Saturday, January 31, 2009

President Obama said recovery will take years, not months!

Please click on the header to be directed to the story. Now, I know this is not about Crestwood,or is it? Much vaunted House speaker Mr. Tip O'Neil (D) once said "All politics is local," and so it is here in Crestwood!

I have spoken to learned men, and company CEO's, and CFO's in Houston, TX. last week at a seminar of industry leaders who really believe that we will be well into 2012 before we see any sign of recovery, and I agree with them.

Now in 2009 I have scaled back my expenses business wise to match an 18% decrease in sales, and service that I fully expect this year. shouldn't Crestwood be looking at their bottom line as well?

Well, of course they should, and I believe they are. Now, we have some Alderman who are pushing for a tax increase on the August ballot (yes, it will be there again,)and we have a Mayor who is not exactly revered by the masses, What to do?

There will come a time when we will need to vote for a tax increase or loose our valued services, we all know that. However, I am not going to give it to a BOA that will not stand up to the mayor, period! We will be voting for new faces, and ideas in April, and this time we have some really great candidates in Steve Nieder, Darrell Wallach, Paul Duchild, Jeff Schlink, and Mimi Duncan!

This new crop of candidates (and in some cases Alderpersons) will go a long way toward restoring my faith in the BOA. Now, if "His Honor" wants to join the revival, I suggest he consider a full an honest apology to the Citizens (the 72% OF US WHO ARE "ILLEGITIMATE,") and give us a complete and comprehensive plan as to where the money is going and why. No ward healing rah, rah meetings with the local cheer leaders, but a plan that he, and the Board are willing to stake their collective career's on (including the City Administrator!)

You do that your Honor, and I will get on the band wagon for a tax increase! But, I will accept no less my friend, and I do not believe the good citizens of Crestwood will either.

Tom Ford

NO. 591


Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Well that's all folks! If this guy is correct, this entire point is moot!

Tom Ford

8:49 PM, January 31, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jeff had a Roy for mayor sign in his yard, are you sure he is not goning to be a Roy supporter? What about the other people running in Ward two, other than Pickel?

7:47 AM, February 01, 2009  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:47 AM blogger: Well, so did I on the first go around when he "appeared" to be really for the people.

That all changed in the second term, and so did I.

I know Jeff has been in the race before and was torpedoed by a guy on the second last day of the race. I plan to ask him if he IS STILL a Roy supporter, because if he is, he's not the man for me!

Mr. Pickel is a huge Roy supporter but unfortunately for us, he is unopposed this time.

I do not know the rest of the field, so I am afraid I can't comment on them.

Tom Ford

8:31 AM, February 01, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to laugh at this.

"When Polaroid announced last year that it would discontinue sales of instant film in 2009, it posed a problem for Crestwood's Parks and Recreation Department, which uses instant film to create ID cards and passes for customers.

The department plans to solve the problem by purchasing a $25,000 software system for the recreation center's program registration, membership and reservations system."

Are you serious? So the answer was to spend $25,000 plus $2000 a year maintenance costs?

It will pay for itself in 3 years. Honestly, we might not even have a parks department in 3 years.

If I was working for the City of Crestwood I would be worried. This City Administration is spending you out of a job. $800K over budget and this stuff is still going on. Unbelievable. Good luck passing that tax increase.

10:15 PM, February 02, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Tom,

Put a sock in it. I don't recall anyone asking your opinion on the subject. As a matter of fact who would really want your opinion. You are a self proclaimed antagonistic activist who never has anything good to say. We all understand the problems both our City and our Country are faced with and not you, the Aldermen or any of your so called super candidates can do anything about it. It is one of those things that occurs throughout history called a dose of reality. It slaps you in the face once in a while just to let you know it is still there. And when it rears it's ugly head, we are reminded just how vicious it can be. So put away your sarcasm, your Book of Famous Quotes and join those of us who would like to think positively about our city and country. By the way, you might want to pick up the book "What Goes Around Comes Around", by Icom Plain Dailey.

8:19 AM, February 03, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


If you don't like what the man has to say, then don't read his blog.

9:16 AM, February 03, 2009  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

8:19 AM blogger: Thank you from the bottom of my heart! Now that I know I have gotten in your shorts I am motivated to continue the Lord's work!

Let's see, as I understand it your perfectly willing to accept the current mess as "cyclic?" That's a bit of a stretch, no? To disregard the individuals, the malfeasance, social engineering and downright poor leadership that got us here is tantamount to saying the holocaust never happened!

Were here because of greed, lousy leadership, and indifference to reality, not some cosmic convergence that "happens!"

But just to show you that I still love you, this ones for you!

"Liberals, it's not that they're ignorant, it's just that they know so much that isn't so."

Ronald Reagan.

Tom Ford

12:36 PM, February 03, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Tom,

How come your Steelers couldn't cover the spread? That D looked a little soft in the 4th quarter.

4:46 PM, February 04, 2009  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

4:46 PM blogger: I am not privy to that information my friend, but I will tell you the trophy for the Arizona Cardinals is in the ladies room!

Tom Ford

7:35 PM, February 04, 2009  

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