Police in Kirkwood and Webster shoot animals according to the Mayor (click here for the audio.)

As usual click on the header for the audio of "his honors" remarks at the town hall meeting where he stated that our good neighbors, Kirkwood, and Webster Groves shoot pets instead of having their own animal control. (DO WHAT?)
This is nor part of the audio, but if you read the story in the Call you will notice the sly way the parks director puts in for another employee (part time ranger.) Here we are with no income to speak of in the middle if what well may be another depression, and she wants a new employee!
Well if were to believe "his honor" we can't possibly live without animal control due to the vicious, marauding beasts that roam the street's of Crestwood un-abated! Horse feathers, sir! It's very simple, cut the budget, stop the spending, forget the bridge until we have the funds to do it without worry!
When will that be, well I heard a simple explanation of the economy which I shall share with you here.
Rescission: When your neighbor's out of a job.
Depression: When your out of a job.
Recovery: When Barrack Obama is out of a job.
Tom Ford
NO. 672
Chevys closing in Mall, Crestwood Econ Develop. Committee meets only when they feel the need to.
Thanks Roy for appointing these group of hard working business people!
And the BOA commits $750 of the yet to be approved 2010 budget on a bridge over the river why?
The BOA approved spending $600k more than predicted revenue for 2009.
I believe we shall call this new strategy spend and tax. Get ready folks. The BOA tried to tax and spend but the voters where wise to this strategy when they defeated the proposed tax increase.
Give it up mayor and boa and cut the budget.
6:PM PM blogger: Yep, the great Economic Development Commission only needed to meet when they see fit! Why there can be no need for a group that can't manage it's way out of a revolving door, now is there?
Crestwood has everything it needs to foster a wonderful business climate, such as a sign commission that won't allow signs by the road, and tree regulations that won't allow a sign to be seen from the road, so why a committee?
7:21 Pm Blogger: "spend and tax" it is my friend! The "short term memory of "his honor" and the BOA is amazing to say the least!
Hey troops, remember the last time you tried a tax increase and it went down in flames (72% against?) Well if anything the climate is worse than ever now so, CUT EXPENSES, ELIMINATE THE ANIMAL CONTROL POSITION, FORGET THE EXTRA $130,000.00 YOU SAY WE NEED TO SPEND ON ANIMAL CONTROL, AND FORGET THE IDIOT BRIDGE FOR NOW!
Things will improve no matter who is in charge in Washington, and we all know it, so bring these ideas back when were flush, not now!
Tom Ford
Chevy's is closing? That stinks! I really enjoyed Chevy's. I went there often ... but I guess not often enough!
As of late, it would do some business but it was slow most of the time. Of course, when the mall had more stores, there was more business.
I'm going to miss them.
I'm going to miss Lindburg Cadillac too. I never bought a Cadillac, but it was nice to dream.
The economic development comission has no influence on business activity. I suggest we dismantle economic development.
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