Wednesday, October 14, 2009

"His Honor" refuses to apologize to Webster and Kirkwood for his ridiculous remarks! ( CLICK HERE FOR THE AUDIO!))

Alderman Jerry Miguel requested an apology to our neighbors from "His Honor" only to be rebuked again! Not to be out done, Alderman Miguel quoted from the "internal memo" (posted here, on this blog) showing the Mayors statement to be erroneous at best! Well, that didn't set to well with "himself," so he also launched into an attack on St. Louis Counties animal control, saying they were (being polite here,) sub-standard!

Well "your honor," I will be glad to tell you what is "sub-standard" and it's not St. Louis County animal control! In fact if we have anything that is "sub-standard" in this County, it's your lack of ability to recognize the truth when it's presented to you.

"Your Honor," you have been unable to see the writing on the wall from six inches out. This is Crestwood, not the "kingdom of Roy" as you seem to wish it was. You have lost any semblance of self control when it comes to running a meeting, and that is not what a really good Mayor is all about!

The meetings are called the "Board of Alderman" meetings for a reason, we really don't want to hear from you unless you need to break a tie, or make an announcement. Please consider just sitting there, and allowing the Alderman to do their job!

You and I both know that an apology is needed to our neighbors, and now to Mr. Charlie Dooley, and I can only hope and pray you can find the humility to do it, and soon!

UPDATE TO MY POST HERE ON THE NEED FOR AN APOLOGY TO MR. CHARLIE DOOLEY: As of the last Board meeting Crestwood voted to accept a St. Louis County grant in the amount of $164,496.00 to supply "recycling carts" to 90% of our residents! I guess "his dis-honor" is willing to take the County monies while ridiculing their services! This is a sad day in Crestwood when we have to watch a man too egotistical to admit he is wrong!

Wake up Mayor, we really don't like your "one trick pony" act anymore, and besides were all stocked up with "so called leaders" who are out of their depth in a car park puddle anyway!

Tom Ford

NO. 683


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just read the latest copy of the "Times" and noticed (emblazoned on the front page) a picture of a cat in a cage. The front page was dedicated to the story of Crestwood's Animal Control, as was a lengthy continuation. Oh, the heart strings are a' pullin'!

This completely sickens me. Our city is losing Fire Fighters and Police Officers with not so much of a wimper from our neighbors. Yet, we are all "up in arms" about the position of a dog catcher. Wow.

Roy doesn't seem to mind losing dedicated public servants with families. And for that matter, this blog doesn't seem to mind it either, given the absurd number of blogs about the animal control deal! No offense Mr. Ford, but the animal control issue (or non-issue by some ways of thinking) pales in comparison to our community losing cops and fire fighters, yet the animal control issue seems to get more emotions riled up!

Where is the front page story? Where is the public outcry? Where is the door to door signature gathering to keep these men and women?

I forgot- we're too busy worrying about five or six pets sitting in a cage.

I am ashamed to be living in a city/society where puppy-dogs and kitty-cats hold more weight (and garner more media attention) than the more important issue of employee retention.

Way to go Crestwood! Way to focus on what's important!

Get rid of animal control and save a job or two of our public safety folks.

That is all.

1:11 PM, October 15, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Could you give us any details regarding how many police and/or fire fighters we have lost? I'm assuming this was done through attrition??

1:27 PM, October 15, 2009  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

1:15 PM blogger: The animal control "issue" is but a microcosm of the things that are wrong in Crestwood, that's why I have been on it so hard.

Why do we have a mayor who refuses to do anything with the "sacred cow" mentality so prevalent in this City?

I have a huge interest in Police and fire, and I agree with you that we should never be faced with layoff's in either department.

The animal control is just the tip of the iceberg in this town. We have an employee (collecting full salary) living rent, heat, light, and cooling free in the Sappington House, and collecting $100.00 per month to boot.

we have people demanding we spend $775,000.00 on a bridge that will not be used in Whitecliff, Park.

Now, I have concentrated on animal control for a simple reason, you can't go after all the ducks in the flock, you will miss them all, so you concentrate on one at a time.

Loose employees? I hate the idea, but given the option of loosing police and fire, I will choose to close a department that has one employee, and is of social security age, with that safety net to fall back on.

I hope you can now understand where I am coming from here.

Tom Ford

2:22 PM, October 15, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Right you are Mr. Ford. One step at a time. Our governing body still spend more than it receives. I thank (just kidding) the aldermen in ward 4 for plunging the tax payers $150,000 further into debt for a bridge to no where. If we had not allocated the $150,000.00 the deficit would have been $88000.00

If we eliminate animal control the defict would be about $44000.00.

Put Sappington House on a diet and insist they use the $500,000 we claim as an asset on the books to support their toy. The deficit would then be about $12000.00.

Then we might be able to talk about increasing real estate taxes.

Steve Nieder

6:30 PM, October 15, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom, Steve,

I agree.

Don't forget the sales tax holiday. The city probably lost $50,000 that weekend?

And they have zero evidence that the sales tax holiday brought in new shoppers. They cannot differentiate whether the increase in business during that period was due to the sales tax holiday or back to school shopping/sales. And furthermore, had the city NOT participated in the holiday, shoppers in Crestwood still would have gotten a bargain because the STATE had a sales tax holiday.

6:37 PM, October 15, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is the Humane Society involved in the Adopt a Pet program?

Which Vets are involved in this program to protect our city employees from diseases?

7:47 PM, October 15, 2009  
Anonymous John said...

Anymous 1:11pm,

"This completely sickens me. Our city is losing Fire Fighters and Police Officers with not so much of a wimper from our neighbors. Yet, we are all "up in arms" about the position of a dog catcher. Wow."

I am a neighbor, and I have been posting about this for quite a while. I agree with you that it is absurd to say we need a duplicate animal control already paid for by us, and to be eliminating both Fire and Police people.

7:48 PM, October 15, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


How about listing the St. Louis County functions and responsibilities with Animal Control?

What are their processes and procedures?

Are their employees certified and trained every year by a Vet organization or by a Safety Group?

What are the differences between the Crestwood Animal Control and the St. Louis Animal Control?

Are we currently paying for the St. Louis County Animal Control program with our St. Louis County Real Estate Taxes? If so, what is the rate or price?

What is the rate or price for the City of Crestwood?

How is the St. Louis County Animal Control funded?

How is the Crestwood Animal Control funded?

7:50 PM, October 15, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you posting on the following sites to bring in new business to Crestwood?

The future way of communication
youTube - Did you know 4.0:





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7:56 PM, October 15, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In order to correct a wrong, you have to make a sharp right turn.

7:57 PM, October 15, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Apology Leadership in Public and Private

Love, perhaps, means never having to say you're sorry. Not so in business.

Leaders are defined not by avoiding mistakes, missteps, and misstatements. The mark of a leader is how he or she responds to mistakes, missteps, and misstatements.

Apology doesn’t come easily to most professionals. Business schools don’t cover apology, and if they do, they agree with lawyers who say, an apology is just like admitting fault, so don’t do it.

For business people, apology is complicated. Executives must be clear on whose behalf they are apologizing: for their own misbehavior or on behalf of the organization they lead. The frameworks for making apology decisions under these two scenarios differ and successful leaders understand the differences.

Apology is a key survival skill for business leaders. As long as businesses have to recruit from the human race, organizations will slip up, go astray, make errors, misjudge risks, and otherwise screw up. At complex, organizations with tens of thousands of employees working all over the world, mistakes—large and small, public and private—are all but inevitable. Executives who are in the pubic eye must anticipate the probability of making mistakes.

The public can accept mistakes from its leaders and institutions. What the public cannot accept is cover-up, deceit, and arrogance.

Integrity first
Service before self
Excellence in all we do
U.S. Air Force Core Values
1 January 1997

8:03 PM, October 15, 2009  
Anonymous John said...

Anymous 7:50pm,

Of the 9 questions you posed, many have been answered on this blog. The rest could probably be found by surfing the County, and Crestwood web sites.

I'm curious why you posted these...trying to stir up something?

Maybe I'll see what I can find, it might swing more people over to the "we don't need our own duplicate animal control" side.

Thank you.

8:22 PM, October 15, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7:50 PM blogger
List of services from St. Louis County Animal Control.

Go to this sight

and all of your questions will be answered. No reason for Crestwood tax payers to pay twice. Save a firemans or policemans job instead.

Steve Nieder

8:39 PM, October 15, 2009  
Anonymous John said...

Anymous 7:50pm,

Answers to some of your questions:

"How about listing the St. Louis County functions and responsibilities with Animal Control?
What are their processes and procedures? "

Saint Louis County Animal Control Services have a big job - to assure that pets and people live together in safety and harmony - and that ALL pets receive proper care and housing. As part of the County Department of Health, animal control officers are in action every day, handling many routine as well as emergency situations with pets and wild animals.

"What are the differences between the Crestwood Animal Control and the St. Louis Animal Control?"

Crestwood is one person. And often our police have to fill in. County is many people and facilities.

"Are we currently paying for the St. Louis County Animal Control program with our St. Louis County Real Estate Taxes? If so, what is the rate or price?"


Look at your tax bill.

"How is the St. Louis County Animal Control funded?"

By county sales tax, property tax, and all the other taxes, and fees we all pay to the county.

"How is the Crestwood Animal Control funded?"

By all the taxes, and fees we all pay to the city. It is a needless duplication of services we are also paying the county for. Our city staff has recommended dropping it as we can not afford the $130,000 or more it will cost for next year.

Even dropping this will not solve all our problems. We are still eliminating Fire, and Police positions, which is completely CRAZY. We are also shifting money around, and still going in the hole.

1:08 AM, October 16, 2009  
Anonymous John said...

"Could you give us any details regarding how many police and/or fire fighters we have lost? I'm assuming this was done through attrition??"

I think it is 3 Fire, and 4 Police, of which there are 2 Police to go.
I am not positive on this...maybe someone could verify, or correct me.

BTW I think that the LAST people we should cut are the emergency services people. I hope we don't have a major incident that is made worse by being short handed.

1:21 AM, October 16, 2009  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Off topic but true none the less!

Crabby old man--a good story

When an old man died in the geriatric ward of a nursing home in North Platte , Nebraska , it was believed that he had nothing left of any value ...
Later, when the nurses were going through his meager possessions, They found this poem . Its quality and content so impressed the staff that copies were made and distributed to every nurse in the hospital ... One nurse took her copy to Missouri . The old man's sole bequest to posterity has since appeared in the Christmas edition of the News Magazine of the St. Louis Association for Mental Health. A slide presentation has also been made based on his simple, but eloquent, poem. And this little old man, with nothing left to give to the world, is now the author of this 'anonymous' poem winging across the Internet. Crabby Old Man
What do you see nurses? . . What do you see?
What are you thinking . . . . When you're looking at me? A crabby old man, . ... Not very wise, Uncertain of habit .. . . With faraway eyes? Who dribbles his food . . .. And makes no reply . When you say in a loud voice .. . 'I do wish you'd try!' Who seems not to notice . . . The things that you do . And forever is losing . . . . . A sock or shoe? Who, resisting or not . . Lets you do as you will, With bathing and feeding, the long day to fill? Is that what you're thinking? Is that what you see? Then open your eyes, nurse . . . . . You're not looking at me . I'll tell you who I am . As I sit here so still, As I do at your bidding, . As I eat at your will. I'm a small child of Ten .. . . . With a father and mother, Brothers and sisters . . . . Who love one another. A young boy of Sixteen . . With wings on his feet Dreaming that soon now . . . A lover he'll meet.. A groom soon at Twenty . . .My heart gives a leap. Remembering, the vows . . . . That I promised to keep. At Twenty-Five, now . . . . I have young of my own. Who need me to guide . . . . And a secure happy home. A man of Thirty . . . .. My young now grown fast, Bound to each other . . . . With ties that should last. At Forty, my young sons .. . Have grown and are gone, But my woman's beside me . . . To see I don't mourn. At Fifty, once more, babies play 'round my knee, Again, we know children . . . . My loved one and me. Dark days are upon me . . My wife is now dead. I look at the future ... . . . . . . . . Shudder with dread.. For my young are all rearing . . . . Young of their own. And I think of the years . . . And the love that I've known. I'm now an old man . . . . . . .. . . And nature is cruel. Tis jest to make old age . . . . Look like a fool. The body, it crumbles . . . . Grace and vigor, depart. There is now a stone . . . . Where I once had a heart. But inside this old carcass . . A young guy still dwells, And now and again . . . .. My battered heart swells. I remember the joys . . . I remember the pain. And I'm loving and living . . . . . . Life over again. I think of the years, all too few . . . . . Gone too fast. And accept the stark fact . . . . That nothing can last. So open your eyes, people . . . . . Open and see. Not a crabby old man. Look closer . . ... . See ME!!

Remember this poem when you next meet an older person who you might brush aside without looking at the young soul within . . . . we will all, one day, be there, too!

Tom Ford

8:20 PM, October 16, 2009  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Again, off topic but what's up with Robin Caranahan?

Tom Ford

8:30 PM, October 16, 2009  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Animal "lover" gone bad!

Tom Ford

9:34 AM, October 17, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Has this blog become irrelavant?

12:08 AM, October 18, 2009  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

12:08 AM blogger: I don't think so my friend. I can prove that by simply placing a few "swim club" comments on here and then watch the fur fly!

A lot of people just read and don't post, so it's what you make of it. At any rate it's all paid up till 10/1/10, so were going to have fun until then at least.

Tom Ford

9:28 AM, October 18, 2009  
Anonymous John said...

"Has this blog become irrelavant?"

I for one don't think so.

It is better to talk about things, and get other peoples opinions on things that affect Crestwood Residents, than to not know what is going on.
Of course, you have to take what you read with a grain of salt, as, in most cases, you don't know the person who is posting. But that CAN be a good thing, since people can post freely (as long as they don't get carried away). Tom seems to keep things under control OK.

The two local papers are the only "local" news sources, other than here where we can find news about Crestwood happenings, and issues. Unless something really major happens, like all the pets, wildlife, and residents of Grants Farm, running amuck through the neighborhoods, requiring the Mayor to call out the National Guard...oh wait, that is the one thing he can't do!

6:17 PM, October 18, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Irrelevant Blog?

When someone asks a question or poses a problem but has no answers is irrelevant. If you cannot over a solution remain silent.

8:28 PM, October 18, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

His Honor (?) is simply out of his class when it comes to using the gray matter he uses as a hat rack.

7:57 AM, October 19, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"When someone asks a question or poses a problem but has no answers is irrelevant. If you cannot over a solution remain silent."

That's rich pal. You should check out #1 Detjen Drive on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month.

3:59 PM, October 19, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who could we have elected instead of this moron?
Nothing and I mean nothing, he could have done would be as bad we got now.

I have never regreted a vote as much as I have the one I cast when I VOTED FOR ROY. Any one else share the shame of what we put into office?

6:39 PM, October 19, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's rich pal. You should check out #1 Detjen Drive on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month.

What solutions would I discover at #1 Detjen Drive on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month?

Would you attend with me and participate in the discovery?

6:54 PM, October 19, 2009  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

6:39 PM blogger: Alas I too must share in that travesty as I backed him here on the blog, had yard signs, and worked to get him re-elected!

And that's when he started to show his egoistical side! How he can sit there and make these outlandish claims about anything is scary!

He wants to be re-elected so bad he can taste it, but so help me, if there is anything I can do about it, I will assure that all he tastes is utter defeat!

Tom Ford

7:02 PM, October 19, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have never regreted a vote as much as I have the one I cast when I VOTED FOR ROY. Any one else share the shame of what we put into office?

Oh yes. I think about that a lot. I worked for him - defended him - voted for him.

7:06 PM, October 19, 2009  
Anonymous John said...

Didn't he run unopposed in the last election?
Seems like he had a low vote count too.
Hopefully someone will run next time.

9:53 PM, October 19, 2009  
Anonymous John said...


Is this person taking over the blog?

"When someone asks a question or poses a problem but has no answers is irrelevant. If you cannot over a solution remain silent."

Sounds like a direct order to me.

Why would a person ask a question if they knew the answer? I guess discussion is out. I am typing as quietly as I can.

10:34 PM, October 19, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where are all the Roy supporters who used to haunt this blog? Are they ashamed to admit they voted for him or have they all changed their support of him?

12:27 PM, October 20, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some of them, including myself, are ashamed to admit they supported him. But most will admit it.

I'm sorry Crestwood.

4:54 PM, October 20, 2009  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

10:34 PM blogger: John, fear not on the "takeover of this blog!" The person to whom you refer has obviously seen fit to overlook ANY of the many suggestions that have been made on this blog, such as.

1. Give Sappington House to St. Louis County.

2. Eliminate the animal control Div.

3. Call back the raises give to people who have not yet completed their required education.

4. Delay the "Bridge until the end of 2010 (grant is still good.)

5. Reduce duplicate positioning in City Hall.

And the list goes on! That said however, this is not what our liberal Blogger friend wants to read or hear, thus the lame attempt at a slam!

John, I assure you that there will be no takeover of this blog, and I encourage you to type a loud as you possibly can, if for no other reason than to irritate the failed "order giver!'

With the help of you and others we will continue to sniff out the "pork" in Crestwood's spending, and the continued use of tax payers funds for less that what they should be used for.

Tom Ford

5:32 PM, October 20, 2009  

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