Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Words of wisdom from the "economic development board!" (click here for the story from the Call.)

To say that this writer is beside himself in total wonderment is an understatement!I can't tell you when the last time I have seen or heard such trite diatribe coming from A "COMMISSION" was.

First they blow off the required meetings as set forth in the ordinance`, and now they say they don't want to meet if it's not needed! Well my friends, this group of commissioners would seem to me to be using our City name, our heat, lights, and air conditioning to accomplish nothing!

Not to be outdone by any of that, please notice that Mr. Forrest Miller wants to include Sunset Hills in the program Ah, Mr. Miller, they couldn't care less what happens to Crestwood, and if you doubt me I give you the following!

1. Attempted to build a new retail lifestyle center up Watson Rd. form us.

2. Are attempting along with the Sansone group to woo Best Buy into the old Comp USA store.

3. They are not in the business of increasing our tax monies, but theirs!

Now Mr. Miller and your "commissioners," I challenge you to tell us just what good you have done (tax wise) for Crestwood? I suggest that if you want to meet in the future you all do it at someones home and stop using City Hall to further this waste of our money.

Tom Ford

NO. 661


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Never ever forget who picked and appointed the members of the "economic development board"!

Just in case you have it was our 2nd term mayor Mr. Roy himself.

3:37 PM, August 27, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, such scathing comments from a man who speaks from the cheap seats. A man so devout to his community that he will criticize anyone who volunteers their time for our city. Yet, you Mr. Ford don't attend BOA meetings, resigned from your volunteer job on a board and couldn't get elected as an Alderman and you wonder why? Could it be because all you do is criticize and complain? People are tired of that type of character in this city. Most of us are proud of where we live and appreciate the time our fellow citizens volunteer to help make this a better place to live. Couldn't your time be better spent being a part of the solution instead of always being a part of the problem?
I know very little of Mr. Miller other than what I read in the paper but I applaud him for his efforts. Unlike you, he is a doer and not a naysayer. Try getting out of bed on the other side tomorrow.

8:31 AM, August 28, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok 8:31, funny how blast Tom Ford for being critical and delivering "scathing comments". Then you deliver some scathing comments of your own.

But since you are so supportive of the economic development commission, name me ONE positive contribution they have brought to the city ... just ONE ...

I don't want to hear about meetings with former Sen.Gibbons or how they were in favor of the sales tax holiday ... I want to hear about ONE contribution they made that brought an increase in income for the city. A business they encouraged to come in ... something. Just name me ONE thing.

Even the article in the Call is titled "Despite lack of economic development, panel still plans to offer input" That's just sad.

12:55 PM, August 28, 2009  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

8:31 AM BLOGGER: I don't ever remember a person named anonymous doing anything for this City, and that includes you!

Now as a good little liberal you decide to attempt to remark about me. Well, show me what Mr. Miller, his merry band of commissioners, or for that matter you have done to improve Crestwoods coffers and I will be impressed!

Have you written a blog? NO, have you served on anything?, NO, have you ever run for anything? NO, and yet you feel compelled to make "arrempted" disperging remarks.

Tell you what short round, have the courage of your convictgions and tell us who you are. That way when you don't you can say you ran from something at least, as of now, I find you to be less than credable.

Tom Ford

3:25 PM, August 28, 2009  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Reality as it pertains to the National economy, and by association Crestwoods economy, so don't try to tell me what the "Commission" has done for us!

Tom Ford

5:35 PM, August 28, 2009  

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