The internal memo, that said "other Cities shoot pets!" (part one!)

Internal Memorandum
Police Department
SUBJECT: Animal Calls. Police Response
Sir, regarding our recent conversations concerning police officers responding to animal
related calls; I would like to inform you of the following.
While researching this issue, Officer Paul Lacey contacted the following Law
Enforcement Agencies:
Webster Groves Police Department
Sunset Hills Police Department
Kirkwood Police Department
Sunset Hills Police Department:
Lt. Greg Zveitel of the Sunset Hills Police Department was interviewed on this topic. Lt.
Zveitel informed this Department that they do respond to animal related calls, however;
they provide no equipment or training to their officers. They will contact animal control
agencies and attempt to follow their instructions. They allow S1.Louis County Animal
Control to handle all animal calls if available. Lt. Zveitel indicated that his officers would
respond to dog at large calls if the location of the dog is known. If the dog is docile and
will get into a patrol car, they will transport it to the Police Department and attempt to
contact the owner. If this is not possible, they will contact S1.Louis County Animal
Control for pick up.
In the case of a sick raccoon, Sunset Hills Officers will respond and euthanize the
animal with a department firearm. A memorandum documenting the firearm discharge
is written. There is no written policy concerning this procedure.
TO: James A. Eckrich
FROM: Michael L. Paillou
DATE: May 14, 2009
Lt. Zveiteil stated that his agency was very happy with the response from St. Louis
County Animal Control and indicated that they are much better prepared to deal with all
animal related calls. He indicated that they are also better equipped to deal with
enforcement as the penalties at the county level are more severe and his officers are
not expending their efforts enforcing .animal regulations.
Tomorrow I will post the response from Webster Groves, and on Thursday, Kirkwood. I believe when you have read all their responses, you will come to the same conclusion as I did, that being NOTHING IN THE INTERNAL MEMO states that "family pet's" are shot in any of those City's! So what "memo" are you referring to "your honor?" I think you owe this City an apology!
Tom Ford
NO. 676
don't hold your breath waiting for an I'm sorry from the mayor.
"Lt. Zveiteil stated that his agency was very happy with the response from St. Louis
County Animal Control and indicated that they are much better prepared to deal with all
animal related calls. He indicated that they are also better equipped to deal with
enforcement as the penalties at the county level are more severe and his officers are
not expending their efforts enforcing .animal regulations."
Roy will never apologize. He think he's above that.
But he'd better get his facts straight and provide some documentation to support this other than "because I said so." Otherwise, the evidence points to Roy fibbing or embellishing or just being plain wrong.
Some of the things he says makes for great reading ... and will make for an interesting mayoral election!!!
Amazing! Two whole pages, and not a "family pet shot yet!" Boy if this was a Western movie, and no Native Americans bit the dust yet people would walk out in droves!
Ah, "Your Honor," are you starting to see the reason we don't believe you yet?
If this holds true (and it does,) "His Honor," and the C/A will have to dress up as Police officers from Webster and Kirkwood and do a drive by on "Fluffy!"
Good Grief!
Tom Ford
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