Why the 2010 elections will be the most important in U.S. History!
What would you say if I gave you 11 reasons why the elections in 2010 will be the most important in the history of the United States ?
1. What if I had told you in October 2008, before the last presidential election, that before Barack Obama's first 100 days in office, the federal government would be in control of both the mortgage and the banking industries? That 19 of America's largest banks would be forced to undergo stress tests by the federal government which would determine if they were insufficiently capitalized, so they must be supervised by the government?
Would you have said, "C'mon, that will never happen in America ."
2. What if I had told you that within Barack Obama's first 100 days in office the federal government would be the largest shareholder in the US Big-Three automakers: GM, and Chrysler? That the government would kick out the CEO's of these companies and appoint hand-picked executives with zero experience in the auto industry and that executive compensation would be determined, not by a Board of Directors, but by the government?
Would you have said, "C'mon, that will never happen in America !"
3. What if I had told you that Barack Obama would appoint 21 Czars, without congressional approval, accountable only to him, not to the voters, who would have control over a wide range of US policy decisions. That there would be a Stimulus Accountability Czar, an Urban Czar, a Compensation Czar, an Iran Czar, an Auto Industry Czar, a Cyber Security Czar, an Energy Czar, a Bank Bailout Czar, and more than a dozen other government bureaucrats with unchecked regulatory powers over US domestic and foreign policy.
Would you have said, "C'mon, that will never happen in America !"
4. What if I had told you that the federal deficit would be $915 billion in the first six months of the Obama presidency - with a projected annual deficit of $1.75 trillion - triple the $454.8 billion in 2008, for which the previous administration was highly criticized by Obama and his fellow Democrats. That congress would pass Obama's $3.53 trillion federal budget for fiscal 2010... That the projected deficit over the next ten years would be greater than $10 trillion.
Would you have said, "C'mon, that will never happen in America !"
5. What if I had told you that the Obama Justice Department would order FBI agents to read Miranda rights to high-value detainees captured on the battlefield and held at US military detention facilities in Afghanistan . That Obama would order the closing of the Guantanamo detention facility with no plan for the disposition of the 200-plus individuals held there. That several of the suspected terrorists at Guantanamo would be sent to live in freedom in Bermuda at the expense of the US government. That our returning US veterans would be labeled terrorists and put on a watch list.
Would you have said, "C'mon, that will never happen in America !"
6. What if I had told you that the federal government would seek powers to seize key companies whose failures could jeopardize the financial system. That a new regulatory agency would be proposed by Obama to control loans, credit cards, mortgage-backed securities, and other financial products offered to the public.
Would you have said, "C'mon, that will never happen in America !!"
7. What if I had told you that Obama would travel to the Middle East, bow before the Saudi king, and repeatedly apologize for America's past actions. That he would travel to Latin America where he would warmly greet Venezuela 's strongman Hugo Chavez and sit passively in the audience while Nicaraguan Marxist thug Daniel Ortega charged America with terrorist aggression in Central America .
Would you have said, "C'mon, that will never happen in America !!"
8. Okay, now what if I were to tell you that Obama wants to dismantle conservative talk radio through the imposition of a new "Fairness Doctrine." That he wants to curtail the First Amendment rights of those who may disagree with his policies via internet blogs, cable news networks, or advocacy ads. That most major network television and most newspapers will only sing his phrases like state-run media in communist countries?
Would you say, "C'mon, that will never happen in America !!!"
9. What if I were to tell you that the Obama Justice Department is doing everything it can to limit your Second Amendment rights to keep and bear arms. That the federal government wants to reinstate the so-called assault weapons ban which would prohibit the sale of any type of firearm that doesn't require the shooter to pull the trigger every time a round is fired. That Obama's Attorney General wants to eliminate the sale of virtually all handguns and ammunition, which most citizens choose for self-defense.
Would you say, "C'mon, that will never happen in America !!!"
10. What if I were to tell you that the Obama plan is to eliminate states rights guaranteed by the Tenth Amendment and give the federal government sweeping new powers over policies currently under the province of local and state governments and voted on by the people. That Obama plans to control the schools, energy production, the environment, health care, and the wealth of every US citizen.
Would you say, "C'mon, that will never happen in America !"
11. What if I were to tell you that the president, the courts, and the federal government have ignored the US Constitution and have seized powers which the founders of our country fought to restrict. That our last presidential election may have been our last truly free election for some time to come.
I know, I know what you will say. "That will never happen in America !"
If we don't do everything in our power to stop this madness in 2010...
May God have mercy on our worthless souls.
Pass this on to every freedom loving American you can.
Thank you.
While not authored by me it is a very powerful reminder of why elections have consequences, and why we must VOTE every time there is an election!
Tom Ford
NO. 653
What would you say if I gave you 11 reasons why the elections in 2010 will be the most important in the history of the United States ?
1. What if I had told you in October 2008, before the last presidential election, that before Barack Obama's first 100 days in office, the federal government would be in control of both the mortgage and the banking industries? That 19 of America's largest banks would be forced to undergo stress tests by the federal government which would determine if they were insufficiently capitalized, so they must be supervised by the government?
Would you have said, "C'mon, that will never happen in America ."
2. What if I had told you that within Barack Obama's first 100 days in office the federal government would be the largest shareholder in the US Big-Three automakers: GM, and Chrysler? That the government would kick out the CEO's of these companies and appoint hand-picked executives with zero experience in the auto industry and that executive compensation would be determined, not by a Board of Directors, but by the government?
Would you have said, "C'mon, that will never happen in America !"
3. What if I had told you that Barack Obama would appoint 21 Czars, without congressional approval, accountable only to him, not to the voters, who would have control over a wide range of US policy decisions. That there would be a Stimulus Accountability Czar, an Urban Czar, a Compensation Czar, an Iran Czar, an Auto Industry Czar, a Cyber Security Czar, an Energy Czar, a Bank Bailout Czar, and more than a dozen other government bureaucrats with unchecked regulatory powers over US domestic and foreign policy.
Would you have said, "C'mon, that will never happen in America !"
4. What if I had told you that the federal deficit would be $915 billion in the first six months of the Obama presidency - with a projected annual deficit of $1.75 trillion - triple the $454.8 billion in 2008, for which the previous administration was highly criticized by Obama and his fellow Democrats. That congress would pass Obama's $3.53 trillion federal budget for fiscal 2010... That the projected deficit over the next ten years would be greater than $10 trillion.
Would you have said, "C'mon, that will never happen in America !"
5. What if I had told you that the Obama Justice Department would order FBI agents to read Miranda rights to high-value detainees captured on the battlefield and held at US military detention facilities in Afghanistan . That Obama would order the closing of the Guantanamo detention facility with no plan for the disposition of the 200-plus individuals held there. That several of the suspected terrorists at Guantanamo would be sent to live in freedom in Bermuda at the expense of the US government. That our returning US veterans would be labeled terrorists and put on a watch list.
Would you have said, "C'mon, that will never happen in America !"
6. What if I had told you that the federal government would seek powers to seize key companies whose failures could jeopardize the financial system. That a new regulatory agency would be proposed by Obama to control loans, credit cards, mortgage-backed securities, and other financial products offered to the public.
Would you have said, "C'mon, that will never happen in America !!"
7. What if I had told you that Obama would travel to the Middle East, bow before the Saudi king, and repeatedly apologize for America's past actions. That he would travel to Latin America where he would warmly greet Venezuela 's strongman Hugo Chavez and sit passively in the audience while Nicaraguan Marxist thug Daniel Ortega charged America with terrorist aggression in Central America .
Would you have said, "C'mon, that will never happen in America !!"
8. Okay, now what if I were to tell you that Obama wants to dismantle conservative talk radio through the imposition of a new "Fairness Doctrine." That he wants to curtail the First Amendment rights of those who may disagree with his policies via internet blogs, cable news networks, or advocacy ads. That most major network television and most newspapers will only sing his phrases like state-run media in communist countries?
Would you say, "C'mon, that will never happen in America !!!"
9. What if I were to tell you that the Obama Justice Department is doing everything it can to limit your Second Amendment rights to keep and bear arms. That the federal government wants to reinstate the so-called assault weapons ban which would prohibit the sale of any type of firearm that doesn't require the shooter to pull the trigger every time a round is fired. That Obama's Attorney General wants to eliminate the sale of virtually all handguns and ammunition, which most citizens choose for self-defense.
Would you say, "C'mon, that will never happen in America !!!"
10. What if I were to tell you that the Obama plan is to eliminate states rights guaranteed by the Tenth Amendment and give the federal government sweeping new powers over policies currently under the province of local and state governments and voted on by the people. That Obama plans to control the schools, energy production, the environment, health care, and the wealth of every US citizen.
Would you say, "C'mon, that will never happen in America !"
11. What if I were to tell you that the president, the courts, and the federal government have ignored the US Constitution and have seized powers which the founders of our country fought to restrict. That our last presidential election may have been our last truly free election for some time to come.
I know, I know what you will say. "That will never happen in America !"
If we don't do everything in our power to stop this madness in 2010...
May God have mercy on our worthless souls.
Pass this on to every freedom loving American you can.
Thank you.
While not authored by me it is a very powerful reminder of why elections have consequences, and why we must VOTE every time there is an election!
Tom Ford
NO. 653
Thank you for your kind reply. I am attaching your own words here which state that Missourians are having a tough time
"We are also in the midst of a difficult economic downturn. From the farm to the factory, jobs are being lost. Missourians are finding it harder to raise families, make ends meet, and achieve the American dream. As we work to solve our energy issues, we must fully consider the impact that such decisions will have on working families and the companies that employ them. Any climate change legislation that I would support would have to find a middle ground that protects Missourians fighting to get by in these tough economic times while addressing the need for energy independence and the challenge of climate change."
I know you to be a very intelligent person who, like I recognizes the fact that "cap and trade" will only cause further hardships on Missouri families due to certain rate increases. Senator, will you agree with me that this is the worst possible time to put another tax on Missourians? As you know the :cap and trade" program is just that, a well hidden tax on your fellow Missourians, so I ask you to take a very hard look at what Missouri want's and needs reference this bill, and it is not "cap and trade," believe me.
Moving on I trust you will see the fallacy of the President's health care bill as well. Quite a few of us back home here have delved into it, and I can tell you that outside Washington there is very little support for a bill ruin the health care system as we know it. In this bill we see such things as Hospice counseling for the elderly (instead of treatment,) funding for 20 million illegal's (the operative word here is "illegal,") and funding for abortion on demand from public funds! This is a disaster from the first to the last word, and I trust I can count on you to vote NO if and when it ever comes to a vote!
Senator, I have spoken to many friends in professional positions, such as Lawyers, Doctors, and small businessmen like me who have supported you in the past, and would again, but I fear that support will not be forthcoming if the Democratic Party continues to push a "socialist" agenda (and you go along with it) such as we have seen from them in the last seven months!
Thomas C. Ford
569 Joshua Dr.
Crestwood, MO. 63126-1450
My response to an email from the Senator.
Tom Ford
I totally agree with #6. I really, really wished that Bush/Paulson would not have saved AIG or Fannie & Freddie. I would have loved to see the collapse of AIG and Citibank. As a taxpayer, I can not stand the fact that I am now backing folks like Citi and AIG. Normally I had tended to vote Republican. However, the Republicans showed that they are liers (such as Larry Kudlow) when the backed the bailouts last fall.
If you are going to live by free markets and de-regulations, then you should be willing to crash and burn when things get bad. I would much rather they have seen a depression than the bailout. Though I would have lost money in my 401K (even more than now), it would have been worth the money to see Goldman, AIG, Citi and the rest go down in flames.
As the saying goes, "Vengence is a dish that should be served cold".
"The problems posed by global climate change are clear. The scientific community holds that man-made emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs), such as carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide, have contributed to a change in global climate patterns. In Missouri, this change is manifested in part by increased flooding and drought periods, as well an increase in the number of days of extreme hot and cold temperatures. Furthermore, America's over-reliance on foreign oil is a matter of national security. Each year, we send trillions of dollars to hostile regimes in order to satisfy our energy needs. These problems need to be addressed.
We are also in the midst of a difficult economic downturn. From the farm to the factory, jobs are being lost. Missourians are finding it harder to raise families, make ends meet, and achieve the American dream. As we work to solve our energy issues, we must fully consider the impact that such decisions will have on working families and the companies that employ them. Any climate change legislation that I would support would have to find a middle ground that protects Missourians fighting to get by in these tough economic times while addressing the need for energy independence and the challenge of climate change.
The U.S. House of Representatives has attempted to address this challenge by passing H.R. 2454, the American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009. ACES seeks to reduce the GHGs responsible for global climate change while providing incentives for energy providers, industry, and consumers to adopt technologies and practices based on renewable energy sources and energy efficiency. Specifically, it creates a renewable energy standard (RES) and energy efficiency resource standard (EERS) that will help us to advance towards more renewable sources of energy as well as reduce our energy consumption; it heavily invests in clean coal technology to provide a path forward for energy users who rely on coal, like most Missourians; it seeks to protect consumers from increasing energy prices, especially low income energy users and energy intensive manufacturers; and it provides incentives for farmers and ranchers so they can help to reduce carbon emissions.
Like many Missourians, I have concerns that any climate legislation may have unintended consequences for already struggling working families in Missouri. The recent economic downturn has affected agricultural producers, manufacturers and working families throughout our state. Missouri is heavily reliant on coal for power generation and manufacturing so any climate legislation must protect our consumers from unfair rate increases and prevent our manufacturing base from being shipped overseas to other nations unwilling to mitigate their own carbon emissions.
It is important to recognize, however, that the Senate will be drafting its own legislation. While, I am sure that the core principals of H.R. 2454 will be present in any bill the Senate considers, I believe significant changes will be made in any bill considered by the Senate. My colleagues will be working to find a more moderate compromise that better protects consumers, farmers, small businesses and manufacturers; and I will be fighting to make sure Missourians don’t get the short end of the stick. I will only be able to support legislation that achieves this goal.
This is a broad bill that would change the way we create, transmit, and consume energy for years to come. My colleagues and I in the Senate will approach this legislation with the deliberation and patience that such a large issue demands. You can rest assured that I will be sure to keep your views, as well as the bill’s potential impact on all Missourians, in mind before I cast a final vote.
Again, thank you for contacting me regarding this issue. Please do not hesitate to contact me in the future if I can be of further assistance."
All best,
Senator Claire McCaskill
MJ, in a word, YEP!
Tom Ford
My point is that Republicans and the Conservatives are ultimately no different than the Democrats or other socialists. The events of last fall in the financial industry showed that the Republicans and groups like the National Review were just hypocrits. All of a sudden AIG and Citi come begging for a bailout from the Government to Paulson and Bush and we know what happened. Meanwhile the Republicans in the Senate did nothing to block the bailouts.
I remember listening to local conservative talk radio (97.1) and the silence on the whole bailout of the finincial system was amazing. They said nothing. Heck, I have even heard Rush Limbaugh support AIG. Of course I pretty much stopped listening to Rush several years ago when it turned out he was hooked on Oxicoten (sp?)... which is an event to me that showed him to be a hypocrit years ago because he was always "anti-drug" on a lot of issues.
To me, the Republicans and the conservative movement have shown themselves to be liars when it comes to free markets. They all should have been willing to sink with the ship rather than bail it out with taxpayer money.
MJ, there is not a nickel's worth of difference in either party! Both have one thing in mind RE-ELECTION!
Now, that said which one will do the least damage? So far the democrats have been a disaster for personal freedom, spending out of control, health care reform, and ruining the auto industry!
God knows we can't afford to have them in past 2010 if this Nation is to survive as we know and love it!
I don't know about you, but I have had it with Reed, Pelosi, and yes Obama! I want a Nation for my Grandchildren that will afford them the opportunity to prosper, and we sure won't have it under the current communist, socialist society, and the democrats!
Tom Ford
I beg to differ with you regarding your statement there is no difference between either the GOP or Dems.
There is a large difference which has controlled how I have voted since 1974. That is, which party is Pro-Life and which one is not.
Because I believe that all men are created equal and all men are given by God the basic rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, and that Roe v Wade takes those basic God given rights away from a human with out due process of the law as given to us by our Constitution to meet face to face those who accuse us, I vote GOP. And will as long as their parties platform supports this position.
Tim, on the subject of abortion, I agree with you 100%. Like you I will always vote "pro life" and have since I was old enough to vote!
Mt reference to the Republican party has to do with the "country club, and RINO Republicans" we have seen in the past 15 years!
I am tired of a person being elected to anything and then just going along with the flow. I want them to stand up for what's right, and OUR wishes, and not a socialist agenda.
It seems that when either party get's it's hands on OUR money, were in trouble (more so the democrats,) but still in trouble!
Unless we put the brakes on these idiot's our Grand children will live in high inflation,even higher taxes, and the world's worst health care system, why, well because of a handful of democrats and RINOS who will have destroyed America as we know it!
I don't know about you, but I am writing, going to "tea parties," and if they have a town hall meeting, I will be there too!
Win or loose they are going to know I was there, and I urge all of you reading this to do the same!
Remember the Constitution, "Of the people, by the people, and for the people!" Were the boss here not some lame fool in Washington, and I think it's high time we told them so!
Tom Ford
Sorry but I had to snitch on some folks who were spreading "dis-information" on the health care bill to www.flag@whitehouse.gov. Here is my message to them, sorry if your included.
I have noticed several groups who are spreading vicious lies about the health care plan! the list follows.
I trust you will admonish all of these people to come out with the truth, and soon. You see the problem is WE HAVE READ THE BILL, we know whats in it, so the lies told by these people are not setting well with the main stream American here in "fly over country."
May I suggest you either brief these people with what actually is in this travesty, or advise them to read it for themselves before they try to pull the wool over our eyes. And while you are at it, will you be directing Attorney General Eric Holder to file hate crime charges against the four union members who attacked (without provocation) an African American passing out flags at the Carnahan town hall in St. Louis last night?
I await your reply.
Thomas C. Ford
St. Louis, MO.
>So far the democrats have been a disaster for personal freedom, spending out of control, health care reform, and ruining the auto industry!<
Uh, CI, you need to check your dates and results, your reality is confusing. The issues you complain about this administration causing "disaster" to were trampled much harder under the previous administration. Just be glad GWB didn't make you quarter troops, one of the few amendments he respected.
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