Friday, December 19, 2008

Tom's Christmas song book, sung to the tune of God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen!

"Get packi'n, Mayor Robinson, the Cities in disarray.

The Call want's you UN-employed, at least by Christmas day.

The local pundit's want your head - could it all be play?

Oh tidings of comfort and joy, save our boy!

Oh, tidings of comfort and joy.

Good riddance Mayor Robinson, your sassy look's inane,

The Board is mad, so is Jerry's dad, you drive us all insane.

Our Mall is broke, the towns a joke, Watson Road is one big pain.

Oh, tidings of comfort and joy, save our boy!

Oh, tidings of comfort and joy.

Good luck old Mayor Robinson, this towns been quite a place.

Boards have poked their nose around, if if they have a case,

Ex-Mayors are moving stuff around, creating extra space.

Oh, tidings of comfort and joy, please save our boy!

Oh, tidings of comfort and joy.

(Modified from several versions of the song since it's first writing, the latest being a parody of Gov. Rod Blagojevich.)

Tom Ford

NO. 579


Anonymous Anonymous said...

OH my God, That is the most pathetic and nasty thing that anyone could do. How can you stoop so low. I had more respect for you but this just lost you a few points.
Here you have a blog capable of taking a message to the people and you seize the moment and trash it up. You don't have to agree with someones views and opinions but don't ridicule them with crap like this. I hope you rethink this post and remove it for the mistake that it is.

8:12 AM, December 20, 2008  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

8:12 AM blogger: Gee, sorry you don't get the intended humor ( not ridicule, nor hatred) in my post. When you become an elected official you also must accept the good and the bad that come with the job.

In this case, it's but a parody, nothing more, nothing less. I have been the subject of many an "attack" right here on this blog, as have others, but we go on knowing it's not personal! I do not agree with the way the Cities being run, but I would be happy to break bread with the Mayor anytime, as I do like him as a person.

However, in deference to your wishes, I will allow the readers to make the decision on whether to keep it, or remove it.

What shall it be, stay or go?

Tom Ford

8:36 AM, December 20, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stay or go? Go. This is the Christmas season. Please set-aside the negativity and focus on what you are FOR with regard to Crestwood and not what you're AGAINST...

10:04 AM, December 20, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I say stay.

If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. If you can't stand the cold, put on a coat!

10:49 AM, December 20, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep it, this is the man who wanted to be mayor so bad he had someone follow Ms. Madrid around with a camera.
This is the man who has lied and blamed others for his foul ups and selected his buddies for high paying jobs at tax payers expense.
Keep it, if he cant take the heat let him leave the office of Mayor

11:41 AM, December 20, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll tell you what I'm for Crestwood, a new BOA and Mayor, ASAP!

12:20 PM, December 20, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ask the Mayor in this time of tidings of comfort and joy what went down at his first meeting with the former owners of the Mall, Westfield. Ever wonder why after he took office all at once Westfield stopped working with the City? Ever wonder why after his first meeting with Westfield his answer to any question about the future of the Mall was" he didn't know why thing as they weren't talking to him"?
Maybe it was because he hit them up for a $3000 contribution to help pay off his campaign that closed their door to him and us?
God rest you merry Mayor,ya brought this down on us.

1:57 PM, December 20, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hit the nail on the head...too bad if you can't handle the truth.

6:21 PM, December 22, 2008  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

By popular vote, it stays.

Tom Ford

4:15 PM, December 23, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just read the County Times and they had an article about our 2009City budget. Apparently Neider and Miguel wanted to trim the budget and eliminate the funding for the vacant police position. Foote and the others didn't want to do it, saying that there was no need going back and forth with the budget.

In the same article, Foote states that he was trying to get the prop passed but the residents said "NO". He stated that there will have to be some hard decisions made in the future.

My question is this. If they know how bad it is and is going to be..why not trim spending now? It's almost as if they want the city to be in the red so they can get back on the tax increase and tell the citizens the BOA was right and they were wrong.

In my opinion, they are going about this the wrong way. Why not trim everything they can now including raises the budget, show the citizens they are doing everything possible and then, if it still doesn't do any good, go to the people again with the increase.

I for one will vote against it, mainly because of these actions and their failure to make all necessary legitimate cuts. If it means loosing services, so be it. It is because of their actions and failure to use common sense.

6:08 PM, December 23, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poster 6:08 you are right on! This is why the Call and Mike Anthony hae pushed for people to run this coming April for one of th 6 Alderman seats.

Too bad Foote's seat is not oneof them

9:31 AM, December 24, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

President-elect Obama's transition team is promising that its $700 billion, or $850 billion, or $1 trillion, or whatever it now is "stimulus" won't include pork-barrel spending. They must not have talked to the nation's mayors, who recently responded to Mr. Obama's request to compile their priority list of "shovel-ready" projects.

By all accounts, the $73 billion wish list may be the largest collection of parochial spending projects in American history. Strolling through the 800 pages, we found such beauties as: $1 million to upgrade the Los Angeles County Convention Center elevated "catwalk" for cameras and lighting; $350,000 for an Albuquerque, N.M., fitness center; $94 million for a parking garage at the Orange Bowl in Miami; $4.5 million for Gretna, Florida, to bottle water with recyclable bottles; a $35 million music hall of fame in Florissant, Missouri, and $3.1 million for a swimming pool in Tulsa.
From the OPINION, wonder what Roy said Crestwood would do with the money we requested, maybe a statue of his Honor?

11:19 AM, December 26, 2008  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

11:19 AM blogger: Pay back the TDD for the new parking lot so the pool folk can buy that nasty chlorine for next year?

Holy cow, it just dawned on me, the swim club may be partially responsible for "global warming!"

The HVAC industry has had to recover chlorofluorocarbons (R-22 refrigerant,) and I have had to specially trained to transport, capture, and use it since 1993. Now in 2010 it is phased out, and we will be using R-410A.( really hold on to your wallet's!)

All this was done to remedy the ozone layer being ruined by chlorine. Now, who is it at the club that has trained the dreaded chlorine to go into the ground, and not the atmosphere?

I am shocked and saddened to be a wittiness to this blatant lack of concern for the environment by the very people who should be most concerned with it!

Tom Ford

2:35 PM, December 26, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is the TDD $ for the parking lot manna from heaven or someone's tax money? Is it pork by chance? Is the private swim club going to pay a percentage of the upkeep? Why not? What kind of city gov't would not expect this?

Breaking News! The Bush gov't has just increased the bailout to GM... maybe we should start a ledger of all this administrations payouts so all the debit can go to the right person.

Truth or Dare!

8:47 PM, December 29, 2008  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

8:47 PM blogger: "What kind of City Government would not expect this?" Well, our Government who agreed to this scam in the first place!

I still have no idea how this was pushed through, nor do I understand how it was allowed to happen! TDD monies are for TRANSPORTATION not private swimming pools!

I think we need Mr. Pat Fitzgerald (the federal prosecutor from Chicago to investigate this mess!)

Tom Ford

6:18 PM, January 01, 2009  

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