The 4th of July arrives next weekend, my favorite holiday (click here.)
Ladies and Gentlemen, the Nations birthday is fast approaching, and to that end I would like to make a remark intended for all of us.
I know full well that some of us are hurting, some of us are without a job, and some of us are very worried about the future of our children, and when you consider the state of the economy, no wonder!
The politics involved in this boondoggle (in Washington) are beyond any normal comprehension, but we can safely say that it will take all of us to stop the foolishness in Washington.
That said, please do not dispare, as we have seen this before, survived the idiocy, and moved on to a better Nation because of it. We will do it again, and that is why I thought that the old Jimmy Cagney rendition of "Yankee doodle dandy" was a great way of saying what I believe. I hope you enjoy it.
Tom Ford
NO. 641
I know full well that some of us are hurting, some of us are without a job, and some of us are very worried about the future of our children, and when you consider the state of the economy, no wonder!
The politics involved in this boondoggle (in Washington) are beyond any normal comprehension, but we can safely say that it will take all of us to stop the foolishness in Washington.
That said, please do not dispare, as we have seen this before, survived the idiocy, and moved on to a better Nation because of it. We will do it again, and that is why I thought that the old Jimmy Cagney rendition of "Yankee doodle dandy" was a great way of saying what I believe. I hope you enjoy it.
Tom Ford
NO. 641
"Cap and trade bill!
This bill is an absolute nightmare, and will result in nothing short of sheer destruction of American business and industry, and will exponentially increase energy costs for individuals and families of all income levels from coast to coast.
For background information, including an assessment of the likely costs of the legislation, check out a previous piece here at America's Right, The Exponentially Increasing Costs of a Manufactured Environmental Crisis, as well as a companion piece, 'Green' Spokesmouths Need to Curb Emissions. A quick breakdown of some of the expected costs:
* The typical family of four will see its direct energy costs rise by over $1,500 per year.
* Pain at the electric meter will cause consumers to reduce electricity consumption by 36 percent. Even with this cutback, the electric bill for a family of four will be $754 more that year and $12,200 more in total from 2012 to 2035.
* The higher gasoline prices will have forced households to cut consumption by 15 percent, but a family of four will still pay $596 more that year and $7,500 more between 2012 and 2035.
* In total, for the years 2012-2035, a family of four will see its direct energy costs rise by $22,800. These inflation-adjusted numbers do not include the indirect energy costs consumers will pay as producers are forced to raise the price of their products to reflect the higher costs of production. Nor does the $22,800 include the higher expenditure for such things as more energy-efficient cars and appliances or the disutility of driving smaller, less safe vehicles or the discomfort of using less heating and cooling.
* As the economy adjusts to shrinking GDP and rising energy prices, employment will take a big hit. On average, employment is lower by 1,105,000 jobs. In some years cap and trade reduces employment by nearly 2.5 million jobs.
* The negative economic impacts accumulate, and the national debt is no exception: Waxman-Markey will drive up the national debt 29 percent by 2035. This is 26 percent above what it would be without the legislation and represents an additional $29,150 per person, or $116,600 for a family of four.
* To reiterate, these burdens come after adjusting for inflation and are in addition to the $450,000 per family of federal debt that will accrue over this period even without cap and trade.
Find your representative's office number HERE. Call it. Call it NOW. It doesn't matter if they are a Democrat, a Republican, or somewhere in between. Let them know that their vote on this disastrous bill is a bona fide determinative factor when it comes to their re-election in 2010. Support means they're going home, plain and simple.
I cannot stress enough exactly how devastating this piece of legislation is. Frankly, I am absolutely astounded that something so detrimental to our national economy is even being considered nonetheless voted upon, even by Democrats.
This is winnable for concerned Americans like you and like me. Let's make sure this doesn't make it out of the House.
Tom Ford
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