Starting Sunday, March 29, 2009 I will be accepting the candidates position papers .
If you are a candidate, or if you have a favorite candidate please post their positions reference the Crestwood issues here on the blog.
If you wish to have a full thread with header, please E-mail me (see blog for address) with the reasons why you, (or your candidate) should be elected Alderman, I will post them here for you with NO CHANGE what so ever in your written post.
Let's see if we can work together to get the candidates positions on the issues out to the public.
As always, no language that is off color, and please keep it to the actual issues as this is not intended to be a "feel good about" forum, but rather what the candidate brings to the table for Crestwood !
Tom Ford
NO. 614
If you wish to have a full thread with header, please E-mail me (see blog for address) with the reasons why you, (or your candidate) should be elected Alderman, I will post them here for you with NO CHANGE what so ever in your written post.
Let's see if we can work together to get the candidates positions on the issues out to the public.
As always, no language that is off color, and please keep it to the actual issues as this is not intended to be a "feel good about" forum, but rather what the candidate brings to the table for Crestwood !
Tom Ford
NO. 614
Anycandidate that considers this blog to be a legitimate forum, will not receive my vote. This blog has supported and promoted uniformed, inaccurate, inflammatory, and libelous postings since day one. If a candidate considers any of the above to be appropriate,they will not have my vote. In addition,I will be certain to point it out to all of my neighbors.
3:14 Pm blogger: I guess you don't wish to post?
Tom Ford
I'm with you 3:14
I will vote for anyone who will stand up to the mayor and who will hold the Mayor, City Admin, the Board and City Att. to the standards and rules of the City Charter, City Codes and State law.
For example, can any show me where in the Charter or City Code book the Mayor has the power to appoint someone to a position like he just did Mr. Berry? I can not find the
position listed much less the power to create or appoint to that position.
So much for the oath of office to obey the Charter, so much for the hiring freeze and cuts in spending.
The BOA MUST stop this Mayor from breaking the Charter! Vote for anyone who has read the Charter and will hold the Government of Crestwood to obey it.
6:04 PM March 28
I believe you'll find your answer in section 15-3 (d) of Crestwood's Municipal Code. The Mayor, with the approval of the BOA, is allowed to appoint a provisional judge. In fact, he is allowed to appoint more than one provisional judge.
I'm not sure if he kept the provisional judge we already had or if that judge was replaced. If he did replace the provisional judge, I hope Mayor Robinson had the courtesy to provide a better explanation than the one he gave to alderman Nieder. "Because I can" is not the kind of response one expects to hear in a democratic setting.
Martha Duchild
OK 3:14 and 3:51, funny how you criticize this blog yet you still read it - and post to it.
Who is running for office Martha Duchild or Paul Duchild? I am confused. Is it a two for one deal? Is it like Bill and Hillary? Why does Martha post here and not Paul?
The provisional judge was sent a letter by Robinson explaining that his services are no longer required. When Robinson was asked how many times the provisional judge had been activated in the last five years the reply was zero.
As a side note, the provisional judge is compensated via the discretion of the city administrator. I hope the next BOA will use their legislative authority to mandate by ordinace a specific pay structure for the position of provisional judge.
We certainly don't need more friends of Roy on the salary.
11:04 PM March 28
If you take a drive through Ward 3, the answer to your question should be quite obvious.
To answer your other question, I don't believe it is a requirement for Crestwood aldermanic candidates to post their views on this website.
Martha Duchild
Thanks for the clarification Hillary.
"I am confused."
11:04 PM, March 28, 2009
Yes, you are.
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10:21 Am, 4/2 blogger: your gone, and rightfully so!
By the way, any chance of your parents getting a refund on your so called education? God knows they deserve it!
Tom Ford
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