Alderwoman Beezley audio on "animal control" at the last BOA Meeting. (click here for the audio.)

Ms. Beezley has lived a nightmare here in Crestwood! First she has the misfortune to have a raccoon fall out of a tree in her yard, and then she has a coyote on her door step, and then a bat in her house!
Now I have lived in Crestwood (park behind me) for 40 years, and I have NEVER experienced the saga she reports!
I really love the part when she says that she has the animal control at her home at 10:30 PM! Why do I doubt that? Well Ms. Sutton is off the clock at 5:00 PM, and if you had anyone it would have been the police department!
Ms. Beezley, I am wondering if you would like to correct the record here, as I find your statements difficult to accept!
Tom Ford
NO. 675
Here's the solution to the need for an Animal Control Officer. Move her in to Alderman Beasley's home. After all, that's were all the "wild animal" problems seem to be happening!
Oh my goodness. The only situation Ms. Beezley has not experienced is a ferral cat. Perhaps we should round up one of the many ferral cats in Crestwood and deliver one or several to her. Ms. Beezley's Crestwood wild animal experience would be complete.
By the way if Ms. Beezley or others require assistance with animal control consult the yellow pages. Of course Ms. Beezley would have to pay the professional rather than use our tax money to support an animal control business.
Wake up and smell the coffee.
Say no to suporting a business with our tax money and let free enterprise provide the service.
So, does she want to rid the world of animals? I think the animals were here before Crestwood was.
I have seen racoons, possums, foxes, coyotes, all kinds of birds, squirrels, chipmunks, all kinds of bugs, no bats yet, no feral cats yet, and all kinds of dogs, and cats.
In all the many years I have lived here NOT A SINGLE ONE of these have attacked, bit, fell on, or otherwise bothered me! And in return, I have not bothered them.
She didn't say what the coyote who knocked on her door wanted. Was he collecting for the roadrunner defense fund? Maybe he wanted her to sign a petition for animal control.
Oddly the few people who have suffered this harassment by wildlife, are also the radical animal control crowd. Maybe this is "revenge of the animals" or something.
If these few people want their own wrangler, THEY SHOULD HIRE ONE.
The rest of us don't want to pay double for their paranoia.
Nor do we want to see our trained Police Officers used as dogcatchers.
People in Crestwood aren't afraid of stray animals.
Let's face it. The real issue here is that they don't want their buddy animal control officer to be out of a job. That's all fine and good. But I think the board should stop tabling this issue and decide on this once and for all. We are the ones who elected the board. They should start doing what we elected them to do instead of stalling. Eckrich wants it cut. I'd say it will be.
It is a bit ironic that Alderman Beezley saw a bat in her back yard. In my part of Crestwood, they are a darn good control over blood sucking insects and as such are quite welcome.
We have always wondered where they stayed, now we know, it's Ms. Beezley's place, Crestwood's own version of "WILD KINGDOM".
3:08 PM blogger: I believe the "bat" was in the house, and the raccoon was in the yard, but who cares what was where.
By the way, I am impressed with the fact that Ms. Sutton could make that "fine line" diagnosis of the Raccoon from a distance! I don't even have a doctor who can do that much less a veterinarian.
I'll be she used the old "cat scan" technique, you know where she holds a cat by the tail and swings it above the varmint. If there is a reaction, bingo, distemper, if not, hydrophobia!
One question, did we pay for the cat?
A simple question for Ms. Beezley, and the vaunted animal control volunteers, which is more important, a Police / Fire unit to save HUMANS, or an animal control person, because we can't pay for both!
Tom Ford
I, as I'm sure many of you, have listened to and seen many "interesting" things on YouTube. But I have to tell you, this one is high on the list as far as "interesting".
4:49 PM Blogger: Well, this will be a new feature of the blog from now on. If they make an outlandish remark at the meeting's, they will be up there for all to listen to.
I think this is a very important item as far as your understanding just where your Alder-person stands, so you can keep or remove them at the next election!
There is no doubt that this will get much more interesting in the future as our elected officials can't seem to stay out of the limelight!
Tom Ford
There is a poll on the web site for Crestwood animal control: keep it or eliminate it.
Don't know how scientific this will be, but it should be interesting.
can you put link in?
"There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call 'The Twilight Zone.'" — Rod Serling
Or " they shoot your pets in Webster Groves and Kirkwood" Roy.
I guess we see now what type of alderman the mayor wants for crestwood with his support of beezley for neaders seat. she sees no evil (except racoons, bats and birds) hears no evil and speaks not evil.
7:06 AM blogger: Here is you link to the Call Vote (notice 91% say drop animal control.)
Tom Ford
"Mayor Roy Robinson, who supports maintaining the city's animal control,....... wild animals — a significant problem for Crestwood given its proximity to Grant's Farm, he added."
Straight from the horses mouth.
Will there be elephants roaming our streets? Camels in our yard? Goats eating our flowers?
Maybe Grants Farm should provide us animal control service, and set up a sub-station in Ms. Beezley's yard as that is where the problem is concentrated.
What on earth will be the next pronouncement from our government??
Wait...I hear something outside, there are strange lights, and sounds from above..there is a large glowing disk...OH NO...we're being invaded by aliens. Help..Help..they look like wild animals....
Nah, don't worry Roy has every thing under control. Like Carol Casey once said in a letter about Roy to the Call,
" we got a new sheriff in town and he's wearing a white hat"!
Where is Ms Casey now?
What's next John? Well universal health care for every animal in Crestwood! And if the animal has a tag from (GASP,) KIRKWOOD, OR WEBSTER GROVES, We will have to pay for them too as we certainly don't want to discriminate, now do we?
There will be no "green cards" needed, nor will the animal control Ladies require "proof of Crestwood citizenship to qualify!
This of course will cost us about $650,000.00, but hey, "everything for Evey body (and their pets!)
Gee, I feel so much better already!
Tom Ford
The pro animal control group gave the BOA a petittion with 718 signatures on it from all four wards (they say). Have these been verified, or did they make these up themselves? Are they residents? Are they voters? Are they adults? They seem to think this is wonderfull. BUT:
There are 11,863 residents in Crestwood.
There are 9,370 registered voters in Crestwood.
So this huge number of signatures they have is:
This is in the ballpark of the poll on the newspaper site.
(90%) of Crestwood does NOT want to continue animal control!
Please think about this as it relates to the next election.
John, You ask if all these signatures are verified? Are they even Crestwood voters, and what wards did they visit?
Well, heck no they haven't been verified, nor are we at all sure that the signatories are from Crestwood, but don't you "feel really good" now that the liberal ladies have a petition?
This whole idea was cooked up in the dark corners of the Mayors office, he told the ladies to get the signatures, so what do you think?
"His Honor" saw this as a voting block who would vote him in next time, but thanks to him it has become a laughing stock in St. Louis County!
By that I refer to the "they shoot pet's" deal he still stands on in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
Where are we now? The ladies were duped, the BOA can't make a simple decision, other communities wonder about us, and the Mayor goes to the farm. In other words, the same stuff, different day!
Tom Ford
I had a heck of a day. One heck of a day. I was working at my home office today and all of a sudden, a giraffe stuck his neck in my window! I told him to stop sticking his neck in my business but he wouldn't go away!
Then all of a sudden, an elephant came to my door. I told him to stop sticking his nose in my business, but he wouldn't go away!
Next thing you know, a tiger came inside the house and started pawing around. I told him to stop it but he wouldn't listen either.
Then this huge bird landed on my door handle. He'd fly around and come back. I told him to stop flying off the handle but just like the others, he wouldn't listen either.
So after awhile, I corralled them together and put them in my truck. I was going to take them out to the country. I traveled west on Watson to Sunset Hills. Once we got into Sunset Hills, we all got shot!
What a rough day. I might try going to the country via Webster Groves tomorrow.
(sorry for my attempt at humor, couldn't resist...)
8:06 PM blogger: why be sorry? You have done an excellent job of illustrating absurdity with absurdity!
One thing though, I wouldn't try the Webster Groves route as "his Honor" has said "they shoot pet's, don't they!"
Tom Ford
Thanks for using humor to make a point. I certainly enjoyed the writing
Steve Nieder
"It is a bit ironic that Alderman Beezley saw a bat in her back yard."
Maybe the bats were on the way to her belfry.
Well John, we may never know as Ms. Beezley has disappeared off the radar since the remark!
I wonder if she has seen any "black helo's" hovering near her home at all. There is a person who is making "tin foil hat's" for fun and profit, so if she wants the name I will give it to her.
Tom Ford
Well, the poll ended on the iCall site, AND THE RESULTS ARE:
"What should Crestwood aldermen do about local animal control?
Keep it - 10 percent
Eliminate it - 90 percent
No opinion - 0 percent
39 total votes cast"
Not exactly a huge turnout, but certainly a landslide vote
This also checks out with my previous calculations using the petition results vs. the residents, and voters in Crestwood.
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