Starbucks to cut 1000 job's Nation wide !
Will our beloved Starbucks survive the current cash flow crunch (click the header,) or will we see another "empty store front?"
What's the BOA, and "His Honor" going to do if it does happen? do they have a "business plan" in place for this sort of thing, or do they just wait, and react?
Time for some pro active thinking here Gentlemen, we can no longer sit by and re arrange the deck chairs, we must look ahead and make the cuts we have to before its to late!
By the way, now that the slate for April is set, it looks like we will have some great Alderpersons on the Dias. I am now "shopping" for as good a candidate as Mr. Nieder, Mr. Miguel, Mr. Wallach, and Ms. Duncan to further the cause of Crestwood.
As for Ward two, well, the jury is still out for me until I hear from the two new candidates (I hope that will be soon.)
Ward three has an outstanding candidate in Mr, Duchild, as he has the financial expertise we desperately need at this time.
Where will we go from here ? Well that will depend on the new leadership, but I do believe that with a stroke of the pen at the ballot box we will have the people we need go "get er done!"
Tom Ford
NO. 587
What's the BOA, and "His Honor" going to do if it does happen? do they have a "business plan" in place for this sort of thing, or do they just wait, and react?
Time for some pro active thinking here Gentlemen, we can no longer sit by and re arrange the deck chairs, we must look ahead and make the cuts we have to before its to late!
By the way, now that the slate for April is set, it looks like we will have some great Alderpersons on the Dias. I am now "shopping" for as good a candidate as Mr. Nieder, Mr. Miguel, Mr. Wallach, and Ms. Duncan to further the cause of Crestwood.
As for Ward two, well, the jury is still out for me until I hear from the two new candidates (I hope that will be soon.)
Ward three has an outstanding candidate in Mr, Duchild, as he has the financial expertise we desperately need at this time.
Where will we go from here ? Well that will depend on the new leadership, but I do believe that with a stroke of the pen at the ballot box we will have the people we need go "get er done!"
Tom Ford
NO. 587
Some mildly good news. The Great Clips is open in that new plaza as is Ink Stop. They both said they are doing good. Starbucks was busy when I was in there.
Sorry, when I wrote 'some mildly good news', I meant to refer to the Ink Stop and Great Clips, NOT to the loss of jobs at Starbucks nationwide.
Who are the new candidates in Ward 2?
11:55 AM blogger: As follows, Jeff Schlink, and Jeff Baker.
I know something of Mr. Schlink, and I believe he is a good candidate, but I am still not sure. Mr. baker is a stranger (to me) at this time.
Mr. Felsch will of course run again to fill his seat, but........
Tom Ford
Will Mr. Duchild be Mrs. Duchild's puppet?
You say you don't like what your representative is doing in Washington ? Well here are the E-mail, snail mail and phone numbers of the ?
"Give em He*l, Harry !"
Tom Ford
1:00 PM blogger: Clearly you don't know Paul Duchild ! I suggest you meet him and then tell us what you think about that.
Paul will never be a puppet of ANYONE. If you want to see a puppet show, just go to a BOA meeting and watch "His Honors" minions at work.
Tom Ford
Looking at the agenda for the Mayors (BOA?)meeting of 1/27/09 and found this on the 2nd page on an memo from the C/A titled "Proposition S" (dated 1/16/09):
"The table shows that by the end of 2010 the City of Crestwood will have spent $704,219 in General Fund monies above those revenues provided by Proposition S. In Order to recoup these monies lost by the General Fund, the City would have to maintain Proposition S until 2012. At that point the Mayor and the BOA will need to make the determination as to whether the City should continue to assess Prop. S for its final year(2013) or to retire the tax. THE BALLOT LANGUAGE WOULD CLEARLY ALLOW THE CONTINUED ASSESSMENT OF PROP. S"!!
Read this memo and gaze at the news that the Ways and Means Committee under the leadership of our Mayor, starting in 2007 has been spending more than Prop. S was bringing in ($20,556) and has continued to do so by increasing amounts every year there after. 2008 overspent $461,563, 2009 overspent $827,952.
Come to a BOA meeting and ask the Mayor how he could have allowed this gross overspending to take place? He cant blame others this time, it is his failure to lead that has brought this about
The added expenditure for Prop S is a result of the requirement from the terms of the ONE AND ONLY LENDNG FACILITY that would give us a loan without using city hall and whitecliff park as collatoral.
The terms require any extra cash that totaled 5% above the cash we had the previous year had to be used to pay off the note. This term is a result of holding the mayor and previous BOA responsible for executing the verbal promise to pay off the loan ASAP, retire the tax and insure that we where as cash strapped as advertised. Obviously the lender could see through the smoke and mirrors about how poor we where, understood the risk of our poor money handling in the past and decided to lower the risk as much as possible.
The result is that the loan is almost payed off five years before the original expectation.
The extra payments made were required by the IRS.
1:pm 1/25
I hear she is a great Ventriloquist.
Is it any different than the character displayed here by Tom and his Minions?
8:16 PM blogger: Well yes it is, however you will never, ever figure it out, so why bother?
Tom Ford
What's going to happen when Sears closes in June or July?
I know, more property taxes and more tickets.
As I stated earlier the terms and conditions of the loan is the cause for extra payments. Elimination of debt is a good event.
You mean to tell me the MAYOR DIDNT KNOW ABOUT THE EXTRA DEBT HIS NOTES would cause when he pushed for us to vote for them? Didnt he say he was over all of Crestwood several mths ago? I thought the Notes were going to remove all our debt problems, now it seems that they have caused more debt, what is going on?
What extra debt are you referring too?
this should be interesting
5:14 PM blogger: You betcha Red Ryder! Mr. Roger Anderson will also be discussing the Swim Club / parking lot deal.
This should be a really interesting segment, no?
Tom Ford
Please... here we go again about the swim club\parking lot and all the winers... drove through the parking lot yesterday... looks FANTASTIC and it didn't cost the City ONE PENNY! Who ever came up with this should be given the Key to the City!
8:01 PM blogger: Sore spot? Interesting that you complain about what you say is a fantistic deal.
I suggest you watch channel two news at 9:00 PM tonight for the segment on Elliott Davis interviewing "His Honor" about that very same thing!
There indeed could be key's involved, but someone may be throwing them away instead of giving them. Watch it, and we shall see.
Tom Ford
I don't understand what they hope to accomplish? Why don't they talk about the city's budget and the shell game they use between the funds.
Mr. Davis must be in the same mode as our economy. Not much going on or he wouldn't be sitting down to talk with those two. I wonder if they invited Elliot to say for dinner? I think that was egg on his face? Their horse died several years ago but they keep yelling giddi-up. Geeez.
There was technical issues, so the segment did not play correctly.
There "were" technical issues ... pardon my grammar.
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