Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The BOA meeting, short report.

I am told that the following were the highlights of the Board meeting last night.

Mr, Charlie Berry was appointed provincial judge by the Mayor and agreed to by the majority of the Board. However one interesting thing is that when Alderman Nieder asked why this was needed, the Mayor waxed eloquently, "Because I can!" Now those are words to live by no doubt, but I think "His Honor" owes a more, shall we say comprehensive answer to all of us than that, NO?

City Attorney Rob Golterman actually brought a copy of the City Charter, as well as a copy of the Crestwood Code book, tab marked, and ready to render opinions! Can it be that he understands that those books should be standard equipment for a meeting, and he want's to do it right?

Alderman Greg Roby asked during the "new Business" section of the meeting for a motion to have all the Alderman forgo pay until the City finances are in better shape. Admirable to say the least if not doable (The Charter requires recompense for the Alderman and Mayor,) The City Attorney should have known that, and he did.) No second was forthcoming, hence it was dropped.

I find it interesting that Alderman Roby would make such a motion knowing full well that he will be out in two meetings, and that little effect would come to him. I do however think it's a grand idea, and I urge Alderman Roby, Bland, and the remaining "lame duck" Alderman to pick up their checks, and then sign them over to Crestwood to show good faith!

That's about it folks, a really quick hitter with no "Executive session" this time, that went well for all intents and purposes!

Tom Ford

NO. 613


Anonymous Anonymous said...

With respect to a show of good faith, I would suggest that the Alderman who personally took forward the Ethics Commission case sign-over his stipend to the City. As someone who aims to balance City expenditures with revenues, surely he would agree that the $4500 witch-hunt that he caused was not an optimal use of time, talent and treasure. Returning his paycheck to the City would repair the fiscal damage that this unwarranted action caused over the last number of months.

8:48 PM, March 25, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Saw that story in this week's Call.

Even though the Ethics Commission declared it to be a waste of time, I thought Mayor Robinson's veiled threats about suing people who file such complaints to be in poor taste. You won, Roy. Get over yourself.

I thought the Call's report on the candidates forum was an interesting read as well. Makes me sure who I'm voting for.

9:20 PM, March 25, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I live in Ward Two. I want to know if Alderman Kelsch still plans to run the resturant at the Sappington House Barn?

If so how can he represent me as an Alderman at City Hall if he can not vote on these issues due to his having a conflict of interest?

Sales Tax
Merchants Tax
Property Tax
Sign regulations
Anything to do with the Grants Trail operation that cuts through Ward Two.
Any Public Works spending that effects streets in or around any business in Crestwood.
Any vote that effects the hours of operation in Crestwood.
Any permit to sell booze
These are just a few of the conflicts of interest that he would have to not vote on if he runs the Barn and wins his election.

Mr. Kelsch may be a fine man and a good business man as well, but how can he be our voice in Ward Two if he can not vote on issues that effect us?

2:41 PM, March 26, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Because I can!"

the same reason he used to promote paillou to police chief

3:53 PM, March 26, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

why dont you get your facts straight before you make a lenghty post about Mike Kelsch. He is no longer involved in that. No one else is interested either from what I hear. So--it will sit idle while you all fume about the lady who lives there. Whatevs.

4:50 PM, March 26, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3:53. There are other police departments hiring I'm sure. Go apply

6:04 PM, March 26, 2009  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

4:50 PM blogger: We both know you cannot deny the fact that Alderman Kelsh wanted to run the Sappington House restaurant, can we.

Your right he did pull back from that, but as they say "like the ghost of Ceaser, He once was Ceaser." Ergo, I don't think the poster was out of line at all.

Tom Ford

7:14 PM, March 26, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3:53. how would my leaving change all the crap the mayor has done?

7:37 AM, March 27, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SAW that story in this week's Call.

The Call's report on the candidates forum convinced you to vote for specific candidate. Not much was reported but the opening introduction and the answer to the question about retiring the Prop S tax early.

Did the Prop S answers persuade you about who to vote for? Beezley and Kelsch want to keep the tax active until 2013.

10:01 AM, March 28, 2009  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

10:01 AM blogger: I am not sure if your asking me how I came to back a candidate or not, but if you were......

I believe we are in very serious times in Crestwood, and I believe we must have the candidates with the most Financial expertise we can find.

Fortunately we do have Mimi Duncan, and Darryl Wallach (both fully qualified) "elected" by virtue of no opposition, and we have three candidates who all (in my mind) fill the need with respect to the financial expertise Crestwood needs.

I am supporting the candidates who have demonstrated the ability to work with and understand LARGE numbers, and who I believe will be the very best qualifies to turn the corner for us, and they are:

Mimi Duncan

Darryl Wallach

Jeff Schlink

Paul Duchild

Steve Nieder.

Agree or dis-agree it's vital that you get out and vote in April as too many people have given their lives so that you can exercise that basic right.

Please use it, and join me at the poll's Tuesday April 7,2009!

2:54 PM, March 28, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My comment was referring to the comments made by the 9:20 pm march 25 th post.

Thanks for your reply though.

6:40 PM, March 28, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When and where did Kelsch say he was not going tp run the Sappington House Barn?

1:59 PM, March 29, 2009  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

1:59 PM blogger: I am not positive, but I understand Jim Eckrich said at a BOA meeting a short time ago that there were no applications to run the restaurant.

The request for proposals has been extended till the end of April, so we shall see who, if anyone hands in a proposal at that time.

I know it's thin, but at least it's a place to start.

Tom Ford

2:51 PM, March 29, 2009  

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