Thursday, July 09, 2009

Click here to read the OP Ed by Mr. mike Anthony! That's a bingo if ever I read one!

As you look at the editorial you will see some basic truths being revealed that are un-deniable! For instance we have Mr. Miller taking credit (this weeks Call) for things that are clearly outside his scope of power (see last post.)

But it doesn't stop there! No indeed, now we have the Board President, Mr. Chris Pickel showing "selective indignation" when it comes to the Police board. He is "outraged" by the "insult," that the other Alderman would have the audacity to question the "authority" of the Police board, Please!

Mr. Anthony asks the question where was Mr. Pickel when the Civil Service Board wanted to launch an investigation? Good question! Does anyone have any idea when Mr. Pickel will answer that one?

I believe "his honor," Mr Chris Pickel,should tell the non elected board members that they should start understanding that while we all appreciate their service`, they do not make policy for Crestwood, The Board does!

If you are a "board, commission member," and you want to make the laws, run for Alderman in your ward, failing that, go to your meetings, ask your questions, and let the duly elected Board do their job, minus the inane rant's!

Tom Ford

NO. 648


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope all of the aldermen read the editorial. It highlighted an important fact: when any of the various city boards submit proposed changes to existing laws or suggest new legislation, they do so in an adivsory capacity. The right to create and adopt bills rests solely with the elected aldermen.

Alderman Foote's opinion that aldermen should not involve themselves with minutae is at odds with the job he and the other aldermen were elected to do. If they do not concern themselves with the minutae before they create and adopt laws, who will? The board members are the last step in the legislative process, so it is incumbent upon them to ensure that the bills they pass have been carefully scrutinized.

Martha Duchild

7:46 PM, July 12, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My, how the shoe fits different when it's on your own foot doesn't it Alderman Foote?
When you were one of us in the unwashed crowd and not an Alderman, you expected the aldermen to know ever detail about a bill before they voted on it. Remember Mr. Foote what you said in those days before you were always trying to get your own foot out of your own mouth?

8:57 PM, July 12, 2009  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Minutae is the essence of the job of Alderman! Remember the old "for want of a nail the shoe was lost?"

Well for lack of a complete and honest oversight on the part of our elected officials, the City could be lost!

Drama queen? Maybe, but I want elected officials making the call, not a bunch of unaccountable faces ( I know, I was one) appointed by the Mayor to pay off a perceived political debt.

Now, what say you to that Aldemanic President Pickle? Have you sufficiently recovered from your "selective outrage" to make a comment on this subject?

Tom Ford

5:39 PM, July 13, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Although I understand that advisory boards within the city carry no legislative authority, they are also not uneducated individuals. There are and have been some very well educated, levelheaded and qualified individuals who have served on city volunteer boards. And since you are talking about the Police Dept code issue, I believe a number of the board members have served for several years and therefore should have a higher level of operational knowledge of the police force than members of the Board of Aldermen. Case in point: How much police experience do Aldermen Miguel and Duchild have and other than being Aldermen, what credentials qualify their decisions to be any more correct than those who sit on the police board? But then again, we have learned through the history of our city that not all the decisions made by our Aldermen have produced positive results for our city. We can only hope that the citizens stay informed and involved.

2:22 PM, July 16, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Although I understand that advisory boards within the city carry no legislative authority, they are also not uneducated individuals.

Well it seems as though the police board believes they are not significant since part of the new code states the board wants to meet as required instead of meeting once a month. It was not made clear in the new code what would require them to meet. Again an indication nothing important is accomplished at the meetings. Read the minutes of a few of the meetings and I think you will understand not much is accomplished.

The new code removes the requirement for the Chief of Police to report to the board once a month which he has failed to do since becoming the chief. ASk the chief why he does not feel it necessary to report activities to the BOA who represent the people who pay his salary. IF the chief has nothing to report to the citizens of Crestwood perhaps we don't require his services.

I would suggest you review closely what the recommendations are. A previous recommendation from the police board resulted in raises for the police department the city could not afford.

4:22 PM, July 16, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wonder who has the negatives of who up at City Hall?

The Mayor has them of the Chief or the Chief has them of the Mayor?

5:14 PM, July 16, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The chief is mearly the butt boy of the mayor. he only needs to report to roy not the ca or board.

1:04 PM, July 17, 2009  

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