Thursday, April 23, 2009

The word on the street (in certain circles) has Best Buy looking at the property in S unset Hills where the old Comp USA was.

The rumor has it that the Sansone Group would love to fill that area across from The St. Louis bread Company, and soon.

Sounds scary doesn't it? well in fact the Best Buy store on Watson Crestwood is one of their more profitable locations, and is a drawing card all to itself. That means no matter what the Crestwood Courts project does, or doesn't do, they will continue to be very much a player in Crestwood!

Best Buy has been a leader in the "Tax Holiday" sales program here, and is fully cognizant of the fact that Crestwood will be there for them now, and in the future, so I wouldn't hold too much faith in the rumor if, and when you hear it.

Times being what they are you can expect to hear all sorts of rumors when it comes to business, but I will tell you that 95% of them will be just that, a rumor.

So the next time you need an appliance, electronic item, or whatever, shop Best Buy, and tell the manager your from Crestwood, and you appreciate his store being here!

By the way, if you buy an "energy star certified" appliance this week until Saturday night, there is NO TAX (in Missouri.)

Tom Ford

NO. 624


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, they would and they are going to ask for a CID to renovate the COMP-USA and the soon to be vacated World Market space. Best Buy and Trader Joes are in the mix.

The two generate around $1,000,000 in sales tax a year for Sunset Hills... You bet they will do what ever is needed to make that happen.

9:52 PM, April 28, 2009  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

You are right of course, they will seek the cheapest rent, ETC they can find, but I think we have a better location (I hope.)

It's one of the things I have never understood (sunset hills/Crestwood chamber of commerce.) Sunset Hills is not on our side, they are for themselves (and they should be.)Why we continue to partner with them, I don't know.

I still say let's tell the manager and the store personnel we enjoy shopping there, and we like having them right where they are at, can't hurt.

Tom Ford

7:06 PM, April 29, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will Crestwood support the same type of assistance packagage if Best Buy wants to expand and renovate in Crestwood?

10:05 AM, May 01, 2009  

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