Thursday, October 01, 2009

"His Honor" and Alderman Miguel confrontation at the last BOA meeting! (click here.)

This exchange occurred at the last BOARD OF ALDERMAN meeting. Notice I said BOARD OF ALDERMAN MEETING? Well that's just what it is, it is not, repeat, not the MAYOR'S MEETING, but rater the BOA meeting!

Alderman Jerry Miguel is a tried and true public servant with many years service to Crestwood, and to think that he, or anyone else for that matter should be shouted down at HIS meeting is a disgrace!

The Mayor seems to think all the citizens who show for a BOA meeting are there to hear him! Well sir, they are not, trust me! Just how long do you think you can continue this arrogant attitude forth before the good citizens of Crestwood demand your resignation? Mr. mayor, this is a Charter City, you have certain duties, and your restricted from others, so may I strongly suggest you read the Charter, and follow it for a change?

Tom Ford

NO. 679


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Thanks for posting this. Did the mayor have any further response to Alderman Miguel?

I'll have more comments later.

I think Alderman Miguel was quite correct.

7:33 PM, October 01, 2009  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

No, that was it for then, but we all know that he will have to exert his presence in the future, so stand by!

Tom Ford

7:51 PM, October 01, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bravo to Alderman Miguel. His comments were long overdue.

Martha Duchild

8:33 PM, October 01, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It will take guts to do this and at least 6 votes, but the Alderman set the rules for THEIR meetings, not his highness the Mayor. All they have to do is to set forth at the start of a meeting the rules that put limitations of how long Roy can speak and when for that meeting. HE WILL SQUEAL but if it gets out of hand I believe the BOA has the right to appoint a SARGENT AT ARMS to keep the meeting in order.
In my 13 years on the Board the total time taken by the 6 mayors/acting mayors I served with spoke less in total than Roy did in the one year he was the Mayor while I was on the Board.

11:06 PM, October 01, 2009  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Folks, I have been wondering all day where I heard the phrase "POINT OF ORDER, POINT OF ORDER?"

I just came to me a few moment's ago, it was "tail gunner Joe Mc Carthy in the Senate during the house un-American hearings in the 50's. "Are you now, or have you ever been a member of the Communist party?" Remember his voice?

Well, from now on I am going to refer to The mayor as "tail gunner Roy!" I can hear him now my friends, "Point of order, Point of order! Alderman Miguel, are you now, or have you ever been a member of a group that advocates the removal of animal control?

What was it Shakespeare said "A tail full of sound and furry, signifying nothing," or something like that!

Tom Ford

3:33 PM, October 02, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Robinson, when he interrupts Miguel, does a first-rate job of proving Miguel's point!

10:06 PM, October 04, 2009  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

10:06 PM blogger: Correct, each and every word! I am glad he's good at something because the remainder of the resume is a bit thin!

Tom Ford

4:49 PM, October 05, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are Robert's Rules of Order and then there are Roy's Rules of Order. I like Robert's better.

Alderman Miguel, that took some guts, and needed to be said. Thank you.

11:36 PM, October 08, 2009  

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