Another animal control person heard from, but now from Sunset Hills (click here)

Well now we have a resident of Sunset Hill's who is "deeply offended" by my remarks in the Times reference animal control! Ms. Gail Baird of Sunset Hills is so offended by my remarks she must be beside herself because she is telling us how to spend Crestwood Money!
Ms. Baird, while you were "blinded" by your Phony rage you missed a couple of salient points, one being that Ms. Sutton is not the "Director" of anything in Crestwood, she is an employee, period!Second, you are without portfolio as you are not a tax payer in Crestwood, nor do you contribute one dime to Crestwood's coffer's as such.
The problem we have here is that you, Ms. Baird have no business what so ever telling Crestwood residents what to do, and how to run our community. If your so interested in animal control why don't you go the a Sunset Hills BOA meeting and tell them to hire Ms. Sutton, and all her wonderful experience away from poor little old Crestwood? You won't do that of course because you know as well as I do that Your Town is very happy with the service it Get's from County and they have no intention to change!
Now one other small request if I may, and that is how about you and whomever else you can drum up in Sunset Hills write a check in the amount of $50,000.00 to cover Ms. Sutton's salary, and then you too can benefit from her wonderful services, because we don't want or need it!
In closing let me say that I find it appalling that you would have the nerve to intrude on a Crestwood decision, as I know of NO ONE from Crestwood who has ever felt the need to intrude on Sunset Hills decisions.
Tom Ford
NO. 688
If you read this weeks Times newspaper you will notice a letter from MS.
Baird of Sunset Hills declaring the need for animal control. I find the
letter interesting because
1. who cares what Sunset Hills thinks?
2. where is the army of volunteers?
3. how does Suzzie control disease in the WILD animal population?
4. when did Suzie become a director?
5. when did Suzie have the authority to mandate anything?
5. when did animal control become as important as police and fire services?
What a crock. Where do these people come from? The circus must have
forgotten some of its residents.
There are people who are compeled to view with alarm anything anyone else says or does. We used to call them "holier than thou" but I think there's a new term that covers it.
An new idea for this blog, its called
I have a opossum living under my deck which is 8 inches off the ground. It is driving my dog crazy trying to get at it, and its the weekend.
If this were Roy's problem would he:
1. Put up with it until Monday when the Animal Control Officer clocked in to take care of the problem?
2. Tear up his deck and let his dog get at it?
3. Call the police and hope they think the opossum is a pet dog and shoot?
4. Roy shoots it himself hoping no one hears the gunshot and call the Police?
5. Roy shoots his dog to shut it up?
What would ROY DO?
Roy shoots at it through the porch, and shoots himself in the foot.
Well let's see, WWRD? Well as I ponder that question, I conjure up a scene where Roy contacts ALL the "special interest" groups as well a the friends pf animal control (all two of them for advise.)
Since it's the weekend, and we have NO ANIMAL CONTROL on duty he contacts the Board President Mr. Chris Pickle who decides to "table" it until the election is over.
Naturally the Sunset Hills contingency becomes "deeply offended" by the plight of the wild animal and pens a letter to ?
All this time money is being wasted on calls, meetings, petitions, and whatever else will make him look good.
Finally ($50,000.00 later, salary for the missing dog catcher,) and after all this the opossum becomes tired of all this foolishness and goes back to the wood's!
Tom Ford
I recently met with a raccoon and a bat representing the (WAF) Wild Animals of Crestwood who politely informed me they where curious about Suzie Sutton's center for disease control (CDC) location and why they have not been contacted regarding the service.
I politely informaed the WAF should contact WWRD (WHAT WOULD ROY DO)and Suzzie Sutton at 314 729 4700 for additional information.
That's the spirit,
love those WWRD ideas, keep them a coming.
You just got elected mayor, one of your positions for getting the job is to run against the idea of passing a bond issue the other guy running supports. The City has debt it needs to pay off.
1. Issue Notes (like a bond) once elected.
2. Promise the voters if the Notes (like a bond) tax passes, there will be a sunset and the tax to pay for the Notes (like a bond) will go away.
WWRD? Simple get elected, pass a thing called "Prop S," tell the citizens that it will "sunset" as soon as the bond is paid off!
But wait, he would also connive a way to keep it on the sly till 2013,paid up or not!
Amazing what you can do with a willing Board President, no?
Tom Ford
Ladies and Gentlemen
After a quick review of the budget I find an item that should be considered by all tax payers.
Here is the story.
2009 budget had expenditures over expenses to the tune of over $600k. Commonly referred to as DEFICIT SPENDING.
2010 proposed budget has expenditures over expenses to the tune of over $200K with the same expenditure amount as 2009. Still DEFICIT SPENDING.
Any one curious how they reduced DEFICIT SPENGING without reducing expenditures. Excess revenue from PROP S? We require about $400K of the estimated $550K generated by PROP S to make the final loan payment in 2010. The rest will be used to pay for the bridge to no where.
It is said that an "unexamined life is not worth living"...when you spend all your time examining the missteps and pitfalls of someone else's life, it means that you are not focusing on what you may be doing wrong in your own life. A lot of time is spent on this blog criticizing the mayor, the dog catcher, the alderman you disagree with etc. I suggest that all of you--starting with Tom--go look in the mirror and reflect on your own lives and how you are making Crestwood a better place. Seriously. Here is a hint: You are not. You are negative and toxic and angry. You are also the minority. You are the vocal minority.
Oh, now we have in 12:44 on 11/2/09 a pro Roy person taking the "High" ground in his defense. What a joke that is.
You want to do something about people not helping Crestwood, start with the current mayor of our beloved city. You think ROY has spent ANY time in front of a mirror focusing on HIS missteps or pitfalls? Come on, when that happens then I'll look at myself but until then, he is the man who said we would wait a long time to get an "I'm sorry/wrong" from him.
Just as your self this simple question. "what would Roy do"?
12:44 Pm blogger: All true, but my life after the service has been spent sniffing out things that do not appear to be correct, and now wasteful expenditures.
You know like the mayor who was an investigator for the defense department, only I decided to take on my home town.
All in all I am very happy with my direction, as I remember what a good man said some time ago, that being "All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing!"
Benjamin Disraeli.
Now if you don't care where your money is going, good for you, but as for me, and mine we do, thus we shall be ever vigilant!
Tom Ford
12:44 PM
"Seriously. Here is a hint: You are not. You are negative and toxic and angry. You are also the minority. You are the vocal minority."
Wake up and smell the coffee!
Where in the world have you been?
I have news for you. Did you see the numbers for the vote AGAINST Prop 1 last year? 70+ said NO.
I've lived here over thirty years. For the first time EVER, I am hearing residents talk of county taking over services. Some of the folks mentioning this have lived here longer than I have.
Residents are angry.
So welcome back to civilization. It's November 2009. Barack Obama is President. Roy Robinson is mayor and you will see a lot of his quotes in the paper.
Mr Ford I agree with you I myself love Crestwood and am at a loss for the way things have turned for your community. Though I live in Mehlville, I am also a retired Navy Vet I just want to wish you personaly, Have a great vetrens day and God Bless
Sounds like 12:44 could be related to the truth dector from mehlville. he sure does get around.
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