Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Call nails the "town hall meeting!" (Click here for the excellent story in the call!)

Ah yes my friends, "His Honor" once again makes the negative news! What is it with the lad that he must spend all his waking hours making the City leadership, and by extension, us look like fools?

Once again he makes remarks that are blatantly un-substantiated, and silly (show us the proof!) at the drop of a hat! Read the editorial and I believe you will see that the allegations by "His Honor" cannot possibly be true, but he says them anyway as though no one would ever verify them!

Wow you say? well it Get's better. Last night at the BOA meeting he is said to have slammed his fist on the desk, and said that no matter what the papers and others said, it's true that Kirkwood, and Webster Groves shoot pets! (again show us the reports!)

Well that got my attention so I contacted the community service officer in Kirkwood, a man with 29 years service to the community as a Police Officer, and guess what? THIS HAS NEVER HAPPENED IN KIRKWOOD! The Officers there have dispatched deer on the the park road, but shoot pet's, NEVER!

Moving on to the remainder of the meeting,Our Aldermen tabled the "animal control" issue (why I don't know,) and moved on to bigger and better things?

By the way did you know that while the general fund has been balanced by using "reserve funds," Did you know that the 2010 preliminary budget is out of balance by $300,000.00 Well it is, and Mr. Eckrich had to admit that to Alderman Miguel (Great job Jerry!) last night! Now Mr. Eckrich, check with your assistant, are we into deficit spending yet, or are we getting mana from heaven?

We will soon have the audio portion,and when we do, it will post here with further comments. In the interim may I suggest we pass the hat for the City, and see if we can "help" with the short fall? Oh wait, they will want a TAX INCREASE, and as far as I am concerned until the animal control position position is eliminated, and the wasteful spending (bridge) is reined in, well FORGET IT KID'S!!!

Tom Ford

NO. 673


Anonymous John said...

"Our Aldermen tabled the "animal control" issue"

Isn't this the second time it was tabled? Why don't they just vote to close it up? Oh, wait was the radical "ladies animal group" there...maybe they were in fear of a beating or something.

Hopefully this will finally die a quiet death (not to be confused with the animals in our neighboring cities).

9:02 PM, September 23, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe the aldermen where evenly split on the issue. The split would have allowed a tie break vote by the mayor. We know what the outcome would be.

I find it hard to understand that the BOA would allow three additional cuts of personnel in either the police or fire department but retain the animal control service. What wrong with that picture?

I thought double taxation was illegal.

9:56 PM, September 23, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's wrong with this picture? Just look at the top of this thread and see the major photoshoped picture of our Mayor and you will know what is wrong.

8:06 AM, September 24, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom. I'm still waiting for a response from the last post under Another Great Editorial by Mike Anthony of the Suncrest Call

7:00 PM, September 24, 2009  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

8:06 AM Blogger: The "photo shopped" photo of "His Honor" came off the City Web Site (His official Photo!)

No changes, no "enhancement," just good old boy Roy in all his grandeur! Please enjoy it!

Tom Ford

7:00 PM, September 24, 2009  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:00 PM blogger: here is your post for review. I thought it was a "rhetorical question" and thus needed no response.

" Anonymous said...
Maybe the city should just continue to collect taxes and other revenues without providing any services at all. For one full year we the residents will pay and not receive one single service. That way the following year you won't have to worry about "deficit spending". After all which came first the chicken or the egg? Didn't our previous leaders provide services the first year the city was founded before the taxes had been collected? What happens in December when all the departments stay under budget? Will Mr. Anthony and Mr. Ford then decide to tell the readers they don't understand the cities cash flow and just look for a chance to jump on anyone in city hall."

10:23 PM, September 09, 2009

Well, I am very glad you brought it back to my attention as the 2010 budget will have a "short fall" of $300,000.00 as reported by Mr. Eckrige last Tuesday! Now this is the second "short fall" (read deficit spending) we have seen lately (the first was $600,000.00, remember?)

That being the case, and the fact that we will use "reserve cash" to make that work tells me that it could just be that Mr. Anthony, and I have a better handle on it than you think!

Now you have your response, and please tell me like I am a three year old how long we can keep this deficit spending up before we have a major financial melt down.

I await your comments as you seem to think you have the answers we need.

Tom Ford

7:17 PM, September 24, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bravo Tom. Yet again you fail to address the statements that have been made and instead spun it to your own rant. You have learned well from Mike Anthony. I also enjoy how you address what you want with half truths and miss information. You both take a two hour conversation, extract one sentence that seems to be along with your ideas and run with it. I would say we have three to five years before we are in real trouble. The completion of the aquatic center debt along with paying off our penalties for Prop S will help. However, declining sales tax revenue along with commercial tax(I'm sure you read in the call regarding Lindbergh school dist.) has been hurting this city for some time now. Unfortunately I am one of the few who realize we need a tax increase. Meanwhile you argue over the scraps of animal control, while the are supposed to cut through attrition three police officers and three fire fighters. Shame on you. Penny wise and pound foolish. Who cares about animal control. Your missing the big picture. Come on Crestwood, lets get off our butts and stop riding the commercial sales tax gravy train and pitch in for our community.

8:59 PM, September 24, 2009  
Anonymous John said...

" Unfortunately I am one of the few who realize we need a tax increase. Meanwhile you argue over the scraps of animal control"

Luckilly you are in a minority who think a tax increase solves all problems. We need to manage the available money more intelligently.
For example, spending well over $130,000 next year for animal control, which is a duplication of services we already pay for. Or paying over $140,000 toward a bridge replacement so emergency crews can reach an area in the park, and then cutting the size of those emergency departments, which affects the ENTIRE city, not just the park.

We do not need animal control ever.
We do not need a bridge right now.

We DO need an adequately manned Police, and Fire Department now and always.

9:49 PM, September 24, 2009  
Anonymous John said...

"I would say we have three to five years before we are in real trouble."

So if we know this...shouldn't we do something now? Are you saying we should wait five years and see what happens? What do we do then, punt?

Shouldn't we cut out duplicate services (animal control)?
Shouldn't we delay non critical projects (bridge)?
Shouldn't we try to find out why the businesses are closing? Don't we have people who are supposed to do this?

10:13 PM, September 24, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

John, excellent points!

8:59 PM Are you serious? Really?

The one thing the city needs to get a tax increase passed is the CONFIDENCE of the voters. Guess what? City government ain't got it! And the city will not instill confidence in the voters as long as -

the mayor continues to make outlandish statements ...

the board decides to spend money on things such as a bridge to no where ...

the board thinks that a sales tax holiday is a good idea ...

some aldermen ignore constituents, especially those who e-mail them or call them.

So as far as the big picture, I think you are missing it.

Voters-residents are damn sick and tired of what has been happening up at city hall over the past several years. Oh and a reality check - it's a tough economy out there. Folks who live in the city are much more worried about their families than the city right now. Sorry, but that's just the way it is. If you feel bad the c/a is riding around in a 2 year old car or that city employees didn't receive a large raise this year (while a lot of businesses have wage freezes this year), I'm sure the city would be more than happy to receive your donation.

12:06 AM, September 25, 2009  
Anonymous John said...

I have heard that the animal control issue may come up for consideration again, but not until Oct. or Nov. time frame.
I hope that it dies quietly.

7:00 AM, September 25, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The best way to determine how serious the BOA and Mayor are about issues that cause an increase or decrease in City spending is to note where they fall in relationship to the next general election.

7:11 AM, September 25, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, you can't hear me otherwise I would speak real slooooow for you. We are a City!!!! We are not unincorporated St. Louis County. I posted on this blog months ago the break down of taxes that Crestwood pass in relation to other municipalities. Guess what? We are a good 30 cents cheaper than any other. And don't forget to add another 60 to 1.25 for fire service which is included in what we pay. But, your right, lets not pay for an oil change to save money and just replace the whole engine in a year or two when it dies. Lets not pay 20% for a project, lets wait until we have to pay 100% because things may be better with the mall by then. And we can lean on it for taxes like we have for the past thirty years. I tried to act months ago by voting yes. You wait as long as you like JOHN. Take it or leave it with the bridge and animal control, its not going to keep the city in the black. Perhaps the tax increase would have passed if the residents didn't have certain people raising the amount they would vote to approve a tax ballet in order to then go to the residents and tell them the city doesn't need it. I'm sure Tom and Mr. Anthony know whom I refer to since they provide most of their information or misinformation.

3:59 PM, September 25, 2009  
Anonymous John said...

Anymous 3:59 pm,

You seem to be directing this to me so I will try to respond. Some of it is not clear as you seem to be ranting. But....

Yes we are a city. We are located in a county. We pay taxes to both. Due to economy of scale, some services are better provided by the county. The services are different for every city, and unincorporated area. They are decided by our BOA, and the County Council, both of which are elected by us.
The Police, and Fire Department seem to be working as they are, but I don't agree with the recent cuts.

Some things need to be eliminated, or delayed no matter how much we "save" by spending.

I don't think anyone is waiting on the mall for a huge increase in tax money. It will be a long term improvement (if at all).

Your last part I don't understand at all. Are you saying that Tom (with this blog) and the Newspaper are at fault for the tax increase failing? And who do you accuse for paying off who?

Didn't the increase fail by about 70%? I'm sure the paper, and Tom would be THRILLED if they could sway the vote by that much!

6:07 PM, September 25, 2009  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Thanks John! Wow if we could even have that much power we would be "Big daddy da da for life!"

The truth is that we, the citizens of Crestwood are smart enough to see "his honor," and the BOA for what some of them are, vote pandering, so called officials who would give away the farm keys at the drop of a vote from the special interest folks!

Say what you will, but you know I am right, we have a few "watch dogs" on board (Duchild, Schlink, Miguel, and possibly Wallach and Foote,) the remainder are "world class weather vanes!" who will sway in the direction of "his honor's" whim!

NONE of these people have any control over the economy, but they would like you to believe they do, so it is what it is, and when it improves it won't be because of them, trust me!

By the way the tax increase failed by 72%, and the boy's weren't at all happy. I suggest that if anyone who Post's here wants an increase you first CUT THE IDIOT EXPENSES!

Tom Ford

6:28 PM, September 25, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

AS has been stated previously elimination of animal control is not about the job or
the person or
the efforts of volunteers to help animals.

It is about the type of ChANGE I will vote for is candidates whose action demonstrate:

No to taxpayer support of special interests.

No to taxpayer support of duplicate services.

NO to waste of my hard earned tax dollars.

Eliminate animal control and deficit spending.

7:39 PM, September 25, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3:59PM "I posted on this blog months ago the break down of taxes that Crestwood pass in relation to other municipalities."

WHOA there partner!!! Wasn't it our fine esteemed mayor that said he didn't care what other cities were doing? As quoted in the SunCrest Call's issue 9/16/2009 'Crestwood Board of Aldermen to consider elimination of city's animal control division' by Evan Young
"I really don't care whether other cities around us or anybody else has it," he said. "We're unique, we're self-governed and we want to keep our service to where we feel protected and our animals are treated properly.''

So I gotta tell ya partner, we are unique!!! And besides, who knows, could it be the other cities are more expensive because of all the bullets they use to shoot animals with??? Is that slooooow enough for ya, partner???

8:18 PM, September 25, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This whole deal of "Police shooting pets" is a crock. Talk to ANY Police Officer from Webster, Kirkwood or Shrewsbury. They will tell you the same. Yes, they put down injured or sick animals, but they do not shoot lost/stray pets as His Honor states. They will also tell you that they (their policemen) are not animal control officers...which is exactly what I believe ours will become when animal control finally goes away. Crestwood or County control will not matter, as our residents are probably so used to having our police or animal control stepping in every time a stray dog walks in their yard.
I guess my point is our cops are on the chopping block already, and I bet they get shackled with all the calls when animal control goes the way of the dodo bird.

Animal Control for a city of our size is ridiculous. Cutting cops in a city our size is ridiculous. Making them answer animal calls after losing officers is also ridiculous.

11:05 PM, September 25, 2009  
Anonymous John said...

"Animal Control for a city of our size is ridiculous. Cutting cops in a city our size is ridiculous. Making them answer animal calls after losing officers is also ridiculous."

I completely agree! And I also can't see cutting the Fire Department either.

Short of a case of an animal attacking a person, the police should NOT be involved.

If everything is fine, the Police, and Fire, are kind of in the background, and some people foolishly think they are not important. But if YOU have an emergency, it is wonderful to hear them pulling up to your house literally in minutes.
If your child is on the floor tuning blue, or a drunken ex is breaking in your door, you sure don't want to hear "sorry, they are on the other side of town, and due to the cut back it will be a while till someone can get there".

On the other hand, I would be glad to wait quite a while for county animal control to pick up a stray. This is NOT AN EMERGENCY.

11:49 PM, September 25, 2009  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

11:05 PM blogger: Ask any Crestwood officer who takes care of "animal control" now. They will all tell you Ms. Sutton is hardly ever in position, so they do!

The status quo will remain just that when Ms. Sutton retires ( with the exception of the volunteers who will have their usual fit!)

When asked by Mr. Nieder (at the last BOA meeting) if the volunteers did anything to fund raise. Ms. Wheat said they were going to apply for grants, start a 501C3, and fund raise locally. Mr. Nieder asked her what's been done so far, and she said nothing has to date (and you can bet nothing will be either.)

Our good friends to the south in Texas would call this organization "all hat and no cows," and I agree.

Tom Ford

9:19 AM, September 26, 2009  

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