Crestwood "car port ammendment," or what now?
Please click on the header to read the "new rules" the planning and zoning commission would like to see adopted. Now on the surface one could assume that this is an idea to "make Crestwood beauty full, but is that all there is to it?
Reflect on this if you will, we now have (?) a code enforcement officer (has any one seen her since she became enconsed at the Sappington House?) who would be responsible for this sort of thing were she doing her "code enforcement" work.
We have major finical problems in that the cash flow is zilch (compared to the past,) but yet we have the time and monies available to expend on telling you and I what we can put in our car ports!
Could this be yet another hair brained scheme to fill the coffers of the City with yet more ticket funding, or are they now going to try to micro manage our lives, our homes, and our property?
Yes folks were in a bit of a dilemma here, one the one hand we have a tried and true P&Z commission (who buy the way don't seem to be planning much of anything,) and on the other, we have the Marxist Government who long for more funding from us, and in the middle, well there is us!
What say you Crestwoodians, will we allow yet another assault on our liberty and freedom, or will we band together and tell these brigands that we shall not surrender our homes, property, and car port's?
To para phrase Patric Henry, I say " Give me liberty (and my carport,) or give me death!
Tom Ford
NO. 588
Reflect on this if you will, we now have (?) a code enforcement officer (has any one seen her since she became enconsed at the Sappington House?) who would be responsible for this sort of thing were she doing her "code enforcement" work.
We have major finical problems in that the cash flow is zilch (compared to the past,) but yet we have the time and monies available to expend on telling you and I what we can put in our car ports!
Could this be yet another hair brained scheme to fill the coffers of the City with yet more ticket funding, or are they now going to try to micro manage our lives, our homes, and our property?
Yes folks were in a bit of a dilemma here, one the one hand we have a tried and true P&Z commission (who buy the way don't seem to be planning much of anything,) and on the other, we have the Marxist Government who long for more funding from us, and in the middle, well there is us!
What say you Crestwoodians, will we allow yet another assault on our liberty and freedom, or will we band together and tell these brigands that we shall not surrender our homes, property, and car port's?
To para phrase Patric Henry, I say " Give me liberty (and my carport,) or give me death!
Tom Ford
NO. 588
Labels: not happy?
wow, the City can control were we park our RV's, campers and trailers and now they want to control what we have in our carport.
But yet they don't enforce the no parking on the streets when its a snow removal day.
Keep those carports clean, but no tickets for snow parking so you can get stuck in you driveway.
More insanity.
What Jeff Foxworthy has to say about St. Louis:
If your local Dairy Queen is closed from October through May, you might live
in St. Louis.
If someone in a Home Depot store offers you assistance and they don't work
there, you might live in St. Louis.
If someone mentions "The Landing" and it has nothing to do with the space
shuttle, you might live in St. Louis.
If you've worn shorts and a parka at the same time, you might live in St.
If you've seen a tornado touch down and ONLY thought "Darn it, I just waxed
the car", you might live in St. Louis.
If you've had a lengthy telephone conversation with someone who dialed a
wrong number, you might live in St. Louis.
If you measure distance in hours instead of miles, you might live in St.
If you have switched from 'heat' to 'A/C' in the same day and back again,
you might live in St. Louis.
If you drive 75 miles through 2 feet of snow during a raging blizzard for
some White Castles, you might live in St. Louis.
If you carry jumper cables in your car and your wife knows how to use them,
you might live in St. Louis.
If you take I-Farty-Far to Six Flags, you might live in St. Louis.
If you know what/where the Piasa Bird is, you might live in St. Louis.
If someone says concrete and you think of Ted Drewes instead of pavement,
you might live in St. Louis.
If you design your kid's Halloween costume to fit over a snowsuit, you might
live in St. Louis.
If the speed limit on the highway is 55 mph -- you're going 80 and everybody
is passing you, you might live in St. Louis.
If you've ever skipped school, work, or even a court-date because you had
tickets to an afternoon Cards, Blues or Rams game, you might live in St.
If you can say the words "Cahokia Mounds" and not think of a candy bar or
boobies, you might live in St. Louis.
If driving is better in the winter because the potholes are filled with
snow, you might live in St. Louis.
If you know all 4 seasons: almost winter, winter, still winter and road
construction, you might live in St. Louis.
If you find 10 degrees a little 'chilly', you might live in St. Louis.
Tom Ford
I would caution the Board not to regulate outside the scope of their authority, which is strictly relegated to “safety and security”. Trying to regulate with ambiguous words such as any, orderly, unsightly or unclean will only end in litigation. While I applaud the attempt by P&Z to address a real concern, sound legal advice is need; historically not Crestwood’s strong suit.
11:50 AM blogger: What and hire a lawyer who will tell the Mayor what he REALLY can do, and not facilitate him?
Tom Ford
Sorry Tom, I lost my head. I was only using some common sense.
Signed: Private Snafu.
1:31 PM blogger: My goodness "common sense" will get you vilified in this town, why I wouldn't be surprised to see your name read into the City list for that!
It's a new order in Crestwood these day's, an Lord help the person that stands in the way of "His Honor," and the gang of six!
My God the "carport police lady" may well be in your front yard as we speak looking for subversive items you may have stored there.
If we were to use 'gasp,' common sense we would see that the car port police will not allow "dangerous materials" to be stored there, but gasoline powered items and firewood is OK. DO WHAT?
No I trust you see just how "dangerous "common sense" can be!
Tom Ford
It's high time that all the hoosiers in Crestwood clean up all the crap in their carports. I applaud this measure. It is about time. I want to protect my property values. Let's start with your carport, Tom.
6:30 PM blogger: Great idea "Hommie," now what do we get rid of, the new Ford Focus, the Veolia trash can, the leaves that blow in every day?
Tell you what, bring your broom (you know the one you fly with,) and knock your self out !
This is Crestwood short round, not Ladue! If you can afford it, move, if not........... Well go into the "carport cleaning business !"
Tom Ford
With all of the troubles Crestwood is facing, we now have a car port amendment? Are they serious? Is Candid Camera hiding around the corner? Come on.
Next thing you know, we'll have a dirty mailbox ordinance, and we'll have to hire a mailbox checker, and every year that mailbox checker will have to get a raise, and we'll have to raise taxes for our mailbox checker.
Darn, why didn't I think of that a "dirty mailbox tax"!
Please show the evidence to prove the car port ordinance will protect property tax values.
I am tired of hearing statements that have no substance.
I am waiting.
"Please show the evidence to prove the car port ordinance will protect property tax values."
Yes, please back up your statement.
Property "TAX" values you say? Well fear not those are, and will be upheld by the merry band of crook's in the County!
Home values are down all over the Nation but do you really believe our tax evaluation will decrease to the same level?
Now as to "dimwittas" home values remark concerning the car ports, well they are but an "open garage." What would, and do we see when those doors are left open?
Your asking a liberal for conformation, and that will never happen because they can only "feel good" about what they say, never prove it!
Tom Ford
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Who really cares how many ordinances they pass.....the ones on the books are not being enforced anyway. (look around the neighborhood - at least in my part of Crestwood)
Oh, and if you are over the limit on pets, just go plead your case to the board in charge of that. Just as long as no pets are added after a death of one, it's ok. Haven't seen the pet limit enforced either.
Perhaps, they are trying to prevent the coach and keg condition. If you have nothing passed by the board the city has no coarse of action against those that want to use their car ports as an additional room in their house. I didn't move to Crestwood to see my neighbors junk piled all over the place. But, one mans junk is Tom's treasure.
Junk is not just in car ports, look around and you will see what I mean. Maybe you are in the mayor's neighborhood and that doesn't happen around there?
12:33PM blogger: sorry but I removed your post due to your seeming addiction to foul language!
The "marbles I have in my head" will not permit any language of that sort on this blog, and I believe you know it!
That said, go ahead, post again, but do it with "your education showing," or your history again!
Tom Ford
12:33PM blogger: sorry but I removed your post due to your seeming addiction to foul language!
The "marbles I have in my head" will not permit any language of that sort on this blog, and I believe you know it!
That said, go ahead, post again, but do it with "your education showing," or your history again!
Tom Ford
Umm, let's see--have property values dropped in Crestwood. Yes, that is a fact. I say it is part the housing crisis, but also due to so much of Crestwood being turned in to rental property. There are plenty of hoosiers in Crestwood who leave a lot of crap in their carports. It's a shame. It would be outstanding to limit what the hoosiers can put in their carports.
12:11 PM blogger: I think you will have a very hard time just singling out "Hoosiers." What's next, Masons, Catholics, illegals, but you understand.
Trust me there are far mor interesting fish to fry than car port's, and for the Board to even take valuable time to study this is silly!
Get the code enforcement officer out of the basement of Sappington House, and tell her to do what she hired on to do in the first place.
AND WHILE I AM AT IT, WHY DOES SHE GET FREE RENT, HEAT, COOL, AND ELECTRIC, AS WELL AS $100.00 PER MONTH? Let the County step up and pay their half as they are supposed to do. In case you didn't know it, County is co-sponsor of the deal according to the paperwork.
Tom Ford
12:11 PM - Please support your claim that property values have dropped in Crestwood. I am curious to see where you get your data. A few homes near me have sold with prices that are still relatively high.
What planet are you living on? Go to Go to Ask a real estate agent. Listing prices and SALE prices are down in Crestwood. Umm, pick up the newspaper. Home values have plummetted across the country. Its not as bad in St. Louis as other areas, but it is bad. When you take that and then factor in the run down houses and crappy carports, it further impacts sales. If I was going to buy a house in Crestwood, and I had my choice between a street that had well, kept and tidy homes vs. a street with multiple houses with a bunch of crap stored under the carport or under their eaves, I am picking the nicer street. Its really not that complicate.
Zillow, as well as other similar sights, are worthless. They have no idea of the condition of any of the homes. They are basing their info on tax records. In most areas of the country they actually use the TAX APPRAISAL as their value! If all of the people that are convinced zillow is the be all and end all of real estate values would just think about it. Has zillow had a representative contact you to view or discuss the condition of your home????? Of course, not. Then why would anyone take their figures seriously
7:05 here
Several homes within my subdivision have sold in the last 4 months at prices that I thought were still high. I know prices have plummeted across the country and even across the area, but there are some parts in Crestwood at least that are holding value.
Oh, and by the way 11:41, I'm living on this planet, but I was not born on this planet. I am a space alien and have come from another planet called Carportus. Our planet was filled with unsightly and junk-filled carports until the planet self-destructed and all of us were thrust out into the galaxy.
So lets ignore the statistics and support your argument with your statement--Homes in my neighborhood have sold in prices that I thought were high" Oh, Okay. I stand corrected.
7:39 -
Congratulations! I see you've gone out of your way to humiliate yourself in public.
I have neighbors, thats plural, who when the garage doors are left open have garbage stacked to the ceiling. Do we need a garage ordinance also?
How about the enforcement of the current laws on the books first!...
1. garbage not out until 5:00pm on the before pickup and cans in by no later than 5:00 p.m date of pick up.
2. cars parked on streets with expired plates.
8:51. That's the spirit. Worry about the stupid stuff. How about growing some balls and taking your neighbors cans in for them. And get the ordinance correct before you start running your mouth.
why dont you put a sock in your over grown hairy pie hole you call a mouth?
Now kiddies, please play nice!
Tom Ford
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