Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Please click here to be directed to "His Honors" rant as posted in the Call.

Well, I said it before and I was told "you weren't there," but here it is in all it's fully quoted glory! What's that you say, well the exchange between Alderman Nieder, and The Mayor (the one I wasn't there for you know!)

It look's as if my remarks were right on target, as the tape recording of the Call reporter, Mr. Burke Wasson has picked up the entire exchange between Alderman Nieder, and "His honor!"

Folks, I hope to have the audio transcript from the tape of this exchange soon, and when I get it, it will appear here for your edification!

The editorial in the Call this week by Mr. Mike Anthony is 100% RIGHT ON TARGET, as it states that not only was Alderman Nieder correct in every respect, he was barred from legal knowledge by "His Honor" from requesting that our City Attorney perform the duties he was hired to do, namely "Advise the Board!"

As one of the 72% OF "ILLEGITIMATE" citizens who voted against the tax increase, I am not at all surprised, but I am saddened to see what has become of the City that I have called home for the past 40 years!

Tom Ford

NO. 602


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Utterly ridiculous. I read that exchange and was sick.

What's amazing to me is I heard from a few folks that Nieder was way out of line and Roy had to step in and stop it.

When I read that quoted word for word, I realize I heard wrong. Nieder was only asking a question. The city attorney and the mayor ought to be ashamed of themselves. Someone ought to gavel down Roy. He and Rob Golterman are the ones out of control. Not Nieder.

10:42 PM, March 04, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm confused. Is the mayor sending me to my room without dinner?

This miserable excuse for a mayor first said he was for a tax increase because we needed it; now he says he is not going to support any tax increase because we voted it down even though the city desperately needs it.

I guess my point is; who does the mayor work for? Himself or the city? Is he going to say "ha ha, I told you so??

7:43 AM, March 05, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Saying 'ha ha, I told you so' was pretty much what he did the other night. Anyone else notice during his rant that first he said he's done with asking taxpayers for more money, but then he quickly said the only way is if the people came to him and said an increase was needed. Real nice qualifier, Roy. Real nice. Your insincerity shines through. I'm sure we'll hear from him that the lowly serfs have come to him demanding a tax increase and he has no choice and blah blah blah. What a joke. Roy was born without a backbone.

8:00 AM, March 05, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe that would be without a backbone and a brain.

11:27 AM, March 05, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It appears that both the mayor and alderman Neider were out of line. The mayor for his interuption of discussion between the Attorney and the Alderman and Mr. Neider for refusing to accept the attorneys explanation and for allowing the mayor to get his goat.
Can we get a copy of the closed session memo?

2:30 PM, March 07, 2009  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

2:30 PM blogger: In a word, YES!

Go to City hall, ask Tina Flowers (City Clerk) for a Freedom of information act (or FOIA form,) fill it out with what you want to see, and it will be done!

I just picked up the billing (Dec. Jan.) from Lewis Rice and Fingerish (Golterman,) on Friday, and you would be amazed, believe me.

Tom Ford

4:16 PM, March 07, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It would be a great idea to post the monthly charges of Golterman and just exactly what he did to earn our money. If we are dealing with excess, don't come to me for a tax increase. Saving the city in all inclusive. This guy is not only out of touch with muni law, but totally inept. Money grubber comes to mind. Is this the best we can get? Can we get serious about this sometime soon?

12:58 PM, March 11, 2009  

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