Sunday, June 21, 2009

Ladies and Gentlmen, the B.O.A. agenda for June 23,2009.

One thing I see on the agenda for Tuesday night is the ever popular "Car Port Ordinance!"

We have pressing things to consider budget wise (such as the Sappington House, and the Animal control officer,how to make up for the Plaza shortfall) but we shall take up the matter of who has what in their carport!

Now I know that none of us want to see old furniture, refrigerators, washing machines in a carport, and frankly I haven't seen one yet in Crestwood unless it's going in the trash.

Ladies and Gentlemen of the Board, and you Honor, is this the best use of your time and efforts next Tuesday, or should you be looking into HOW TO SAVE EXPENSES? You tell me.

Tom Ford

NO. 640


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