Meeting of St. Louis League of Women Voters (click here.)
Please note that the candidates for "Alder person" (P/C person that I am) will have a chance to answer questions put forth by the St. Louis League of Women Voters, March 19, 2009 at the Crest view senior Living center, starting at 7;30 pm to 9:00 PM. I have linked to it so you may also see other meetings and agendas they have.
On of the questions I would like to see on that evening is how many elections have the candidates voted in over the past four years. I am thinking that if they are not out to vote, they certainly are not all that interested in Crestwood, or it's future, and thus a lesser choice in my mind. (for all my detractors, I have voted in EVERY election including the tax increase, Mayor, Alderman, ETC. (and if you have not, why not?) so I think it's a very fair question.)
At any rate, this is our one and only chance to see them perform under duress (minor as it is,) and thus could be a view into their plans and dreams for Crestwood, and if they have the will to cary them out!
Tom Ford
NO. 608
On of the questions I would like to see on that evening is how many elections have the candidates voted in over the past four years. I am thinking that if they are not out to vote, they certainly are not all that interested in Crestwood, or it's future, and thus a lesser choice in my mind. (for all my detractors, I have voted in EVERY election including the tax increase, Mayor, Alderman, ETC. (and if you have not, why not?) so I think it's a very fair question.)
At any rate, this is our one and only chance to see them perform under duress (minor as it is,) and thus could be a view into their plans and dreams for Crestwood, and if they have the will to cary them out!
Tom Ford
NO. 608
Well all I can say is WOW. This should be very entertaining. There is only one word the Candidates should be uttering and that is HELP. Warren Buffett himself couldn't bail us out of this mess. Besides Tom, you act like Crestwood is the only City suffering in this economy. If any candidate says they have the answer to our problems then why didn't they come forward with a solution before the ship was 3/4 under water. I guess it's a secret weapon to be used only during a campaign.
9:11 AM blogger: I act like what? Had you read the blog daily I have been saying that THE COUNTRY is in trouble, not only Crestwood!
But I guess you read what you want to, and not what is there.
Well, I trust the one word that will not be said is TAX INCREASE, because we still have a long way, and a lot of "adjustments" to make before I would consider that!
By the way, why hasn't the animal control officer been furloughed yet? We have the County, we have the Police Dept (which she tells people to call IF an animal shows up in her trap's) so why the on-going expense there?
Tom Ford
"Besides Tom, you act like Crestwood is the only City suffering in this economy."
Actually, most all cities, county's, and countries are hurting, but there is not much chance we can have ANY chance of influencing them. (I wonder how much chance we have here in Crestwood.) At least it is easy to get an appointment, and talk to the "people in charge" here.
I have posted on both the Presdents, and VP's sites, but, I've not heard a thing!
They both have blogs, but they are only one way.
Hey think we could call Mr Obama and make an appointment to talk to him? Of course I can't afford to go to Washington...maybe he'd send his plane to pick us up.
Well John, I seriously doubt that B. HUSEIN O. will send a plane for us (It's our aircraft, not his.)
But maybe San Fran nan pelosi has a broom fresh out of annual inspection that she would loan us!
I spent p[art of last weekend sending these fools TEA bags in the mail, only to find out today that they will never see them!
I do not plan to give up however (as I will never give up on Crestwood,) so it's off to the think tank for a better idea!
Tom Ford
You said: "I spent p[art of last weekend sending these fools TEA bags in the mail, only to find out today that they will never see them!"
Tom are you serious? You're becoming one of the village idiots.
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