Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Wildwood nix's City Hall and Target plans (click here for the story!)

Wildwood residents want their community to stay as it was when they first incorporated in 1995. I think they are on to something here, after all they have a very good handle on spending, and they really don't need a new City Hall, do they.

I would respectfully request that our mayor and Aldermanic representative's take a page from this group, and wait until we can get the right deal without the TIF, TDD, CID programs that deplete the coffers via extra tax at P.O.P.

What's your take on this?

Tom Ford

NO. 632


Anonymous Anonymous said...

go to and help Lindbergh high school win a face lift for their baseball field

5:29 PM, May 14, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see these won't be built. Every year, people move fsaarther and farther out, and pre-existing ones like Crestwood lose more and more retail dollars. Our Aldermanic board should step up and try to lure those stores over here.

2:14 AM, May 15, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

using what lure?

8:01 AM, May 15, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

05.15.2009 5:06 pm
Fenton shopping center’s debt is downgraded
By David Nicklaus
St. Louis Post-Dispatch

Sales are up this year at the Gravois Bluffs shopping center in Fenton, but Fitch Ratings thinks the closing of the nearby Chrysler plant has made the project a riskier investment.
Fitch downgraded Gravois Bluffs’ debt today to BBB-minus, its lowest investment-grade rating, from A-minus. Fitch says the lower rating

reflects the increasingly competitive regional retail market and local economic pressures. Housing market volatility and automotive sector employment declines may make this project especially vulnerable over the longer term.

Fitch also downgraded a related Fenton TIF bond issue. Between the two bond issues, sales taxes from the shopping center support $57.5 million in debt.
On the positive side, Fitch notes that sales tax revenue at Gravois Bluffs rose 10.4 percent in the first four months of this year, partly because some new stores opened.

Is the City of Crestwood next?

5:57 PM, May 19, 2009  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

5:57 PM blogger: Well Crestwood will be next if we are foolish enough in this economy to grant a TIF, TDD, CID to Crestwood Courts.

The game is up here on all the developer tools, and it's about time we realize it. When they bought the property they knew what they were doing, so let them anti up the funds to complete it.

At some point we will out tax Chicago (it's already at 8 cents plus in the TIF areas,) and then the shoppers will go elsewhere, think about it.

Are we next, well that's up to us, and the BOA. I say, call your Alderman and tell them how you come down on this as we all need to stand firm on this one!

Tom Ford

7:18 PM, May 19, 2009  

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