Robinson says Kirkwood and Webster Groves "shoot pets!" (click here for the Call story!)

Folks I have been to a couple of rodeos and and a goat roping in my time but I have never ever heard anything as silly as this!
Do you have any idea the furor that would ensue in either town if this were ever allowed to happen? I do, believe me! I personally like the part where he says that because they use "City weapons" that it's OK. Well, I have friends in both community's who are Police Officers, and this is news to them, so maybe it's a Mayor thing? You will note that when contacted the spokespersons for both Cities deny that happens except in the case of a rabid, or vicious animal that is uncontrollable (does that sound like a family pet?)
I understand also (from people who were there) that because we are in the proximity of Grant's Farm we suffer from "wild animals" and coyotes who attack our pets wantonly. I guess I am lucky because I live on a Crestwood park and have for 40 years now and I have never seen a "marauding coyote, or vicious animal" in all that time, wow! Now that said I have two African dangerous game rifles (375HH, and a 416 Rigby) for a trip that I was going to take that never happened, but I will volunteer my time to rid Crestwood of these "vicious animals" (if we ever find one) for gratis! Oh wait I would have to sell them to the City to make it OK, so forget it!
Your Honor, I have a suggestion from your humble serf here in Ward Two, cut the bravo sierra, forget the votes you think you will get from the animal control people and CUT THE POSITION! Your own City Administrator has recommended it, the greater part of Crestwood wants County, and we must save the money somewhere, so why not in DUPLICATE SERVICES?
By the way I see you want another $81,000.00 above the salary to renovate the dog pound. What part of were broke cant you get anyway? Oops there it is in your last statement, "I don't care were unique" and the I don't care Sums it all up, doesn't it!
Tom Ford
NO. 671
Just when you thought you've heard it and seen it all ...
a m a z i n g ...
this is a joke, right???
Has Rod Serling come back? Are we in the zone???
No, but he seems to be! Lord it's not bad enough that we look like ? Now he insults our neighbors, BY TELLING PEOPLE THEY "KILL FAMILY PET'S!"
Is it possible that we can make a profit by turning Lindbergh Cadillac into a "pet crematorium" for all the family pets "shot down" in cold blood by the Neighbors?
Tom Ford
I will post the audio portion of the town hall meeting concerning animal control if you want to listen to it. Just give me a thumbs up and it will be posted.
Lets see....400 residents plus 1 Mayor: Want their own animal control department.
And, there are 11,863 residents in Crestwood....?
We don't want to pay extra for "our own" animal control.
"Crestwood once employed two park rangers, one full-time and the other half-time, to assist its animal control officer. But those positions were eliminated in late 2005."
This was news to me. And my question is: WHAT?
Was (and is) Crestwood overrun with animals roaming our city, running amuck...but not, thank goodness, venturing into the cities surrounding us who use county animal control.
Oh, wait, I know why...because they will be gunned down without mercy by the police in those cities! (According to our Mayor.)
I vote for the Mayor, and the rabid animal control people to pay all the costs for this duplication of services.
The signatures of 400 hundred people have not appeared yet. Perhaps the signatures are vaporware similar to the police in Webster and Kirkwood shooting the pets.
This animal control fiasco just seems to get more crazy every day!
Public works has come up with an estimate of what it would cost to continue our own (duplicate) animal control department:
$49,000 salary and benefits (now).
$30,000 building repairs.
$30,000 new vehicle.
$21,000 park ranger (part time).
$130,000 Total!
But wait a minute....that is just the starting price. What about pay increases for two people? Cost of operating the shelter like utilities, and insurance? Vehicle costs like gas, and insurance, and maintenance?
Does the city insurance cover the volunteers working at the shelter?
At present, after seven days, "our" shelter puts the animals up for adoption, or SENDS THEM TO THE COUNTY SHELTER, or to the humane society!
So for this $130,000 (plus) they get to stay here for a week??
Here is an ironic (or moronic) twist...if one of these people is not on duty our Police will take care of it...and we are CUTTING OUR POLICE FORCE. (I'm sure they will not use the methods used by Kirkwood, or Webster as per our mayor.)
By the way, the county keeps animals with tags at Ladue (just up the road), or without in Florissant.
John, $130,000.00 plus you say? Well I doubt that shelter can be brought up to code for less than $50,000.00 (ventilation system ETC,) so tack on another $20,000.00!
We would do it by code since we have a code enforcement officer living rent free at the Sappington House, no?
If you tabulate the cost of the 400 votes "his honor" could guarantee by backing this travesty it comes to $375.00 per vote ($150,000.00 divided by 400) of OUR TAX MONEY!
This is the biggest case of pandering to the special interest voter since "hope and change!" We all know what that got us don't we.
"Your honor" you have already made us look like buffoons to our good neighbors (Kirkwood and Webster Groves, so give it a rest and go back to the farm, God knows your of no help here!
Tom Ford
Boy when it comes to our Mayor and the President of the Board this nails it!
One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors." --Greek philosopher Plato (c. 428-348 B.C.)
Tom Ford
SMN: Please post the audio and advise me when I can post it here!
Tom Ford
Roy's doing this for the votes, he needs those who support the costly idea of our own animal control for his next run for office. It's got nothing to do with pets being shot, my gosh he hunts every year on his farm. It's all about getting people to help him run for another term. Why this issue, well with the idea of City employees being able to work for him in his race (fire fighters union) going down in flames, he has to have some core group that will perform his ground force next election.
He knows he cant get the same people who helped him win the first time, hit the streets for him next time.
Just like the bridge issue is about gaining support from the park people, the Fire Chief isnt crying out for the bridge. But Roy sees this issue as a way of getting another voter block on his side.
We must never forget, it is always about Roy and since Roy is Crestwood, he must be followed.
7:52 AM blogger: Right you are about it all being pandering to the ladies who volunteer at the animal shelter.
The really sad part is what's to become of the Linda's, Mary's, Susie's, and Debbie's when he is done with them? Will they, as so many have, be cast asunder when he no longer views them a "useful?"
And as to "following Roy," well I am reminded of a British Officer fitness report which stated that, "his men would follow him anywhere, but only out of curiosity!"
Tom Ford
Sad we have this buffoon until 2011.
9:91 PM blogger: Indeed it is, and to think I once believed in him! Ah well, someone has changed and it isn't me!
Next time out we must do a much better job of vetting the candidates for all our offices before we wind up with Larry, Curly and Moe (or worse) on the Dias!
Tom Ford
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