A Mike Anthony opinion on "His Honor!" Or you did what?
Click on the header for a view of the latest message written by Mr. Mike Anthony reference the musings of "His Honor" in the "Crestwood Connections" newsletter.
How sad, but TRUE this one is! What will be the legacy of the six years (AKA the "Kingdom of Roy) be in the future?
I am reminded of the POGO cartoon where he said "we have met the enemy, and it is US!"
While your on the Call Website please scroll down to a great letter by Mr. Roger Anderson who further sums up the "world of Crestwood!"
Tom Ford
NO. 582
How sad, but TRUE this one is! What will be the legacy of the six years (AKA the "Kingdom of Roy) be in the future?
I am reminded of the POGO cartoon where he said "we have met the enemy, and it is US!"
While your on the Call Website please scroll down to a great letter by Mr. Roger Anderson who further sums up the "world of Crestwood!"
Tom Ford
NO. 582
How much more shame can Roy bring upon us as our Mayor? Now he is using the tax paid City newsletter to defend himself. Does this mean we the "owners" of Crestwood can now get our letters published in the Connections to express our thoughts? Of course not, common folk like us need to remember that's what newspapers like the Call are for. You would think the great mass of Roy supporters would have buried the Call with letters of outrage, but no, there were none. So much for his large support base.
So Roy, the thin skinned, ego driven, weak brained man (his wife won't let him work in her business) that he is, again uses tax paid resources to promote one of his causes, but this time it's himself.
What a man, what a mayor, what a legacy!
Setting Roy aside, the Call's "Histroy" of covering news in Crestwood is joke. Mr. Anthony and company ingnored the scandal associated with a former Mayor resinging in the middle of the night over an event that occured at a holiday party. It totally ignored the logic of spending nearly $500,000 on a botched lawsuit. That was same Administration that Mr. Anthony gave a "Sunshine" Award to!
So let me get this straight,over 3 years ago a scandal took place at City Hall which the Call didn't cover? Well poster here is you big chance to pour some sunshine on this old, old, old story. Write a letter to Call asking them to take the lid off this scandal, and while you are at it, post on this blog all you claim to know, names, actions, times dates, etc.
Now that you have done that, lets talk about today, you know, that place where we are NOW.
This Mayor is more than a scandal, he is so self centered he thinks HE is Crestwood. He is so low in IQ he wants the City budget to be on one piece of paper, he thinks we no longer need computers but a couple of secy's with pencils could do as well, he claims there is no need for a tax increase, then claims there is, while as Mr. Anderson points out in HIS letter to the Call, he gives $1000 wage increases to every body at City Hall, borrows from the reserves to balance this years budget, allows the hiring of new staff and says the "media" isn't telling the true story.
What was that again about a scandal you wanted to talk about?
10:57 AM, you say the Call didn't cover some big scandal, what newspaper did or TV channel did.
Perhaps there wasn't a story there. If it's as big as you say, certainly some media outlet would have covered it.
If I'm not mistaken, didn't Jim Robertson announce his resignation at a Board of Aldermen meeting? That hardly sounds like middle of the night. 10:57 AM poster, why don't you get your facts straight!
I wonder if there was a confidentiality agreement in that specific litigation by the parties involved. If so, that probably curtailed the coverage in the newspaper.
That said, it has nothing to do with the problems/actions this current administration has caused.
I feel that Anthonys comments, as well as Mr. Andersons, were accurate and hit the nail on the head.
I think poster 10;57 is Roy himself.
1:10 PM blogger: The reasons behind the resignation have been all over this blog in the past, dig a bit and ye shall find them!
The chance of you having your letters published in the "connections" are roughly on a par with me being asked to produce and publish it!
That's why were here folks, this is where you get to rant, vent, complain, praise, and whatever else you wish to do as long as it stays clean!
Tell your friends and neighbors about the blog, invite them to read and join in the conversation, after all it's STILL our City no matter what some think. Remember the "United we stand, divided we fall" thing?
I forward a lot of the messages to the City Fathers when they are relevant to what's going on, and I will continue to do so! I do sometimes get answers, but if you really want the low down, do what I do, file a FOIA form, and get them, it's simple, easy, and you will find out what's up (unless "His Honor" restricts it!)
Tom Ford
This was not a news story. No one covered it. And for good reason. It was all based on rumor and personal accounts. Without any evidence or police charges, the media can't write a story.
For the here and now, looks like the city is using taxpayer money to turn the newsletter into a political propaganda piece AGAIN. You'd think they'd learn from Prop 1. But NO.....I was sickened to see our "Mayor's Message" in the mail. He only used it as a chance to bully and say what a great guy he is.
The difference between him printing an opinion and the CALL printing an opinion is the CALL is doing it on THEIR dime. Roy's doing it with OUR taxpayer money. He should know better. But we all know he doesn't. If he wants to give an opinion, he should write a letter to the editor or spout off at board meetings (I hear he's real good at that these days.).
But seeing the "Mayor's Message" I was also struck with another feeling. The CALL is clearly getting to Roy. Otherwise, he wouldn't be using the newsletter to try to get his word in.
My hat's off to the CALL for getting the word out about how despicable of a performance our mayor is doing. You only have the look at the mayor's message as proof that the CALL is making a difference, whether Roy likes it or not.
Roy really knows how to do himself in, doesn't he? With that one message, he's proven that that the hated "media" is making a mark.
Well, as soon as he opens his mouth, it's embarrassing. From the first time he stood up in the council chambers, when he first ran for Mayor, it made me cringe.
I thought to myself, this guy won't get elected, he can't even talk. I was wrong about the elected part, but wasn't wrong about anything else concerning him.
It's all about him. He has to tell people constantly how good he is, because no one else thinks it.
The sad part is, he honestly believes he is. His buddies, that he has made department heads, constantly go along with him and his beliefs...therein lies part of the problem.
The April 2009 election can change so much of what Roy is doing if there is change in the make up of the Board and the new board grows a spine and stands up to Roy. He said it first, it takes 6 votes to overturn his veto, lets give him a chance to see how it feels to have his veto overturned!
Mayor Robinson had a perfect opportunity in the late fall issue of the Crestwood Connections to encourage residents to patronize local stores for their holiday shopping, yet failed to do so. Instead, his message was negative and did nothing to support local business.
Again, in the most recent issue of the newsletter he failed to promote shopping the post-holiday sales in Crestwood.
It would have made perfect sense in both issues to encourage support of local businesses, and the mayor chose instead to use that space to vent his frustrations with the local paper.
What must our local business owners think?
The appropriate place to respond to the local paper is with a letter to their editor. The mayor should not be using the Crestwood Connections for this purpose.
Martha Duchild
You know the best part of this string is that the mayor reads this blog.
Yes he does read this blog! So in light of that "Your Honor" are you making a resolution to change your thinking for 2009?
You really might want to consider it, as the great UN-washed are not happy!
Tom Ford
You forget, there are rules and laws for the all of us and there are rules and laws for Roy. They are not always the same.
Are you going to file for Alderman?
ALERT!!!! ALERT!!!!!
NAME: Pay Plan Committee
Objective: Their results will be forwarded to the CA in an effort to draft a new, affordable pay plan.
Orignation: CA decided in November without instruction from the BOA.
Structure:This is a group of staff members from each department which was assembled in November.Each department head to designate one staff member to work on this.. The BOA would not be involved in selecting a group of staff members
Oh come on... He doesn't read this blog, it's very apparent that someone has to read it to him.
They should hold off on this committe, may not need a pay plan for Police and Fire.
If I recall, this should be the 4th time this has been done.
As it stands now, the "pay plan is budget driven" but..we all know it can't be since they are using cash reserves to balance this budget.
This should get them over the top to request a new tax increase.
There go the cuts! Look for a another request for a tax increase coming to an election near you.
1:45 PM blogger: The only "cut's" this board will ever see is a paper cut on their little finger when they look at the new budget!
They (with two exceptions, Miguel, and Nieder) just don't get it, nor do they want to get it!
No, that's not true, they get it, but they really don't have the chutzpah to make the needed change, nor will they ever grasp reality until it's too late!
This is a very sad case of "follow the leader," with one failing, there is no leader!
Crestwood reminds me of the children' s fable of the "Emperors new cloths!" When do they have the nerve to tell "His Honor" he really isn't wearing a new suit?
2009 will be tough enough without a "wishie washie" group on the Dias that will not make the critical decisions! Gentlemen, and Madam Alder person, do the right thing for once in you career!
Tom Ford
The sheer number of times Roy uses "I" in the article in Crestwood Connects shows how egotistical he is. I love how he takes credit for any businesses moving into the area and finding new owners for the mall. I'm sure the property owners would have something to say about Roy taking credit for their hard work. Even a casual onlooker of Crestwood's past can see that Roy is taking credit for things that happened during the "LAST" administration.
If Roy really does read this blog, how come he hasn't taken the hint and stepped down????
Because that is not a part of his "plan".
another year of defamatory, inflammatory, nasty, unkind, and rude statements--all brought to you by Tom Ford and his happy bloggers. It doesnt matter whose side you are on--is this really a reflection of the kind of city we are? I am afraid the answer is yes. It doesnt matter what Roy says or does. Dont use his behavior to justify yours. All of the nasty namecalling and fingerpointing is wrong. you all should be ashamed of yourselves.
another year of defamatory, inflammatory, nasty, unkind, and rude statements--all brought to you by Tom Ford and his happy bloggers. It doesnt matter whose side you are on--is this really a reflection of the kind of city we are? I am afraid the answer is yes. It doesnt matter what Roy says or does. Dont use his behavior to justify yours. All of the nasty namecalling and fingerpointing is wrong. you all should be ashamed of yourselves.
I am ashamed of my self, I live in Crestwood and have Roy as my mayor.
You dont need to be ashamed because Roy is your mayor. What can you do for your community?
8:44 AM blogger: may I be so bold as to point out that YOU have enjoyed another year of blogging under the Nom De Plume "anonymous" at no cost to you?
Say what you will but you do seem to enjoy being on the blog, so why complain?
Tom Ford
New ways to tax? Let's see if our good old committee can beat this one!
Tom Ford
4:51, the same that you do, support our mayor's plan, see how much better things are?
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2:18 PM blogger: You know we do not allow gutter type language on this blog (it's a sign of outcome based education,) so if you wish to try the proper language, you can post again!
Tom Ford
no gutter language allowed--but slander and libelous innuendo is encouraged and welcomed!
Thank you for your kind remarks, we always enjoy your banter here on the blog!
We know you have a choice when it comes to blogs and we really appreciate your musings here!
Tom Ford
gutter language should be allowed if the poster signs their name, as for posting,
"defamatory, inflammatory, nasty, unkind, and rude statements--"
if they are the truth, so what, let them stand!
No wonder it's hard to get developments done in Crestwood. It basically cost an additional $631,000 to remodel the govt center parking lot and add a new message board?
How does this have anything to do with the Kohl's development other than it's proximity? So what if it did not come out of the City budget. Still doesn't make it a legitimate expenditure. Once again more tax dollars squandered on a project that will benefit a handful of people and a general contractor.
Well, heres more fuel for the fire to those of you who incessantly complain about the city on this blog....Macy's has announced that it will be closing its store at Crestwood Courts.
So, let it begin folks. Start talking about more cuts. Its what this blog does best. The reality is that Crestwoo residents pay taxes as though it was the 1960's. This city will fold without a tax increase. Plain and simple.
But wait! We should just cut more,right? That will fix everything!
"But wait! We should just cut more,right? That will fix everything!"
...it would help.
Once I heard Macy's is going to close, I knew someone would beat the drum for a tax increase.
Let's see if the BOA set's a new work session to revise the budget!!
We need to see some significant cuts in operational costs now more than ever. An I will not vote for any tax increase until the city operates within revenues; i have to at home!!!
Real leadership would tell the voters of Crestwood that all their promises that got them elected can not be full filled. Real leadership would call the Ways and Means Committee back into session on a Saturday meeting so citizens could attend and watch how the budget adjustments would be make with the news that Macy's is closing.
Real leadership would discuss in a public meeting the differance in property tax rates if the City shut down vs became part of county.
Let's talk about that for a moment.
Current Crestwood tax is about 50 cents, if we became county that would go up to 59 cents for Mehlville fire district protection. If we voted to raise our taxes to 59 cents would that be enough to keep the city afloat? I doubt it. So real leadership would know how much of an increase the voters would have to ok in order to remain a city. I think we can find out how much it would cost us to be apart of the County but we should also know what our increase would be to continue being a city with our current level of services.
I bet we are never told that figure.
Current Crestwood tax is about 50 cents, if we became county that would go up to 59 cents for Mehlville fire district protection.
Who says Mehlville would get us? The County could carve us up with some going to Affton, some going to Fenton and none going the Mehlville.
So dont you think our beloved mayor should be tellnig us this information?
Macy's has roughly generated 304, 000.00 in sale taxes.The department heads announced that there would be definite layoffs.. Noboby knows how many will be effected and waht department, probrobly all. And there is the question when is Sears going to leave, too.We as citizens need to help with the crunch at this difficuly time until the economy gets rolling again.
12:32 I agree. So let's trim the budget. Look at revenues and expenditures. Why were expenditures higher than revenues? What about fleet reduction? Let's look at animal control and Sappington House. Yes, I'm ready to help.
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