Letter to the South Country Times says "we need animal control (click here)

In a letter to the Times Ms. Mary Wheat waxes on about how much we need animal control (read dog catcher!) I am posting it here for two reasons, one to show Ms. Wheat that I am really not a "mean spirited" person, or ignorant of the position as she suggests in her letter, but rather a resident who is tired of paying for a special interest group that we do not need!
She states that we do not "duplicate" County animal control, but rather ours does so much more. Let's just look into that for a second. Ms. Sutton is not a sworn officer in Crestwood, or the State, and thus cannot "bring offenders to court" or write tickets as Ms. Wheat contends. Nor is Ms. Sutton a veterinarian who can diagnose animal disease's or give shots legally. So those points go to St. Louis County animal control.
Ms. Wheat also states that our shelter holds animals "until they can be reunited with their owners, or adopted." Well that had best happen in side of seven days because after seven days the animals are transferred to County animal control for?
We have heard all about the "fund raising" programs that Ms. Wheat contends are in
the works to fund Crestwood animal control, so let's explore them now.
1. 501C3 fund: nothing done to date at all.
2. Fund raiser: complete failure.
3. Ability of Ms. Sutton to raise funds: Again not one dime!
Ms. Wheat, I for one think you either have to fund you animal control volunteer group by your selves, or give it up. The problem here is Crestwood does not have the time or the money to pay for what we have seen is "DUPLICATE SERVICES!" I think your group should have been attached to the charitable groups on "Make a difference day." but you weren't. I believe more than 90% (recent poll by the Call) wants to end animal control, and I am one of them.
You See the problem with being liberal thinker is that sooner or later you run out of other peoples money, and your group is at rock bottom here in Crestwood in My opinion.
Now I hope that you understand that this is not, repeat not personal, but just good business, and a needed cut (along with other's) to maintain security for our family, kids, and grand kids. If there ever again comes a time when we can afford our own animal control, it can be revisited, but for now it has to end by December 31,2009.
Tom Ford
NO. 686
I saw that letter. I'm glad you posted your reply. I'm sure you saw this one? It's a riot -
timesnewspapers.com -
Letter to the Editor 10-23-2009
"Another Trash Can For The Carport
So ever benevolent Crestwood will soon swamp us with a horde of monstrous-sized, 64-gallon recycling carts. Just what we need as the aldermanic board debates what can and cannot be stored on carports and alongside house walls.
This sounds a bit ridiculous and wasteful, especially considering the lack of funds the city is battling in these tough times. It seems that money could have been better spent on something more needed, such as another electric sign displaying wind direction or the mayor's temperament.
One has only to drive down a Crestwood residential street on a warm summer day while garage doors are open to witness the confines bulging with tools, toys, something I will need someday, and even garbage.
Spare me please.
Joe Collias
October 22, 2009"
I am with you Joe Collias. We did not pay for them directly. The payment was indirect via a St. Louis County grant. Wonder what terms and conditions accompanied the grant.
Steve Nieder
There are no less than 50 animal removal services and seven animal shelters available in the area in addition to what St. Louis County supplies.
Check the yellow pages next time you require assistance.
Save my tax money for a new street or maintenance for the fire department or retaining a police officer or a fire fighter etc. etc. etc.
Mary Wheat please find your own funding for animal control services and hire Suzie Sutton.
Steve Nieder
Joe Collias! In the words of General George Patton, "A man that elloquent must be saved!" Or in this case lauded at least!
Will someone please tell Joe about this blog so we all can share in his witt and wisdom, please!
Atta boy Joe, have you ever thought of "public office?" Say Mayor, God knows we need a man with common sense in that slot!
Tom Ford
Message to Steve Neider.....If you want to save your tax money by not having an Animal Control officer than that is fine. I'm in agreement with you on that. Bravo Steve. But don't get on here and say that "save my tax money for a new street or maintenance for the fire department or retaining a police officer or a fire fighter etc. etc. etc." stuff because I don't believe for a second that you would give a dollar, quarter, dime, nickel, or even a penny out of your pocket to save a job of ANY city employee if you could help it. I agree that the mayor has been a dissapointment as of late but you sir are one of the biggest bullies I have ever come across. Just talking to you about the weather and you go out of your way to make me feel like my point means nothing. Hey Tom, I know you think that Steve walks on water but you should tread lightly with this one. He'll claim to be your friend but if he could save a nickel by cutting a police officer (or the whole department) he'd do it in a heartbeat. That includes your son. He'd drather drive through a pothole than throw a dime out his car window to have it fixed. I know you're probably gonna hang me at the cross for my comments but this guy is nothing more than a jerk....worse than Roy and I'm not so much of a fan of his anymore either.
I hate the Swim Club too! (seriously)
Amen...I especially like the pothole part....
A bully you say.
Business is business.
I observed that the government of Crestwood has learned to provide the same services with 20% less revenue. Steve did not take the revenue away. Declining business activity is the cause of declining revenue for all of us. Government at all levels except the Federal have learned to do well with less. What a valuable lesson for us all.
Since we are able to do well with 20% less revenue it makes one question why it was wasted. If the 20%had been saved for a rainy day perhaps no changes
would have been required.
What do you think of the hope and change now?
10:48 PM blogger: "hang you on the cross?" Not at all my friend, you are entitled to your opinion as are any others on the blog.
I have seen a different side of Mr. Nieder than you have it would appear, so I am going with my feelings on that one.
One thing I think we can all agree on is the fact that we canno't continue to fund "pet" projects of the special interest groups in Crestwood and survive!
Tom Ford
Why we MUST cut our costs, and DUPLICATE SEREVICES (read animal control) before were in the tank.
Read the job losses my friends, do any of you really think the economy ig going tro get better? Just look at the homes for sale, trust me they aren't moving into bigger houses!
Tom Ford
Some job loss numbers from the House Ways and Means Committee.
Dave Camp, the GOP Ranking Member on the House Ways and Means Committee, issued this devastating report on job creation attributable to the ARRA legislation. In state after state, the Obama administration’s projections weren’t just off but off by orders of magnitude.
Here’s a partial list of the worst projections:
California projected gain: 396,000, California Actual: LOST 336,400
Arizona projected gain: 70,000, Arizona Actual: LOST 77,300
Colorado projected gain: 59,000, Colorado Actual: LOST 58,900
Georgia projected gain: 106,000, Georgia Actual: LOST 131,000
Illinois projected gain: 148,000, Illinois Actual: LOST 148,000
Florida projected gain: 206,000, Florida Actual: LOST 165,100
Michigan projected gain: 109,000, Michigan Actual: LOST 137,300
Nevada projected gain: 34,000, Nevada Actual: LOST 33,800
Ohio projected gain: 133,000, Ohio Actual: LOST 97,500
Pennsylvania projected gain: 143,000, Pennsylvania Actual: LOST 103,200
These are just some of the worst miscalculations. Read the entire list but only if you’ve taken your blood pressure medication.
One oddity stands out in the report, namely North Dakota. They were predicted to gain 8,000 jobs. They didn’t meet that mark but they gained 1,800 jobs. It couldn’t have anything to do with their tax cuts, could it? Surely, that’s coincidental, isn’t it King?http://www.californiaconservative.or...u-to-see-this/
Hey Tom
When Biden was in town last week for a fund raiser he stated Missouri was one of the 79 communities in the nation participating in economic recovery.
What is the real story?
12:40PM blogger: Funny you should ask! Joe is not known for his truthful ventures, and this is no exception!
Look at the job loss numbers for Missouri, and tell me this area is recovering.
Recovery will happen only when Obama and Biden our out of a job, but it will help if they stop the spending before. The massive spending and related tax increases have stiffled any sort of recovery, and until that is changed, well here we are!
Our ward four Alderman Mr. John Foote has a very good grasp of what's going on both locally and Nationally, maybe we can coax him into writing an article about it to post on the blog.
At any rate, there is nothing I can see in my business (HVAC) or in the retail trade to show anything but a continued downward trend which may bottom out in the 4th quarter of 2010 (I pray!)
Tom Ford
The web address supplied does not being up the information.
1:45 PM blogger"
From the St. Louis Business journal on line.
Missouri labor conditions stabilized somewhat in September, as the unemployment rate held steady at 9.5 percent, new state data show.
The rate of job loss also slowed over the month, according to data released Wednesday by the Missouri Department of Economic Development.
The state’s seasonally adjusted unemployment rate for September was 9.5 percent, the same as in August.
The national unemployment rate for September was 9.8 percent.
Nonfarm payroll employment in Missouri decreased by 3,000 jobs, dipping to 2,709,000 in September, a drop that was less than half the monthly average during the past year, state officials said.
Decreases were concentrated in two industries: durable goods manufacturing (down 1,800) and accommodation and food services (down 2,100).
Employment was up by 2,200 jobs in St. Louis, with private educational services and local government showing substantial increases.
The seasonal adjustment process may have exaggerated the changes, which is not unusual in a transition month like September, state officials said.
Note the only increase was in "Government" jobs! Is this what Joe is so proud of? "Hope and change" my foot!
Tom Ford
"...the pet tag program, which helps keep track of the pets living within our borders, which in turn helps return lost pets to their owners and aids the enforcement of having all animals rabies vaccinated."
Animals are required to wear a COUNTY rabies tag that can identify their owner. Even that city tag is redundant!
How does our Animal Control Officer control rabies among the wild animals? Does she trap, and vacinate all of them?
3:49 AM blogger: John, right you are my friend, the "animal control" officer is a drain on the City's budget, period.
There is no service when she is "out of position," or off duty, and we, and Ms. Wheat know it! Now I firmly believe that the Board must come together and CUT this DUPLICATION of service (we use County when Ms. Sutton is "not available.)
I have emailed every one of the Alderman showing them the fact and figures reference the economy, and my belief that things will not improve soon.
We must start to cut back spending ASAP or we face some very serious short falls in the budget! I know full well that $50,000.00 dollars will not save us, but it is a start!
I again call on every board member to do the right thing and start cutting the budget if they expect ANY support from me (or anyone else I have spoken to) for a tax increase in the future!
Show me some fiscal responsibility, forget the sob stories, and start the savings, and I am all for a tax increase (within limits) to help foot the bill, if not forget about it!
Tom Ford
"Since we are able to do well with 20% less revenue it makes one question why it was wasted. If the 20%had been saved for a rainy day perhaps no changes
would have been required.
5:17 AM, October 24, 2009"
Have to reply to this. During my first term (17 yrs ago) on the Board I along with Tom Fagan, got the City to set up a "rainy day fund". It's stated goal was to be funded up $1,000,000. It was to funded over a period of years. It never reached that amount. Later, C/A Greer renamed it as an internal trust fund that would issues loans to the City in cash flow crunch times and would by law have to be repaid out of the funds budgeted for the Department that received the loan. Our argument was what would happen to the City of the Mall failed as a source pf revenue? (how's that for forward thinking?)
This concept/fund was attacked by Alderman Maddox who called it a "slush fund" and by the then supporters (I do not recall MR. Neider speaking against the fund or its concept) of Roy Robinson as being wasteful. "If we have the $ in the trust, then why not cut our taxes?" or, " gov. should not have a surplus" were just a few of the comments that you can find if you look up the minutes from those meetings 6-8 years ago.
Which brings up a couple of other questions,
1. Isnt our development of the S.E. intersection of Watson and Grant much more pleasing to look at than Kirkwood Ave across from Kirkwood City Hall? And to think we had on the books a plan for mixed retail and housing for that area that was to be as good, if not better, than what is now in Kirkwood s is beyond belief. Beyond that is it was stopped by a group of Citizens of Crestwood who were led by a non citizens! (remember Kelly Issuerwood, "friend of man" and the owner of the Creston Center?)
2. Doesnt the "new and improved" Creston Center make a grand entrance to Crestwood from the east
with all of its for rent signs? Since it always been that way I guess you could say it was a head of its time and the Mall is just now catching up with it's for rent signs.
Forward thinking was a choice we could have made 4 years ago, instead we elected Roy and "brought Crestwood back".
Thought you should be reminded.
10:17 AM blogger: Well Mr. Tim you certainly are correct on that one! We elected Roy to "Bring Crestwood Back" and he sure has! In fact he has brought Crestwood back to the brink of disaster!
"Wooda, should, could, seems to be the message of the day in Crestwood these day's. Now he fights to keep a "special interest group" on the public dole when what we really need is fiscal responsibility!
Ross Perot was right all along,"Just cause you can run the corner store doesn't mean you can run Wall Mart!"
Tom Ford
More on the Joe Biden "Bravo Sierra!"
7 Months After Stimulus 49 of 50 States Have Lost Jobs
America Now Over 6 Million Jobs Shy of Administration's Projections
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
The table below compares the White House's February 2009 projection of the number of jobs that would be created by the 2009 stimulus law (through the end of 2010) with the actual change in state payroll employment through September 2009 (the latest figures available).
According to the data, 49 States and the District of Columbia have lost jobs since stimulus was enacted. Only North Dakota has seen net job creation following the February 2009 stimulus. While President Obama claimed the result of his stimulus bill would be the creation of 3.5 million jobs, the Nation has already lost a total of 2.7 million – a difference of 6.2 million jobs.
To see how stimulus has failed your state, see the table HERE.
Posted by TruthDetector at 6:56 AM
Tom Ford
If you read this weeks Times newspaper you will notice a letter from MS.
Baird of Sunset Hills declaring the need for animal control. I find the
letter interesting because
1. who cares what Sunset Hills thinks?
2. where is the army of volunteers?
3. how does Suzzie control disease in the WILD animal population?
4. when did Suzie become a director?
5. when did Suzie have the authority to mandate anything?
5. when did animal control become as important as police and fire services?
What a crock. Where do these people come from? The circus must have
forgotten some of its residents.
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