Friday, May 29, 2009

"Kitty kenneled at Crestwood facility, or where oh where is animal control?

Please click on the header to view a letter (scroll down) from a Crestwood resident reference the state of Crestwood's animal control kennel, and the fact that the writer does not like our police picking up animals!

Well I agree with the latter comment about our police having to "pick up animals" completely! I as well as you are paying a rather exorbitant salary to an animal control officer who, I am told is "out of position" quite a lot (on or off vacation) thus making it necessary for the police to do the job.

I have stated many times before that we are paying two salaries to "animal control" personnel (Crestwood, and St. Louis county!) Why do we need both? Who in heavens name can explain that?

Your Honor, and the Board, please remember we are looking for ways to CUT EXPENSES as were loosing tax revenue, why not start by saving a salary, a car expense, gasoline, insurance, and eliminate the Crestwood animal control position for once and for all? Face it, the letter writer isn't happy, and I dare say she speaks for 90% of Crestwood who also cannot understand why we have an animal control officer in the first place!

Tom Ford

NO. 636


Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

I spoke to a volunteer of the animal control shelter yesterday about the "letter to the editor," and to say the least she was not happy!

Who can blame her, they give their time and get low rated in the local bird cage liner for it!

I happen to have what I believe will be the answer to the so called "stench" problem the writer complained of, and that is an "air purifier."

If the volunteers would like to use it at the shelter, I will deliver it, set it up and show them how to use it.

I have sold a large number of these units to homeowners who have pet's and not one has returned a unit yet.

So if you want to use it, pleas contact me (the E-mail is on this blog) and it shall be done.

Tom Ford

10:19 AM, May 31, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does she really think we have a terrorist problem in Crestwood? I have had at least one pet for the last ten years and have never had to go to animal control. But, then again I've also never been arrested. She is the same type of person that commits a crime and then complains about the conditions in jail. Don't break the law don't go to jail. Don't let your cat/dog off your property without a leash and you won't have to experience animal control ever again. Have you ever been to the Human Society? Doesn't smell like rose. All she did was make a case to keep animal control in Crestwood. "Hi, I'm an irresponsible animal owner and because so I don't like the authority to which I must answer." She saw her neighbors cat also. Apparently their must be enough people on her block that are tired of their animals running around. She probably would complain to an officer that he should pull her over for a speeding ticket he should be catching rapist and murderers. They could if it weren't for irresponsible people like her.

6:57 PM, June 02, 2009  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

6:57 PM blogger: Well yes, I agree that the writer seems to think that her "pet" is a bit more special than any other in town.

An animal loose is not a clear and present danger, but that said, a civilized society must make sure that they are not "sick," or vicious, and thus a "threat to children!"

"Stench?" Has anyone here ever been to a "breeder," and caught a whiff of their facilities? I have, and, well......

Tom Ford

7:59 PM, June 02, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That should read "he shouldn't pull her over."

8:53 PM, June 02, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps we could reduce the salary of the animal control officer to pay for an air filtration system.

I am shocked, just shocked, that anyone dare criticize our wonderful animal control. Just shocked.

3:25 PM, June 03, 2009  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

No need to reduce anything for the "air filtration" system! If you read above I have offered to donate it, install it, and if needed maintain it for FREE!

The real surprise is that there have been no takers as of yet!

Tom Ford

4:59 PM, June 03, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A veery gracious offer indeed. Please leave your offer on the table as there are people in this community who are seriously discussing doing something to rectify our current animal control deficiencies.
Thanks again

6:52 PM, June 03, 2009  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

6:52 PM blogger: The offer stands until someone in authority tells me to forget it!

I have these in hospitals, animal clinics, gymnasiums, and homes where people are allergic to animals, and I have yet to find someone who doesn't think they work!

Tom Ford

7:46 PM, June 03, 2009  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Out of the shadows came two animal control volunteers to write responses in the "red paper on the lawn" better known as the Times.

I must admit that I didn't know that all but the animal control officer were volunteers! This is great for them,a great service to the animals, and Crestwood!

It seems to me that since we have the kennels staffed by all volunteers, we can now dispense with the position of animal control officer, and save $50,000.00 plus car, gas, and insurance.

My thanks to all those who serve, and have served Crestwood, and the animal kingdom without the proper recognition for these past years, I am very proud of your willingness to give of your time and efforts in this worthy cause!

Tom Ford

2:25 PM, June 05, 2009  

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