Sunday, August 09, 2009

BOA meeting on August 11, 2009 (notice the property tax section!) Click here.

Ladies and gentlemen, there will be a rather important Board meeting on Tuesday, August 11, 2009 at 7:00 PM. As you can see when you click on the header one of the items mentioned (under the staple) is an ordnance for "property tax rates!"

Interesting considering ALL of our home values have decreased thanks to this "recession / depression we are currently in, so will the County assessor take that into consideration, and will the Board also look at it? We shall see on the 11th.

Tom Ford

NO. 655


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I certainly hope the BOA increases the tax rate for Prop S to obtain only the required revenue to make the final payment for 2010.

During the year of 2010 the BOA can end the tax as promised.


8:04 PM, August 09, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What about the BOA voting to change civil service rules for employees working for someone running for office in Cresgtwood?
Charter says that a change like this must be in the form of an Amendments, not by ordiance.
Charter violation anyone?

3:36 PM, August 10, 2009  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

The Board voting to change the rules in violation of the charter is in a word ridiculous! They are voting to break the charter, and as such will have gone against the "will of the people!"

How do they do that? Well easy if we let them. Write ro every BOA member and tell them to leave the City Charter alone, we like it just the way it is, thank you!

Tom Ford

4:09 PM, August 10, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Or, if they feel the need for change is really needed, put it on the ballot for the voters to approve, as the Charter itself outlines.

7:33 PM, August 10, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The real question is who are these people on the civil service board. Oh! Thats right. Kevin King, Carol Wagner and Steve Knarr are recent appointments by the mayor.

Where is the work that was completed by previous CSB?

Why wasn't the work presented to BOA?

9:26 PM, August 10, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I fear this change will allow the Firefighters Union to hold sway in our future election, but now out in the open vs as in the past behind closed doors.
Why not does as the Charter calls for, Amend it by the vote of the citizens of Crestwood. With one catch, the admendment if approved does go into effect until the last elected official currently in office has left office.

10:49 PM, August 10, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:26 PM August 10

Where is the work from the previous CSB? I can answer that.

The chapter that the previous BOA requestd of the previous CSB was reviewed by the department heads and the city attorney. It was ready for approval in August of 2008, but the Civil Service board membership changed. The mayor and the city administrator were given copies of the draft chapter so that the new CSB members could review it and make whatever changes they felt necessary before presenting it to the BOA.

Instead, the city administrator drafted his own version, and did not give the CSB a copy of the draft version that the previous CSB created. That is what happened.

Martha Duchild

9:33 AM, August 11, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alright, enough already Martha. You are starting to sound like another Crestwood Swimm Club issue.
It's History. Custer was defeated at the Battle of the Little Big Horn and we can't change that either. Let it go. Life is too short and to harbor annimosity over an issue like CSBis not good for your health.

10:32 AM, August 11, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:32 AM August 11

You're reading way too much into my response. Someone asked a question, I answered it. No animosity, just the facts.

Martha Duchild

12:50 PM, August 11, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But the fact is Martha and others, the BOA does not have the power to change Section 13.2 of the Charter by passing a bill.
The way to change the Charter is outlined in Section 13.7 of the Charter. Regardless of how you feel about Section 13.2, it can not be changed except by Section 13.7 is followed.
If the BOA feels strong about the need to change Section 13.2 all they have to do is to pass a bill putting the change on a ballot and then get the voters to see it their way.

3:27 PM, August 11, 2009  

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