Ward Two Aldermanic candidates positions. Click here to view the Call article reference same!
The Suncrest Call has a great article on the three candidates running for Ward Two Alderman. Please click on the header for same.
I have my idea of who I want for Alderman, but I suggest that each of you read the article and draw your own conclusions.
I will be offering each and every candidate, in all Wards a chance to give us their positions on the blog starting April 1, 2009. All they have to do is write to me via E-mail with their comments, and they will be posted verbatim.
If you have a favorite, please tell them to send me their position paper to: tford60@earthlink.net (April 1, or after) and it shall be posted!
Tom Ford
NO. 606
I have my idea of who I want for Alderman, but I suggest that each of you read the article and draw your own conclusions.
I will be offering each and every candidate, in all Wards a chance to give us their positions on the blog starting April 1, 2009. All they have to do is write to me via E-mail with their comments, and they will be posted verbatim.
If you have a favorite, please tell them to send me their position paper to: tford60@earthlink.net (April 1, or after) and it shall be posted!
Tom Ford
NO. 606
Here are the new Aldermen/women who will be seated in April, as they are UN-opposed.
Click on this and go to the article
Tom Ford
Thanks for the post, Tom.
Jeff Schlink looks like the man to beat in Ward 2, He clearly had the most dynamic answers. Seems like he wants to jump in and help right away.
Otherwise, I thought Kelsch's answers were pretty lame and recycled. Not much innovative thought there at all. Just a lot of the same ol' same ol' words we've been hearing for years. Crestwood doesn't need the same ol' ways. He also appeared to be bitter about the Prop 1 election and questioned if that election was really a true representation of the community. YES. It was.
Baker seems like a nice kid, but he needs more experience before he'd make a good board member.
The Kelsch view of Crestwood in his own words!
Kelsch said, "I supported and voted for Prop 1 ... Unfortunately, our city is faced with significantly declining revenues that will continue to shrink, resulting in a lower standard of living for our community. We may balance the budget in the end, but even poor people balance their budgets.
"They just have a lower standard of living. I do not support a substandard 'standard of living' for the citizens of Crestwood. Given low voter turnout and poor marketing, I also question if an accurate depiction of all of Crestwood was represented in that election. Furthermore, as our community continues to deteriorate, I am concerned that it didn't pass and that further cuts will need to be made affecting our safety and quality of life."
They just don't get it, do they! (fortunately 72% of us do!)
Please note the "poor people" crack, wonderful response to the problems we face Mr. kelsch, what's next, food stamps with the Mayors picture on them for the great unwashed?
Tom Ford
For what it's worth, I endorse Jeff Schlink for Alderman of Ward Two in the upcoming election of April 2009.
Mr. Schlink has expressed an interest in serving the citizens of Ward Two before when ran against me with a class race in which it was clear to me that he knew then the issues that faced the City.
I am glad he is running again and urge, for what it's worth, anyone in Ward Two who accepts my point of view with any value to vote for Jeff Schlink to be our Alderman of Ward Two.
p.s. Jeff, may I have one of your signs for my yard?
8:59AM blogger: I fully agree with Mr. Trueblood that the best person in Ward Two is Jeff Schlink!
Jeff will have my vote in April, and if your in Ward two, I hope you will join Mr. Trueblood, and me in voting for him.
Whatever you do this time out though, please get out and vote! Please do not be one of the 66% that do not, we owe it to our veterans to do it.
Tom Ford
He had my vote until Mr. Trueblood endorsed him. I partially blame him for the mess we're in mow. I know you're not going to like that Tom but that's my opinion.
1:29 mess we are in "mow"?
Chuckle chuckle, snicker.
1:29 PM blogger: It's your call, not mine, but surly you do realize that Jeff Schlink IS THE BEST we have to choose from.
Are you willing to cast aside a good man to get back at someone?
Think about it.
Tom Ford
I hear you Tom, but I'm willing to give Mr. Kelsh a chance. He has not had enough time as far as I'm concerned to prove himself. That kid running seems like a breath of fresh air too. I've heard some poor things about Mr. Shlink in past elections also that kind of turn me off. Anybody can say anything to the paper and do an about face after being elected, and then throw in Trueblood's endorsement on top of everything else and I run scared. Even you have to admit that in the past you were not a fan of Tim Trueblood and his politics.....with all due respect.
I meant "now". Sorry
Did you also mean Schlink instead of "Shlink"? I am sure such supporters as you will welcomed with open arms by the Mayors appointment, Mr. Kelsch.
I was impressed with Jeff Schlink's answers in the Call's candidate profile. He seems to have a firm grasp on city issues.
One blogger noted that they heard negative comments about me. I'm very curious if they can provide any specifics. I believe that I have always respected those that I have run against in the past. I can't imagine what would be passed as a negative rumor since I have always been very candid with my responses. I have run into false information being published before. If anyone has a question regarding my position on any issue or a rumor they heard, please call me, 984-9117, Jeff Schlink. If you contact me, I will ask if I can publish the rumor and my response (you can remain anonymous if you prefer). We can fight misinformation. As I have mentioned before, I support the Sunshine law! So lets get it out into the sun!
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