Wednesday, January 14, 2009

City officials now want budget cuts! Really? Ya think?

Please click on the header for a story by Mr, Burke Wasson reference the "Crisis" that Crestwood now finds itself in! Amazing to say the least, as I and several others have said this for some time now, only to be rebuffed by "His Honor," the City Administrator, and certain members of the BOA!

In a startling revelation the new City Administrator now says that we will need to do this by 2010! Great, but we really needed to do this BEFORE NOW!

Mr. Bland tried to ram through a measure last night on the Sappington House that would have allowed a person to get the restaurant for $800.00 per month (it cost's over $1000.00 per month for heat, light, insurance, and maintenance!) Now on the surface that would seem ridiculous, and when you dig into it, it is! So the question's are, why the rush, and why are you willing to allow us to loose money, Mr. Bland?

Well, we all know that Alderman Kelsch has put a bid in to take over the restaurant, so are you trying to make that happen Alderman Bland, and if so, why? A dumb old private citizen such as myself would like to see at least 3 more bids before we let this go!

Folks, while you are at the Suncrest Call web site, please read the editorial by Mr. Burke Wasson for some insight into the "Great quotes of 2008" by our politicians!

Tom Ford

NO. 584


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Over two years ago the leaders of our city were told this by the Asst. to Frank Myers. The mayor in so many words laughed at her and said the sky was not falling.
Then there was the great letter from the 1st Squire of Kingdom of Roy, Bob Deutschmann. The Board did not pass a bond issue, the voters did, Squire Bob.
What a piece of work.

8:15 PM, January 14, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who's ego does the City of Crestwood serve? It seems that is the only reason for its existance. Its not about identity, we lost that long ago. No one is "proud" of the city and hasn't been for a long time. There isn't much historic value and the services offered are becoming bare minumum. We can't find good leadership and the current leaders can't hire good stewards. What's the point. Scrap the whole mess and let someone else run it, that might just preserve what few amenities we have left(parks).

5:03 PM, January 15, 2009  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

5:03 PM blogger: "Scrap the whole mess?" And do what then, pay very much higher taxes for everything?

Sorry, but as an old aviator, I was always thought to "fly the airplane!"

Well in this case the engines are still running, the wings are still on, and Crestwood is still in the air, so "fly the plane!"

What would have happened if the crew of the US Air that went down in the Hudson River today had felt as you do? Well the short answer is that EVERYONE ON THAT PLANE would now be dead!

Call it what you will, stay the course, fly the plane, man the ramparts, but never, never give up on your home town!

Do we need to make a few "course corrections?" you bet, but were not doomed by a long shot at this moment!

Tom Ford

6:31 PM, January 15, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Then quit being so negative, Tom. you talk out of both sides of your mouth. And brag that you are packing heat at the Ford house. I am yawning.

8:24 PM, January 15, 2009  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

"Then quit being so negative, Tom. you talk out of both sides of your mouth. And brag that you are packing heat at the Ford house. I am yawning."

8:24 PM, January 15, 2009

I am "bragging?" Not really my friend, I am using my (and your second amendment rights!")

Both sides of my mouth? No again! When it's wrong I say so, pure and simple!

Now, as to yawning, well, try a temperpeic bed for a change, I am told they work wonders.

But the real truth is that I couldn't care less what you think.

Tom Ford

8:36 PM, January 15, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is insane--corrupt policticians, incompetent department heads and apathetic employees who don't understand there is no more money. What are we trying to save?
Sorry Tom, your plane is out of gas. Your son will have to get a job elsewhere.

9:45 AM, January 16, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am now convinced after reading the posts under this heading that your audience is headquartered on Arsenal street in the City of St. Louis. Please make sure that they have taken their meds before they are allowed to post on this site.

10:58 AM, January 16, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have to realize that 9:45am is on meds, just over using them. This is why they are so delusional. Once they awake from the fog of meds they will figure out they are wrong and all alone. No, its not that the whole country is struggling economically. Are you jokin? Everyone understands there is no money(from the MALL!!) The point is even if you city haters want to go somewhere else we(the residents) are still going to have to pay. If Crestwood is not bring in enough money not St.Louis county/any Fire District is going to come in here without us paying more(a lot). If Crestwood is in the red they are going to make sure they charge enough that they are not.

12:12 PM, January 16, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If a Fire District comes in to the city of Crestwood you as citizens will pay way more then you are now, so go ahead and vote for it...You'll see in the long run and then you will be really barking up a tree..

2:24 PM, January 16, 2009  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

10:58 PM blogger: Well now lets see, my son has a degree from Columbia University in political science and history (graduated Magna Cum Laude.)

Do you really believe he couldn't find a job elsewhere? The question is where are you going to find people to do his (and the entire police department's job) when they are gone?

The Chinese have a sying, "be careful what you wish for!"

Tom Ford

3:25 PM, January 16, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Columbia University in political science and history (graduated Magna Cum Laude.)" Just a little clarification. This is not the real Columbia University, but the paper mill here in St. Louis.

6:55 PM, January 18, 2009  

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