Friday, February 20, 2009

The "Revenue enhancement committee" report! (click here)

The report we have all been waiting to see is finally out, and I have it here for your edification and enjoyment! First let me personally thank the residents who expended their time and energy to make this report happen.

There are ideas in this report that I certainly never would have thought of, and it shows just what can be accomplished when we form a committee!

I an struck by a couple of them that rather stand out, such as RED LIGHT CAMERAS, and corporate sponsorships on City buildings! I guess the fact that we are on the National speed trap registry (Watson and Sappington Rd.) can further be enhanced by Red Light cameras. Advertising on City buildings will certainly be a hoot, can you just imagine "Poppa Johns Pizza" on the Police cars, or "Doc in the box" on the fire trucks?

It didn't escape me that one of the ideas was to wrap a pretty pink bow on a TAX INCREASE, so as to make it more palatable to the great unwashed! Well enough of the kidding here as we do not have time for this sort of levity, the City is in bad shape and we have to do something right now!

I do believe that the committee has pointed out a couple of good things, like raise the rates at White Cliff, but overall they will turn in a report that screams for CUT'S, CUT'S CUT'S !!!!!! After all whats left if their TAX INCREASE FAILS?

Well, I guess we could always try a bake sale or two.

Tom Ford



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would LOVE a Red Light Camera at Watson & Sappington!

8:18 PM, February 20, 2009  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

8:18 PM blogger: I guess you know that they well may be unconstitutional? the Constitution allows you the right to confront your accuser.

Now how are you going to "INTERVIEW" A CAMERA? And if you are not the driver of the vehicle in question, what then?

Give up your freedom for a imagined security and you will end up in a Communist Nation!

Tom Ford

8:42 PM, February 20, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:18 - I understand WHY you would love a red light camera at Watson and Sappington because I've seen cars run that intersection too.

But I go through a red light camera intersection in the city a couple of times a week and I can tell you from personal experience, those who drive through the intersection know there are cameras there. When the yellow light hits, people SLAM on their brakes no matter what. I've seen some close calls.

9:27 PM, February 20, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope someone is looking into the possibility of help from grants, or other money from all the stimulus programs coming out now. I read somewhere that there is a large amount for police, similar to a grant they had a while back.

10:13 PM, February 20, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

'"The park and rec staff have made some great strides in reducing the cost of that facility so that it has operated with revenues over expenditures over the past three years," Eckrich said.'

Can this possibly be true? It brings in more money than all salaries, operating expenses, maintenance, utilities, and loan payments??

I find this hard to believe!

10:32 PM, February 20, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


And what happens when CUTS aren't enough?

At some point, we must realize that cuts and cuts alone cannot fix the problem.

A tax base in tune with THIS century is needed. Like it or not, it is the truth.

9:20 AM, February 21, 2009  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

9:20 AM blogger: Well IF and when we are down to that point we will look at a tax increase!

That said however, I want it verified that we REALLY did cut something. As a for instance, I understand that Mr. Eckrich will recommend that the position of animal control officer be eliminated. Now on the surface that sounds like a CUT, however he also plans to transfer her into public works, ergo, NO CUT!

I have had enough of the smoke screens and musical chairs at City Hall, if you want me on board, you had better SHOW ME THE MONEY (savings that is!)

Tom Ford

10:38 AM, February 21, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe the best way to improve our current situation in Crestwood is to ask all employees to take a week off without pay or have them pay an equvalent dollar amount through partial insurance payments throughout the year. We could also ask the citizens to kick in a little more through a tax increase. However, I want a tax increase to support only the necessary services of the city like police, fire, and streets. Everything else can be handled by contracted services on a pay as you go basis. We have a Charter that states certain services will be provided by the city and I for one moved here for those services.

12:11 PM, February 21, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Yes, please list the cuts so that we can all review.

I don't think a lot of people are even asking for cuts. They are asking for prudent spending. Prudent spending that would eliminate the need for cuts or reductions in service.

Raises and promotions in this years budget. How can this be justified? Please explain. Where are people going if they don't get a raise? How hard would it be to fill their positions if they leave?

1:45 PM, February 21, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the Mayor, the Board, or the City Administrator:
Why do we seem to see so many things like money being shifted between funds?
Pay increases for CA, Judge, and ?, being approved retroactively.
Police reorganization, raises, radio upgrades approved retroactively?
Ballot issues being "publicized" by false information.

Is anyone in charge?

5:34 PM, February 21, 2009  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

5:34 PM blogger: Well, yes John the inmates are in charge of the asylum therefore it's willy nilly spending.

I have an idea, how about we get the residents to PAY THEIR TRASH BILLS we are responsible for?

I wonder just how much in delinquent bills we pay for each month? You see, we signed a contract with Veolia that stated we were responsible for each and every home, whether they pay or not, so.......

Good point John, just who is running the store here, and why is it up to us to ferret out these "small peccadilloes?"

Tom Ford

5:49 PM, February 21, 2009  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Small change to my post reference the recommendation of the C/A that the animal control officer be eliminated.

Please make that the code enforcement officer! Now if that's gone, will she then PAY RENT for living at the Sappington house( and why isn't she anyway?)

You can't make this up folks, this sort of "give away" behavior on the part of the City is ridiculous to say the least!

In closing let me ask why we need to absorb her into Public Works ( we have enough there already,) what is she going to do there, drive a snow plow?

See why I don't trust these people with the key to the rest room?

Tom Ford

5:58 PM, February 21, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry Tom... don't see the logic in your argument... How do you confront your accuser when you get a parking ticket? Red light camera tickets are non-moving violations. BTW....the federal courts have recently ruled that red light cameras ARE Constitutional.

9:56 PM, February 21, 2009  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

9:56 PM blogger: Nice try but, you have the right to a trial even in a parking ticket case. You simply subpoena the officer who wrote the ticket to court and place them under oath, that's how!

Now as to the $100.00 fine attached to this ticket, well that's chump change compared to what we could rake in by implementing DWI check points on Sappington, and Watson Rd.

At a check point the officers can write seat belt, no proof of insurance, license not in possession, DWI, and various other things like headlight out!

Now we can hold these every other weekend and really rake in the cash until the citizens decide they will avoid Crestwood like the plague!

Now if it's people you want in Crestwood to shop, dine, and enjoy life, I suggest we forget about this idiot red light camera, period!

Tom Ford

8:11 AM, February 22, 2009  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

On the subject of red light cameras, take a look at this site.

Tom Ford

8:57 AM, February 22, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You Tom, of all people should realize the importance of cameras in law enforcement. Video is indisputable and has no error in judgment or misinterpretation. If you allow someone to use your vehicle and they commit a crime that is caught on film. Isn't your car impounded or if they get pulled over with drugs they may impound it. Red light camera is no difference just another tool for the courts and police to create revenue and keep our streets safe.

You let someone use your car and they smash through a business and steal items. Your license plate is seen on video cameras. They come to your home to arrest you. Do you go to jail for the crime, no you tell them who had your car and tell them your alibi. You learn a valuable lesson that you have to be responsible for who you let use your property. I have a gun and let someone borrow it to go to a gun range. They use it to commit a crime maybe even shoot someone. The gun owner can be held responsible to some degree and be brought up on charges.

Those opposed to these advancements cry invasion of privacy, unjust, Big Brother. But if the use of these cameras could solve a crime(Starbucks about a year ago) or help police find a child that has been abducted, or help prevent an accident in our community.

12:39 PM, February 22, 2009  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

12:39 PM blogger: Well your right about one thing there, the use of cameras in law enforcement is important.

Now as to the red light cameras scam, if you know how they work, you will see that unless the criminal, child, or other malefactor is on the bumper next to the plate, forget it.

You well may have a photo of the DRIVER ONLY and the plate, but that's it!

These red light cameras have NEVER been attributed to saving lives, only to revenue enhancement.Why am I so dead set against them? Well as soon as the word get's out that Crestwood is giving out $100.00 (plus court cost) tickets, we will be dead in the water in our retail stores. Now I thought the idea was to increase revenue, not to destroy it, so why this?

Tom Ford

2:53 PM, February 22, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Red light cameras DO work. But only for a short amount of time. After everyone knows they are there, they becaome a safety hazard, as motorists slam on their brakes to avoid a tick, and end up causing an accident by doing so.

Do a search on them. They work and bring in great revenue for a time, but a large amount of them end up being more of a safety concern than it is worth.

6:17 PM, February 23, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do not think that red light cameras are a good idea.
If there is a problem at a specific place, have a "traffic officer" (if we still have those), or the car assigned to that area watch it at irregular times. He can make an intelligent decision on a violation, and may even find more violations on the ones stopped.
Hey, how about a "stop sign camera"? Nobody obeys those...think of the money the city could make. Maybe enough to offset the raises the judge, and prosecutor gave themselves. (Of course these were approved retroactively.)

11:39 PM, February 23, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Relocating animal person into public works is not okay. This is ridiculous. Residents are looking for logic and some cuts. Perhaps Mr. Eckerich can designatge some of his 92,000 to that position. This kind of redirection of funds is an insult to residents. WHOSE IDEA was it to put the code person into the small house next to Sappington House? WHY, WHY??? What kind of hold do these two women have over Mr. Eckerich or who ever decided on this measure? What is the answer - anyone? What kind of wool pulling is going on here?

8:15 AM, February 25, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Your inability to do nothing productive and instead attack these individuals is not surprising. About three years ago when Mr. Eckrich(perhaps you should learn how to spell the names of those you wish to attack)was Public Works director the topic of eliminating animal control arose. The idea was hammered by residents and the board which is why that position still exists. As far as Code Enforcement, the Sappington House has had a resident manager for as long as I can remember (15+years). The previous manager left, she applied, and got the position. She's not just shacking up their for a free ride, but is responsible for the entire property. If you don't agree with something by all means you should express it, however if you have no clue of what is going on in our city you should investigate before you sound foolish. If you feel those positions should be eliminated at least make a valid argument.

Hey Tom,
make sure you brush your teeth before you run those red lights. Apparently they are constitutional. Who would a thunk it?

8:36 PM, February 25, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


About two-three years ago, a much stronger animal control ordinance was offered and that was a cause of consternation for some.

If Sappington House has/had a resident manager for as long as you can remember, that's great. Maybe one day Sappington House can make enough money to pay for itself.

10:58 PM, February 25, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I attended the meeting concerning the elimination of animal control and there was only a few people in attendance that opposed the proposal.

I am tired of paying for services twice. Time to do more with less.

Again the few (lobbyist)control the majority because the board was afraid to make an unpopular decision.

7:05 AM, February 26, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


So our animal control ordinance has change from then. No
The Sappington House can, however their is a little thing called a contract.

We have just gone from a community that cares to every man and woman for them selves. That is fine, but an apple is an apple and an orange is an orange.

12:10 PM, February 26, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brilliant post there 12:10.

Yes, apples are apples and oranges are oranges. Ok, that's great.

12:44 PM, February 26, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought I'd go slow for people like you.

I don't want police. Because we already pay county tax. That is your moronic argument regarding animal control. Perhaps you are still having trouble keeping up 12:44pm. Let me go a little slowwwer. There are other taxes which are paid to county that are for services that we have. County has a portion that goes to streets, should we eliminate that whole department. Maybe we can just strap a few shovels to the front of your vehicle and you can take care of the streets when we get snow.

4:38 PM, February 26, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of moronic arguments, you seem to have the market cornered. I'll go r e a l l y slow for you.

St. Louis County has a n i m a l c o n t r o l o f f i c e r s.

You know, the county that we live in? Oh wait, let me run this down for you. We live in the STATE of Missouri. A STATE is a big place, yes, uh huh! And in that state is St. Louis County. Crestwood is located within St. Louis County.

And you know what, I bet there are apples and oranges in St. Louis County and in Crestwood!!!! Hooorah!!! Remember your first lesson? Apples are apples and oranges are oranges?

Ok, do you have that so far?

Now, most municipalities (other towns like Crestwood) don't have animal control officers. They let the county (St. Louis County that is) do it.

So, in this time of economic upheaval ... oh wait, let me use terms you would understand ... hard times, not a lot of jobs out there, Crestwood has seen a decrease in revenue.

So, to cut back, how about eliminating the animal control officer? Save some money? And guess what, with that saved money I bet the city could buy some apples and oranges!

6:02 PM, February 26, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Another thing. I have never said I didn't want police. You are wrong again, but I guess that's normal for you. It's almost dinner time. Are you going to have some apple and oranges?

6:09 PM, February 26, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your last two entries shows your stupidity. I never said you didn't want police, just showing that we pay taxes to both St. Louis County and the City of Crestwood for similar but different services. We pay both for Animal Control, Police, Streets, and others. Do we get the same thing from both? No. If Crestwood Animal Control or Police need assistance they get it from St. Louis County. What it comes down to is what level of service the residents(not just you) feel comfortable with. I have not needed the services of our animal control officer (her name is Suzie Sutton by the way) but that doesn't mean I think she is not valuable. "Penny wise and pound foolish", If you rub those pennies together maybe eventually it will turn into a dollar. As for dinner, I just have your left overs tomorrow with someone special.

7:57 PM, February 26, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my. Is your horse suffering from indigestion?

"I don't want police. Because we already pay county tax. That is your moronic argument regarding animal control."

Didn't you write that??? Hmmm??? Let's review. "I don't want police."

and then you say

"I never said you didn't want police, just showing that we..."

My oh my!

8:26 PM, February 26, 2009  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Now kiddies, please do not take your eye off the target (excess spending in Crestwood!) This is an old LIBERAL TRICK, get you to focus on anything but the agenda!

Please stay on track!

Tom Ford

8:35 PM, February 26, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As said before I was using it as an example of dual services. I personally don't want to lose any services and am will to pay for them. It was an attempt at sarcasm that must have went over your head. Are you sure you got enough to eat. My plate is very full, maybe that is why you are so grumpy.

9:02 PM, February 26, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's use the words you use - dual services.

I think the world of our police department and fire department. I don't want to lose them either. It's true that county has police and Mehlville/Fenton/Affton have fire. But we choose to have our own services. I like our own services too.

Is animal control as vital as police and fire? Obviously no. It's a "nice to have" but not vital.

During this economic crunch, why not use county animal control?

I would eliminate the position, not the person, and move her within the department (Parks) when other openings occur. This is one time or one area when having dual services (county and Crestwood) could help Crestwood by saving money by using county services.

9:26 PM, February 26, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"move her within the department"

How would this save money?

9:41 PM, February 26, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, let's say something opens up within parks - a director or manager or someone retires. Move her to that position and eliminate animal control position. Basically, a 'semi'-lateral move for her and then we can remove animal control from the budget.

I also like Tom's idea - let County use our facilities. Any strays that county picks up in Crestwood can be placed in our facility.

Is the idea perfect? No, but some of the rough spots can be ironed out.

10:21 PM, February 26, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


"It was an attempt at sarcasm..." Yes, it was an attempt. A failed attempt, but an attempt.

10:02 AM, February 27, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure the majority of readers got it. I will try to make it easier for you to understand next time.

Maybe, you should have a different section for those who have trouble keeping up.

5:07 PM, February 27, 2009  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

5:07 PM blogger: "Remedial blogging" perhaps? Or an offer of a tutor to help over the rough posts?

I have no idea, but if we need it, it shall be done!

Tom Ford

5:42 PM, February 27, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I wouldn't be so sure. Some might call it sarcasm. Other might call it ... well just sad.

I'm glad you think you're funny, because I do too.

10:35 PM, February 27, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like Tom is going to start a "Remedial blogging" section just for you. So, he obviously got it.

9:05 AM, February 28, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just keep up the funny posts. You are entertaining.

10:12 AM, February 28, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7TH CIRCUIT UPHOLDS RED LIGHT CAMERA ORDINANCE. The city of Chicago (City) enacted a red light camera ordinance that provides if the driver of a motor vehicle runs a red light or makes an illegal turn the owner of the car is subject to a $90 fine. Plaintiffs challenge in U.S. District Court the constitutionality of the ordinance based on a violation of the equal protection clause and the due process clause. The City filed a motion for summary judgment that was sustained and the plaintiffs appealed to the 7th Circuit. The 7th Circuit held that substantive due process depends on the existence of a fundamental liberty interest noting that “there is no fundamental right to run a red light or avoid being seen on a camera on a public street.” The interest at stake, a $90 fine, for a traffic violation is so modest that it does not rise to the level of a property right subject to evaluation under substantive due process. The fine owed by the owner is rational in that it helps reduce the cost of enforcement and increases the proportion of all traffic offenses that are detected. The fact that the ordinance raises revenues does not condemn the ordinance. The procedures used to adjudicate these cases do not violate the due process clause since all of the defenses available under state law are available in this case. Idris et al., v. City of Chicago et al., (7th Cir., 08-1363, 01/05/09).

4:04 PM, March 03, 2009  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

4:04 PM blogger: Wonderful, the Chicago courts up-hold a new way to make money, imagine that! (they must be out of Senate seats.)

Now, in case you missed it, this is Missouri, different court system entirely, but let's let you have your way!

Once you get all the red light cameras up, we can then go for speed limit changes every 200 yards, and "auto changing" parking signs.

To really enhance the shopping experience in Crestwood, let's put up check cashing places, adult entertainment establishments, and 7-11 stores.

Now we do not wish to miss the opportunity for the citizens to contribute to the mix, so I think we need DWI check points on Sappington Rd.(in front of the City Hall, swim club complex,) and on Watson Rd. near as many restaurants as we can find!

What the heck, were already on the national speed trap registry, so why not go for the gold?

Now, if you think this is silly, your right, in fact it is just as silly as a red light camera district that used to be called Crestwood!

Find another way, get off the "ticket" band wagon your on and call for reductions in expenditures at the meeting coming up on March 12, 2009 (3:00-4:00PM)

What, you have to work and can't make the meeting you say? Well whatever you do don't blame City Hall, after all they tried to inform you, you just wouldn't come!

Tom Ford

4:59 PM, March 03, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know why you don't want DWI check points on Sappington.

9:43 PM, March 03, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They need to be on Watson in front of Malones. Roy and his boy, ya'know.

4:06 PM, March 05, 2009  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Revenue Committee member Marilee Sauer last week spoke on behalf of the committee and said the tax-rate increase could involve "an extension or continuation of Prop S" — a seven-year, 20-cent tax-rate increase approved in 2006. Aldermen have since rolled back the Prop S residential rate to 16.9 cents per $100.

"Our residents are well-educated," Sauer said. "I think what needs to be done is we just need to educate them."

Well, which is it Ms. Sauer, we are, or we must be? (educated that is.)

Oh well, it's a tax increase for sure!

Tom Ford

7:48 PM, March 08, 2009  

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