planning costs for our police palace and the accounting program that didn't work. And not one of those items has benefited the city. It just cost us money that could have been utilized to fix streets, undertake needed storm water projects and generally provide for the operation of the city. We would be just fine financially if we didn't have those unnecessary items hanging over our heads. Total cost of these items are in the millions of dollars.
1:36 AM blogger: Neat, concise, to the point, and well written! Thank you for putting all this "Revenue Committee" malaky into perspective for the great unwashed.
As a firm (and possibly founding) member of the "Illegitimate few" in Crestwood, I could see this coming ten miles away.
I believe a while ago on this blog a citizen said we have five seasons in Crestwood, "Spring, TAX INCREASE, summer, fall, and winter!" Whoever that was, I salute you for getting it exactly right!
Remember "Prop S?" That was the one that would "sunset" as soon as the debt was retired. Well someone forgot to do that because even though "His Honor" promised on a stack of Bibles that HE would do just that, we have it until 2013 (and I bet it mysteriously goes up every year!)
Bake sales, clothing raffles, silent auctions, boat in a moat (hey that might work,) or anything else is just plain silly. This committee will no doubt have the usual suspects among it's ranks, and WILL be formed to come up with the best salesman for a tax increase, think about it!
Tom Ford
9:01 Using your line of logic when the pool is paid off, then we will be rolling in cash. Right?
Since you seem stuck in the past and not the present, have you ever looked at the budgets Kent and Bob put together for our city? You want some eye openers, look at the projected income they had in 2000, 2001, 2003.
Now that you have done this, tell us what you think should be done now to fix now's problems?
Draw and quarter former elected and appointed officials? How much income will that product? Make you feel better, maybe, but will your feeling better make you vote to increase your taxes?
10:21 PM & 1:36 AM
Ref the 18% increase. I called my alderman on this because your numbers were staggering and your figures are extremely incorrect. According to the current budget, the increase in expenditures from 2005 to 2009 would be slightly over 5% or about $477,700. And he attributes most of that to the increasing cost of doing business.
It is misinformation like this that causes the most damage to our city as people who read posts like yours for opinions based on your false information.
As to 1:36 AM comments.
Let's wait and see what comes of a citizen review committee. It has not yet been formulated and you have already determined the outcome. It may indeed be necessary to cut some additional things from the budget but let the board of aldermen do their jobs and if a tax increase is the only thing that will keep the city afloat short term, then so be it. But I am not willing to jeopardize the safety of myself or my family for a few dollars more.
10:02 AM blogger: "for a few dollars more," Indeed, but can we trust that these "few dollars more" will be used FOR the right things?
I cannot find it in me to give a "few dollars more" to a leader who has not been able to keep his word on past taxes.
I know, "he had no idea!" Well that's baloney because two Aldermen (Miguel, and Nieder) have been sounding the cry for some time now, only to be rebuffed, and shouted down!
When yo decide to raise taxes on a senior citizen you had better have the credibility of the Pope, else, forget about it!
Tom Ford
10:02 AM, November 16, 2008
How dramatic! When you talked to your alderman, did you ask the following:
1. Why after Prop 1 was voted down almost 72% did the board dismiss any cuts or cost saving alternatives recently mentioned?
2. If Crestwood was hurting so badly for cash, why did Robinson insist on a sales tax holiday?
3. How much is the city subsidizing Sappington House?
4. What about fleet reduction?
Please, enlighten us. You wouldn't want to "jeopardize" our knowledge base, would you?
And you are so right, as far as the committee, I'm sure it's not for a tax increase. What do you bet it's for a bake sale? Raffle?
Carnival? Oh, I can't wait!
Oh, another thing to ask you alderman: why were these $1000 raises proposed?
11:05 & 11:22
Wow, touchy, touchy, touchy. Take a chill pill. You see, or maybe you don't, but you have the opportunity come this April, when your name appears on the ballot.
Let's get one thing straight, according to the BOA minutes of the last 2 meetings it was Alderman Neider and Miguel who made the motion to approve your $1000 raises. And as my alderman, I have no problem with their decision. You must think that the employees of this city live in a bubble where their expenses never go up. Here is my prayer for you, oh constant complainer, that I was you boss and could work you 40 hours a week and never give you a raise and that you would be dumb enough to stay in my employ.
Now say Duh!!!!
Has anyone gone to city's website and checked out the the 2009 proposed budget? If you do so you will see the figures for all the budgets back to 2006. The total increases for all three funds in total (General, Capital Improvement, Parks/Storm Water) are as posted on the first post of this string. If you got to the City's website you will also find out that Douglas Brewer is the acting Finance Officer.
The URL for the 2009 budget has been poster here before but here it is again, you will have to cut and paste it onto your and browser and then read the 2009 Budget.
If you do and if you add up the amount budgeted to be spend for each of th 3 funds listed above for each year starting 2006, I doubt you will the increase from then to 2009 slightly over 5% or $477,700.
Remember, its the TOTAL of all THREE of these funds that makes up the amount of tax dollars to be spent, not just one fund.
Umm ok. But as far as the chill pill, you may wish to take it.
As far as the raises, all employees were given a 2% cola this year, plus the police raises.
So compared to others in this tough economy, being a Crestwood employee is not as bad as some might think. If Crestwood employees don't like working for Crestwood, maybe they can work for A-B, or Chrysler!
Now, can you say Duh?
"I called my alderman on this because your numbers were staggering and your figures are extremely incorrect. According to the current budget, the increase in expenditures from 2005 to 2009 would be slightly over 5% or about $477,700. And he attributes most of that to the increasing cost of doing business."
What a laugh! "Cost of doing business" What brilliant alderman said that? What does that mean, or better yet, what does that brilliant alderman think it means?Does this brilliant economic thinking come from the same philosophy as the sales tax holiday?
1:36 So then when the next board meeting comes around, attend it and ask the board members if they are speaking of another try at increasing taxes? You are still making an assumption and borrowing trouble when the tax word was never said. Anything can go on a ballot smart mouth! Further, this might get you to swallow your tongue and shut up. With the citizens being asked to participate, the board members are trying to get the people involved. Since the people spoke the last time and said NO to new taxes, they will have a voice. If you are do darn smart and much more intelligent than I, why don't you ask your aldermen to be on the committee? Or is that all fixed by the mayor too? Maybe it is just easier for you to assume things and break down the lines of communication before the dang committee even gets started.
Sounds like more Trueblood talk to me, waiting for his chance to criticize the attempt at the aldermen trying to do something; yet when they don't do anything, Mr. Trueblood is the first one in line to bitch and cause more mayhem.
9:01 OMG you mentioned the past. Even though I agree with you on your comment you made a big boo boo. You don't know the ground rules on this blog. Referencing things that were wrong years ago especially the police palace are comments that are not welcomed here. And you will be shut down if you continue. Don't you know that those things meant nothing? Why? Because some of those issues were during the Trueblood and Pals reign. You will never get them to admit they are part of the problems today. No use trying cause he and his wise guys are too busy playing politics and discrediting the mayor. They don't care about how we got to where we are. But please don't stop trying to shut them up. Good luck!
19:02 Nov. 16th. I didn't read your comment but almost said the same thing about discrediting the committee before it even starts.
I am so glad you are sounding off on this blog. These people are way to anxious to form a lynch mob rather than get our city back.
I am with you on this. Thanks.
1:19 Hooray for you decent blogger. I am glad you spoke up. I agree with you about the employee raises. It was at least an attempt to try to show our employees we care. And you deserve credit for pointing it out. It won't stop those crumb bums from blogging, but you hit them right where it hurts and I love it. It's about time we get some intelligent people on this blog who are tired of all the bull we've been getting from some bloggers. They do nothing but tear people down who are at least trying to make fair and honest judgements. And yes, I too feel like if they were that disgusted, they should have ran for office long ago. But like I said, they are too busy pointing fingers and having fun putting people down.
"crumb bums" ???
That's classy blogger, real classy.
2:24 PM, November 16, 2008
Wait a minute! Wait a minute!
What do you mean "These people are way to anxious to form a lynch mob rather than get our city back."
I thought the mayor said he brought the city back? And so did the head of the economic development commission? You mean our fair city has yet to be brought back? Oh my...
"But like I said, they are too busy pointing fingers and having fun putting people down.
2:31 PM, November 16, 2008"
Oh you are so right. Just like when people keep bringing up the past and talk about past mayors and past city administrators. The past is the past. Let's move on.
2:35 Had I used the words I wanted to use instead of "crumb bums" Mr. Ford would have shut me down. Can you guess which two words I would like to use? You and a few others do exactly what people do when they are told things they refuse to believe. Just as soon as two or three people disagree with what you say, like talking about past administrations and/or contradict your figures, your rage and insults comes out of the wood work and your strategy changes to nothing important except to start editing words, punctuation, etc. cause that's all you have left. You can keep trying to humiliate people, but you are the ones who need an attitude adjustment. We have the right to say what we feel as long as you keep doing it. Fair is fair.
Here are the expenditure numbers again. Where are the expediture reductions. See the difference between 2006 THRU 2009
2006 $11,298,020 Audited
2007 $12,143,773 Audited
2008 $12,646.956 Proposed
2009 $13,722,736 Proposed
Looks like a lot more than 5% or "just" $477,700. Who does this bunch think they are trying to fool? The facts are there has been increased spending ever year since Roy became Mayor at a greater rate of increase than the increase in the cost of living. All the while the income has been shrinking, Roy as a member of the Ways and Means has not stopped the increase spending. He has made no cuts in spending, if he had the budgets would not be going up since he took office.
Look at his own office increase in spending since 2005 up $3000, yet the mayor's pay has not changed. What is he spending our money on?
Look at the police pay, it has gone down $214,037 since 2005.
But the fire fighters budget has gone up over the same time period $105,304. Wonder whose Union supported Roy's run for office 3 years ago?
Thanks for posting this. Steady increase every year.
Hey Mr. Trueblood what developer in their right mind would buy Crestwood Park and build homes. If you haven't noticed, there is no building boom right now. Any other brilliant ideas?
The building boom has slowed, but there is still building as evidenced by two new homes off of Garber.
In addition, three homes in my neighborhood were put up for sale and sold within a month and a half.
Those might be rare cases, but the housing market is still alive in Crestwood.
Give Mr. Trueblood some credit. At least he is coming up with something.
10:17 Make up your mind; one minute the police chief is bad; now Roy is connected to the fire department? So now is Kestler in trouble? The police officers and many other employees shouldn't stay here if they have families to support. In case you don't know it, it costs bucks to get good health insurance these days and people like you could care less in your evaluations. You want correct figures? If you are father/husband, the cost of doctor visits, and medication get more expensive every day and every year it goes up just like everything else and maybe more. Could be that many officers in the police department, and others leave to find better benefits. How much do you care about that? The cost of living, groceries, household maintenance, house payments, car payments and schooling for a family with two children can break the bank. Yet you and others on this blog scowl because of the $1,000 given to the employees? And if it isn't that you scowl about, it's a million other things. You throw everything in your equasion when it is time to belittle this city and this administration, yet you expect us to stay around while you fight and scream and call each other names? Fact is you scare the #### out of us. Too bad that Ford doesn't see that he does more harm than good with his blog. Now we have a war going on even before the new committee starts to try and solve problems. As I read more and more on this blog, maybe Trueblood and Ford can pick out the people to serve on this committee. I really don't care what administration they favor or don't favor, I have been around for both. Before spending was a lark and it was done; and nobody cared not even Trueblood. Now everybody's hair stands up when someone tries to do something positive. I never saw anything positive before but never heard a word about it.
10:17 Make up your mind; one minute the police chief is bad; now Roy is connected to the fire department? So now is Kestler in trouble? The police officers and many other employees shouldn't stay here if they have families to support. In case you don't know it, it costs bucks to get good health insurance these days and people like you could care less in your evaluations. You want correct figures? If you are father/husband, the cost of doctor visits, and medication get more expensive every day and every year it goes up just like everything else and maybe more. Could be that many officers in the police department, and others leave to find better benefits. How much do you care about that? The cost of living, groceries, household maintenance, house payments, car payments and schooling for a family with two children can break the bank. Yet you and others on this blog scowl because of the $1,000 given to the employees? And if it isn't that you scowl about, it's a million other things. You throw everything in your equasion when it is time to belittle this city and this administration, yet you expect us to stay around while you fight and scream and call each other names? Fact is you scare the #### out of us. Too bad that Ford doesn't see that he does more harm than good with his blog. Now we have a war going on even before the new committee starts to try and solve problems. As I read more and more on this blog, maybe Trueblood and Ford can pick out the people to serve on this committee. I really don't care what administration they favor or don't favor, I have been around for both. Before spending was a lark and it was done; and nobody cared not even Trueblood. Now everybody's hair stands up when someone tries to do something positive. I never saw anything positive before but never heard a word about it.
11:10 You give Mr. Trueblood credit. I see homes selling at a loss and a lot of vacant houses too. I give him credit for making trouble. He is a rebel rouser. How long would we have to wait for the likes of Crestwood Park to get purchased? I give Trueblood about as much credit as he gives this administration. He loves to act important but never did a thing to help this city when he had a chance.
I admit I didn't always agree with Mr. Trueblood, but I give him credit for serving 13 years as an alderman. I still give him credit for coming up with ideas.
The ONLY idea, or so it seems, that the board can come up is a tax increase.
"The cost of living, groceries, household maintenance, house payments, car payments and schooling for a family with two children can break the bank."
Right on! That's why Crestwood needs to keep its taxes low!
Sorry but Trueblood has ideas now but did nothing to keep a balanced budget when he tended bar. Presently, he has come up with nothing comprehensive, just offensive and drags this administration down because he is not part of it. But when he was, all he did was what the CA told him to do. He could care less about the employees now or then. If people don't stick around, it's because of people like him who do not support their employees in any way, shape or form. While you all scream politics, we get no appreciation at all, so why should we stay. We are at the bottom of the totem pole.
11:25, If it's so bad working for Crestwood, what's keeping you from leaving for another job some where else? Nothing!
You say it takes money to
support a family, do you think anyone posting on this blog doesn't already know that? Differance is Crestwood pays you by the tax dollars it gets from us the buyers of your product/service, and if we can no longer afford your produce/service, then we will not buy it.
Trueblood made his suggestion about the selling of Crestwood park some time ago when the housing market was still strong and the Mayor was still claiming we did not need any tax increases.
4:08 Mr. Trueblood, you must remember what you say and when you say it and make sure you sign your name when you defend yourself. Please read your comment below where you integrate the word "AGAIN" in your previous comment on this blog as follows:
"I again offer as a suggestion the idea of selling Crestwood Park to a developer of homes. I do this for all the same reasons I have in the past. While a painful step, the gains in this would be both short and long term."
9:55 AM, November 14, 2008
Ok, for those who insist bringing up the past - this is for you. Ask yourself, did mayors Killoren, Brasfield, Robertson, and Fagan EVER say anything like this? -
"That (Prop 1) tax increase should have been passed. And it would have been if we didn't have a small segment of this community who are negative and against everything you try to do. They're always criticizing everything and are accusing you of not upholding your oath of office or whatever. I tell you, I'm really sick of it because these people are not legitimate. They're not out here trying to help this community. They're trying to tear it down."
Did they? But Roy did.
So what, is the idea a good one or not? Is the real problem knowing who is the poster? Is that the way to fix today's problems?
By the way, what other than raising taxes, what are your solutions?
I bet you Crestwood Park would be sold and developed before Crestwood Mall (if ever)is renovated.
No new business' will be coming into Crestwood in the near future and, because of the economic times we are experiencing, sales tax will continue to decline.
The sad fact of the matter is...Short of contracting services and selling off property, there is no viable cuts that can be made to offset an increase in taxes.
I say the "Illegitimate Majority" should come to city hall on the 25th for the budget's public hearing. If Mayor Robinson says 72% of us are "not legitimate" then I'd like to give him a piece of my mind. What a joke this man has become. He makes a mockery of everything around him. You know, I have a feeling we'd be able to sort through this tough budget process a lot easier if the Mayor learned to control himself or just shut up! He's a liability to any progress. Each word that comes out of his mouth is more harmful than the last. For God's sake! The aldermen should have a talk with him and tell him to SHUT UP! He's digging every body in a deeper hole with each insult and every bogus claim that turns out to be wrong later.
5:11 Your anger is showing again, Mr. Trueblood. This comment is from you. It is obvious that you only sign the comments you want to sign. I read the quote from the mayor and I see nothing wrong it. He spoke the truth. The other mayors never saw this side of you cause you didn't have an obcession with them like you do this mayor. I agree with every word the mayor said cause that's basically all you and others do on this blog is to tear him down. What should he say? The previous mayors you mentioned were all on your watch and you should have been asking questions and opening your mouth about what they were doing, but you didn't. Mr. Trueblood, your hate and disgust for this mayor is so obvious and it is also obvious that all you intend to do forever is to get back at him. Nothing more. If you think you can fool me you are wrong. You just won't let your contempt for him go and it shows up whether you sign your name or not. All it does is make you a very ugly person. This mayor is still under your skin and you and your friends are totally obsessed with your campaign of distruction, and do not at all care about the residents/employees/or merchants in this town. You care only about getting people to believe your obsurd and ridiculous bantor degrading the mayor, like The National Inquirer does to people. As far back as when Pat Killoren was mayor you sat in the big seat on the dais then. Today, you could care less about what happens to Crestwood. You are only on a mission to crush this mayor. And now Tom Ford is your friend. When he ran for Alderman, you could care less about Tom Ford and you were vocal about it too. But now you can use Tom Ford to your advantage and you have befriended him because you use his blog as your method of communication. He is gracious enough to allow you to use it since your's went down the tube. I would love to see you run for Mayor, Mr. Trueblood, which is probably coming down the pike. Just don't put your sign in my yard cause I'll use it for fire wood. Your mentor taught you well, as he too was only out for himself. You just can't stand the fact that this mayor won and Fagan lost. Politics, politics, politics. You are so transparent and so are your motives. If Crestwood fell apart tomorrow, it would make no difference to you at all and you would blame it all on the mayor. It's not this city you care about, it is destroying the mayor pure and simple.
11:25 AM blogger: Gee, I get it now, you don't like Mr. Trueblood or Mr. Ford exercising their rights to free speech so you want the blog shut down, right?
Well erstwhile employee ? of this fine town, when last I looked, we were still part and parcel of AMERICA! I know we elected a full blown socialist President Elect, but he isn't in there until January 21, 2009, so until then my friend you decide what you want to do, because it's (the blog) not going anywhere!
Now I will not berate anyone as some on the blog have about whining about a steady job in very trying times, but I will tell you that working for any form of Government now is the most stable job available today.
If you have read my posts I have asked everyone in Crestwood to take the time to thank ALL of our employee's for the great job that they all do for us, and I hope they have, and will continue to do so.
I too have chosen to do a job for a man who gave me a chance to come back into the working world ten years ago (at age 57,) and I have done it to the best of my ability every day since then. I told him then that when I could no longer honor my commitment, I would come to him and resign.
You did, or should have done the same thing my friend, so if your not interested in doing just that, well the ball is in your court as they say.
Tom Ford
To the poster 7:03 PM, November 17, 2008
A reply:
YOU ARE SO WRONG. The 5:11 post was not from Mr. Trueblood, it was from me. So you may want to take a break and stop attacking him for two seconds or so. It reminds me of the constant attacks on the late Don Greer.
If you think what the mayor said was OK, I think that is damn sad.
Oh, not that you care or will probably believe me, I was a supporter of Roy. I was not in favor of the police building expenditure. Tom Fagan was in favor of it and had plans to continue. Roy said the right things and I believed him.
But then as time went on, he said a lot more and it began to concern me. He said he had a plan, but then he never revealed anything concrete. When I tried to speak at a commission meeting, he tried to shut me up. Then, he said he was not going to raise taxes. Then all of sudden he was in favor of raising taxes. On top of that, his behavior on that dias is not professional.
What a bunch of baloney. Don't believe a word you say.
9:05 It's kind of funny how you seem to think you know my posts when I didn't sign them. 5:11 was not my post, sorry but I was stuck in traffic on North bound 270 trying to get to the airport to see my wife before she flew to Denver for her job. Never made it, highway 270 was closed at Page for some reason, but I did get to talk to her by cell phone while I was stuck in traffic.
If you'd like I'll let you look at my cell phone records for today as well as my iMac history so you can see what times I've been on and what sites I've gone to. Just let me know when you want to come over and review what I've offered, and I'll be glad to show you how wrong you are, again.
My email address for you to set up the time is:
By the way, I think post 5:11 went pretty easy on your boy Roy, after all, they just quoted the man. They could have made Roy look even more foolish by quoting him more.
Hope you email soon.
P.S. What is your idea for bring Crestwood back?
9:05, One more thing, have you read the 2009 budget? What do you think about the increase in spending? Do you feel the City can afford to increase spending again on 2009, the 4th year in a row? How should dollars be raised to fund the 2009 budget?
Share with us your ideas of making this budget remain in the black.
Hey Pal, you are the one with all the answers. Why ask me? If it were up to me, I would have passed the tax increase. (That'll get them going).
I guess you are going to tell me that your greatest day won't be the day that Roy is gone. I guess you are going to deny that you are obsessed with nothing else but the mayor. As far as being in traffic or whatever your excuse is, you made those excuses before but I really don't care what you say and you need not prove anything to me.
If this mayor would do nothing right in your eyes, he still isn't responsible for all of the problems we have had and continue to have had for the last ten years. You know it and I know it; but you would never admit it; yet you continue to blame everything in the last 15 years on him. If that doesn't tell us what you are all about nothing will. Don't really care what you say, Mr. Trueblood. In order for you to answer questions, everything has to be your way which is precisely why you would be the last person I would vote for to be mayor. Everything is your way or nothing. There is no compromise with you at all. And when you hate, brother you really hate. You never give up and you are extremely dangerous in that regard. I have done my homework OK, and all you did when you were in office was follow the leader. I am going to rest now; you give me a migraine.
Gee, now I'm your pal... that's an improvement. I just checked my email and you didn't email me. Maybe I was being to tough on you, asking you to allow me to prove to you how you were wrong? Oh well, now you can treat your migraine n sleep the sleep of the brave.
But what are you and I going to compromise to bring our city back? We need you thought provoking ideas and open minded compassion. Please share them with all of us.
Your(new)dangerous pal,
9:05 PM, November 17, 2008
Fine. Don't believe me.
9:54 PM, November 17, 2008
I never said that Roy was responsible for ALL of Crestwood's problems. But can I raise concerns about what he says or does during his term of office? Or is that not allowed?
I invite the illegitimate few in the community referred to by the mayor to attend the November 24 th meeting of the BOA to express their concerns to the mayor before the reading of the budget.
I also invite you to notice who supports the budget as is and who does not. This should help you to understand who to support when the aldermen are up for election in APRIL 2009.
7:03, 9:54 and on and on. You are one true wack-job! You and all the other crazy bloggers need to move over to Rant and Raves of Craigslist. You will be at home there!
On a more positive note. Hey Roy (aka tool) ever looked at the electic bill for the city? Do you know how much waste there is by leaving all the computers, printers, UPS, chargers, power-strips, lamps, monitors, copy machines on 24/7? If it is an issue for other large business and universities, you might want to take a hint!
p.s. I don't like Tim or Roy.
signed, 1 of the 72%
Illegitimate few? No, I'd say it's the Illegitimate Majority. Otherwise, Prop 1 would have passed.
To all Crestwood Police Officers.
Want to protect yourself against the likes of your runaway Mayor; unqualified Chiefs?
Join the Union. Contact any FOP member at Jennings PD for information. Best of Luck.
8:16 AM, November 18, 2008
Excellent suggestions on electrical usage. Computers left on, power strips, monitors - all told can use a lot of electricity.
I like Tim. I used to like Roy too, but the more he spouts off, it makes it more difficult.
We know who 5:11 is. Mr. Trueblood and Mr. Ford are doing a fine job here of getting the truth out, and I don't believe either of them has an 'agenda' to destroy the mayor. The mayor does that well enough himself everytime he opens his mouth or pretends he knows what he's doing.
72% of Crestwood doesn't trust Roy with another dime of our money. Its the blind 28% that I'm worried about. They are the ones that don't see what is happening to Crestwood and why things need to change, both in our administration and our spending habits. I'm glad Roy only has a handful under his spell.
11:54 Well good for you; go to the head of the class. Like I said before, all you think this city needs is a new mayor. So much for brains.
11:54 Sure, your comments are the only ones that count. Heard it all before. Where were you 10 and 12 years ago when the city was paying for everything? Where were you 10 years ago when every street and sidewalk was being repaved, whether they needed or not; and too bad you didn't look at the management styles of the past. You don't just fall into financial debt in 5 years. Come next election day, hope you get what you think you deserve. To the victor goes the spoils. In fact, I can't wait. Hold on to your jockey shorts fella, it will all be better next April right?
It is good for me! This city needs a lot more than a new mayor, but that would be a good start!
"Where were you 10 years ago when every street and sidewalk was being repaved, whether they needed or not; "
Huh? Where were you?
Something to think about for you fellow bloggers, readers, city officials:
Do you think the city will be able to pass a tax increase or any other major initiative with this mayor at the helm?
Think about it. Seriously.
I’ll rephrase the question:
Do you think the city will be able to pass a tax increase with this mayor at the helm, especially considering some of the outlandish things he says?
Please … think about it.
Aldermen Bland, Foote, Kelsch, Nieder, Miguel, Pickel and Roby:
if you are reading this, it is something you need to seriously consider.
Look at Proposition 1 voted on August 5th. Before the vote, you had 3 town hall meetings early this year –
1. city administration and fire department,
2. police, and
3. public works.
Each division explained income, expenditures, and procedures and each meeting was well attended. On top of that, the Prop 1 group had 4 meetings. Even with ALL of those meetings and information that was presented, Proposition 1 failed by almost 72%! Is this a bad time in the economy? Definitely. But is there a crisis of confidence out there? Possibly – something that should at least be considered.
72%. That’s not small potatoes. 2,159 residents voted NO compared to 854 YES votes. Prop 1 was defeated handily!
Then the mayor says as quoted in the Call Newspaper, "That (Prop 1) tax increase should have been passed. And it would have been if we didn't have a small segment of this community who are negative and against everything you try to do...These people are not legitimate. They're not out here trying to help this community. They're trying to tear it down.”
Regardless of who he was referring to, out of those 2,159 folks who voted no, I wonder how many think he was referring to them? A few? Most of them? All of them? By his outlandish statement, there is a good chance he angered 2,159 of his constituents. Do you honestly think many of these 2,159 voters will vote for a tax increase on his watch? With his outlandish statements, do you truly believe he inspires confidence in his leadership? What about other residents who read his quotes? What will they think?
Aldermen, I wish you luck in your endeavors, but I don’t think the mayor is helping your cause.
Like the rest of us, wondering how Mayor Brasfield could let Public Works Director Mark Pakin, City Administrator Kent Lichlighter and Finance Officer Bob Wubbels get away with the raping of our City's funds with lies and half truths they used to hide the true condition of the City.
That's where all were 10 years ago.
Yeah and Mr. Trueblood did nothing to stop it just like Duwe, LaBore and others. But you will never get any of them to fess up to their mistakes. Those shouldn't be added to tons of money being wasted. Caue they never made any mistakes. It's just with this mayor remember? Tim Trueblood shoots off his mouth about nothing more than every thing the mayor says, chews it up, spits it out and it sure sounds to me like he cares about Crestwood's future. But in the midst of all of that, he will never address what he did or approved. None of them will.
4:03 Crisis of Confidence should be considered? You have more than considered it, my friend. That's the only thing you do consider. What is everyone waiting for? A different mayor who is claravoyant, who has manna from heaven to come down and make things all better; like it was before this mayor took office? Oh sure! No you consider the crisis in confidence. My crisis is with people like you who know it all.
5:54 You have a lot of nerve talking about me shooting off my mouth, when that is all you do when it comes to deflecting anything from our current Mayor to the past.
"Pal", let me tell you something, you claim I never have admitted any errors, well again your wrong. I did so at BOA meetings in which Ms Sandy Grave was there and if you ask her she will validate my claim.
I also outlined on this blog my failures, errors and mistakes and what I stood for then and what I stand for now.
And you know what? I did so with enough spine and guts to sign my name to my posts, and have my comments tape recorded at the BOA meetings for all to listen to, and you know what? I never used anonymous as my name, it was out front for you to see. And you know what,in 5 terms, 13 years I had to defend my set only once, so I must have been doing something right for Ward Two.
And where were you? Hanging in the shadows, like a low life sniper who lurks because they are afraid to face those who they disagree with face to face. COWARD!
In those 13 years I was on the board, there were 7 elections for mayor, did you ever run? COWARD!
In those 13 years I was on the Board there were elections every year for an alderman seat, did you ever run? COWARD!
I read here that some posters know who you are, well I don't know who you are and to honest, really don't care who you are. Other than to know you are COWARD, big mouthed lier.
5:59 PM, November 18, 2008
I never said I know it all. You are missing the point.
5:54 PM, November 18, 2008
Why the continued attacks on Tim Trueblood? He has stated his positions, he has admitted what he thought were his mistakes, and he served us well for 13 years.
If you think all of the criticisms of this mayor is coming solely from Tim, you are sadly mistaken.
Tim, All is well my friend, don't get your "Irish" up as these posters just want to raise your blood pressure!
Remember the Latin phrase "Illegitimate Non Carborundum," and let them look like the HAPLESS SOULS THEY ARE!
Tom Ford
3:12 PM November 18
In the past I, like most people, was apathetic when it came to local politics. But a local issue finally grabbed my interest, and I started to attend board meetings, speak with my aldermen, and write to local papers.
Should my apathy from the past preclude me from being active and voicing my concerns in the present? Of course not. Why do you berate people for not "being there" in the past? These people are here now, and they care. They want to make sure their city remains viable; after all, they live here.
All I (and most of the people you are complaining about) want to do is ensure that the mistakes that were made by past boards and administrations are not repeated. Wouldn't you agree that our efforts to prevent such mistakes from happening again are worthwhile?
Martha Duchild
I am almost blind from reading the fairytale above. A blog presumably (are you kidding me) written by adults concerned for the future of the city. I saw no concrete evidence of 'help is on the way.' I did see evidence of political cancer raging away at the heart of the city via a blogsite used by some real and would be rads. Overall it was primarily a referendum showcase of Trueblood vs Robinson and all the switcheros of the disallusioned taking sides and changing sides plus a buddyup of Tom and Tim. T&T do seem to vascillate a lot on this relationship. Tim & Co. now seem to be on the letterhead.
Did I just spend a lot of time reading through all this malarky? Oh, gosh, I did! I really can't believe all the thugery. What a waste of all of our time. What a dogfight. What a total bunch of illigitsssss. It is all the proof I need to realize just how bad teeny tiny towns political midgets can get and how far they will go to avoid unity. This kind of infighting must surely disclose that there has been some hefty handouts over the years and now that the cupboard is bare, and prestige poofed out, and trust out the window, and hate on superburn, it is time to play the blame game. And, let me tell you - you bloggers really take the gold medal on this one.
While our city slides, along with tax revenue, and hope, and faith, and progress, people actually get on a blog and lowrate and nitpick and churn themselves into a lather over petty politics, which to my knowledge puts not a thin dime in our coffers. Unbelievable. This isn't even good enough for comic relief. It's purely pathetic! Being part of a community is not getting on a blog and igniting doom, but rather tossing ideas around which lead to some kind of positive consensus.
The one thing I would contribute at this point is the whole planet seems to be in "cut" mode: jobs, salaries, benefits, perks, debt and expectations. Right now, our city needs to strictly follow suit. Suck it in and streamline city hall. No if's, ands and buts. No excess. No excuses. No sympathy. Double up on work, miminum staff, minimum fleet, maximum effort. "CHANGE" You 'Betcha! Times they are a'changin. Cause I don't think anyone can hope for a bailout in the form of a tax increase until such time as there is evidence that our city officials are willing to take on the personal responsibility to make what needs to happen - happen. And not by putting it on the shoulders of unelected people from each ward.
Best voters pay close attention to who they elect for city office in the future. It truly is high time to rid the city of politics and find the kind of talent we need at the helm.
12:43 You are right, many of the posts in this string seem to be a referendum. Which is a shame as the subject of the string is the comments and actions of His Honor, the Mayor.
It is easy to see that any post that finds the His Honor, Mayor's comments a hoot will bring out counter posts defending His Honor, the Mayor by either attacking the poster, Trueblood, former officials of the City or Tom Ford.
I find that a very strange way of defending His Honor, the Mayor, which leads me to think that His Honor, the Mayor, is undefendable.
If the only ammo someone has to defend Roy is to blame or criticize someone else, then that's deflection of the highest degree. Fortunately, most of Crestwood knows what a joke Roy has become. About the only thing certain with him is whatever he says will wind up being wrong a few weeks or a few months later. That's not leadership. Roy has lost most of Crestwood.
My friends and family read his blunders in the papers and have had enough. I'll add that the papers have done a wonderful job of showing the real Roy to us. They should be given a medal.
Now the question becomes are people really that upset to do something about it? Or is it just more fun to whine and have Roy to blame when something goes wrong? I guess we'll see in the next two years or so. If people aren't willing to step up and remove him from office or demand that he resign, then he's not as bad as some here make him out to be. But if you believe he is, then by all means pull the trigger. If you had an election to recall Roy today, my money is he'd be GONE. Most of Crestwood sees through his self-serving distortion of the truth.
The question is are any of you really willing to get that ball rolling? If you are, then that's a lot more honorable than whining on a blog.
- A concerned Sunset Hills resident with Crestwood ties
You reading this Roy?
9:20 AM Blogger: Welcome aboard fellow poster, glad to see Sunset Hills chime in!
I have always believed in the words of the founding fathers, and this seems like a good place for this.
As Founding Patriot Samuel Adams noted,
"It does not take a majority to prevail ... but rather an irate, tireless
minority, keen on setting brush fires of freedom in the minds of men."
I believe we must apply these principals from the grass roots up, and we shall in Crestwood.
Very well written post, and I trust you will grace us with your writings in the future!
Tom Ford
Hi 9:20 from Sunset Hills. Can think of 2 of you guys who used to live off Rayburn, almost neighbors. Glad you keep in touch. Pool members if I recollect.
Mayor Roy sure does get under skin doesn't he? But, then, so did Trueblood, Kelleher and Greer, among others. Despicable behavior on occasion and no noticable attempts to work as a team when their Mayor of choice was not put in office. Point: "People who live in glass houses should not throw stones." I have become convinced that politics from novices with grudges simply destroys a city. What goes around seems to keep coming around. Roy or no Roy, the crap just keeps making a bigger pile, a bigger stink while the city discovers that political talent along with tax revenue is shrinking at a deadly ace. I feel sorry for residents. They deserve so much better than the vitriol on this blog presents.
Even if there was no blog, our mayor would provide us with plenty of things to talk about with his quotes.
This city will come back. We have a great location in the St. Louis metropolitan area. We have great residents. We have good housing stock. We have a retail corridor that is still there - we need to find destination retailers. We need better communication (both ways) between aldermen and residents. We will come back.
5:47 PM blogger: Have you ever pondered the possibility that what you count as "vitriol" is actually an American Citizen expressing his / her disappointment with the administration?
This blog provides a great many opportunities for our citizens to say whats on their minds without the fear of being ridiculed in public.
You profess to have knowledge of "politics" by your statement, but you seem to be for "politics" if it's to your liking only!
We have a system here that allows decent, vitriol, civil discord, and this blog does nothing more that perpetuate that system. In fact, it also gives you an out at the same time, it's called don't read it!
We hope you will join us in our discussion, but should you not, we wish you Good Speed!
Tom Ford
In comparing budgets, you have to factor out large expenditures like the LOC debt payment and the numerous multi-million dollar grants for street construction... Grant Road etc.
The facts are this simple.... NO other city in St. Louis County that provides Fire\EMS services has seen collapse of its sales tax base like Crestwood has. Nickel and dime cuts are not going to make up for this fact. Crestwood can no longer afford to provide both Police and Fire with the current revenue structure.
Shutting down parks is not option as once the Pool COPS are retired; the park sales tax and program revenue will more than cover park expenses.
Public works is pretty much the same thing with the Capital Improvement sales tax.
Police or Fire must go or a modest property tax increase passed to provide a long term and stable funding source. Contracting out Police is really not an option because only the St. Louis County Police will bid. Once you go with them, you have no other options and besides, no other surrounding municipality is structured to absorb Crestwood’s police needs.
Fire is another story. The three surrounding fire protection districts could absorb Crestwood with minimal increases in staffing\equipment. Bid out the fire as a three year contract with option years out to year five. The City of Town & Country has done this for many years and has gotten a heck of deal.
Bottom line… Put it out to the voters as a proposition to contract or provide for a property tax increase. Let the people decide what they want. Simple enough?
Good post. Don't agree with everything, but good post.
Here's my take. Nickel and dime cuts at least help and show the city is trying. Let me repeat - nickel and dime cuts at least help and show the city is trying.
The city tried to pass Prop 1 on the heels of a 10 car purchase and police raises. Also, mayor said tax was not needed a few months before. Then changed his mind. Multiple meetings were held. Still, Prop 1 was defeated badly.
Some strategies:
Start with cuts. Show residents you are trying. Instead of a food committee for Sappington House, city should look to sell to another organization. Look at other cuts such as animal control.
Check and price our services - see what deal Crestwood can make. Compare with what we have. Keep options open.
The mayor has angered many with his statements. Don't know what can be done. Even if board comes up with some positive solutions, the mayor needs to be careful with what he says.
While it is easy to blame the Mayor on our ills, lets presume he is not the Mayor. Does this then mean we will have substantial funds to cover our debts? Have all the cuts been made that can be made? Does he determine everything? Perhaps the BOA needs to quit trying to please everyone and get down to the reality of things. We cannot have it all. We can't count on a glorious mall coming back. And apparently voters are not going to give a tax increase until they see some substantial effort and results at city hall. Buckle down time!
How many finance type directors have we had in the last 3 years? How can we have any continuity of purpose with this many changes?
We are on our third C/Admn. More adjustments, etc. This one is makiing 92,000 per year plus car. Whew!
Are we overstaffed in police and fire? Has this been discussed with diligence realizing our financial straits? Why do we need all those new cars? We are small and crime not overwhelming. If I were to dig deep into this, would I be convinced that I should vote yes on a tax increase? Would I get Answers?
Do we need to own the Sappington House? Why? Why does someone have to be paid to live in that little house? Do we pay utilities there, too?
How many city owned cars are provided to employees? Who are they and why do they get cars? Do you get a company car? Why is there a black Buick that says Dept. of Public Works on it in Crestwood? How flush are we? Who has this car???
How much is our monthly invoice from the city attorney? What can be done to tighten up here? Seriously????
Animal control. Good grief, nice idea, but we are broke. Could this be done by county or to keep local done part time, say 1/2 a day?
We just can't have it all and stay solvent.
People apparently have a lot of questions as regards finances and the answers do not seem to be forthcoming. Bits and pieces but not the whole story.It is do or die if we don't review things line by line. I don't understand raises until the whole economy flourishes. Many are out of work and would be grateful to have a job that has any kind of stability. Many are going to food banks and sacrificing a whole standard of living. When will Crestwood officials realize the entire structure of our city gov't needs to be realigned to fit the times? It is unlikely economy in this city will not change anytime soon. Mere facts. Time to face them. Think about this. How many square miles is this city? How many vehicles do we have and insure and provide gas for? (Fire trucks, city equipment, police cars, employee cars) for 4 sq. miles..Perhaps this forum can answer some of these questions. Solutions have to start somewhere.
Perhaps we all should be the Board meeting, Tue 11/25 for the public hearing o the 2009 budget?
"While it is easy to blame the Mayor on our ills, lets presume he is not the Mayor. Does this then mean we will have substantial funds to cover our debts? Have all the cuts been made that can be made? Does he determine everything?"
True, it is easy to blame the mayor on our ills. There were several things he did that I agreed with - some things that I did not agree with. I do not wish to blame the mayor for everything, BUT I do hold him accountable for what he says, as I held other previous mayors.
Do we have substantial funds to cover our debts? I submit to you that further cuts and streamlining will go a long way with the voting public. (I hope board members are reading this)
We should have the residents vote on contracting Police and Fire Services. After all, this is the MAJOR part of the budget.
The City could save well over a million dollars. It's time to do the math, get some legitimate figures and put it before the citizens to vote.
If this is a legitimate administration, they HAVE to at least get a bid from St. Louis County for police services and a fire district for fire services.
Let the citizens know the actual cost/savings.
Even though we have a good police and fire department, if the savings is large, I would rather go with them and use the city money for streets etc.
To those who say it's not the mayor or the mayor's fault, you need to remember what he promised us, the citizens of Crestwood, when he ran for office.
He promised to "Bring Crestwood Back.''
That's another example of the empty promises he made us.
Is the Mayor supposed to bring Crestwood back all by himself or was he perhaps hoping to have steady dependable dept. heads and aldermanic expertise? Not in defense, but in all fairness "it takes a village" doesn't it?
When Roy ran he said HE would bring back Crestwood. He never said he would need the help dependable dept. heads, or the expertise of the aldermen.
In fact, he is the one who bragged about running off Greer, a "pretty dependable dept head" and then replaced him with Frank and then his buddy Mike. Their short comings are only surpassed by Roy's.
It was Roy who was against allowing the voters to lift term limits and be bulling former Mayor Brasfield into holding off the Charter Review Commission's report till after the deadline where aldermen who had expertise were term limited off the Board. Now we have a Board which can not help the City because they can not over come Roy's bulling, his violations of the Charter, and his general lack of good sense.
It does not take a village, it just takes a village which isn't being run by it's idiot.
You could simply ask chief Paillou what the bid from the county was in the past. No, scratch that. He wouldn't know because he never held a command position.
You could simply ask captain Arnoldy what the bid from the county was in the past and add something for inflation and you would be close.
The city would see cost savings not just from personnel, but from retirement payments, health insurance, disability insurance,workers comp costs, training and travel costs, gas, vehicle maintenance and purchases, cost associated with the police records software, the computer connection costs from the patrol cars, cell phone costs, costs for accessing criminal records from the state, uniform and police equipment costs, costs associated with the jail; food, bedding, transportation, and on and on.
Just look at the line items in the past budgets to see the true costs of running your own police and fire department.
Have a nice day.
Talk to folks in Fenton. Talk to gov't officials in Fenton. Ask them how they like St. Louis County Police.
What about Sappington House? What can be done with that? Why do we have a city employee living there?
What about cost saving? Or is the board just stuck on raising taxes?
From the City of Fenton's 2008 approved budget:
Contract Police Services with St. Louis County:
$ 2,017,281 2005
$ 2,085,059 2006
$ 2,157,000 2007
$ 2,224,200 2008
It appears they are happy because the contract does not expire until 12/31/2010.
Crestwood's Department of Police: $2,772,059 in 2007
does the the figure for 2007 police budget include all costs, IE insrance, retirement, any other benifits?
NO! That would be just salaries and cost for equipment to be maintained and/or replaced. As well as training etc. and contracts for services /maintenance of certain equipment.
The monies saved would be well over the listed amount because of medical/dental insurance etc.
Also, Fenton has a greater population and the cost for Police Sevices would be less than they are paying.
The same can be said to contract Fire Services.
To 12:26 PM Nov. 25th
I asked about the Sappington House tonight, because I wondered whether the city could approach the trustees of the trust that was established to maintain the Sappington House library. The reason I asked is that the trust has a $500k endowment, and since it is clear that the expenses for Sappington House continue to outpace revenues, perhaps the trustees might share some of the costs of running the house.
I was told the trustees would not agree to this. I then asked what would happen if the city told the trustees that it could no longer afford to run Sappington House and would have to sell it - perhaps this would cause the trustees to change their minds. I was told that the city doesn't own Sappington House, nor does it own the land Sappington House is on, and that somehow the county has control.
The city lists Sappington House as an asset, yet it is not allowed to sell the property. Alderman Roby followed up with some more questions, and it is safe to say after all the discussion that I am thoroughly confused about the arrangement among the city, the county, and the Sappington House foundation.
Martha Duchild
Sounds a lot like the city parking lot and crestwood swim club!
The Department of Revenue website lists the City of Crestwood as the owner of Sappington House. I am not sure how the city can be listed as the owner yet not have the right to sell the property.
I forgot to mention that alderman Roby asked last night if the city charges rent to the foundation because they use the second floor of the Sappington House restaurant (which the city owns) as a gift shop. The response was "no", and the city acnknowledged that it was an idea that could be explored further. Alderman Nieder asked if the city knew whether there were any Crestwood residents on the Sappington House foundation board, and nobody could provide an answer.
Martha Duchild
From the City's website:
"The City of Crestwood is proud to have the Thomas Sappington Museum as part of the Crestwood Park system. The City owns the complex, and has a cooperative relationship by City Ordinance with the Sappington House Foundation in the operation and maintenance of the facilities. The restaurant while owned by the City is operated by a private contractor and is open when the complex is open to the public and for special events and private parties.
What a pathetic board and mayor we have!
I guess the next step is to find out who is on the Sappington House Foundation.
Change/ammend the ordinance concerning the "coperative relationship" with the Sappington House board of trustees.
Let them foot the bill for the cost and if they are not willing to do that, let them pay for the transportation to another site.
But..if they do this, won't that make an employee homeless and a board member out of a future job?
What else is new? No one has a clue about the Sappington House. This describes exactly what this city is all about. Total confusion. Aldermen and Mayor get paid a monthly salary, now how about producing some answers. ASAP!
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