Saturday, January 17, 2009

The state of Retail in the Country as of the last report.

Please click on the header to be directed to the list of retail store closings as of Nov. / Dec. 2008. I bring you this list not create a negative atmosphere in our deliberations here, but rather to show you what other parts of the Nation are seeing as well.

Now as I see it, we have two choices here, one is to participate in the current rescission, the other is to opt out and ignore it! As for me, I choose to ignore it, and move ahead!

As I am sure Mr. Roby will tell you, anyone of us in the "building industry" could have told you 15 years ago that the "retail malls, and strip stores" were way over built for the population. The same was true for housing, but times were good (?) and everyone just knew that the bubble would never burst, at least not in my back yard!

But then came the shenanigans of the lenders (mandated by Congress) to lend funds to folks who could never pay it back. Next oil prices went through the roof, and before you knew it, well we watched the "bubble burst." Friends, things will not get better for some time to come, so where do we go from here?

As I said before, I choose not to participate in this Barney Frank, Chris Dodd debacle, but rather I will suggest we do what we must to bring Crestwood through these trying times.

"Your Honor" members of the Board, what do we REALLY NEED, and can you demonstrate to us why? Are you willing to step down if needed to save our City, or will you continue to "rearrange the deck chairs as the good ship Crestwood slips below the waves?" These are serious times, and they call for serious leadership, so how about we PROVE THE NEED FOR A TAX INCREASE? Who knows, with the right people in charge, and the increase (if needed,) we very well may be able to "opt out" of the mess Washinton has created!

Tom Ford

NO. 585


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The state of our economy here in Crestwood should come as no surprise to anyone. We have simply ignored the signs of the past and continued to believe that everything would be alright on the home front. We thought we were invincible while we watched retail center after retail center spring up around us. Developers competed against one another for vacant land and the opportunity to build new retail for a population that moved from inner city to parts further west requiring infrastructure to support their needs. As those developments rose from the previously undeveloped land, there was no longer a need for those people to travel to areas like Crestwood Mall, Northwest Mall, Riverroads or Jamestown Malls leaving them with only area residents to patronize their Centers. And as those residents like ours began to age, they needed less and less of the things that the Crestwood Malls provided. Their children grew up and moved away leaving our homes occupied by empty nesters with fewer needs. And as newer developments came on board they provided newer and more exciting amenities that attract people leaving us with an outdated Mall and dropping attendance. The Model T was once the rage but has lost it's luster compared with the newer vehicles with fancy body styles and ammenities. And so we go. Since the Crestwood Court is not owned by the city, we can only hope for the new owners to bring something "out of the box" to our city. Something that will bring people from miles around for a new and exciting expeerience only we can provide. Until then, we will have to weather the storm by doing everything we can to keep our city afloat.

10:33 AM, January 18, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the need for a tax increase is pretty obvious.

What needs to be said is a PLAN for spending that tax increase. That's why I voted no on Prop 1.

10:52 AM, January 18, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, yes the need for a PLAN. Let's see, the King IE Mayor said he had a plan if we elected him, wonder when he will put into effect. Need anyone say more. oh yeah, I will not vote for a tax increase plan or no plan as long as Roy is our Mayor. He lies too much for me to trust him with more of my money.

11:37 AM, January 18, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You should pull your head out of whatever hole you have it in. When the mayor was originally elected there was no need for a tax increase. Times have clearly changed since then. So, those of you that think the mayor and the board lied to you to get elected are idiots. They are residents just like you and me. Do you think they want to pay more taxes if they don't have too? It is a little scary to think that there are people out there that are short sighted and with limited intelligence.

12:13 PM, January 18, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, why did Roy run on the promise to "bring Crestwood back" if times were so good? You mean to tell us that Roy didn't know the Mall had produced year after year of declining tax dollars? Then why did he try to get a tax increase on the ballot as the FIRST thing he did as Mayor May 4 years ago? Either you didnt know that or wish we would forget. If he didn't know how bad things were why didn't he let Alderman Trueblood's idea to let the Cap Improvement Tax be repealed since the Police Palace idea had been put aside?
Bullstuff, he knew and he lied to get elected and he has NEVER yet given us his PLAN if he really had one.
I say no increase until he is gone.

Who has the limited IQ now oh short memory one?

1:57 PM, January 18, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When Prop. S was passed, people were skeptical about how their tax dollars would be used, since the tax was advertised as a way to retire short term debt, yet the ballot language was broad enough to include other uses for the money.

In response to this skepticism, the board (urged by Mayor Robinson) voted to pass a resolution affirming that tax receipts from Prop. S would be used solely to retire the debt. At the last board meeting alderman Nieder suggested that the board would be reneiging on its promise to residents if it decided to retire the debt but keep the tax until its sunset date.

If the city cannot keep its promise to residents regarding the use of their tax dollars, I believe any efforts at future tax increases will be received with as much enthusiasm as the Prop. 1 tax from August 2008.

Martha Duchild

3:41 PM, January 18, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You do! Or just extremely small marbles. If he is so unbearable why didn't you run against him for mayor? Even if you have no clue of how this city works, why wasn't your name on the ballot against him? Small marbles or small IQ?

3:47 PM, January 18, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's one for you poster 3:47, if Roy loves Crestwood so much and yet voters will not pass the needed tax increase under his administration, why doesn't he do the right thing for Crestwood and resign?
Why not, because it's all about ROY, that's why.

4:01 PM, January 18, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Or, you could have ran against him so we all could have voted for you. It wouldn't matter if Roy would resign or not you would just have a new whipping boy to blame everything on. Let me let you in on a little secret. If you want to know whose fault it is just walk down the hall, turn your bathroom light on, and look in the mirror.

4:07 PM, January 18, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will run for mayor. Please vote for me. Of course the city will be run very differently because the BOA is supposed to run the city according to the charter. Until the BOA takes control, as it never has in the past, Crestwood will continue, as all governments do, to always want more money. A government will always have something better to do with your money than you do.

Citizens keep your hands tightly closed on your wallet unitl the BOA can demonstrate they have a plan beyond the yearly budget required and the steps required to achieve it

6:53 PM, January 18, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for showing everyone that small IQ again. They aren't building new facilities, replacing items that don't need to be, hiring people we don't need. They are trying to run the city without eliminating the services most of us enjoy having. Police, Fire, Parks, and Streets. All these departments are run on ghost crews and you are whining about the board and the mayor. Tom this is your "gloom and doom" at its best. Not say we need a tax increase but stupidly telling people that Crestwood is corrupt and our government has thieves in it. Oh, also if we don't impeach them the sky will fall, Crestwood will flood, and our houses will implode.

7:14 PM, January 18, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Oh, also if we don't impeach them the sky will fall, Crestwood will flood, and our houses will implode."

I heard similar arguments if we did not vote in favor of Prop 1.

8:32 PM, January 18, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"You do! Or just extremely small marbles. If he is so unbearable why didn't you run against him for mayor? Even if you have no clue of how this city works, why wasn't your name on the ballot against him? Small marbles or small IQ?

3:47 PM, January 18, 2009"

Another classy post. A first rate ad hominem attack.

8:36 PM, January 18, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

replies to poster 12:13 PM, January 18, 2009

You should pull your head out of whatever hole you have it in." Classy, real classy. I'm sure your mother would be proud.

"When the mayor was originally elected there was no need for a tax increase." Then why was a tax increase on the ballot, hmmm? Someone thought there was a need. Then what about Prop S just a year later? The mayor thought that a tax increase was needed then.

"Times have clearly changed since then. So, those of you that think the mayor and the board lied to you to get elected are idiots."
Another classy entry. Here's a hint. To make an argument, use facts, not insults. Try it sometime.

"They are residents just like you and me. Do you think they want to pay more taxes if they don't have too?" Who knows what some of them think.

"It is a little scary to think that there are people out there that are short sighted and with limited intelligence." Once again, try facts instead of insults. OK, go ahead with your facts. We're waiting.

8:41 PM, January 18, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Police, Fire, Parks, and Streets. All these departments are run on ghost crews and you are whining about the board and the mayor."

How do you know? Seriously, how do you know? Has anyone done a police staff and fire staff count and compared them to other communities? Who knows, we may be overstaffed. We certainly have a large fleet of police vehicles. City Hall looks like a used car lot.

8:43 PM, January 18, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think Roy or his wife have been posting again,

8:53 PM, January 18, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fact #1
Crestwood residents receive more services for less money than any other muni in the area. If you don't believe me check counties web site for tax rates.
Fact #2
Their is no one that would have been elected mayor that would have been able to continue to provide us the services we receive without a tax increase(still pay much less than other muni).
Fact #3
Crestwood can no longer operate of tax dollars from the mall. Residents have been riding the gravy train for years of the malls tax dollars. No more
Fact #4
No one knows what they would do until they are in that position. Everyone sits on the side and say they did this wrong they did that wrong. Its easy to use that crystal ball once everything has already happened.
Fact #5
You have no idea of what needs to be done for this city. Don't take my words and copy them without an idea of your own. Whats your bright idea? How are we being taken advantage of? What is your realistic plan to save the city? Your only response is use facts not insults yet you feel the need to address my mother. Who has class?

9:04 PM, January 18, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Attend a meeting. Then you can find out for yourself. Instead of just blogging or reading the Call go up to city hall and find out yourself.

9:08 PM, January 18, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please remember that last year we had enough extra resources in the City of Crestwood that we could afford to offer to sell some of it to Glendale.

Glendale chose to continue to use Kirkwood.

9:23 PM, January 18, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:04 PM, January 18, 2009

I do.

Now for some facts.

Fact #1
I've checked county muni tax rates. Some munis don't pay real property tax at all. Some have cheaper sales tax rates and some have cheaper utility tax rates. So combine all taxes paid, does Crestwood really get the best deal? We may, but sales and utility tax rates are high in this town.

Fact #2
Talk to Roy. He was against the tax when he ran, then he was for Prop 1 a year later, then against raising taxes a year later, then AFTER the mayoral election, in favor of raising taxes. As far as providing services, who says that county police and mehlville could not do it cheaper? We had an offer from Mehville. It was dismissed out of hand. I like our services too, but we need to look at alternatives.

Fact 3
I'm damn sick and tired of being told that we residents have riden this so called gravy train. We pay taxes (real, sales, utility) and support our community. A whopping 72% of voters said no to Prop 1. That doesn't bode well for residents' confidence in city hall.
If city hall cannot operate within a budget, maybe we should get folks in there who can.

Fact 4
"No one knows what they would do until they are in that position."
Really? What about taking a stand or position? Sticking to campaign promises, if any were made?

Fact 5
If you were the poster that wrote "You should pull your head out of whatever hole you have it in.", then I stand by my statement.
You started the attack. I did not.

As far as your crack "You have no idea of what needs to be done for this city." Well you don't either.

Oh and I've attendend meetings. Plenty.

9:35 PM, January 18, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:23 PM, January 18, 2009

Was it Glendale or Oakland? Either way, I would like to know why they chose Kirkwood over us.

9:38 PM, January 18, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh and another thing 9:04, when you or the city ask for a tax increase, don't bite the hands that feeds you. In other words, don't guilt trip residents and tell them that they are riding the "gravy train" unless you want your precious tax increase to go down in flames. That's a lot like going to your boss and telling him he stinks and then asking for a raise.

9:41 PM, January 18, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sooo, it's one of Roy's kids who are defending him, you would have thought someone other than members of his family still were on his side.

9:53 PM, January 18, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The city was Oakland and Glendale was one of the three bidders. Sorry for the mistake.

I don't know why the folks in Oakland chose Kirkwood. I will contact the mayor to gain an understanding as to why the selection was Kirkwood.

7:01 AM, January 19, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not Roy's wife or one of his children. I actually support or city and its employees. At no time has any of the employees "bitten the hand that feeds them". These are people just like you and me trying to do their job. However, when we (the residents) who are their bosses tell them we don't care it is amazing anyone stays here. At no time has the employees told us we stink. We however, are telling them we don't have their backs, oh and we want you to do more with less. Oakland went with Kirkwood because they offered services cheaper than us. Crestwood Fire didn't just offer services because they were bored. They were trying to get additional revenue for the city. I also put a list of tax rates on a previous post for surrounding muni. We are a lot lower, as for sales and utility I don't know the rate for those munis. But, we are much lower on or property tax and depending on were you shop the only other tax that effects you is utility tax. The difference between rational and unrational though is that when situations come up you may have to adapt. Not sticking to their guns and letting the ship sink. And you are not giving city hall a budget. A decreasing budget with increasing cost. Simple math if your employer year after year decreased your salary eventually you won't be able to pay your bills. So you either get a second job(additional taxes) or you turn off the electric or gas. Try moving to the city were can wait for police/fire to respond, go to some of the "lovely" parks and drive six blocks before you get to a road that has been plowed when it snows.

10:32 AM, January 19, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I've heard about employees complaining that they are not appreciated - on this blog and elsewhere. I've also heard time and time again that we have an easy ride as far as our property taxes. By the way, I didn't say anything about "employees" when I mentioned about asking for a tax increase.

"The difference between rational and unrational though is that when situations come up you may have to adapt." For once we agree. So why hasn't the city adapted for tough economic conditions? The city knew for quite some time (5 years at least) that the plaza was losing stores and foot traffic.
Over the past year and a half, economic indicators were telling us we were heading into a recession. Then Prop 1 lost. Then the city gives $1000 raises across the board???? Is that what you call adapting?

As far as "moving to the city were can wait for police/fire to respond" I've lived in the city, other municipalities, and unincorporated St. Louis County. Response time for me or my neighbors, depending on who made the call, was excellent. Crestwood is what, 3.6 square miles? I could get anywhere in Crestwood in few minutes by driving the speed limit.

10:59 AM, January 19, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

'However, when we (the residents) who are their bosses tell them we don't care it is amazing anyone stays here.'

Actually, when we the residents vote no on a tax increase, it isn't because we don't care. We simply may not have confidence in our city government.

11:12 AM, January 19, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have limited responses to things that are addressed on here. The ones you "think" you have a point on you try to make and the others you ignore. And if your memory is that short you can look at your 9:41pm post. You don't feed me or the board/mayor so must mean the employees. With that wonderful amount of support you give with all those tax dollars. As far as the $1000 pay increase I call that the boss trying to keep the employees that haven't left yet after years of job cuts, extra duties, and pay freezes. If you attend the meetings you would see that this has been happening for the last several years. You have to take your blinders off and address all issues not just the ones you think you are making a point on. None emergency call for police in the city has taken over 30 minutes sometimes longer.

11:21 AM, January 19, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If there are limited responses and changes of argument, it's coming from you.

'And if your memory is that short you can look at your 9:41pm post. You don't feed me or the board/mayor so must mean the employees' My memory is not that short. Another insult - classic ad hominem attack. Look again at the 9:41 post again. You are making an assumption. There is not one single mention of employee in that post.

As far as the $1000 raises, wasn't that a bit much in this economy. You claim that the city wants to keep employees. I think they can, but that amount in this economic environment? Look at the job market. Watch the news. Look at all of the corporate and business layoffs. Universities are cutting back and have hiring freezes. This isn't a very good job market.

I've attended the meetings. I've listened to the mayor and board members go on and on how tight things are and then vote to spend.

'None emergency call for police in the city has taken over 30 minutes sometimes longer.' This last sentence didn't make sense - please clarify

11:42 AM, January 19, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seeing a projected $600K deficit in the proposed budget, (due to the use of reserves to balance the 2009 budget) an alderman proposed cutting a police position from the budget because the city administrator informed the board that the position would not be filled. For some reason (adapting to circumstances?) all but three alderman voted not to make this cut.

Then, after Macy's closed, rather than having a $600K deficit, it is now projected that the city will have an $800K deficit. At this point, the board agrees to cut the position from the budget.

Where is the logic? Can someone who supported the board's initial decision not to cut that police position explain the reversal at the last board meeting? Why refuse to cut at a $600K deficit but change your mind at an $800K deficit? These are the types of decisions which confound residents and lead to doubts as to whether the city is being a good steward of their tax dollars.

Martha Duchild

1:48 PM, January 19, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can anyone explain to me why we just don't have an across the board pay cut?
The Teamsters just oked a 10% pay cut for YRC so they wouldn't all lose their jobs, why do govt. employees reject this idea out of hand?
After all if the majority of the tax payers in Crestwood are on a fixed income, the recent stock market crash has had to effect their income and they have taken a cut already.

3:55 PM, January 19, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Other cuts/layoffs around the country:

Circuit City 30,000 jobs lost
Hertz 4,000 jobs lost
WellPoint 1,500 jobs
Pfizer 2,400 sales people
Google 100 jobs
Wells Fargo 25,000 to 28,000 jobs

10:21 PM, January 19, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First of all Mr. Neider did not comment on the Prop S money issue someone else did and in case you haven't noticed, due to the current economy, many government entities are operating at a deficit. Not something anyone wants but unfortunately a fact of our current conditions nationwide. Having said that, offering solid suggestions would be more productive than just constantly complaining. And I would offer that if previous administrations had been more conservative we would not be in the position we are now in financially.

7:30 AM, January 20, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who was the person that commented on Proposition S? This was at the last board meeting?

9:57 AM, January 20, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I would offer that if previous administrations had been more conservative we would not be in the position we are now in financially."

How's that poster 7:30 a.m.? Didn't Roy say that the tax increase he supported for the "notes" would pay off every thing? Weren't the first two budget years of his term in office in the Black because of the previous administrations budgets?

If the previous administrations werent conservative enough, then how come Roy is giving out pay increases?

Sorry, no sale, the day when Roy can blame a former Mayor or BOA ended his second year in office.

3:14 PM, January 20, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7:30 AM January 20

I completely agree with your last sentence. That is why I find the board's decisions regarding cuts perplexing. It seems that the majority of the board members have learned nothing from history, and are continuing business as usual.

My 1:48 Jan. 19 statement had no relation to Prop. S (not sure why you assumed it did). Yes, many government entities are operating at a deficit, but, as with Crestwood, these deficits could also be the result of overspending. I do offer suggestions, both at board meetings and to my aldermen. The statement to which you responded was an honest question, not a complaint. Again, I am puzzled by the logic which compelled the board (and city administrator) to act on an $800K debt but not a $600K debt.

Martha Duchild

6:15 PM, January 20, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wasn't the 600k going to be either used for the 09' budget or lost in fines for have to much cash reserve according to Prop S? Therefore, balancing the budget and not having to flush roughly 600k down the drain.

3:14 PM, January 21, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm, maybe if the expenses that had been transferred to the Parks and Stormwater fund from the General Fund were to be put back into the General Fund, the cash in the General Fund would not be over the 5% limit?

Were other expenses transferred from the General Fund to other major funds?

4:50 PM, January 22, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

can you say "shell game"?

10:10 PM, January 22, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let me get this right... You, the citizens elect incompetent leaders for the city employees to work for. Now you want to cut their pay and up their work load? Seriously 25% of the police department has left and more are leaving. Every surrounding municipality pays more and the surrounding cities are more stable. Gosh I wonder why everyone is leaving....

It is time for the Citizens of Crestwood to quit blaming the Mayor for the city's problems. If the leadership you chose is that horrible then do something about it, or decide to put it all behind you so the city can start to grow again...

Quit putting the men and women who work tirelessly to serve you in the middle of all of it!

9:19 AM, January 23, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Could you please provide data to support your claim that 25% of the police department has left?

11:21 AM, January 23, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Would you also provide who the Fire Fighter's Union Support for mayor four years ago?

2:22 PM, January 23, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think in the past (before Roy) expenses for the Parks and Storm water fund were transferred from the General Fund because lack of money in the general fund to pay employees salaries and benefits. To put the expenses back into the general fund may lead to personnel layoffs??

2:53 PM, January 23, 2009  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

FLASH! Wow, I leave town for four days and the gates open!

I am " shocked " to see that a late filing for Ward Three Alderman just happens to be a NEIGHBOR of "His Honor!"

But then again, if you need help you turn to a neighbor, don't you?

Gee whiz, I wonder how he would vote if he was elected? Wait, I have a better idea, let's not take the chance.

Tom Ford

5:56 PM, January 23, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom, I read this week's CALL and found it to be quite the good read. Any way you can post it up here for us to see?

10:38 PM, January 23, 2009  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

10:38 PM blogger: OK you got it, in fact it has been on for some time now.

Just click on the Suncrest Call link on the right side under LINKS, and you will be taken right there!

Tom Ford

7:42 AM, January 24, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


After reading the call as suggested by this blog, I have come to the determination that you are a IDIOT.

3:47 PM, January 26, 2009  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

3:47 PM blogger: Well, every village needs one, and as for now at least we are all stocked up on that position!

Tom Ford

5:04 PM, January 26, 2009  

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