"His Honor's" rant against Alderman Nieder (audio version!)
You have read it in the Call, you have seen it here posted by me, AND NOW THE "REAL TIME AUDIO" of the exchange between Alderman Nieder, the City Attorney (Rob Golterman of Lewis Rice Fingerish,) and "His Honor!"
For all of you who have heard the mantra of the "Roy supporters," that Alderman Nieder was "out of line," please listen to this and tell me how that could be? I see Alderman Nieder as being one of the only ones to ask the real questions, and demand the real answers!
Please read the Call's printed version first for the EXACT EXCHANGE," and then click on the link attached for the same with the "venomous tone" expounded by "His Honor."
Well, there is a God! Someone has posted this on a site that I can link to! As they say, "now the movie folks!" Click on the header, and it's there now!
Tom Ford
NO. 603
For all of you who have heard the mantra of the "Roy supporters," that Alderman Nieder was "out of line," please listen to this and tell me how that could be? I see Alderman Nieder as being one of the only ones to ask the real questions, and demand the real answers!
Please read the Call's printed version first for the EXACT EXCHANGE," and then click on the link attached for the same with the "venomous tone" expounded by "His Honor."
Well, there is a God! Someone has posted this on a site that I can link to! As they say, "now the movie folks!" Click on the header, and it's there now!
Tom Ford
NO. 603
Link doesn't work"
It does now. Thanks for letting me know.
Tom Ford
It seems to me that the issue at hand is less about the personalities and more about how the Alderman wasn't present to represent his ward during the closed door session. It's clear from actions being recommended by the City Administrator that restructuring and personnel reductions are required to meet the budget. These actions require sensitive discussions prior to notifying the impacted personnel. As a resident, I would expect all elected officials to be in on these important discussions and not opt-out. As our elected representatives downsize and dismantle Crestwood, I would hope that they would at least be actively present through the end of their current terms.
If you want to see the list of draconian budget cuts that will need to be made based on current economic conditions, look at the City Administrator's summary that's included as part of the meeting materials for next week's Board meeting. For those who want cuts, I believe you'll find plenty, with no oxen left to be gored. Parks, Fire, Police, Streets, Animals, Vehicles, etc.
It is about to get very lean around these parts. This is what the majority of citizens have effectively asked for through the power of the ballot box. As these cuts are executed, we should expect our leaders to be "all-in." I would like a better understanding of why the alderman chose not to participate in what looks like will be the first of many personnel cut sessions to come. He, like all Board members, receives a packet of information to prepare for the upcoming session. I suspect that the City Administrator could have clarified any of the items in advance of the last meeting. To me, it seems like grandstanding on the part of the Alderman.
I personally have had enough of this kind of behavior, regardless of which seat on the dais from which it arises. I would like to see more contribution and less contamination. The current factional perspectives, some of which is stoked here on this blog, do not serve the broader interests of Crestwood. We certainly have gotten what we deserve ~ sheesh. In advance of the ballot action in April, truly think about who you want on the Board, and why you want them there.
12:52 PM March 5th
"It's clear from actions being recommended by the City Administrator that restructuring and personnel reductions are required to meet the budget. These actions require sensitive discussions prior to notifying the impacted personnel."
You are correct - the act of making cuts in personnel due to budget considerations do require sensitive discussions. However, these discussions must be held in public; this is not an option. Alderman Nieder was not grandstanding, he was seeking clarification on the city attorney's answer, because the answer given did not satisfy the statutory requirements of the Sunshine Law. Alderman Nieder stated that he saw nothing in the referenced memorandum that met the criteria established by the Sunshine Law. There is a big difference between eliminating a position due to budgetary concerns and firing someone due to performance issues. The former does not meet the criteria for closed sessions, the latter does.
One can safely assume that Alderman Nieder did not want to be part of a closed session whose legality he questioned.
Martha Duchild
12:52 PM blogger: ""It's clear from actions being recommended by the City Administrator that restructuring and personnel reductions are required to meet the budget."
I thank you as I have never seen that in print before, you must have the inside track on what will be done and said on Tuesday night.
Let's see if your right about what you believe will happen, because if you are I need you on my "cub reporter team for sure!
Tom Ford
Is Martha Duchild running for Alderman or is her husband? I am confused? Where are his comments? What are his positions. Why is she posting her comments on this particular blog?
6:15 Please review the City Administrator's Summary of 5 Year Cut memo that is on the website associated with the 3/10/2009 Board of Aldermen meeting. Within, you'll find the referenced language with respect to restructuring and cuts.
"One can safely assume that Alderman Nieder did not want to be part of a closed session whose legality he questioned."
5:32 I don't safely assume anything during election season.
6:17 PM blogger: Martha has posted here (under her real name) since this blog started!
You already know the answer to your question, and so does everyone else.
Face it, she is a woman who can take care of herself, married to a man who will be a great Alderman!
I trust you are not threatened by that, are you?
Tom Ford
6:24 PM blogger: Correct! Can it be that full and open Government has come to Crestwood?
Now that's the way to do it, no "closed session's," no up-setting the troops with conjecture, just the truth out there!
I applaud the wisdom of Mr. Eckrige for doing this one right!
Tom Ford
There is a Closed Session following Tuesday's Board of Alderman Meeting.
Eckrich Eckrich Eckrich
Let's not forget to dot the I and cross the T Tom.
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