Saturday, August 15, 2009

A quiz, "who am I?" please read it all the way to the bottom for the answer.

This was sent to me by a reader of this blog and I felt it was worthy of passing on to everyone who reads it. The sender wishes to remain anonymous and we shall respect his/her wishes.

Subject: Fwd: GUESS WHO I AM ? ?

I was born in one country, raised in another. My father was born in another
country. I was not his only child. He fathered several children with
numerous women.

* I became very close to my mother, as my father showed no interest in
me. My mother died at an early age from cancer.

* Later in life, questions arose over my real name.

* My birth records were sketchy and no one was able to produce a
legitimate, reliable birth certificate.

* I grew up practicing one faith but converted to Christianity, as it was
widely accepted in my country, but I practiced non-traditional beliefs &
didn't follow Christianity, except in the public eye under scrutiny.

* I worked and lived among lower-class people as a young adult,
disguising myself as someone who really cared about them.

* That was before I decided it was time to get serious about my life and
I embarked on a new career.

* I wrote a book about my struggles growing up. It was clear to those who
read my memoirs that I had difficulties accepting that my father abandoned
me as a child.

* I became active in local politics in my 30's then with help behind the
scenes, I literally burst onto the scene as a candidate for national office
in my 40s. They said I had a golden tongue and could talk anyone into
anything. That reinforced my conceit.

* I had a virtually non-existent resume, little work history, and no
experience in leading a single organization. Yet I was a powerful speaker
and citizens were drawn to me as though I were a magnet and they were small
roofing tacks.

* I drew incredibly large crowds during my public appearances. This
bolstered my ego.

* At first, my political campaign focused on my country's foreign policy.
I was very critical of my country in the last war and seized every
opportunity to bash my country.

* But what launched my rise to national prominence were my views on the
country's economy. I pretended to have a really good plan on how we could
do better and every poor person would be fed & housed for free.

* I knew which group was responsible for getting us into this mess. It
was the free market, banks & corporations. I decided to start making
citizens hate them and if they were envious of others who did well, the plan
was clinched tight.

* I called mine "A People's Campaign" and that sounded good to all

* I was the surprise candidate because I emerged from outside the
traditional path of politics & was able to gain widespread popular support.

* I knew that, if I merely offered the people 'hope', together we could
change our country and the world.

* So, I started to make my speeches sound like they were on behalf of the
downtrodden, poor, ignorant to include "persecuted minorities" like the
Jews. My true views were not widely known & I needed to keep them unknown,
until after I became my nation's leader.

* I had to carefully guard reality, as anybody could have easily found
out what I really believed, if they had simply read my writings and examined
those people I associated with.

* I'm glad they didn't. Then I became the most powerful man in the
world. Then the world learned the truth...

*Who am I? *



Scary, isn't it.

Tom Ford

NO. 658


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Letter to the president
Obama said in his Cairo speech, "I know, too, that Islam has always been a part of America's story.

Dear Mr. Obama

Were those Muslims in America when the pilgrims first landed?
Funny, I thought they were Native American Indians.

Were those Muslims that celebrated the first Thanksgiving day? Sorry again, those were pilgrims and Native American Indians.

Can you show me ONE Muslim signature on the United States Constitution? Declaration of Independence? Bill of Rights? Didn't think so.

Did Muslims fight for this country's freedom from England? NO

Did Muslims fight during the Civil War to free the slaves in America? NO, they did not, and in fact Muslims to this day are the largest traffickers in human slavery. Your own "half brother", a devout Muslim, still advocates slavery himself, even though Muslims of Arabic descent refer to black Muslims as "pug nosed slaves" Says a lot of what the Muslim world really thinks of your family's rich Islamic heritage", doesn't it, Mr Obama?

Where were Muslims during the Civil Rights era of this country? NOT PRESENT. There are no pictures or media accounts of Muslims walking side by side with Martin Luther King Jr. or helping to advance the cause of Civil rights.

Where were Muslims during this country's Woman's Suffrage era? Again, NOT PRESENT. In fact, devout Muslims demand that women are subservient to men in the Islamic culture. So much so that they are beaten for not wearing the "hajib' or for talking to a man that is not a direct family member or their husband. Yep, them Muslims are all for woman's rights aren't they?

Where were the Muslims during World War II? They were aligned with Adolph Hitler. The Muslim Grand Mufti himself met with Hitler, reviewed the troops and accepted support from the Nazi's in killing Jews.

Finally, Mr. Obama, where were the Muslims on Sept 11th? If they weren't flying planes into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, or a field in Pennsylvania killing more than 3,000 people on our own soil, they were rejoicing in the middle east. No one can dispute the pictures shown from all parts of the Muslim world celebrating on CNN, Fox News, MSNBC and other news networks that day. Strangely, the very "moderate Muslims" who's assets you bent over backwards to kiss in Cairo Egypt on June 4th were stone cold silent post 9-11. To many of us Americans, their silence has meant approval for the acts of that day.

And THAT, Mr. obama is the "rich heritage" Muslims have here in America Your made-up history as told in Cairo is simply that, the fiction that exists in your own mind.

How do you say "we're screwed in Arabic"

4:02 PM, August 16, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

More hatemongering on this blog. Sad that you people are the only ones who go to the board of alderman meetings.

5:05 PM, August 16, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

liberal def. of hate mongering, "stating historical fact without concern of the facts P.C".

5:10 PM, August 16, 2009  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

5:05 PM blogger: Hate mongering? Did you read anything in that message that showed hate?

Answer, no you did not, all you saw was a group of simple, undeniable fact's written by a person who knows the facts.

Now as you seem to think it's "hate," I will personally challenge you to refute (if you can) any thing said so far in this thread. Give us all the benefit of your vast wisdom, not your "touchy,feely remarks!

Gee, last time I heard it's still a free country and liberals still have the right to be heard at City Hall, so gather your ever shrinking circle of friends and come to the meetings!

Tom Ford

5:25 PM, August 16, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yawn. okay lets call it propaganda. Hitler was good at disseminating propaganda, too. Just like the blog!

2:00 PM, August 17, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2:00 "propaganda"? If what was said is something you dont like or agree with, does that make it propaganda?

Define the word propaganda.

Are any of the items listed by Mr. Ford false? If so which ones.

Do you disagree with any of Mr. Fords statements, if so is it because they are not historical correct. For what reason do you disagree?

3:32 PM, August 17, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just as Hitler used platitudes so does Barack O.

Please identify one piece of legislation Mr. Obama created and was able to pass while in congress

Bet you cannot.

6:21 PM, August 17, 2009  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

2:00 PM blogger: Gee, you can't refute a thing that was said because it's all true!

Now as a good card carrying little liberal you move on to personal attacks. To paraphrase you, "sad!"

I am not sure where you were educated, or who paid for it, but you may well want to look into getting a refund as it seems to have fallen short of the mark here!( We all know I am but an uneducated blue collar worker from the second ward, but you MUST be more than that, else you could not be a liberal!)

Go yo the library, look on line, there are many historical facts that speak for themselves, and, just think you read two of them here (Even though you choose not to believe them!)

Post on my friend, we all enjoy your missives!

Tom Ford

8:19 PM, August 17, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just find it shocking what the response is to true historical facts by the whose who dislike how and who founded the USA. Their disfavor is so great that those who dare site those truths are called hate mongers. Is that done in order to deny the truth?

That is not to say our founders perfect or to raise them to sainthood, but to make the claim President Obama did in Cairo Egypt, makes Mr. Obama's vision of history clouded at best.


8:23 PM, August 17, 2009  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

An editorial from the Waco, Texas newspaper. Now this as "bi-partisan" as it get's!

Subject: August 16 Waco Tribune-Herald Editorial--Excerpt

The health care reform debate is far too important to let dubious
special-interest groups and extremist political arms confuse and frighten
Americans, who tell pollsters the issue is already thoroughly
It's also too important an issue for Obama to
continue pushing with such abandon.
Our feeling is the president needs first to push
for the bipartisanship he so movingly promised on the campaign trail but
has unfortunately not demanded from Democratic leaders on Capital Hill
since his election.
Now, because he hasn't done much to truly reach
across the aisle to include Republicans and seems determined to rush any
and all legislation into passage, health care reform is in serious
danger of collapse, thanks to bad information, bad feelings and bad
Whos knows what health care costs and premiums
will be before Congress and the White House again summon the courage to
tackle this problem?
This is a huge issue that could impact the lives
and well-being of us all, and in our most vulnerable moments, especially
with health care costs skyrocketing. It's and issue that needs deep
study and extensive debate--and not some mad scramble to passage amid
roars of discontent, anger and, yes, fear by so many Americans.

Tom Ford

8:53 PM, August 17, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's been some time since I visited this site and now I remember why. Won't be back unless I get a sudden yen for a freak show.

Land of the Free, Home of the Brave. Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses...I lift my lamp beside the golden door. What a joke.

It's amazing how easy it is to frighten and stampede Americans into pettiness, paranoia and xenophobia. Were this the 1800's you would be alarmed about the chinks, the potato-eaters (awkward for you, Ford) and the Jew-boys.
Oh, wait. Some of you are still alarmed about the chinks and Jew-boys. Too smart; too rich. (Hey, did you know Emma Lazarus was a Jew?)

I love how you selectively cite history. Kinda like how you pick and choose which Bible passages are relevent.

Kinda like how you go all ape-shit at the possibility of YOUR tax dollars funding birth control and abortion. If, however, I object to MY tax dollars funding an illegal and immoral war started to benefit well-connected profiteers then I must be a soldier hating traitor.

Kinda like how you declare out one side of your mouths that the government should get out of our lives...unless they want to tap our phones, review our library choices, monitor our cell phones and internet protect us from terrorists. Of course anyone who looked at the actual numbers would see that the greatest danger to Americans are other Americans. We murder one another far more efficiently and in far greater numbers than terrorists have managed thusfar.

Where were the Muslims on the first Thanksgiving? At home. They had not invaded this country to exploit and brutalize the natives.

Where were the Muslims during the Civil War? Dunno. Don't know where the Buddists were either. Guess they didn't think it was their place to take sides in our civil war. A war where half of our stellar citizens fought the other stellar half over the right to kidnap and enslave human beings.

Where were the Muslims during WWII? Aligned with Hitler? You mean like the Italians? Clearly all Italians are suspect.

Where were the Muslims during the Civil Rights movement? Where were your and yours? Holding the attack dog leashes and firehoses? Surely you aren't going to claim you're decended from the liberal trash that marched in Selma?

See? We can spin like hula hoops, too!

Recognizing and admitting our own mistakes, the fact that we make mistakes, is not a sign of weakness or disloyalty to this country. It is a sign of intelligent reflection. It is an indication we MAY be evolving to higher principles; principles which our allegedly Christian nation professes to admire and supposedly strives to attain.

And that is really the problem. Evolution scares the hell out of some of you.

9:47 PM, August 17, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said previous poster. my previous post regarding hatemongering should have simply asked this: Why are you comparing Barak Obama to Hitler? What purpose does this serve. What healthy and intelligent diaglogue is this going to inform? It is unfair and inflammatory. But why bother to ask you this when all you are going to do is get all up in arms and ask in return:" WHAT FACTS ARE INCORRECT." Life is not all black and white. The only people who see everything as black and white are people who are too simple to see the shades of grey. And I am not talking about skin color. I am simply saying that things arent always as they seem and as straighforward as the simpletons want things to be.

10:44 PM, August 17, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Life is not all black and white" won't be able to say that if we gave single payer health care.

7:07 AM, August 18, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:47 and 10:44
No one person is comparing Obama to Hitler, but the historical facts are being compared. If the shoe fits wear it.
Still the fact remains that no one has proved to this reader that these statements are "hate mongering".

Hate mongering might have happen when the Left Wing Nuts released photos of President Bush with Hitler face hair photo shopped in. Funny how no one got upset over that, in fact it was thought to be "cool" by the CNN, MSNBC, Saturday Night crowd.

The real thrust of Mr. Ford's post is his disagreeing with President Obama's statement that Islam has ALWAYS been a part of American story. Which he states is not true and he then supports his position.

I guess you could say that Mr. Obama's White House did nothing wrong with White House emails been sent to those who had not requested them..Can you imagine what those on the left would be saying if that had been done by President Bush, or Regan?

9:54 AM, August 18, 2009  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

9:47 PM blogger: Well after reading your missive I will give you one point,

"And that is really the problem. Evolution scares the hell out of some of you."

In your case I agree completely!

Tom Ford

4:04 PM, August 18, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:47 PM: "It's been some time since I visited this site and now I remember why. Won't be back unless I get a sudden yen for a freak show."

There is a God!

6:41 PM, August 18, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am sorry your mind could not cope with the facts.

We will miss you!!!!

5:49 PM, August 19, 2009  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

9:47 PM blogger: Here is a small item as said by the Rev. Noeimeier (SP?) in 1946 that is still relevant today, just change the name Nazi to liberal.

When the Nazis came for the communists,
I remained silent;
I was not a communist.

When they locked up the social democrats,
I remained silent;
I was not a social democrat.

When they came for the trade unionists,
I did not speak out;
I was not a trade unionist.

When they came for the Jews,
I remained silent;
I wasn't a Jew.

When they came for me,
there was no one left to speak out.

Wrap your mind around that if you so desire, and can.

Tom Ford

8:06 AM, August 20, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

America’s Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009 HR 3200:
Pg 22 of the HEALTH CARE Bill MANDATES the Government will audit the books of ALL EMPLOYERS that self insure!!

Pg 30 Sec 123 of HEALTH CARE Bill – THERE WILL BE A GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE that decides what treatments/benefits you get


Pg 42 of HEALTH CARE Bill – The Health Choices Commissioner will choose your benefits for you.

Pg 58 HEALTH CARE Bill – Government will have real-time access to individual’s finances & a National ID Health care card will be issued!

Pg 59 HEALTH CARE Bill lines 21-24 Government will have direct access to your banks accts for electronic funds transfer.

Pg 65 Sec 164 is a payoff subsidized plan for retirees and their families in Unions & community ORGANIZATION Sanitations

Pg 72 Lines 8-14 Government is creating an HEALTH CARE Exchange to bring private HEALTH CARE plans under Government control.
Pg 84 Sec 203 HEALTH CARE Bill – Government mandates ALL benefit packages for private Health Care plans in the Exchange
Pg 85 Line 7 HEALTH CARE Bill – Specs for of Benefit Levels for Plans
Pg 91 Lines 4-7 HEALTH CARE Bill – Government mandates linguistic appropriate services.
Pg 95 HEALTH CARE Bill Lines 8-18 The Government will use groups i.e., ACORN & AmeriCorps to sign up individuals for Government HEALTH CARE plan
Pg 85 Line 7 HEALTH CARE Bill – Specs of Ben Levels 4 Plans.
Pg 102 Lines 12-18 HEALTH CARE Bill – Medicaid Eligible Individual will be automatically enrolled in Medicaid. No choice.
Pg 124 lines 24-25 HEALTH CARE No company can sue Government on price fixing. No “judicial review” against Government Monopoly.
Pg 127 Lines 1-16 HEALTH CARE Bill – Doctors/ #AMA – The Government will tell YOU what you can make.
Pg 145 Line 15-17 An Employer MUST auto enroll employees into public option plan. NO CHOICE
Pg 126 Lines 22-25 Employers MUST pay for HEALTH CARE for part time employees AND their families.
Pg 149 Lines 16-24 ANY Employers w payroll 400k & above who does not provide a public option will pay 8% tax on all payroll
Pg 150 Lines 9-13 Biz w payroll between 251k & 400k who doesn’t provide public option plan will need to pay 2-6% tax on all payroll
Pg 167 Lines 18-23 ANY individual who doesn’t have acceptable HEALTH CARE according to Government will be taxed 2.5% of income.
Pg 170 Lines 1-3 Any NON-RESIDENT Alien is exempt from individual taxes. (Americans will pay).
Pg 195 Officers & employees of HEALTH CARE Administration (GOVERNMENT) will have access to ALL Americans financial and personal records.

9:48 AM, August 20, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Pg 203 Line 14-15 HEALTH CARE – “The tax imposed under this section shall NOT be treated as tax”
Pg 239 Line 14-24 HEALTH CARE Bill Government will reduce physician services for Medicaid, Seniors, low income, poor affected.
Pg 241 Line 6-8 HEALTH CARE Bill – Doctors, doesn’t matter what specialty you have, you’ll all be paid the same.
Pg 253 Line 10-18 Government sets value of Dr’s time, prof judg, etc. Literally value of humans. A $ value is placed on your life.
Pg 265 Sec 1131Government mandates & controls productivity for private HEALTH CARE industries.
Pg 268 Sec 1141 Federal Government regulates rental & purchase of power driven wheelchairs.
Pg 272 SEC. 1145. Treatment of certain cancer hospitals
Page 280 Sec 1151 The Government will penalize hospitals for what Government deems preventable readmissions. (Incentives for hospital to not treat and release.)
Pg 298 Lines 9-11 Doctor’s, treat a patient during initial admission that results in a readmission-Government will penalize you.
Pg 317 L 13-20 PROHIBITION on ownership/investment. Government tells Doctor’s. what/how much they can own.
Pg 317-318 lines 21-25,1-3 PROHIBITION on expansion- Government is mandating hospitals cannot expand.
pg 321 2-13 Hospitals have opportunity to apply for exception BUT community input required.
Pg 335 L 16-25 Pg 336-339 – Government mandates established of outcome based measures. HEALTH CARE the way they want.
Pg 341 Lines 3-9 Government has authority to disqualify Medicare Advantage Plans (Part B), HMOs, etc. Forcing people into Government plan.
Pg 354 Sec 1177 – Government will RESTRICT enrollment of Special needs people!
Pg 379 Sec 1191 Government creates more bureaucracy – Tele-health Advisory Committee.
Pg 425 Lines 4-12 Government mandates Advance Care Planning Consult.
Pg 425 Lines 17-19 Government will instruct & consult regarding living wills, durable powers of attorney. Mandatory!
Pg 425 Lines 22-25, 426 Lines 1-3 Government provides approved list of end of life resources
Pg 427 Lines 15-24 Government mandates program for orders for end of life
Pg 429 Lines 1-9 An “Advanced Care Planning Consult” will be used frequently as patient’s health deteriorates.
Pg 429 Lines 10-12 “advance care consultation” may include an ORDER for end of life plans.
Pg 429 Lines 13-25 – The Government will specify which Doctors can write an end of life order.

9:49 AM, August 20, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


PG 430 Lines 11-15 The Government will decide what level of treatment you will have at end of life
Pg 469 – Community Based Home Medical Services=Non profit ORGANIZATION Sanitations.
Pg 472 Lines 14-17 PAYMENT TO COMMUNITY-BASED ORGANIZATIONS. 1 monthly payment to a community-based ORGANIZATIONS.
Pg 489 Sec 1308 The Government will cover Marriage & Family therapy.
Pg 494-498 Government will cover Mental Health Services including defining, creating, rationing those Services
PG 502 Sec 1181 Center for Comparative Effectiveness Research Established. – Hello Big Brother
Pg 503 Lines 13-19 Government will build registries and data networks from YOUR electronic medical records.
Pg 503 lines 21-25 Government may secure data directly from any department or agency of the US including your personal data.
Pg 504 Lines 6-10 The “Center” will collect data both published & unpublished
PG 506 Lines 19-21 The Center will recommend policies that would allow for public access of data.
PG 518 Lines 21-25 The Commission will have input from HEALTH CARE consumer representatives
PG 524 18-22 Comparative Effectiveness Research Trust Fund set up. More taxes for ALL.
PG 621 Lines 20-25 Government will define what Quality means in HEALTH CARE.
Pg 622 Lines 2-9 To pay for the Quality Standards, Government will transfer $$ from to other Government Trust Funds. More Taxes.

9:50 AM, August 20, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


PG 624 “Quality” measures shall be designed to assess outcomes & functional status of patients.
PG 624 “Quality” measures shall be designed to profile you including race, age, gender, place of residence, etc
Pg 628 Sec 1443 Government will give “Multi-Stake Holders” Pre-Rule Making input into Selection of “Quality” Measures.
Pg 630 9-24/631 1-9 Those Multi-stake holder groups including Unions & groups like ACORN deciding HEALTH CARE quality.
Pg 632 Lines 14-25 The Government may implement any “Quality measure” of HEALTH CARE Services as they see fit .
PG 633 14-25/ 634 1-9 The Secretary may issue non-endorsed “Quality Measures” for Physician Services & Dialysis Services.
Pg 635 to 653 Physicians Payments Sunshine Provision – Government wants to shine sunlight on Doctors but not Government.
Pg 654-659 Public Reporting on Health Care-Associated Infections – Looks okay.
PG 660-671 Doctors in Residency – Government will tell you where your residency will be, thus telling you where you’ll live.
Pg 676-686 Government will regulate hospitals in EVERY aspect of residency programs, including teaching hospitals.
Pg 686-700 Increased Funding to Fight Waste, Fraud, and Abuse. You mean like the Government with an $18 million web site?

9:51 AM, August 20, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


PGs 701-704 Sec 1619 If your part of HEALTH CARE plan isn’t in Government HEALTH CARE Exchange but you qualify for Federal aid, no payment.
PG 705-709 SEC. 1128 If Secretary gets complaints on HEALTH CARE provider or supplier, Government can do background check.
PG 711 Lines 8-14 The Secretary has broad powers to deny HEALTH CARE providers/suppliers admittance into HEALTH CARE Exchange.
Pg 719-720 Sec 1637 ANY Doctor who orders durable medical equipment or home medical services MUST be enrolled in Medicare.
PG 722 Sec 1639 Government MANDATES Doctors must have face to face with patient to certify patient for Home Health Services.
PG 724 23-25 PG 725 1-5 The same Government certifications will apply to Medicaid & CHIP
PG 724 Lines 16-22 Government reserves to apply face to face certification for patient to ANY other HEALTH CARE service.
Pg 735 lines 16-25 For law enforcement proposes the Secretary-HHS will give Attorney General access to ALL data.
PG 740-757 Government sets guidelines for subsidizing the uninsured
Pg 757-762 Federal Government will shift burden of payments to Disproportionate Share Hospitals (DSH) to States
Pg 763 1-8 No DS/EA hospitals will be paid unless they provide services without regard to national origin

9:51 AM, August 20, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Pg 765 Sec 1711 Government will require Preventative Services including vaccines
Pg 768 Sec 1713 Government – Nurse Home Visitation Services
Pg 769 11-14 Nurse Home Visit Services include-economic self-sufficiency, employment advance school-readiness.
Pg 769 3-5 Nurse Home Visit Services – “increasing birth intervals between pregnancies.”
Pg 770 SEC 1714 Federal Government mandates eligibility for State Family Planning Services. Abortion & State Sovereign.
Pg 789-797 Government will set, mandate drug prices, controlling which drugs brought to market.
Pgs 797-800 SEC. 1744 PAYMENTS for graduate medical education
PG 801 Sec 1751 The Government will decide which Health care conditions will be paid.
Pg 810 SEC. 1759. Billing Agents, clearinghouses, etc required to register. Government takes over private payment system.
Pg 820-824 Sec 1801 Government will identify individuals ineligible for subsidies. Will access all personal financial information.
Pg 824-829 SEC. 1802. Government Sets up Comparative Effectiveness Research Trust Fund
PG 829-833 Government will impose a fee on ALL private health insurance plans including self insured to pay for Trust Fund
PG 835 11-13 fees imposed by Government for Trust Fund shall be treated as if they were taxes.
Pg 838-840 Government will design & implement Home Visitation Program for families with young kids & families expect kids.

9:52 AM, August 20, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


PG 844-845 This Home Visitation Program. Includes Government coming into your house
Pg 859 Government will establish a Public Health Fund at a cost of $88,800,000,000
Pg 865 The Government will MANDATE the establishment of a National Health Service Corps
PG 865 to 876 The National Health Service Corps is a program where Doctor’s perform mandatory HEALTH CARE for 2 yrs for part loan repayment.
PG 876-892 The Government takes over the education of our Medical students and Doctor’s.
PG 898 The Government will establish a Public Health Workforce Corps to ensure supply of public health professional
PG 898 The Public health workforce corps shall consist of civilian employees of the U.S. as Secretary deems.
PG 898 The Public health workforce corps shall consist of officers of Regular & Reserve Corps of Service.
PG 900 The Public Health Workforce Corps includes veterinarians.
PG 901 The Public Health Workforce Corps WILL include commissioned Regular & Reserve Officers. HEALTH CARE
PG 910 The Government will develop, build & run Public Health Training Centers.
PG 913-914 Government starts a HEALTH CARE affirmative action program thru guise of diversity scholarships

9:53 AM, August 20, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


PG 915 SEC. 2251. Government MANDATES Cultural & linguistic competency training for HEALTH CARE professionals.
Pg 932 The Government will established Preventative & Wellness Trust fund- initial cost of $30,800,000,000-Billion.
PG 935 21-22 Government will identify specific goals & objectives for prevention & wellness activities.
PG 936 Government will develop “Healthy People & National Public Health Perform. Standards”
PG 942 Lines 22-25 More Government? Offices of Surgeon General -Public Health Services, Minority Health, Women’s Health
PG 950- 980 BIG GOVERNMENT core public health infrastructure including workforce capacity, lab systems; health information system, etc
PG 993 Government will establish school based health clinics.
PG 994 School Based Health Clinic will be integrated into the school environment.
PG 1001 The Government will establish a National Medical Device Registry. Will you be tracked with a GPS?

9:53 AM, August 20, 2009  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

9:53 AM blogger: EXCELLENT POST! There you have it my friends, are you prepared to live (or not) under these socialist rules? I am not, and I have said so to Washington almost every day!

By the way, how's that "hope and change" working out for you?

Tom Ford

11:48 AM, August 20, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Obama's First Six Months' Accomplishments

1. Offended the Queen of England ..
2. Bowed to the King of Saudi Arabia .
3. Praised the Marxist Daniel Ortega.
4. Kissed Socialist Hugo Chavez on the cheek.
5. Endorsed the Socialist Evo Morales of Bolivia .
6. Sided with Hugo Chavez and Communist Fidel Castro against Honduras .
7. Announced we would meet with Iranians with no pre-conditions while they're building their nuclear weapons.
8. Gave away billions to AIG also without pre-conditions.
9. Expanded the bailouts.
10. Insulted everyone who has ever loved a Special Olympian.
11. Doubled our national debt.
12. Announced the termination of our new missile defense system the day after North Korea launched an ICBM.
13. Released information on U.S. intelligence gathering despite urgings of his own CIA director and the prior four CIA directors.
14. Accepted without comment that five of his cabinet members cheated on their taxes and two other nominees withdrew after they couldn't take the heat.
15. Appointed a Homeland Security Chief who identified military veterans and abortion opponents as "dangers to the nation."
16. Ordered that the word "terrorism" no longer be used and instead refers to such acts as "man made disasters."
17. Circled the globe to publicly apologize for America 's world leadership.
18. Told the Mexican president that the violence in their country was because of us.
19. Politicized the census by moving it into the White House from the Department of Commerce.
20. Appointed as Attorney General the man who orchestrated the forced removal and expulsion to Cuba of a 9-year-old whose mother died trying to bring him to freedom in the United States .
21. Salutes as heroes three Navy SEALS who took down three terrorists who threatened one American life and the next day announces members of the Bush administration may stand trial for "torturing" three 9/11 terrorists by pouring water up their noses.
22. Low altitude photo shoot of Air Force One over New York City that frightened thousands of New Yorkers.
23. Sent his National Defense Advisor to Europe to assure them that the US will no longer treat Israel in a special manner and they might be on their own with the Muslims.
24. Praised Jimmy Carter's trip to Gaza where he sided with terrorist Hamas against Israel .
25. Nationalized General Motors and Chrysler while turning shareholder control over to the unions and freezing out retired investors who owned their bonds. Committed unlimited taxpayer billions in the process.
26. Passed a huge energy tax in the House that will make American industry even less competitive while costing homeowners thousands per year.
27. Announced nationalized health care "reform" that will strip seniors of their Medicare, cut pay of physicians, increase taxes yet another $1 trillion, and put everyone on rationed care with government bureaucrats deciding who gets care and who doesn't.

Bloomberg: Daschle says, "Health care reform will not be pain free. Seniors should be more accepting of the conditions that come with age instead of treating them," while former Colorado Governor Dick Lamm says seniors have "a duty to die."

If this does not sufficiently raise your ire, just remember that the President, Senators and Congressmen have their own special gold plated health care plan which is guaranteed the remainder of their lives and they are not subject to this new law if they pass it..

11:58 AM, August 20, 2009  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...


** Pythagorean theorem: ............................. 24 words.

** Lord's prayer: .................................. 66 words.

** Archimedes' Principle: ........................... 67 words.

** 10 Commandments: ................................ 179 words.

** Gettysburg address: ............................. . 286 words.

** Declaration of Independence : .................. 1,300 words.

** US Government regulations regarding the sale of cabbage: 26,911 words.

** HR 3200 Health Care Bill......................................225, 182 words

Nuff said (from a good friend, a retired Navy REO.)

Tom Ford

1:58 PM, August 20, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Friends and fellow posters.
Though I am at the tail end of the baby boom generation please do not ask the government to take care of my health.

The government has failed miserably to execute the cash for clunkers program. The same government cannot run the postal system profitably even though they have access to more resources than UPS or FED EX. The same government declared war on poverty forty years ago and will still have poverty.

I think less government is good.

8:53 PM, August 20, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Postal service: all in all over the years, I've had good service from the postal service. But I was at the Sappington Branch several months ago and the clerk was telling me how he was worried they might shutter that branch.

A couple of weeks ago, I went back to the Sappington branch. They were busy. But they only had two clerks working and 15 customers in line. Then one clerk took a break. Four customers walked out. I overheard two of those customers saying they were going to UPS.

9:48 AM, August 22, 2009  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

"Borrowed" from the South County Truth Spot.

"Saturday, August 22, 2009
Obama Snares Palin, Media in Wide Blame-Game Net

Commentary by Caroline Baum

Aug. 19 (Bloomberg) -- When the political winds shift -- when a party is voted out of power or a policy is panned by the public -- Washington turns to its favorite pastime: the blame game.

And so it is with President Barack Obama, who tripped on his sprint to the health-care-reform finish line. Voters, it seems, want to understand a little more about what ObamaCare will mean for them, what it will do to the doctor-patient relationship, and what it will cost future generations in higher taxes and, yes, rationed supply.

Rather than examine the public’s concerns, the plans’ inconsistencies or the sheer irresponsibility of trying to ram something this big and complicated through Congress without a small-scale trial, the Obama administration is pointing fingers. Lots of them. Most of the targets are just plain silly.

1. Conservative groups

When liberal activists, including trade unions, Acorn and, protested against anything and everything President George W. Bush said or did, it was called grassroots democracy.

When conservative groups encourage supporters to attend town hall meetings and make their sentiments known to their congressmen, it’s un-American, disruptive and the work of right- wing extremists.

Madame Hypocrite

Where was House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Democrat of California, when President George W. Bush was being compared to Adolf Hitler and the Nazis? She was a “fan of disrupters” in those days, as she told anti-war protesters at a January 2006 town hall meeting in San Francisco. Pelosi only developed a thin skin (too much plastic surgery?) when the Democrats took control of the executive and legislative branches of government.

The effort to blame right-wing groups is transparent. If my feedback on a recent column is indicative of the political persuasion and demographic distribution of the protesters, these are ordinary Americans energized by the debate, frustrated at not having a voice and motivated to exercise their right of free speech. Attempts to smear opponents and shut down debate are, well, un-American.

2. Insurance Companies

Garnering support for health-insurance reform by demonizing insurance companies is a cheap shot, albeit one that resonates with the public. After all, these are the faceless bureaucrats who deny or pay claims in a seemingly arbitrary manner and refuse or cancel coverage if you cost them too much money.

Stubborn Facts

Facts are stubborn things, this White House is quick to remind us. And in this case, the facts don’t support the vilification.

If insurance companies were gouging the public, the evidence would show up in one of two places, according to Graef Crystal, a compensation expert in Santa Rosa, California, and occasional Bloomberg News columnist: excessive executive pay or excessive returns to shareholders.

His analysis of five major health insurers shows just the opposite: below-market pay and below-market shareholder returns.

“There’s no case here for undue enrichment of shareholders” or over-compensating CEOs, Crystal finds.

Health care needs a major overhaul, but that’s no reason to make scapegoats out of insurance companies.

4:36 PM, August 22, 2009  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Part two: "3. The Media

I couldn’t believe my ears when I heard Obama point the finger at the media at his town hall meeting last week in Portsmouth, New Hampshire.

Fishing Expedition

The president, defending the White House’s fishing expedition for “fishy” e-mails on health-insurance reform (suspended this week by popular demand), blamed the media for “distorting what’s taken place.”

Is this the same media that was in the pocket for candidate Obama and waltzed us through the honeymoon? If Bush had been as reliant on his teleprompter as Obama, or said “Cinco de Cuatro” when he meant “Cuatro de Mayo,” the press would have been all over him for being inept.

Sorry, Mr. President, you have no idea what it means for the media to distort what’s taken place. The long-gone Bush administration is getting more negative press than you are.

4. Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin, the recently retired governor of Alaska, 2008 Republican vice-presidential candidate and Democrat’s favorite whipping boy (or girl), created a stir with a reference to death panels on Facebook. Palin said she didn’t want her parents or Down-Syndrome baby to “have to stand in front of Obama’s ‘death panel’ so his bureaucrats can decide” what kind of medical care should be allocated to these less productive members of society.

Blame the Democrats

This is the same Sarah Palin whose foreign policy experience was summed up during the campaign by her ability “to see Russia from land here in Alaska.” This is the same Sarah Palin credited with changing the terms of the debate? C’mon. That’s too laughable to address.

Besides, there’s a kernel of truth in what she said. Like all goods and services, medical care is a scarce resource that must be rationed. The only question is how: by the market (price) or by government mandate.

If government is doing the rationing, what exactly will bureaucrats use to determine who gets what care and who doesn’t?

Opposition to fast-track health-insurance reform is coming from Obama’s own party. Senator Kent Conrad, Democrat of North Dakota and one of six Finance Committee members involved in bipartisan negotiations, said on Fox News Sunday that the goal is to “get this right,” not meet some “specific timetable.”

He said the Senate lacks enough votes to pass a bill with a public option. “To continue to chase that rabbit, I think, is just a wasted effort.”

There’s always room for one more -- the Democrats -- on Obama’s blame-game list.

(Caroline Baum, author of “Just What I Said,” is a Bloomberg News columnist. The opinions expressed are her own.)

I like this Gal, she is about the truth! Thanks to the "Truth Spot" for their roll in getting this op-ed!

Tom Ford

4:39 PM, August 22, 2009  

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