Sunday, February 22, 2009

Please join me in mourning the passing of Mr. Mike Argent ( Aldermanic candidate, Ward three.)

Anonymous said...

On a somber note. I just learned through church that Mr. Mike Argent, candidate for Alderman in Ward 3 passed away on Thursday. Mr. Argent was active in Rotary and Our Lady of Providence Men's Club. He would have made a great contribution to our city. A prayer for his family is in order.

10:49 AM, February 22, 2009

The above was in a thread below, but I felt it needed it's own thread as although I had never met Mr. Argent, anyone willing to serve this City as he was deserves our up most respect!

To the family and friends of Mike Argent, my heart felt condolences, and may he be fondly remembered by all of us.

Tom Ford

NO. 599


Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

There, now you have nothing at all to complain about.

Any more remarks will be deleted as well!

If were going to have a memorial, let's just have a memorial with NO COMMENTS PERIOD!

Tom Ford

4:09 PM, March 10, 2009  

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