Alderman Duchilds presentation prior to the bridge vote, and what's he get for his work?

"One of the most attractive features of grant money is its ability to allow municipalities to take on projects without footing the entire bill. It is often referred to as “free money.” But there is no such thing as free money; anyone who pays federal, state, or local taxes provides funds for the grants.
As a member of this Board, I am entrusted with making sure this project is a good use of all taxpayer funds. Not only does this include a fiduciary responsibility for City of Crestwood funds, it also includes the same responsibilities for the federal grant dollars. Unfortunately, this project does not appear to be a good use of nearly ¾ of a million dollars of taxpayer money. For the following reasons, I cannot vote to continue this project in its current form:
1. The city has never provided cheaper alternatives for the replacement or rehabilitation of the current bridge. It is prudent for any budgeting entity to always consider less costly options.
2. To date, no structural study has been performed to determine how long the bridge, in its current use as a pedestrian crossing, will last or what the cost will be to rehabilitate the bridge for future pedestrian use.
3. The original bridge was built so that those who occupied the house in the lowland area had access to their property. That house has been torn down.
4. While the grant application states that the bridge is the “only manner in which emergency and maintenance vehicles can access” the area, it is a fact that adequate vehicular access to the area is currently available from behind the community center. Maintenance to the park has continued without interruption since the service bridge was closed in 2007.
5. There are other areas of Whitecliff Park that are inaccessible to fire trucks and other large vehicles. I doubt we intend to build bridges and roads to access those areas.
6. There is no debating the fact that the main function of this bridge is to allow pedestrians to cross the creek. However, to adhere to the grant, the bridge must be built by MODOT standards as if it were a highway or major roadway bridge. Consequently, the city will end up with a bridge that is overbuilt for it's major purpose. Not a very responsible use of tax dollars.
7. According to the MODOT Practical Design document, which is a document MODOT provided to the City as part of the grant process, states that for a low use rural bridge, a bridge width of 12’ per lane is desirable. According to the grant application, not only are we asking to replace the bridge, we are proposing that the new bridge be even bigger than the current bridge. The width of the current structure 12.5’ and the new bridge, as proposed, will have a width of 16’. The fact that we are exceeding MODOT recommendations by 33% is further proof that this project is over designed and will probably be over built.
8. In my opinion, the bridge estimate to obtain the grant was too high and some of the costs exaggerated. For example, the cost estimate lists $150,000 for materials and labor for creosote treated timber bridge decking. One could purchase a modest home in Crestwood for the price of the decking alone. It also lists $5,000 for temporary traffic control. With all due respect, I can install signs in about 30 minutes to instruct people in order to indicate the job site is closed. When asked to explain the cost estimates, the City Administrator indicated that the person who submitted the cost estimates was no longer with the city. The city administrator further stated he did not know how these estimates were calculated, yet, along with our current Mayor, signed off on the grant application and continues to support the grant application. An inflated estimate can lead to the acceptance of higher costs and an overbuilt structure. While the final cost of the bridge may come in under this estimate, we must assume for budgeting purposes that the entire cost will be incurred.
9. The decision to apply for this grant was made not long after the city asked citizens to help pay off the $2.5 million in debt the city accumulated from overspending. Knowing the financial condition of the city at the time, and faced with declining sales tax revenue, the Board still authorized acceptance of the grant and committed the city to an expense of up to $144,000. A decision, I believe, to be imprudent.
10. Finally, tonight, this board is being asked to commit to a 2010 budget item, yet we haven’t even seen the proposed 2010 budget. We still have time to thoughtfully reconsider this expenditure and a cheaper alternative. Please remember, the grant allows for one extension on this project.
I am convinced more than ever, that there is a cheaper solution than the one and only solution proposed by the city.
Respectfully submitted,
Paul Duchild, Alderman – Ward 3"
"At this time, I would like to put forth a motion:
I move that we table the 2nd reading of the engineering contract between The City of Crestwood and CDG Engineering, until such time as the city can hire a qualified structural engineer to conduct a structural study of the Whitecliff Service Bridge to help determine a (minimum and maximum) time frame the bridge will last in its current form and use as a pedestrian bridge. Included in this study or through alternative means, will be a cost estimate and/or bid(s) for the modest rehabilitation of the bridge to continue its use as a structurally sound pedestrian bridge."
For all of this hard work which could not be refuted by Jim Eckrich, or public works, he got NOTHING, not even the courtesy of time to study the expense! You call it what you will but for me it's disgusting!
By the way do you know that "his honor" held the "town hall" last night and didn't introduce the Board, City employees, or the City Administrator? Well he did, and not to be out done by that he told the masses that if we didn't have animal control it would be like Webster Groves where the Police "shoot family pets!" That is the most ridiculous statement he has ever made (and he has made quite a few.) I will be calling the Webster Groves Police Chief Monday to ask him if they really do that, and if so (they don't) if the officers have to fill out a "firearm discharge report?
The meeting? Well another venture into "King Roy's) realm where the sky is DEFINITELY a very different color (ROYAL!)
PS: Please click on the header for the statement of Alderman Duchild as it was presented to the Mayor and the BOA!
Tom Ford
NO. 670
Bridge Over The River Why
The Bridges of Crestwood County
9:30PM blogger: Outstanding, now why didn't I think of that?
Very well done, and thank you.
Tom Ford
Folks if you click on the header you will be able to hear Alderman Duchilds entire statement, and then you can read it for yourselves.
We are going to do this "pod cast" as often as possible to bring you the BOA meetings, and Town Hall events which will give those who cannot attend a way to hear it.
Thank you to all who made this possible!
Tom Ford
Where is this bridge - could someone describe where it is?
I know the main entrance bridge and there is another bridge by a picnic area off of the entrance road. Is that the bridge?
8:35 PM Sept. 13
Yes, that is the bridge. It has a couple of cement barriers in front of it. The claim has been made that this bridge is the only access to the quarry section of the park, but there is access to this same section from behind the rec center, right off the side parking lot where they stage the summer plays.
Martha Duchild
Is Martha Duchild doing all this research for her husband and is he her mouthpiece on the board? It's like Bill and Hillary.
Fire Trucks can't access that area from the road behind the Community Center.
9:06 PM If you believe that, then Mayor Roy has won awards for his humility and Crestwood Court is teeming with business.
8:31 AM It's been said that they can. Once this bridge to nowhere is built, then what? Is there an access road behind it?
A short while back at a BOA meeting, these things were discussed, and explained by the Fire Chief, and the Police Chief. As best I can recall:
Back in the past, fire trucks were able to reach the quarry via the bridge, and road.
The road from the community center can be used by a car with some difficulty. Not by a larger vehicle.
There are large areas of the park not reachable by fire trucks.
Some areas can be reached by dragging a hose. The distance is limited by how much hose two men can drag. (There were three men, but remember we just CUT DOWN THE SIZE OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT.)
There is limited mutual aid (brush truck) available nearby.
There have not been any cases of an injury in this area where they could not be reached.
If there were to be a "canopy" type forest fire in the park, we don't have anything to fight it.
The lack of a bridge "right now" is not an extreme danger. It has not been available for quite some time.
The above statements are mine, and not quotes from either Chief.
On several threads recently, people who want the bridge RIGHT NOW even though the City can't afford it, have used the plea: "what if a child were injured at the quarry, and the fire truck couldn't reach them".
OF COURSE the emergency crew would hot foot it back there, and treat them! And they would get them to an ambulance!
What if someone were injured in the middle of the woods in the park? Would they stand in the parking lot and say sorry? Do we need to cut down the trees and pave the park? OF COURSE NOT!
At some point the bridge should probably be repaired/rebuilt, but we can't afford it right now.
9:06 PM Blogger: Clearly you don't know Martha and Paul Duchild else you could have never made such an asinine statement!
We are very lucky to have Alderman such as Paul Duchild, Jeff Schlink, and Jerry Miguel looking out for us in Crestwood!
If you were to add Martha Duchild to the mix, well it just doesn't get any better than that, trust me!
Now as for some of the rest of the so called leadership, well I view most of them as "world class weather vane's." I don't have any idea what "his honor" has over some of these people but it must be substantial as no matter what they vote with him.
Except for the three above mentioned Alderman I NEVER get a reply from anyone I send an email to! My other Alderman, Chris Pickle seems to be good at attacking those who question authority, but other than that he keeps the seat warm, and he does not answer emails!
Well, I have said it before, "all politics is local," and by all that's holy it's proven out here!
Tom Ford
Ha ha. 6-2 you called it again Tom(not). Don't you ever get tired of being on the outside looking in?
8:39PM blogger: HA, HA, no I am not at all! In fact I would never want to be an insider with "his Honors" group.
What worries me is that YOU bought into the "free money" idea of this feasco, because if most think your way, this City is doomed for sure!
Tom Ford
Is the new bridge going to have stamped concrete and decorative black fencing like the new Pardee one?
This project is almost as good as the spending of $25K+ to replace the parks department Polaroid camera.
It's pathetic that no one cares.
If you don't use the Federal money (grant) then later when the bridge collapses the city will be out the entire bill. Penny wise and pound foolish Tom. At least this Federal money is going to pay for something I can see and use instead of Car Companies and Financial Institutions. As for the camera. It includes software to make the operation of the community center/aquatic center run more efficient and reduce the number of employees need at any given time. But I guess you think they should still be using typewriters. Or something you are more familiar with. A stone tablet and a chisel.
8:53 PM blogger: Amazing! How in the world can you justify that comment about the bridge?
It's our money, and it should not be spent on foolish things like "car companies, or banks" either!
The fact that your happy about funding coming back to us is plain an simple foolishness. The funds coming back would be better for us if we never sent them in the first place!
Your post personifies the mentality of the far left these days, that being send us everything, and we will take care of you! Well I for one am not willing to relinquish my funds, freedom, and life to a bunch of socialists.
As far as the camera is concerned, for that amount of money the darn center should be able to run by itself! Are you kidding me? It costs how much for an ID camera? PLEASE!
Unfortunately for you and your bud's I am a bit "fluent" in the skills other than "stone tablets," and that means I do have an idea of what technology costs (as does Mr. Steve Nieder,) so save the liberal attempts at insults, cause were all stocked up here!
Tom Ford
Its nice to see you dislike paying your Federal tax as much as you dislike paying your local tax. Should the IRS be check on you Tom. You know what they say about death and taxes. This city will die because you won't pay any taxes. lol. Unlike crestwood the feds have no intention of rolling back your taxes like crestwood has done numerous times. It was multiple cameras and computer software along with bar code readers.
6:53 PM
Who said the bridge was needed?
Who said the bridge needed to be replaced?
How many engineers looked at it?
Can Crestwood get a federal grant for it next year or the year after that?
If Crestwood got a federal grant for gold-plated gutters for city hall, would you be in favor of that too?
I just hope that don't build that bridge too long and I end up walking my dog in Webster Groves or Kirkwood.
Well folks it looks as though my democrat friends were right after all!
As much as it pains me to say this, I have to admit it - my Democrat friends were right.
They told me if I voted for McCain, the nation's hope would deteriorate, and sure enough there has been a 20 point drop in the Consumer Confidence Index since the election, reaching a lower point than any time during the Bush administration.
They told me if I voted for McCain, the US would become more deeply embroiled in the Middle East, and now, tens of thousands of additional troops are scheduled to be deployed into Afghanistan .
My Democrat Party friends told me if I voted for McCain, that the economy would get worse and sure enough unemployment is
already almost 10%.
They told me if I voted for McCain, we would see more "crooks" in high ranking positions in Federal government and sure enough,
several recent key cabinet nominees and Senate appointments revealed resumes of scandal, bribery and tax fraud.
They told me if I voted for McCain, we would see more "Pork at the trough" in Federal government and sure enough, 17,500 "Pork Bills" showed up in Congress since January 2009.
I was also told by my Democrat friends that if I voted for McCain, we would see more deficit spending in Washington D.C. and sure enough, Obama has spent more in just 30 days than all other Presidents together - in the entire history of the good ole USA !!
Well, I voted for McCain in November and my Democrat friends were right... all of their predictions have come true!
Gee do you think the same thing will happen here if we go against the dog catcher and the "bridge?" You bet it will, the "tax and spend" crowd will have everything for everybody asap!
The only problem with the liberal mind set when it comes to taxes is that sooner or later they run out of other peoples money!
Tom Ford
Bush Sr. only had four years to make a mess. Jr. had eight. Might take a little longer to fix this time.
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